Chereads / What's A King Without A System? / Chapter 9 - I'm Coming Home

Chapter 9 - I'm Coming Home

Zel took a deep breath after scrutinizing what was written. He leaned back on his couch and wondered if he was in reality right now. The idea that this was happening should have made him more skeptical, but just the fact of the matter was, he really didn't know what he did to get this.

(- System Announcement: Congratulations! You just got into the system! Now what? -)

[Greeting Rankers! You are probably wondering what the system is. Fret not! For after reading this post, you will grasp the basics of the system.

First, what is a ranker?

Rankers are people with abilities that have manifested already. This dimension has finally reached maturity! That means the mana has become more active due to the source being exposed by you guys. Skills and Talents use mana you see, some being more powerful than others which correspond to more mana needed. Think of it like a cup of water, a small cup could be filled with a small volume of water but a bigger cup would need more! So when you utilize skills, you take mana from the source so that the skills work! Simple!

Why was I given the system?

-People who have innate mana are capable of controlling mana faster than ordinary people, so if you received a system access, you are one of those people. Alternatively, people could even present recommendations for people who they think might be talented in the use of mana and those would be invited by the system.

How do I access the system?

-Different dimensions have different things that they use daily. This one just happens to have a device that are easily accessible to everyone, so we chose to use it. Indeed, your phone. There are additionally more means of access to the system in the store that are available for purchase.

What does the system get from handing out access to the system?

-Well, it's more like we want to help but that's not all of course! You will know in due time, but it wouldn't make sense if we intended to harm you guys and made you get more powerful at the same time now would it? So don't worry and learn as much as you can!

Why do you have skills and talents you ask?

-Well, everyone does. You just had a better affinity with mana, so you got to experience this first! The system will spread in due time, so you won't be the only ones with it after some time, so be grateful ok?

Why do you require the system if you would have the skills and talents without it anyway?

-Well, truth is that you don't. However, my irresponsible brother desperately doesn't want things to get out of hand such as when other dimensions don't last long due to having no idea what to do with the situation they were having by the time they undergo the changes of 'Dimensional Maturity'. Let's just say that things would change when the time runs out. Even though you guys get more capable due to the events that are unfolding, that doesn't mean that only you guys develop skills, I'll leave it at that!

So I can get as much skills as I want?

-Well, technically yes. But there are limits of course. Get it? Just don't bite more than you can chew or things are gonna get bad for everyone if you get too greedy for your own good. Remember, we merely help you to monitor yourself so everything is still under your control. That means we won't prevent you from going off the path! Consequently, we won't obstruct your way too!

Secondly, we have the functions. Self-explanatory really, but since we want no room for misunderstandings here, there will be details provided below.

Status - An in-depth analysis of the Ranker's capabilities. They are the road maps of a ranker who wants to follow a certain path. There are also some neat things to uncover here so check it out yourself. Remember: No Resets. We are talking about people here. You can't just restart, can you?

Quests - There are things to handle in the transition of dimensions, if you don't want the human race to be replaced by other, more powerful races, get it done! The tasks themselves give proper rewards so don't worry about losing out by doing them.

Store - Everything you want, we got some of them! Hehe! We might not have everything here, but most of the things you want can be bought here! You might not even understand most of them, but I assure you that they will help you in your journey! Why is it locked for below level 3? Because not everyone is competent! Lucky people need to get more than just lucky, be better and you get access ok?

Forums - System announcements are posted here! Don't worry about losing out on basic information. You can also decide to share information with fellow rankers! Don't worry about being cheated because people who cheat other rankers usually get taken out by those he cheated! Ha! Who would have thought that being an asshole to strangers, where people who can kill you might be a part of, would turn out to be a bad idea?

Now go out there and farm! The timer is placed at the top right of the screen so try to do as much as you can!]


'9 months left, I don't even know what happens afterwards, but time is running out. This never happened in any of my dreams before, but the fact still remains. This is happening.'

Zel stood up to get to the drawer on his room. Inside it was two messenger bags, one was full of cash so that he could have some to spend if something happens and the other was the one that's keeping his gun. This was actually a present for Teddy so that he would take him as a student but now that he knows how dangerous this evening would be, taking it with him would be the most logical choice.

He went ahead and took a shower and ate breakfast while thinking about his next move. The first order of business is still to access the forums to find more information about his new system. The status thing seems to be a good start for research, so he went ahead and looked for a post that sounds even remotely related to it.

(- Has everyone finished the early main quests? If not, here's how-)

[Hi, this is MaskedRider, level 4 and tank main. I've been going around lately and found that many of the rankers here are still on their first main quest so I'm here to help those guys out.

When you open your Status, the first thing you should look at is your Exp Points. Usually, a person who only got system recently would have zero Exp points but when you only need one hundred for the first level up. Exp points are capped at the requirement of your next level up so if you need 1000 Exp points to level up, you won't get more Exp points when your Exp points is already 1000. You get Exp points by completing quests.

Leveling up increases your Vessel Limit, though level 1's usually having no need to expand their vessels yet because there are no skills or talents available to you. I digress, leveling up also gives you skill points equal to your level and five Stat points. The higher your level, the more requirements you need to level up further. For example, my level up requires 1000 Exp points and a minimum reputation of 10. You would find it easy to get the Exp points by doing side quests, that's what I believed too. Until I reached level 3 and found out that the Store used Exp points as currency.

Anyway, points are differentiated by their names and can exclusively be used to specific areas of your status. Exp points for leveling up and purchasing at the Store. Stat points are used to increase your stats. Skills points give Exp to skill. Lastly, Mastery points are used to purchase skills and talents.

Stats are as follows:

Strength - Strength isn't categorically the physical' kind of strength but rather how much mana your body can use at one time. The more you practice it, the more you will understand.

Agility - Agility is fundamentally how much control of speed you have over your body, changing directions and even keeping your balance.

Endurance - Endurance is how much your body can keep itself on high gear! Taking a few punches when you were a normal would be what you might think when hearing the word 'endurance' but here, it's how much mana you can store and keep inside your body.

Intelligence - I don't really understand this one that much, but my friend says it is related to how fast you gain Skill Exp. He also says that how much Intelligence you have dictates how much control of mana you have and how fast you can produce it.

Other stats still have unknown uses, but some that I do know are Will Power and Integrity. We can't really be sure what they are since they were not the stats that get chosen by those who got them. In other words, the stat points may not be worth placing in them.

If you want to use your Stat Points, just press the stat you want to give points on and it should put the point in automatically. By the time you close the Status Function, it would take effect so watch out when you do so cause the thing gives quite a punch.

Skills are the good shit, the main thing you will use and probably focus on when using the system. Most skills start at level one and you either put Skill points in them or use them a lot to give them more Exp to level them up. Higher levels in Skills take up some points in your Vessel Limit so watch out for that. None of us desperately want to find out what happens when you forcefully acquire more skills by investing in them with Mastery points when you've already attainned the maximum of your Vessel Limit but as far as I know, you don't get to level up skills if it's at max.

Therefore, you have to develop your skills have some good synergy, focus on what you desire to be so that you identify what you can do and what you can't do. Some people have good imagination, so they have plans when choosing skills, but most of us just choose the ones that cost the least in either Vessel Limit points or the cheapest skills available.

Knowing these would allow you complete the first few main quests, Good luck!]

Zel closed the post and went to his Status Function. He was surprised to find that he was already ready to level up. Pressing on the level part of the status, he looked down at his Status.

[#0616 Zel Huertazuela

Age: 21       Race: Human

Gender: Male   Class: N/A

Vessel Limit: (20/20)   Level: 1 (100/100)

Exp: 0

Titles :

Prophet - A user with the power to see through the lens and gaze at the fogs of time.

*Unlocks Clairvoyance

Rebirth - A user who has had met with death yet still lives.

*Gives +5 in Endurance and Will Power]


Strength - 3(+4) Endurance - 4(+7)

Agility - 2(+5) Will Power - 3(+5)

Intelligence - 2 Charisma - 2

Dexterity - 2(+1)

Stat Points Available: 0

-For reference, a regular mortal human has a baseline of 1 in each stat. Each succeeding point in stats showcase the user's capability in comparison to that.


[2] - Unarmed Combat - Level 2 (Exp 80.11%)

- The ability to fight with only the use of the body. Gives the user +2 in Strength, Agility and Endurance.

[2] - Cold Weapon Specialist - Level 2 (Exp 25.01%)

- The ability to fight with the aid of cold weapons. Gives the user +2 in Strength and Agility.

[1] - Hot Weapon Specialist - Level 1 (Exp 90.15%)

- The ability to fight with the use of the hot weapons. Gives the user +1 in Dexterity and Agility

Skill Points Available: 1 pt.]




Kanada - 0


[15] - Clairvoyance (Future Sight) - Blue

- The ability to participate in a future that ceases to be after death.

Skills and Talents Available:

[2]Basic Mana Regeneration - Level 1 - 3 pt.

[2]Basic Mana Control - Level 1 - 3 pt.

[5]Basic Fire Control - Level 1 - 10 pt.

[2]Basic Civil Engineering - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[1]Basic First Aid - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Cooking - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Singing - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Drawing - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Weapon Crafting - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[3]Basic Language - Level 1 - 4 pt.

Mastery Points Available: 1 pt.]

Since Skills were said to be important, he decided on holding off on placing points willy nilly. He opted to level up first to find out what happens. He closed the Status Function and waited for the change he was expecting to get.

'10 mins have passed'

Zel checked out his body for changes and seeing no change in his arms or hands and not having felt anything, he took off his clothes to check more intimately but still found nothing. He decided to check out his Status Function again.

[#0616 Zel Huertazuela

Age: 21       Race: Human

Gender: Male   Class: N/A

Vessel Limit: (20/22)   Level: 2 (0/250)

Exp: 0

Titles :

Prophet - A user with the power to see through the lens and gaze at the fogs of time.

*Unlocks Clairvoyance

Rebirth - A user who has had met with death yet still lives.

*Gives +5 in Endurance and Will Power]


Strength - 3(+4) Endurance - 4(+7)

Agility - 2(+5) Will Power - 3(+5)

Intelligence - 2 Charisma - 2

Dexterity - 2(+1)

Stat Points Available: 5

-For reference, a regular mortal human has a baseline of 1 in each stat. Each succeeding point in stats showcase the user's capability in comparison to that.


[2] - Unarmed Combat - Level 2 (Exp 80.11%)

- The ability to fight with only the use of the body. Gives the user +2 in Strength, Agility and Endurance.

[2] - Cold Weapon Specialist - Level 2 (Exp 25.01%)

- The ability to fight with the aid of cold weapons. Gives the user +2 in Strength and Agility.

[1] - Hot Weapon Specialist - Level 1 (Exp 90.15%)

- The ability to fight with the use of the hot weapons. Gives the user +1 in Dexterity and Agility

Skill Points Available: 3 pt.]




Kanada - 0


[15] - Clairvoyance (Future Sight) - Blue

- The ability to participate in a future that ceases to be after death.

Skills and Talents Available:

[2]Basic Mana Regeneration - Level 1 - 3 pt.

[2]Basic Mana Control - Level 1 - 3 pt.

[2]Basic Mana Storage - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[5]Basic Fire Control - Level 1 - 10 pt.

[2]Basic Civil Engineering - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[1]Basic First Aid - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Cooking - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Singing - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Drawing - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Weapon Crafting - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[3]Basic Language - Level 1 - 4 pt.

Mastery Points Available: 1 pt.]