"The War Had Finally Begun." A man who seemed to be in his mid twenties spoke through clenched teeth, sharp fangs sticking out from the corners of his lips. He coughs and takes another pull of his cigarette spitefully, almost spitting the smoke out, before continuing. "So there I was. A genetic creation, an invention, crafted for the purpose of war and taught to think and feel human emotions and loyalty." His attention shifted to the young woman sitting beside him on a comfortable red love seat, positioned neatly in front of his H-TV within his penthouse overlooking all of Tokyo, Japan.
The woman looked about his age and she was of Chinese descent, fair skin and a soft smile, a real beauty. His gaze softened, his jaw relaxed, and he continued
"During the war, I was taught by my creator to better use my unique abilities. Shape Shifting, Darkness Manipulation, coupling these two with my heightening senses and strength.. I fought in the war for most of my childhood, my memory is still fuzzy from what occurred in the field, but at some point I was outnumbered and defeated.. My creator slain, my comrades captured, tortured, and used as examples for outsiders.. The only memory I have past these traumatizing ones are the memories I have of walking through the new world. The Tokyo, Japan thirty years after the war.. ten years old and having no knowledge of where I was, and missing parts of my memory. I appeared to be a young boy in old garb, a beggar with no family, wondering the high tech streets and highways of the year 2250. People say a lot can change in ten years.. Well even more can change in thirty." He finally took a pause to sigh and collect his thoughts then glanced at the Holographic Television, Holo TV or H-TV for short, being projected onto his penthouse window.
It was muted, but displaying the Nippon News Network. After taking another drag of his cigarette and noticing the woman seeming anxious to hear the rest, shuffling her soft hands in her lap as she glanced between him and the news broadcast, he continued.
"Well, I'd still never had a name, and if I had been given one, I wouldn't remember it now.. Soon enough, in search of food I found what I had believed to be a safe haven for children. A Foster Home.. of sorts. I had thought they weren't in business anymore, most people in this great age of technology and convenience have no shortage of resources, am I right?" he chuckles to himself and gives a wave of his hand, cigarette smoke following.
"So I go up to the building, there's an armed guard, whom I ask for food and shelter. He would first begin to tell me to go elsewhere, until he noticed my eyes. My pure oceanic blue eyes that catch anyone's attention." He gestured towards himself and locked gazes with the woman;
"He knew then that he simply had to give me shelter. After being given a nice warm meal, a warm shower and fresh clothes, along with a soft bed to sleep in, I had regained my feelings of security and loyalty…." The woman is slowly entranced more and more by the young man's tale.
She inched closer and listened even more intently as the details formed a vivid picture in her mind. A young boy, ten years old, cradles his arms in one another under a thick wool blanket. His blue eyes hidden under pearl-colored eyelids, to the best of the practitioners' knowledge the boy can only be identified as:
"Japanese, homeless, peculiar eye color, ten years of age-- and of extraordinarily high IQ. Certainly a specimen worth observing, no?" a tall man in a lab coat whispered to himself;
His shoulders hunched with glee as he peeked at the young boy asleep in his given bed through a H-TV displaying security camera footage, which is projecting onto a concrete wall and detailing the whereabouts of all the children in the Foster Homes' care. A short man with a skinny build hobbled beside him, only a nod was given. The man in the lab coat grinned the most evil of grins before shuffling out of sight. The malnourished man remained for a while, peering at the boy for a long while before thumbing the touchpad remote to switch off the H-TV, and latching the door shut with an old timey padlock. The night passed uneventful, and the sun signaling the morning ominously rose from the horizon.