Michael once again groaned in the background, "Anything goes?" He asked, sounding exasperated. Wren nodded, "Yes, Sir Michael and Sir Thaddeus, anything goes until the words are spoken." They all paused for a moment before Thaddeus spoke, "Well, I suppose there is nothing left to do but to begin, choose your next step wisely Madame." Thaddeus said just before he lunged to Wren's direction. *BANG! CLANG!*
The loud sound of the clashing of weapons, drew the attention of the others who were in the sparring room. Their eyes tried to focus and pinpoint the individuals movements. "How many people are fighting?" "There are 2 MEN right?" "Is that-!?" *CLANG!* While the others were muttering amongst themselves, Michael, Wren, and Thaddeus were giving the fight there all. As Wren was defending herself against both the men and they were doing their best to win. *CLANG! THUD!* After Wren swung her weapon, she reached her leg around and landed a kick to Thaddeus' torso causing him to cough and grab his torso in pain. *cough cough* Wren grinned to herself, knowing she didn't put her full strength into the kick, 'Probably just surprised him,' she thought. As she was bringing her leg down from the impact, Michael saw this as an opportunity to attack. He quickly disconnected the double bladed staff and swung his arm around to catch both of her legs, in efforts to pull her down or at least to hinder her movements.
Much to his dismay, Wren was aware this would seem like a prime opportunity to attack, so she was prepared and used her teleporting ability to disappear and reappear behind Michael with a quick fluid motion. Then, she used the hook blades to swipe his feet from under him; causing his body to fall to the floor. *THUD! CLANG!* At the same time Michael hit the floor, Wren sensed Thaddeus was going to attack and she turned her body and lifted her blades forward to block the heavy axe that Thaddeus was using, barely managing to slow him momentum. "Your senses have improved Madame," Thaddeus said while pushing down against Wren's blocking with all his strength. Her face scrunched in frustration and her arms began to shake slightly. "And I have noticed your strength has greatly improved since our last match." Wren quickly ducked down and rolled to the side avoiding the swing from his axe, which ended up making contact with the floor near her body.
Michael was standing silently to the side trying to catch his breath; when Wren rolled to avoid Thaddeus, Michael used his teleportation abilities to appear right next to Wren. She sensed his movements and at the last minute, she kicked her foot on the ground to slightly change the trajectory of her path, which caused Michael and Thaddeus to collide into each other as she rolled slightly forward on the ground. She felt a slight pain and looked down at her thigh, noticing there was a tear in her pants and she could see a thin red line appear on her leg. "Hmph!" She furrowed her brows and scrambled backwards to get back on her feet and prepare for their next attacks. When she looked over, Michael and Thaddeus were already coming towards her with incredible speed.
Without hesitation, she looked to the ceiling and leaped upwards, hooking her blades in the bars that were all along the roof, making it to where just her feet and ankles were in their striking range. She quickly moved one arm in front of the other, making use of the men's surprise, she kicked them on the shoulder, causing them to lean back and almost fall to the floor. Michael was quickest to recover and ran to catch up with Wren, ending up just in front of her as she jumped off the bars. She landed in a slightly crouched position and had to quickly bend her body backwards and put her blades up in order to block Michael's endless stream of attacks.
They have trained together or in similar ways since they were both very young. Having the same instructors and similar fighting styles, made it difficult for one to get a leg up on the other. As children, Michael had more of an advantage, but as she trained and as the war progressed, he had to use every last bit of his strength just to match her. *CLANG!* Thaddeus stayed back and watched the two move at incredible speed, their weapons making contact with the other every few minutes. Michael striking down at Wren, Wren blocking with her weapons; then attacking Michael. Their movements were so fluid and precise, that it resembled more of a dance than a random sparring. *THUD* 'They are both so skilled, their speed is unimaginable,' Thaddeus thought to himself as he rested the axe over one shoulder and caught his breath. He has extensive training, and has been training for more years than the other 2, but his speed was far slower than theirs. His focus was more on powerful and efficient attacks, as all Fire Unit trainees are taught, whereas Wren and Michael's training focused on light, quick, yet efficient, attacks.
By this time, the rest of people who had been training and walked in after them, were watching Wren and Michael's match; quietly murmuring to themselves. *CLANG! BANG!* Wren used all her strength to strike at Michael's head, and just before her weapon made contact he blocked it with his staff. "Are you really trying to-" *BAM!* Before Michael could finish his statement, there was a loud noise near the front of the sparring room that caused everyone to freeze in their tracks. "Madame Priestess! Why are you participating in such tasks! You need to be focusing-Blah blah" Wren stood up and groaned as she walked over to the weapons rack.
'Why did she have to interrupt me? Geez, what a nuisance.' Michael and Thaddeus were both shocked, then quickly came to their senses. As the lady who stormed in continued to talk and lecture Wren, everyone else either dispersed to their separate areas of the sparring room, or made their way out into the main level of the temple. "My apologies Lady Lynne," Thaddeus said as he made his way over to the short and frail looking lady who was yelling across the room to Wren. "I myself was to blame-" "Don't you even try to use that line with me young one. I know good and well that the Priestess was the one who started this. No need to dig yourself into a deeper hole." Lady Lynne furrowed her brows, crossed her arms, and tapped her foot; impatiently waiting for Wren.
Thaddeus took this opportunity to leave and return to his own Fire Unit training; after returning the weapon to the rack, he bowed and left. Michael had an apologetic look on his face when he looked over to Wren, while he put his weapon back and turned to leave the sparring arena. "I would expect more from someone who has such an esteemed position within The Guard, and The Lightening Unit." Lady Lynne shook her head as Michael slightly bowed and walked up the stairs and out the doors. "Madame Priestess, move it along!" Lady Lynne was standing at the bottom of the stairs, not even bothering to move as anyone was making their way to leave. Everyone who passed her bowed slightly and hurried off, fearing for one of Lady Lynne's "famous" lectures. Wren sighed deeply and slowly walked towards the stairs. "With all due respect Lady Lynne, you did not have to interrupt our sparring match with such vigor."
When Wren finally reached where Lady Lynne was standing, she sighed once again. "Enough with all the sighing. It's not become-" "I am aware Lady Lynne, that it is not becoming of a Priestess to act with such poor manners. Why is it that you found your way to the sparring arena? What is so important that you interrupted my training? I need to practice and keep my skills as keen as possible." Lady Lynne was silent for a moment, "Follow me to your living quarters and we can discuss my reasoning in further detail." Wren was shocked, 'Why the hell do we have to go to my quarters?' Wren thought to herself as she paused then cautiously responded "...Is there truly such a need to discuss this topic in my living quarters? Wouldn't my study be a more appropriate location?..." Wren had been watching and noticed the slightest falter in Lady Lynne's eyes and knew she had good reason.
"Yes, your study would also be appropriate. We will be meeting a guest there as well. Please quickly tend to your wounds and mussed appearance. Make sure you wear your ceremonial robes, and present yourself as a well behaved and proper young maiden." With that statement, Lady Lynne turned and walked up the stairs and out the door. Wren stayed behind for a moment then used her abilities and teleported to her living quarters. 'This can't be good...' Wren thought to herself as she turned on the light in her room and went to her small wardrobe. She opened the doors and kept her arms in a stretched out position while still holding on. She then hung her head, "Sometimes I wonder, why I am even Priestess of our clan, *sigh* I hate having to dress up. I just want to serve Lord Valen by being a member of the Shadow Unit." Wren sighed once more before picking her head up and grabbing a simple quarter length sleeved, slightly fitted, floor length dress, and her deep purple robe. She threw the items on her bed and walked over to her small bathroom to wash off.