"So we're really going to kill 46 of our housemates?.." Blue asked through quieted breaths, a bit winded from drifting down into the forestry of the simulated arena. His gaze meeting with Red's.
"We don't have a choice Blue, you heard the instructor." Red argued, his hands tucked in his pockets as he surveyed the Flora.
"What if the instructor was mistaken?" Blue questioned Red as he stepped closer, his sneakers squishing the mud beneath them.
Gray shook his head and softly rubbed his sealed and bandaged arm, it seemed to be bothering him, maybe the talk of murder awakened it's demonic bloodlust. Green was surprisingly quiet, maybe he hadn't fully accepted murdering the kids he'd been playing with until now. Red's voice rose and pulled the others attention;
"I don't want to kill anyone either!.." as if noticing the attention he'd drawn, he quieted his tone and continued, speaking towards the group.
"We just have to survive.. and survival means being the fittest in this situation." He paused and turned to Blue. "You have the perfect power for this situation, you could shapeshift and scout the area, or hide until it's all over. Having you with us on this will make sure only us four remain."
Green, Gray, and Red meet eyes with Blue, who reluctantly agreed. Red's plan was the best they had, and he was right, it was their best chance at survival. There was no promise that the other kids would have any empathy.
Blue sighed as Red spoke up again, "Our first move.. should be to learn our surrounding areas. Blue?"
On queue, Blue stretched his arms, flapping human arms once before they shifted into the wings of a swallow. As a small bird, Blue took flight into the sky, his enhanced sight scanning the geological plane. Their group had landed in a patch of Forest, it appeared the forestry stretched on for miles before suddenly ending, sandy desert stretched on past that, and past the desert.. looked to be an oasis. The hot air burned Blue's eyes and he decided it was time to head back to the group.
"Once blue gets back--" Red began before hearing the trees rustle and seeing a small swallow fly back into the clearing, then shifting into their companion Blue shortly after.
"We're surrounded by Forest. Beyond it, to the east is a long stretch of desert.. beyond that.." Blue's voice sounded uncertain, "there seems to be an oasis." He stretched his arms and sat beside Red.
"Thanks pal," Red's voice replied. "But don't get comfortable, we'll be leaving soon. Who knows if one of our enemies has enhanced sight and saw you flying back." Red offered a hand to Blue and helped him up.
"If there's a desert to the east we should head that way. We'll be easily spotted, but we'll also be able to see an ambush coming.. hopefully." Red held his chin in thought.
"Well let's get going." Grumbled Gray, his arm was obviously still bothering him. Letting Gray take point the others followed behind him, wading through the muddy Forest ground. Red didn't mention it, but there was a strange absence of insects and fauna. The simulation felt very man made and fake. Blue's thoughts raced, were there no insects because the instructors wanted to have the clearest data? No accidental deaths from allergens?.. Blue pondered in silence as he followed at the back of the group.