Chereads / What's A King Without A System? / Chapter 8 - Birthday Gift

Chapter 8 - Birthday Gift

The usual tiredness came over Zel when he woke up on his couch. The difference this time was how he died, and it seems that nothing happened. The fact that he still lives even when practically murdered showed that maybe he now had a way to intentionally stop the 'dreams'.

'I was murdered.'

Even as he got out of it unscathed physically, the thought of someone killing him however made Zel feel sick. He jumped out from his couch and directly headed to the nearby bathroom but even before he could place himself over the toilet bowl, he had already tasted the vomit that was forcing itself out.

'I killed someone.'

Though he had experienced many lives, having done as multiple times as many training as a human could have for a lifetime and even know how to kill efficiently, he had under no circumstances actually done the deed.

'But he's still alive right? It was only going to happen later this evening. We haven't even met yet.' Reasoning this far, Zel eventually tried to sort it out to get his disordered mind under control. Thinking of ways to prevent the incident from happening, hoping that he won't be there to undertake what he might.

'I just won't go to the birthday.'

Thoughts of abandoning the scenario made him feel guilty because he knew that the people he loved were giving their best to make him happy, he absolutely couldn't deliver himself to his literal death for a party.

'I'm sorry.' Mentally apologizing only just made it worse because he fathomed what was happening. The plans he had for today were basically nothing, and he wanted to take a break so that he could come up with a plan if he ever meets the guy again.

Zel went back to his couch to rest his sore throat while picking up his phone to check up on any messages that might have been sent his way.

- 3 messages received -

- 1 update pending -

- Thank you for downloading the 'TotallyNormal' app. Have fun! -

Zel opened his phone to check on who delivered him the messages. The bright light from the phone blinded him for a second, but it only served to help him wake up faster.


-Hey, thanks for the drinks last night. Just want to tell you that we should hang out more often

-Yeah, I had fun too. Let's go to somewhere nicer next time, with Karl and Emilia too.

-Oh, yeah. For sure.

-See you later.

-Yeah, you too.


-This is my number, sorry I forgot to text you back last night! The drinks really got me good haha.

-No worries, I wasn't sober enough to text you back anyway haha. Want to talk over coffee tomorrow?

-Oh? What time? And Where?

-Are you free at 7 in the morning? I know a place in Bornia, place got the best coffee in Kanada."

-Time sounds good, but I can't really go that far. The travel alone would probably cost me a week of travel allowance."

-Don't worry about it. I got a ride we can use.

-That's good. Where do we meet?

-I'll pick you up at your place. You said it was on Bleaker Street, right?

-Oh! So you remember that from last night? Maybe you weren't so drunk after all?

-Umm... did I say Bleaker Street? I meant what's the street?

-Kidding! That sounds lovely. See you at 7?

-Hahaha, yeah. I'll see you at 7.


-Big bro, mom and dad are fighting again

-Yeah, take Mae and head upstairs. Go to my room and open the drawer on my desk, the one that's usually locked. I left the key on the pencil case on top of the desk. Take the money and go to my place. I'll handle them later.

-Oh, um, can you come earlier? Like around 2 o'clock?

-Don't worry about it. Big brother will handle them so just come over. I'll handle them later. I even have a gift waiting for you.

-Really? What did you get?

-Come over and find out! And bring Mae with you. I got one for her too.

-Got one for her? So, is it something for 'just' an individual? You got us a Nindento Switch, didn't you?

-Maybe? Maybe not? Come over and find out.

-No way! but, I mean. Oh, Dad won't let us leave. He said that we should stay upstairs, or we won't be able to come back here ever again.

-Don't bother with him, I told you just come over and I'll handle them.

-Oh I give up, just come over okay? Please, please, please?

-What's going on?

-You'll know if you come over!

-Ohhh! So, are you gonna say you bought me a Switch too?

-No way! So you did get us switches!

-You can't fool big bro. What's up?

-You'll know if you come over!

-Let me think about it.

-No way! Just come over, please? For me?

Zel took his time to reply to this one, feeling happy to know they were fine for now. Though he felt that going to the party would be fun, the danger was just not worth it. The dream still lingered on his mind and the sight of them hurting was something he will never allow to happen. It was at this time that he found out about the new app that he didn't recognize on his phone.

It was an app he doesn't remember downloading, though he might have downloaded it last night, he had no way of recalling it when it felt like something he had accomplished drunk two nights ago. Bearing a quirky sense of curiosity and thinking that he was overlooking something significant, he instinctively hesitated to launch it.


-You still there big brother?

Having forgotten his sister for a while due to thinking too hard about the lingering feeling of having forgotten something, he absent-mindedly replied to her.

-Yeah, sure.

-So you'll be coming over? Good! Get here by 2 in the afternoon, ok?"


The autocorrect of his phone was something he habitually used when replying to messages. The use of 'sure' when texting was so frequent that autocorrect even assumed it would be what he would write, and his stupid finger moved on its own.

'Or did it? Doesn't matter. I'm screwed.'

He placed his hands on his head while still holding on to the phone. His face was in turmoil as he contemplated whether to tell her that he was changing his mind but doing so would not only make her hate him for a while but also make all the people he cares about have their efforts go to waste. Alternatively, he could just head there and prepare for the worst.

"Why me?"

The previous year has been under his control so much that he didn't know what to do when faced with a task he had no answer to. Dreaming was impossible because he just used it. Going earlier would do nothing because the man would still see him if he ever placed himself anywhere near that house and the danger was not only directed at him, his family was also going to be targeted by that mad man.

(Welcome Ranker! Since you have gained the right to participate in the upcoming events, the system has officially been opened for you! Consider it an early access without the bugs! Well, you have to sort out the bugs yourself if you find them, but we would reward you for it!)

"Huh! Who's there?" Not having realized that his contact with the phone earlier actually started the app coincidentally, Zel was surprised by the sudden voice of a woman coming from somewhere close. Feeling ashamed at his nervous display, he stared at the screen of his phone only to find the previous messages were now replaced by a sky blue background with black texts written over it.

(The early system is still incomplete, but access to the following functions are still available!)


- Status

- Main Quests

- Side Quests

- Store

- Forums

(Don't forget the time is running out! Follow your progress by viewing your Status! Get things ready by completing Quests! Get a bargain by using the Store! Compile your information by joining the Forums!)]

Zel was so confused by the situation. What is the system? Early Access? Time is running out? The thoughts were too unfocused to form a conclusion, and he chose to get more by tapping on the functions available. First, he tapped Status.

[#0616 Zel Huertazuela

Age: 21       Race: Human

Gender: Male   Class: N/A

Vessel Limit: (20/20)   Level: 1 (0/100)

Exp: 100

Titles :

Prophet - A user with the power to see through the lens and gaze at the fogs of time.

*Unlocks Clairvoyance

Rebirth - A user who has had met with death yet still lives.

*Gives +5 in Endurance and Will Power]


Strength - 3(+4) Endurance - 4(+7)

Agility - 2(+5) Will Power - 3(+5)

Intelligence - 2 Charisma - 2

Dexterity - 2(+1)

Stat Points Available: 0

-For reference, a regular mortal human has a baseline of 1 in each stat. Each succeeding point in stats showcase the user's capability in comparison to that.]


[2] - Unarmed Combat - Level 2 (Exp 80.11%)

- The ability to fight with only the use of the body. Gives the user +2 in Strength, Agility and Endurance.

[2] - Cold Weapon Specialist - Level 2 (Exp 25.01%)

- The ability to fight with the aid of cold weapons. Gives the user +2 in Strength and Agility.

[1] - Hot Weapon Specialist - Level 1 (Exp 90.15%)

- The ability to fight with the use of the hot weapons. Gives the user +1 in Dexterity and Agility

Skill Points Available: 1 pt.]






[15] - Clairvoyance (Future Sight) - Blue

- The ability to participate in a future that ceases to be after death.

Skills and Talents Available:

[2]Basic Mana Regeneration - Level 1 - 3 pt.

[2]Basic Mana Control - Level 1 - 3 pt.

[5]Basic Fire Control - Level 1 - 10 pt.

[2]Basic Civil Engineering - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[1]Basic First Aid - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Cooking - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Singing - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Drawing - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Weapon Crafting - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[3]Basic Language - Level 1 - 4 pt.

Mastery Points Available: 1 pt.]

Zel couldn't take in this much information so early in the morning. He went to his kitchen and turned on the coffee maker to get some energy in his system.

'I got an app that tells me I got powers, would be weird if I was someone else but since I know I do then something like this knowing it as well is just...

"Hiss. Shit!" The water hit the phone he was holding, and the worst-case scenario happened. The phone didn't turn off, or rather, the screen was still on.

'But I heard the thing sizzle like it was tossed over hot oil!' The unexpected situation told him this thing was not something he would understand with his knowledge, that he needs to get himself more information because this thing was too extraordinary to completely ignore.

'Let's see, main quests?'

[Current Main Quests Available:

(Level Up!)

- Spend your exp points to raise your level by one.

Rewards: 1 Mastery Point, 1 Basic Gift, 10 Exp

Time Limit: none

Failure Penalty: none]

'What about side quests?' Not really understanding how to complete the quest, Zel's focus went on to the subsequent function available.

[Current Side Quests Available:


- Attend the birthday party at your parent's house.

Rewards: 1 Skill Point, 20 Exp Points

Time Limit: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes, 12 Seconds

Failure Penalty: -10 affinity with all who attended.


- Pick up Emilia and give her a good time

Rewards: 10 Exp Points

Time Limit: 22 Hour, 50 Minutes, 44 Seconds

Failure Penalty: -20 affinity with Emilia, -10 affinity with Tina.]

'This gets more complicated than I thought, it even has things like affinity?'

Zel shook his head in confusion. The hot water he had drunk woke him up more than any coffee would ever do at this point but the more he tried analysing it, the worse he felt not knowing what to do with what he had seen.

'What about the Store?' If it would be anything familiar, then the Store would probably his best guess at getting information. But alas, he was mistaken.

[-Store only available to Level 3 Rankers and above-

(Get stronger Ranker! You can do it!)]

'Locked out? Forums then?'

[System Announcements:

- Congratulations! You just got into the system! Now what? -

- Top 10 function is coming! Learn what the rewards and conditions are here! -

Ranker Forums:

- Why did the timer speed up so much! It happens in intervals of 3 to 4 days-

- I just found out three possible sites of anomalies! -

- Has everyone completed the early main quests? If not, here's how -

- Going hunting? Message here to group up with other rankers -]