The hero let his guard drop down alittle as he took in the scene. He had expected to have to deal with a supposedly strong necromancer who was proficient in many different arts, but instead he found a young vampire? and the person that had forced them into this whole pointless conflict. He noticed that the necromancer was lying on the ground unconscious, he felt like he had seen that face before, but he couldn't place where.
"You people really get around quickly don't you?"
Gordan smiled and swung his sword around a bit to loosen up his joints. The motions were quick and precise causing slight gusts of wind as he cut through the air. To those around him he looked extremely calm and comfortable, but his head still felt like it was being devoured, and he felt like falling into a coma for a while. That of course would not do since he had to deal with this situation, and then read some more of the patch notes if he had the time.
"You're as annoying as ever, but don't think that things will end the same way they did last time."
The hero's words were filled with malice which made Gordan raise an eyebrow slightly.
"When have I ever been annoying? And here I thought that was your job."
The heros face grew red with anger at the statement and he again raised his sword up again.
"Shut your mouth, return what you have stolen from the king, and maybe you will escape mostly alive."
Gordan turned his head slightly, and looked at the hero's smug expression.
"Well that sounded weird. Was I the only one that thought that sounded like a weird sentence?"
Gordan turned to the vampire child who shook his head slightly.
"It did sound weird, but maybe that's just how he talks?"
The hero suddenly charged forward and swung his sword at the child but was blocked emidiatly by Gordan who quickly parried with his own blade.
"Its bad form for a hero to attack innocent children don't you think?"
With a flick of his wrist his blade shot up in quick stabbing motions toward the hero like a hail of projectiles. The hero blocked them with his sword with partial success. Each of the strikes were targeted toward critical points and the attacks themselves were gradually increasing in overall speed. And then they suddenly ended as Gordan blocked an attack from the king who had pulled out his sword in an attempt to catch him off guard.
Gordan turned his head just enough so that he could see the kings face before reaching out his free hand and flicking the kings forehead which sent him flying to the ground.
Gordan pulled back alittle leading them away from the Master and vampire child who was attempting to shield him from any attacks.
The two people began to attack simultaneously from both sides in order to have a better chance of taking him down but Gordan seemed to deal with their attempts without even trying. There concentration was so great that they didn't hear the sounds of a horse riding toward them at an insane speed.
"Well, how did I do on time?"
The two of them didn't hear the words but Gordan smiled and looked up from the fight still keeping both of them occupied without paying any attention.
"You finished half a minute less than what I thought it would."
Orion smiled and held out the core from the beast which was about the size of a persons head.
"I see you left alive the one I was asking about, would you mind if i went ahead and clarified my suspicions."
Gordan smiled and suddenly disappeared from veiw, appearing once again next to Orion.
"By all means give it your best shot."
He moved to the side in order to inspect the unconscious person who was still being protected by a child.
"How is he doing?"
The little vampire looked at him with worried eyes as it slowly asked the question. His master hadn't moved since he had been defeated and the small vampire was worried that the worst case scenario had occored and the Master was now dead. But Gordan smiled in an encouraging way and patted his shoulder.
"Don't worry he should wake up any moment now, he's just tired after all the stress he was under that's all."
The child nodded his head and took off his cloak to drape it over his master, so that he could keep warm.
The king and the hero tried to attack for another couple seconds before they realised that Gordan wasn't in front of them. Instead the strange person that they had seen with Gordan before the entire battle had even started in the first place. He was just behind them looking quite intently at the king as if looking for some kind of indication of somthing. Then he held out his hand and lightly touched the kings forehead which made him fall to his knees in pain.
The hero quickly turned on Orion and brandished his sword but, suddenly he stopped. He felt a cold chill run down his spine and he became afraid. Suddenly in a second of confusion he grabbed the king and teleported to another location, close by.
Orion looked a little disappointed, and turned toward Gordan who was sitting next to the other two individuals.
"What was up with that? And here I was nice enough to block out all of my bloodlust. Why did he react like that?"
Gordan sighed and applied some pressure to his head, which was still pounding like crazy.
"It wasn't your bloodlust or anything, if I had to guess it was your being which scared the hero in such a way. After all you did say that you fought with him before right?"
Orion thought back to when he had almost captured the soul of that person.
"Wait, that was the hero?"
Gordan nodded his head while Orion looked at him with slight suspicion, before accepting it to be fact.
"Well that is slightly shocking. Tell me did most of humanity digress while I was absent?"
Gordan laughed slightly, the hero he had faced before must have been quite the powerhouse, if he viewed that hero as weak.
"Well he is about the average power level of an ordinary hero after all, and he hasn't been applying himself to anything challenging so it's no wonder that he falls short of your expectations."
Orion shook his head in disgust.
"I never liked the idea of heros anyway. There is somthing very unnatural about just accepting that you have been abducted from your home and just accepting it as fact."
Gordan looked toward the dust which was statring to thin a bit, he would get started as soon as the Master woke up, and he confirmed that he was fine.
"You know that this whole thing happened becouse the summoner refused to put a charm on the hero which would make him more compliant."
Orion stared at him for a moment piecing together the information in his head.
"So your saying that the reason the heros act like that is due to a spell? Would you mind elaborating on that a bit for me, it's bit much for me to guess on."
Gordan nodded in understanding, in the past he had reacted similarly to the information, and it had later become fuel for his distrust of most heros in general.
"To put it simply, when a hero is summoned to this world from what ever time or place they are from, the summoner has a one day limit to add any extra stuff to them which will stick pretty much permanently. The most commonly used spells are charm spells that usually result in the hero awakening a hero complex which makes them even more susceptible to manipulation, however this is not always the case, and usually the hero is stronger if it is not the case. But for safety reasons it is generally practiced.
However in this case the summoner refused to preform the charm spell so in retaliation the king introduced a parasite into the summoners body through his food. The parasite latched onto the brain, forced the host's consciousness out and began to develop into an adult. When the paracite is first introduced the host is pretty much a living puppet which listens to all of the commands that are given, but by that time the time was almost up and the spell went slightly wrong, so the hero now has a superiority complex. The parasite then fled to a safe location with the host in order to reach a satisfying level of maturity. As soon as it reached adulthood it took the lingering feelings that the host had and turned them into a temporary personality, which is why this war happened in the first place."
Orion listened to the whole explanation with interest. Things like this fascinated him, and since he was usually hunting for most of the time, he covted learning when ever he had the chance.
"So would that make the heros victims of circumstance?"
Gordan smiled at the question which so plainly mirrored his own reaction, when he had heard about it for the first time.
"Well to be honest initially that might be the case but their actions are their own after a certain point. Just becouse someone broke your arm doesn't mean that you go around breaking everyone's arms. Instead you just break the arms of anyone related to that person as well as that person, to get your point across."
Orion nodded and smiled, he was happy that he had asked, since it seemed that Gordan was quite knowledgeable about things.
"That does make sense, so then in this case who would be the most appropriate to deal with the problem of hero summoning?"
Gordan was about to answer when suddenly the a group of soilders broke through the dust and charged forward in attack.
Orion clicked his young and made a sweep with his scythe killing them instantly.
Gordan turned around at the sound of the Master beginning to stir. He walked over and held out his hand to the slightly dazed individual.
"I told you I could get you out. Welcome back to the world of the living Jean."