2 year later
As Minxi stood crumbling a photo of a man into a fireplace she was reminded of the memories of what happened when she was younger.
That man was a bastard who couldn't keep his hand to himself and his private parts in his pants. He thought with his other head, spending money on women and alcohol while pretending to be the perfect husband and father to his wife and kid. A two-faced bastard was not worthy of being called father by Minxi.
She remembers coming home from school to find clothes of different genders painted on the floor like decoration that mocked Minxi and her mother as it reminds them of how disgusting and dirty that man was, if it wasn't for the fact that her mom decided to make her identity as a boy they would have no place in the house.
Minxi's mom was a strong woman she knew that this husband of hers was not to be trusted so she put all the shares and property she had into her daughters' name in the hope she will have a better future than she did. Lu Xioli didn't come from a powerful family she was adopted and had no backup, her excellent education was one of the prime factors that made her a candidate to the wealthy Li family.
But marriage was nothing like how she thought it would turn out to be her husband changed after he found out she was pregnant. He went out more coming back with different women every other night. Xioli tolerated it for the sake of her unborn child, but when she was born she knew the baby's gender would be a major key to the safety of both her and the child. So when she gave birth she made she did it at a small hospital and bribed the doctors to change the gender of the baby on paper, then she spent her time raising the baby on her own.
But no matter how one looks on the outside it can't change how one is on the inside. Xioli knew her daughter wasn't gay or a faggot like how her father described her nor a ladyboy like what her relatives said especially her Aunt Li NingMin who played an important role in her traumatizing childhood. She was just a girl inside and out trapped with a false identity. She understood it was to protect her but she couldn't hide the fact that she liked Barbie dolls, the color pink, and boys. But this was not how everyone else saw it.
One day when Minxi asked her mother to teach her how to put on makeup and she agreed as long as they kept it a secret between the two. While she was playing with her mom her father saw.
" So this is what you're teaching him, making him into a faggot huh"
"So what," her mother said "he likes it"
Li MoGe became so angry he slapped Li Xioli until her cheeks were both tainted with red fingerprints and the corner of her mouth was bleeding. Minxi as a six-year-old and couldn't do anything but cry her eyes out until her mother was left alone. She didn't understand why her father treated them that way, it wasn't fair it simply wasn't.
She has never forgotten how it felt like to be helpless while watching the one you love being abused like that. They were going to pay and she was going to make sure of it.
"Do you think this is the best decision"