The silver-gray Mercedes S600 cruised down the freeway, traveling south. Vivian was sitting in the front passenger seat with so much soft leather around her that she could barely hear the 389 horsepower, 6-liter engine...At eighty miles per hour the engine was only idling. But MInxi could feel the power of the car. One hundred thousand pounds worth of German engineering. One-touch from the unsmiling chauffeur and the Mercedes would leap forward. This was a car that sneered at speed limits.
The car that was following noticed that his targets car had increased its speed so he started preparing for the hot pursuit by increasing his speed as he stepped on the car peddle, all that was heard was the roaring of the engine as it spiked up the pace to follow the Mercedes S600. A black BMW was seen following a Mercedes S600 down the busy streets of central Beijing as The Mercedes made a crisp cut on corners and the BMW was on its tail. When the two cars neared a corner it made a quick turn into an alley and curved back into the streets and disappeared. The driver of the BMW lost sight of the car and got off shouting and cursing as he took out his phone to make a call. When the other side finally picked up the voice of a woman came through the other line.
"Madam I lost the car"
The other side was quiet, the only sound that came through was heavy breathing then the sound of something falling on the ground and shattering." What use do you have if you can't even complete a simple job."
The phone call was then abruptly hung up by the other side leaving the man driving the BMW to be left without orders so he decided to drive away from the scene.
After the BMW left the Mercedes was already at its next location. Minxi already had a guess of who it could be that was targeting her so she didn't ask for it to be investigated instead she paid attention to the building that she thought was very suitable to be the official location for her office in Beijing.
The layout was very spacious. It had high to ceiling windows that showed a fabulous view of the city. Once it was renovated it would look simply beautiful. The building was also located near her penthouse and it was close to the busiest place in Beijing so it was situated in a convenient location.
After looking over the building she left the paperwork to her secretary. She had nothing else to do so she planned to go home. Her driver was still waiting outside so she got into the slick car and got ready to go. Wher passing the street she saw an old bakery that she used to visit with her mom and stopped by to get a some desserts. The car stopped by the road and MinXi got out. The stopped brought back memories when she entered the sweet scent of the pastries came into her nose invading her senses filling her with bitter sweet happiness. Although some of the interior designers changed some what most of there desserts have not. It was still cooked by grandma Wang and her family. It seems like the shopped was giving to her eldest son and her daughter in law took over the family pastry recipes. She waited in line to to get a full view of the delicious delicate hand made desserts. When it was her turn she bought sweet nian gao and had it rapped into a box to take home. She thanked the cashier and prepared to walk out, but bumps into someone as she makes her turn.
"Sorry about that" Exclaims MinXi
As she looks up to see the person she bumps into she is shocked to see an old face she didn't want to see again.