"Rick! What are you doing this whole time?!"
"I already said that you have to fix the bug this morning!"
"I am sorry Mr. Winston."
"So if you say sorry the user will stop complaining?!"
"No sir."
"Go, gather your stuff and clean up your desk right now."
"Are you deaf?!"
"... I don't understand sir. Why I have to clean my desk? Didn't you say that I have to fix the bug?"
"Sigh... Rick, you seriously don't understand what I mean?"
"You are fired!"
"That is the story."
"So you just fired that guy just like that?"
John ask my with curious face. As two friends chatting a beautiful waitress come over and served cold beers.
"Mr. Winston, you have to be considerate with other people more. What if that man hold a grudge to you?"
"So what? Do I have to keep him and ignore millions user complains? He could keep his job but I couldn't!"
"Easy dude, Hahaha. And just let him be Annie, our young manager here have a lot of stress lately."
John keep laughing at his friend protest, while Annie the waitress smile wryly.
"Let's continue this night at the club. Annie, do you want tag along?"
"Sure! Lemme finish my job first, its few minute away."
"Nah... I think i will go home first."
"Come on Adam!"
"No. I want to clear my quest ASAP."
"Games again? That's why you remains single despite being successful."
"Leave me alone! Annie this is for the bill, take the change to accompany this useless friend of mine."
"... Mr.Winston this is too much!"
"Wait! Adam!"
Adam leave the bar without minding his friends shouting. As he arrive at the parking lot, he feel the cold night wind. Without he knowing, a shadow creep from behind his back. And...
"This is pay back for firing me!"
Sharp pain come from his back and his ex-subordinate Rick mad cry ringing in his ear. A sudden pain give him a power to fight back. Adam throw his elbow at Rick face and make Rick stumbling.
"This crazy lunatic!"
With the knife still planted in his back, Adam make a mad dash to give Rick a good beating. With his opponent charging to him, Rick show a frightened face.
"Don't come!"
If you don't know who is Adam, you may be thinking that he is just a typical nerd with no fighting skill. But opposite to what he seem, Adam is a good fighter. Come from a rural village, grow up in harsh environment, and experienced in a lot of street fighting since middle school. Facing up a complete nerd equipped with a knife is a piece of cake.
After several punches and kicks, the adrenaline rush ended and sharp pain come back. No matter how good his fighting ability are, Adam still lose to the pain from knife planted onto his back. Seeing this as a chance, Rick make a mad leap and both of them fall. Unfortunately, the knife going deeper as Adam fall with his back against ground.
"Ha..ha.hahahaha! you deserved it you motherfu*ker!"
"You crazy son of the b*tch!"
With maddening laugh of his, Rick made the run from the crime scene as a lot of people slowly gather from the ruckus they made.
" Someone call ambulance! " someone from the crowd scream.
"What happens?"
"Someone got stabbed"
The women's scream can be heard now and then. The sound of sirene got louder as Adam consciousness slowly fade away.
'No, I don't want to die! I haven't finished my Dracula Quest X yet!'
[.... Com.. cing ... trans..er]
'No, My 'for research purposes' is still there!'
[...e.ror.. sub..ct.. nied]
'I don't know want to become goblin or slime for dying such way!'
Adam wake up in unfamiliar place with white ceiling.
"Is this the legendary white space? am i dead?"
"You read too much novel" said someone
"For a Goddess of Reincarnation, you sound awfully familiar"
"Mr. Winston please stop saying nonsense as soon as you wake up"
"I heard you clicking your tongue there"
"Ah hello miss Kim. Could you tell me what going on? and please bring me water, I my throat is so dry"
On the couch beside the bed Adam lying there is a red-haired girl he familiar with. She is Annie Kim, the waitress from his favorite bar.
"Joh... Mr. Austin and I found you lying on the ground with pool of blood and a knife stabbed on your back. so we rushed here to the hospital" explained Annie as she gave Adam a glass of water.
"I see... and you seem to be close with John, I did he? you know"
"no, not yet" Replied Annie with slightly awkward smile.
"that damned coward, I can't believe he was not confessed yet"
"that's not the problem here! You know you just wake up from three days of comma!"
"Really? no wait.. what did you say? three days! boohoo.. my weekly quest! "
"I did it for you Adam" said someone from the door
"here comes the coward... Hi John"
Annie giggled with a slightly blushed face.
"What do you mean by that? "
"Nothing" Annie and Adam said in unison.
"Haa... anyway that crazy bastard was caught and in trial by now."
"That poor guy... You sure pushed him to the edge for him to do something crazy like that"
"Haha" Adam laugh with apologetic smile " let's talk something different"
-In The Night-
[Summoning circles completed]
"huh? "
Adam wake up from blinding light from under the bed. With surprised face Adam lean over to see what the light is.
Confusion and shock paint Adam whole face as he saw the strangest thing in his whole life.
"Summoning circles? "
[Commencing summon in... ]
"Not today summoning circles, I haven't finished my stuff yet! "
Adam jumped from his bed avoiding the light that become brighter as seconds goes.
[... subject not found]
[summoning terminated.]
"haha ... not today! You hear me, if you want to summon me bring the Almighty truck-kun!"
-Two days later-
-Adam POV-
"Thanks doc for helping me with the paper works"
"You are really a slave driver Mr. Winston. You suddenly asking to leave hospital this late."
"I want to go back as soon as possible. I don't want to be bored to death here laying on the bed"
"Okay whatever just go. Adam, get well soon. Try not to get stabbed again" said the doctor
"You jest Doc, well your hospital food is sucks so I don't plan to visit anytime soon"
"Haha.. that's good to hear. do you really don't want to wait until tomorrow morning for your friends to pick you up?"
"no, my apartment is just few blocks from here. I can grab a cab to go home"
I said that but I plan to walk home rather that catching cab home. I know its bad idea to be tired as soon as I out of hospital. but hell my whole body is sore from lying to much. I am planning to walk around the park to breathe some outdoor air.
As I walk down the street from the hospital I tempted to go to alley for shortcut. But I guess I will go down more crowded path rather than dark alleys and get stabbed again.
"Oh better grab some beer"
That damned hospital foods and drinks is terrible. Just few days and I am craving some good beer now.
"Sir, I want to inform you that street lamps around here was busted so there was several accident lately" said the cashier guy
"Oh thanks for the information. Here the money"
"Thanks for buying"
When leaving the store I see the lamps is out as the guy said. The road look so dark with the sun already setting. As I wait for the traffic light to turn red I get this sudden bad feeling.
With still occupied mind I cross the road ahead.
Suddenly bright light come very fast as I realize that a truck run very fast on the road. With my terrifying spider-sense (not really), I avoid the truck that almost hit me.
"F*ck! almost got myself isekai-ed!"
Cold sweat dripping from my head remember how close that truck from sending my body flying.
"So this is why I had bad feeling before"
"What the f*ck with these attempt to summoning me to another world?!" I complained to whatever happens these days.
"I said at least wait me to finish my stuff first!"
«We... can't... wait... any.... longer»
"You replied!"
I swear I heard something replied to my complaint. It or.. they got this weird eerie mumbled voice. I Like there are several person talk together.
«We... the.. world.. need.. you»
"I don't know what you mean but I... you gotta be kidding me! "
I want to complain any further but without any notice another truck already come and run over me.
"You damn ... stubborn prick"
[Commencing forceful transfer.. ]
[Binding subject with the Book...]
«We, the Will of World
Welcome you the new holder of Book of Life
Please lend us your wisdom
To rise civilization in this uncivilized world of Aren
May the Akashic Record bless you»