Chereads / The Rise of the Neon Empire / Chapter 5 - Training Day

Chapter 5 - Training Day

"....What is going on?!..." Blue whispered frantically to his friend Gray who was in line to the right of him.

"....I have no idea…. They've never done this for Training Day before…. It's usually just weights and stuff….." Gray whispered back, all while keeping a close eye on the Instructor;

Who'd just stood on his stage at his podium while that child was struck down by the guard, any children blind enough to try and escape again are receiving the same treatment. The instructor however doesn't bat an eye.

Green, a few kids in line above Gray, starts to get nervous and whispers "Hey guys… I don't like this, I think we ought to prepare ourselves for anything.."

Red, who's a few kids in front of Blue makes eye contact with Green and nods in agreement, whispering "You got it, no matter what happens here, we have each others' backs!"

Blue nods at his friends as they all steel themselves for the coming moments, Blue glances at the podium and finds himself making eye contact with the instructor, as if the instructor was listening to them this whole time. Blue averted his eyes quickly and the Instructor cleared his throat, 

"Now that all of the non-mutants are out of the picture, i can tell you all what your fate's are." He pulled up a chair and sat on stage, reequipping his cutlass and resting the tip of it's blade in the wood as he leant upon the hilt.

"Today is not a 'Training Day' for you mutants. Instead consider this a Challenge Day. Below all you miscreants we've created a sort of world simulation, and we're going to drop you all into it. If you don't land safely, you'll die from the fall, and if you do land safely you'll live, but only to be forced to kill one another until only four of you remain. Once we have our glory four, we'll open the door to the simulation and let you beasts free, maybe even see a real sunrise." He chuckles to himself as the room fell silent, the children were in disbelief.

"There's no way you're serious!" One kid blurted out, another kid looking mentally broken before the instructor spoke again while standing;

"Alright I've had my fun boys, send them in."

Every bone in Blue's body shivered and he immediately began running for the walls, alas it was too late, a slight unlocking sound and the floor disappeared, Blue's feet desperately slapping against thin air as he fell face first through a sky that wasn't there before. His eyes darted around frantically, eyeing all the kids in the same position as him, falling through artificial clouds and watching the room above them fade into nothing.

Blue continued to fall for quite a bit before hearing a voice call to him, the wind blurring the sound to a whisper. "ueee!--"

Blue looked around, searching the clouds with watery wind washed eyes until he spotted Gray cupping his mouth and screaming with all his might "Bluueee!!!!"

Blue smiled, relief filling him as he tried to somewhat swim closer and scream back "Graaaay!!! Why are we falling!?"

Gray began to motion with his hands in a wing formation, flapping and yelling "-se --ur power!!"

The wind made the words choppy, but Blue understood, he closed his eyes and waited for the shadow of a cloud, then harnessing that shadow and drawing it into himself, shaping it around his shoulder blades and crafting feathers, blue had formed wings of pure darkness for himself. He quickly stabilized himself against the incoming wind and flew against the clouds, keeping out of reach of the bright artificial sun.

Gray followed suit and met up with Blue under a cloud to touch base and search for their friends Green and Red. A sudden "Heyyyy!" reached their ears as Green had the same idea they did, except his powers drew off the sun so he had more mobility this high up, and he's light so instead of wings he just floats and can use his powers to help others.

"Yoh Green!" exclaimed Blue, giving a high five to Green and Gray hugging Red, who floated over with the help of Green.

"Guys i thought we were toast, and did you all hear what he said? Only Four kids are getting out of this, and we have to kill off the rest." Red jumps straight to the point, everyone else falling silent in thought about their situation.

"Well," Blue began, "Our powers won't last forever, so now that we're together let's find land and figure this situation out." The others agreed and they began their hasty descent.