Chereads / Lost in Time; Battlefront / Chapter 39 - Horacio's Decision, 2

Chapter 39 - Horacio's Decision, 2


Emilio froze when he heard his father yelling at someone and he hid off to the side behind a large pillar. Shortly after yelling out his order, a trembling young man, about Emilio's age, stumbled out of the study and ran off into the distance. Emilio couldn't believe what he heard, and he slowly stepped forward intending to speak with his father.

The door to his fathers study was still open and Emilio could see the lights pouring out of the open door, into the darkening space outside. Emilio took slow and careful steps towards the room and just as he was about to take another step forward his father's large and scarred hands reached out to close the doors with a loud thud, causing him to jump slightly. 'I know he is a harsh man of war, but I have never known father to be so...' Emilio's thoughts trailed off as he gathered his courage to knock on the large wooden doors. *knock...knock* "I swear boy, if I need to remind you of your place again I will make sure and take your head right along with that little Ayla skank!" Emilio's hand froze at the door handle, "Ha, that's what I thought. Now run along boy, can't have the people knowing there is another illegitimate heir to the Liska clan. Go do you damn job!" Emilio's throat felt dry as he tried to make sense of what he just heard, he managed to make his body slowly turn and saunter off towards the main level of the temple.

"Hey young man, be careful where you walk." Emilio felt a large hand lightly grab his shoulder and steer him away from where he was walking. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize he was heading straight for a wall. Finally coming back to his senses he shook his head lightly and looked over to apologize. "My" Emilio knew this man was familiar but had no recollection of his name. "Heh, must have quite a bit on your mind to not be aware of the New Lord of the temple." The man was peering down at Emilio with a playful smirk, finally realizing who he was, Emilio's eyes grew wide in shock. "I am so so-My my apologies L-Lord Valen. It completely-I I just-" Emilio bowed deeply in front on Lord Valen who chuckled slightly.

"Heh, stand tall young man, you can just call me Valen. I should be the one apologizing. You are Liska's oldest boy correct? Emilio nodded, "But why are you to apologize to me Lord-" Lord Valen scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "I followed the sounds and I heard a bit of the disagreement Liska-er, Damien, had with that young man. I also heard the part referring to heirs." Emilio nodded in understanding, "Sir, I am at a loss for what to do. I don't-I don't know if...ugh Horacio must never find out about this!" He had a pleading look in his eyes as he looked up at Lord Valen. "There are many complications with the way of our world. The questions you seek are best answered by your father. I can be in attendance if you would feel more comfortable." Emilio nodded slowly and they both began walking off in the direction of Damien's study.

...Horacio had since calmed down and began putting his plan to action. 'Okay, I have enough food and water to last a few days journey...need a blanket...oh and-' Horacio was busy packing a small bag to take along with him. He had just checked his horse to make sure she was ready to travel. He sighed to himself, "I hope you're okay Ayla," he said as he looked up to the now dark and star filled sky. He quickly finished gathering supplies he would need for his journey and after he felt satisfied, he went over to a small table that had paper and pen, to leave a note to his family. He carefully wrote the note, then sealed it shut with wax and completed it with stamping the Liska Crest into the warm wax. 'I wish you could come with me brother, but...this is the best way.' Horacio set the letter down on his table and scurried out of his room, off to the stable to retrieve his horse.

Before making his way to the stables, he carefully went over towards the direction of his father's study; hoping even to catch a glimpse of him one last time. "-Emilio, this business is not of your concern. I do not know what you thought you hear-" "Do not act as if nothing is amiss father. We have been trying to track her down for weeks but we always seem to be just a few moments too late. I know what I heard coming from your own mouth. I heard that you have two illegit-" SLAP! Horacio was within listening distance and he covered him mouth to muffle his voice. "Liska enough, the boy is not in the wrong. I know you do not hold me in high regards because I am many years your junior, but I am still the current Lord of this temple and our people...You should-" 'Lord Valen is there too?' Horacio thought to himself, as he silently made his way closer to the door to better hear their conversation.

"Fine boy, do you want the truth? I never married your mother, only had a quick romp with her in the stables once, then I got stuck with you. I was already married to Donna at the time, but she was barren, or that's what she claimed. I couldn't stand to be around that cow and I can't tell you how happy I was when she finally croaked, in childbirth no less. Ironic isn't boy? She died popping our that damn "Nancy boy" Horac-" "Don't you DARE talk about him with such slander!" Emilio yelled, "Oh-ho, growing a pair now that you know I didn't want ya huh?" Emilio's first were clenched and he was shaking with rage. The room fell silent for a moment, meanwhile Horacio did everything in his power to stop himself from acting on his anger. "How does Ayla fit into all of this?" Damien grunted and sighed, "That little skank *spit* she's dead now so what's it-" "HOW DOES SHE FIT INTO ALL OF THIS MADNESS!" "I slept with her whore of a mother, same as I did with your mother you brat!" Damien was red with anger, all the while Lord Valen was silently standing near Emilio, helping to keep his swaying body steady.

"Damien, your actions will be reported and you will sit in front of the Elders at sunrise to decide your fate. Please take a moment to calm yourself, I am going to take Emilio with me as well as Horacio." Lord Valen said in a calm and cool tone, however, just as he was turning to walk out the side doors of the study, Horacio barged in the front doors with his sword drawn; charging at his father. "You MONSTER!" Lord Valen quickly shoved Emilio away from the two and moved to stop Horacio before he was harmed by Damien. "Ha Ha, you brat. Listening in the big boys conversation isn't very nice ya' know." Damien moved towards Lord Valen who had been on the far side of the study. He was doing his best to protect Horacio and Emilio behind his body, ensuring Damien couldn't reach. Once he was closer, he towered over Lord Valen and had a wild and angry look in his eyes. "Move or face the consequences," he said to Lord Valen in a growling tone, but no one made a move.

"Pff, you boys really need this-this...he's nothing but an outsider parading as Kalina Clan royalty. I was going to go quietly but since my son the "Nancy boy" decided to man up for once, I think I will just... take..." Even though everything was as it normally was, to them it all seemed to go in slow motion. Damien had raised his large muscular arms above his head, with a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other; intending to aim for Horacio who was frozen in fear. He could feel his heart beating loudly in his chest, terrified that he made an impulsive decision that would end in his death. "" Damien was still talking angrily as he aimed for his son. Lord Valen knew he could teleport out of the way of danger, but due to the closeness of the men, he was afraid one if not both, would be injured. "...DOWN!..." "NOO!"

*BAM! THUD! CRASH!* Damien was forced back into the wall with a loud thud; his broad body broke through a wooden table along the way. "Emilio, NO!" Horacio said in a panicked tone. Lord Valen and Horacio had been force to opposite sides of the study with the force of Emilio's spiritual energy. Until this day, he had not shown any affinity for harnessing nature or spiritual energy, causing Lord Valen to be rather startled. "Well *COUGH COUGH* I guess I *GASP* deserved this in the end. Huh son?..." The last bit of light faded out of Damien Liska's brown eyes, as he slowly slumped down the wall, leaving a thick trail of blood as he fell. Emilio's body was directly in front of his father's and his breathing was ragged; Lord Valen feared the worst.

Once Horacio touched Emilio's back, he finally let go of the sword that had pierced through his father's body, and limply fell to the ground; the small dagger sticking out of his neck. "Hora...cio, please *PANT PANT* please treat the people well. You are...*COUGH* the true heir of the" Horacio was nodding and crying over his brother's bloodied body, "Please Lord Valen, is there anything...anything!" Lord Valen shook his head slightly causing Horacio to cry more. " strong and courageous... make mom proud- *COUGH COUGH* I'm leaving everything to-to you." With his last bit of strength, he pulled Horacio closer so their foreheads were touching, he then closed his eyes, smiled sadly, and took his final breath.*