Chereads / What's A King Without A System? / Chapter 10 - All Systems Are A Go

Chapter 10 - All Systems Are A Go

The main quest was only completed when he opened the Main Quest Function again on his phone after having already fulfilled the conditions. It was a spectacle he wasn't able to imagine would happen beforehand but things have just stopped surprising him by now.

The moment he clicked on the Main Quest Function, a portal, the shape of a square appeared right in front of him and it grew bigger until it eventually stopped when it was ten centimeter long and ten centimeter wide.

When it did, a red box of the same dimensions floated from it, having a height of ten centimeters as well. The moment it stopped floating out of the portal, the portal collapsed and the box was promptly the only thing lying on the floor.

Zel picked it up but saw nothing under it. He felt up the box, trying to estimate its contents by virtue of its weight but was surprised by how light it was. He set it on the table and sat back down on the couch while preparing himself for what's inside when he remembered to check on the Main Quest Function again.

[Current Main Quests Available:

(Level Up! Again)

- Spend your exp points to raise your level by one

Rewards: 2 Mastery Point, 3 Skill Points, Class Assignment Crystal

Time Limit: none

Failure Penalty: none]

'So I have to level up again?'

Seeing it was something he cannot accomplish right away, Zel went on to open what he remembered to be introduced as a Basic Box.

The forums have already given him an idea what the ranks of things based on color are, and red was the most basic. Followed by orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet at the highest. But even if he only obtained the most mediocre one, it was his first box so he was pretty excited to uncover one.

The box wasn't covered by paper wrapper like he thought. The design pattern on it was actually printed on, and he didn't know how to open it because no one had written it on the forums. At least, from the skimming he had done earlier. Zel put it back down on the table while pondering to himself for a way to open it and he was surprised when the box opened by itself just when he let it go.

[Acquired - Basic Storage Ring x1]

[Acquired - Lucky Bracelet x1]

Zel heard a familiar female voice ring in his head. He felt a little dizzy when he finally came to and realized he knew what the things inside the box were.

'How did I suddenly know?' Experiencing a sense of wonder from his newfound knowledge, he placed the bracelet on his right arm while wearing the ring on his left hand. He first opened his Status and saw a new Stat appear that had 0 on it while a (+1) was right beside it.

'So the number must be what I have permanently while the plus ones are things outside of my control. I also have a limited amount of equipment that I can use at a time, why is that so I wonder?'

Having found no reasoning that was acceptable on his mind, he merely let it go. Zel's focus was presently on what he could achieve now that he wasn't suitable to do yesterday. The forums were practically a mountain trove of treasure that contained things Zel would have spent a lifetime to learn. Even though he did obtain that ability, it's not like he could utilize it for some time.

'Next would be spending my stats, or should I get a skill first?'

Since he didn't know which one would be more valuable to him right now, he just went ahead with the one who came first on the list: Stats.

'Let's try increasing strength by 1 first.' Watching the Strength which currently showed that he had a cumulative point amounting to 7, he 'hinted' his will towards that part of the Status Function and chanted in his head.

'Strength +1'

[Strength - 3(+4) -> Strength - 4(+4)]

"Oh shit, haha. Shit actually works."

Not minding the fact that he was now talking his thoughts out loud, Zel felt incredulous at how strange it was that he gave out no response of the sort that could be registered by any of the senses.

'And yet it did what I wanted?'

He went on to close his eyes to calm himself down from his unfamiliar environment. He could tell that his expectations were now rising on what the effects of the stats would produce if even something like adding a 1 to a number had him mystified.

And yet 10 minutes passed but nothing changed. Not even a tingle.

"Shit!" Zel gave himself a slap in the face in his mind. What 3 Intelligence? More like 0.5 if he was being judged for it right now.

'I forgot, I had to close it to get it to take effect.'

Hurriedly closing the Status Function, Zel was excited to experience how this would turn out. Excitement turned to bewilderment as a bizarre shock came over his whole body and he couldn't help but moan.

"Ohhh!" The moan was one of pleasure instead of pain.

'The pain wasn't there again, why was it always never there?'

He braced himself to take whatever the system would give him but he did it so much that he felt everything instead. The expectations he had made the refreshing shock a lot weirder than it would normally have been since he was just about to scream out loud to make himself withstand more pain.

He wondered if he was the only ranker who gave a response like this.

"Ah, fuck it." Zel went on to test out what the shock did. He took on a stance of having both his feet planted strongly on the ground while his body was in a 'sitting on air' position with his legs at the shape of an L. He breathed in deeply while simultaneously keeping both of arms on each of his sides. He relaxed his body and burst forth a punch with his right fist while breathing out in tandem.

"Ha! Whoosh." Zel felt that the punch came out faster than it would normally have, producing a sound reminiscent of a stick being waved in the air. If he typically gave out a force of 1, this one would be a 1.1.

'A substantial amount of strength increase while the cost of stamina remains the same? I can't say I'm not disappointed that the increase was a little low but what can I expect with one point?' Not losing his enthusiasm with just one stat point, he then tried out the others.

'If I had this at that time, I could have dodged his attack on my back. Maybe not. Nah, definitely not.' Agility made him move a little faster, but he could feel the difference was significant.

Creating more simulations in his head, he knew such a small increase wouldn't have helped him much but the pride in him won't let him admit that. The man wasn't here anyway so he could trash talk him however he wants.

He then proceeded to try out the other stats. Starting with the most undoubtedly important.

'Intelligence did jack shit.' Zel had felt his mind get clearer, but it wasn't anything significant.

'I think I wasted a point. Shit.' For all one knows it had other uses, but it was nothing special right now.

Next, he placed one on Dexterity. And it was the best one yet. At least in terms of usefulness.

Zel had always placed emphasis on his hands and was more aware of the changes in them. By now, most of his numerous lifetimes were typically spent with a weapon in hand so knowing that he could do more with less was more than enough for him to adopt a more favorable position against the man.

There was additionally another thing this would be convenient for. *omitted*

Thinking about his last Stat point, he wondered whether he should put it in Dexterity again or try another Stat.

'Charisma? Like how charming I am?' Zel wondered if it was like a psychological charm that made people more attracted to him or if it was a more tangible change that would make him look closer to someone that people could say was attractive.

'Does it mean I can make people like me better if I put some stat points into this?'

Unable to hold back his curiosity, he went ahead and placed the last remaining point on his Charisma. He felt a bizarre shock again though he was numb to it by now. Seeing what had changed when he looked at the mirror however made his calm face turn dark.

'What the heck is that?'

He saw his skin was covered in black moot. He wasn't aware of it before, but there was a smell to it that made him want to puke. He hastily left to take another shower and went to the mirror to check out if he got it off only to find his skin was now smoother.

'Hmm...' The mirror displayed him the familiar face, but the blemishes present just a while ago were now reduced to only a few reddish points on his skin that made him look healthier than anything. He was beginning to understand that Charisma wasn't about magically making others like him more, but making him more likable in appearance.

'If I put more points on it, would I look like a lovely woman or a gallant man?'

Beauty was in the eye of the beholder they said, but though he could get charming this way, the randomness of removing his blemishes didn't make him feel reassured with how the system might consider what beauty was.

Finding the new knowledge to be rather helpful, whether he would use an equipment would be determined by which ones were most beneficial. Though he thought the equipment selection might just be a more situational thing rather than an all-around kind of thing. Promising to himself to get more equipment to find out which one is best, Zel headed towards his next goal.

'Now all that's left are skills.'

[#0616 Zel Huertazuela

Age: 21   Race: Human

Gender: Male    Class: N/A

Vessel Limit: (20/22)    Level: 2 (0/250)

Exp: 10

Titles :

Prophet - A user with the power to see through the lens and gaze at the fogs of time.

*Unlocks Clairvoyance

Rebirth - A user who has had met with death yet still lives.

*Gives +5 in Endurance and Will Power]


Strength - 4(+4) Endurance - 4(+7)

Agility - 3(+5) Will Power - 3(+5)

Intelligence - 3 Charisma - 3

Dexterity - 3(+1) Luck - 0(+1)

Stat Points Available: 0

-For reference, a regular mortal human has a baseline of 1 in each stat. Each succeeding point in stats showcase the user's capability in comparison to that.]


[2] - Unarmed Combat - Level 2 (Exp 80.11%)

- The ability to fight with only the use of the body. Gives the user +2 in Strength, Agility and Endurance.

[2] - Cold Weapon Specialist - Level 2 (Exp 25.01%)

- The ability to fight with the aid of cold weapons. Gives the user +2 in Strength and Agility.

[1] - Hot Weapon Specialist - Level 1 (Exp 90.15%)

- The ability to fight with the use of the hot weapons. Gives the user +1 in Dexterity and Agility

Skill Points Available: 3 pt.]

[Equipment: (2/2)

-Basic Storage Ring

-Lucky Bracelet


Kanada - 0


[15] - Clairvoyance (Future Sight) - Blue

- The ability to participate in a future that ceases to be after death.

Skills and Talents Available:

[2]Basic Mana Regeneration - Level 1 - 3 pt.

[2]Basic Mana Control - Level 1 - 3 pt.

[2]Basic Health Recovery - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[5]Basic Fire Control - Level 1 - 10 pt.

[2]Basic Civil Engineering - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[1]Basic First Aid - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Cooking - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Singing - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Drawing - Level 1 - 1 pt.

[1]Basic Weapon Crafting - Level 1 - 2 pt.

[3]Basic Language - Level 1 - 4 pt.

[2]Basic Civil Engineering - Level 1 - 2 pt.

Mastery Points Available: 2 pt.]