"Wren, Michael, Ravi, and Cole, I need you to accompany me to my study. Cole please assist Ravi, and Michael assist Wren in teleporting there. We are low on time and I don't want more injuries." Wren crossed her arms in annoyance but ultimately, did as she was told. "Yes My Lord," Cole and Michael both said in unison. Within the time it took Sir Shoyo to blink, Lord Valen had already disappeared, leaving only a small, wispy, cloud of smoke. After another second, everyone else had disappeared while only causing a slight breeze to move through the medical room, rustling the curtains and bed sheets. 'They never cease to amaze...' Sir Shoyo thought to himself before looking back to continue helping Rian.
-Elsewhere in the temple- "We need to assemble our Guard! This was bound to happen sometime soon due to that that dastardly treaty. We can't expect to prosper if we can't hold back their advances." "We need not do such rash things. We need to gather adequate information to thoroughly assess the situation," The woman who spoke first, had an annoyed look on her face, while the man who responded had a stoic expression. The woman began to pace about the room, her long dress fluttering around her ankles, "How can you not be upset about this? They just attacked without cause-" The man, Horacio sighed, un-crossed his arms and leisurely walked over to the window, pulled the curtain, and looked out, "Abena, I am well aware of the happening of the Lightening's recent mission. I am just as upset about this as you are. However, getting angry will only cause mistakes. We must be rational and deliberate. The best approach-" "Oh stop acting so high and mighty, Horacio. We are appointed to the same position. Stop acting as if you are superior. Valen will be back soon, we need to hurry," The lady, Abena, said as she stopped pacing and walked over to a tall bookshelf.
Horacio turned away from the window and turned Abena. Just as he was about to speak again, a thin smoke-like silhouette appeared just before Lord Valen himself stood before them. "Abena, Horacio, would you act like the adults you both are and stop bickering amongst yourselves?" As Lord Valen strode up to the two, their body's became stiff due to their nerves. 'Oh no...' Abena thought to herself, while Horacio quickly scurried away from the window to stand next to Abena, "L-Lord Valen, I had no idea you were going to be back so soon. Were you able to gather more information from the-" *CRASH* The three of them turned to look in the direction of the crashing noise near the door and they saw a slightly stumbling Cole who was supporting Ravi, and a now broken vase on the floor. "My apologies Elders, I am not very familiar with the layout of this area," Cole said slightly out of breath. While Cole apologized Lord Valen made his way over and helped Ravi. They were both still exhausted from the mission, and were running low on energy.
"Many thanks My-" "May I ask why you 2 are in my study?" Lord Valen asked without even turning towards them, interrupting Ravi in the process. Abena and Horacio looked at each other with nervous gazes, and just before they spoke, Michael appeared with Wren and they were now standing to the side near Cole and Ravi. "Well you two?" Lord Valen said impatiently, this time turning to look at them. His voice did not sound any different, but the cold and angry aura he was emitting caused their spines to tingle. "I-uh..." "We are set to meet 10 minutes from now in our usual meeting location. This is MY study, not ours." Horacio was about to become irritated when Lord Valen interrupted his flimsy attempt at an explanation, but his anger soon turned to fear. "Well, due to the both of you having no valid explanation to be in my study, I kindly ask you to leave and wait for our attendance in the meeting hall."
Lord Valen then calmly strode over to the door, opened it, and waited for them to leave. Abena's face turned red with anger and Horacio's normally stoic expression, was twisted in anger. 'How dare h-' "Do be mindful of yourself Horacio. I DARE, because this is my territory, my study. Now leave." Horacio was startled when Lord Valen mentioned what he was thinking, then he remembered just how much of a mistake thinking ill of Lord Valen while still in his pretense could be. Horacio quickly walked out of Lord Valen's study with Abena following close behind. After Lord Valen shut the door, everyone else in the room let out a sigh of relief. "We are sorry for intruding My Lord. I know matters of the Elders stay-" Lord Valen put his hand up, stopping Michael's comment. "No need to apologize." He then took off his coat which exposed the clothes he was wearing underneath.
'He must have just come from training,' Ravi thought to himself, due to the casual clothes he was wearing. The sleeveless black shirt exposed the many scars and tattoos on his arms and his neck. He had on simple dark washed jeans and casual shoes that were covered in a light coating of dust. Lord Valen then grabbed his ceremonial robe and put it on in place of the coat and changed his shoes. "Ravi, Cole, if you don't mind me prying, this would go much quicker if I could access your memories. Would you allow me to do so?" Without hesitation, both of them nodded. "Wren, are you up for it?" Lord Valen asked as he brought out 2 more chairs for everyone to be able to sit. "I will be fine as long as you take the lead." Wren said as she sat down in front of Cole. Lord Valen sat in front of Ravi, and Michael sat down near the edge of the four of them.
"Close your eyes, focus your mind, and breath..." Lord Valen reached a hand out to Ravi as Wren did the same to Cole, resting their hand lightly on their head. Wren and Lord Valen then leaned their shoulders closer to each other so they were touching slightly. Wren took a deep breath in and closed her eyes, Cole and Ravi followed suit. "I am going to begin. Focus on what happened after you were assigned the mission. Keep your mind focused on your surroundings as well as the events that were happening while you were together. Remember to keep breathing and to not let your body become too stiff. You are in a safe location, and I am simply going to look through your recent memories." Lord Valen was saying in a calming tone, making sure the two were remaining calm and focused. Cole had never experienced this before and Wren noticed he was nervous, 'It will be okay Cole. It may leave you feeling sleepy, but it won't harm you,' she "said" to Cole. Even though he had his eyes closed he nodded, "Understood." "Good, now let's begin..."