"Is this the another world?"
What come into my sight is beautiful green clearing in the middle of forest.
"So I did come to another world. That damn selfish pricks. What they called again? The Will of The World. What with that mighty name?! Arrogant bunch!"
With such a though, I decided to explore the clearing. Trees and plants, everything is similar to the earth but also have a slight different with vegetation he knew. After reorganizing my mind, I slowly venture to the forest. And yet I find everything is similar yet different.
"Red banana on apple tree? Another world is weird as I though it would be. or I am weird because I the only one who think its weird?"
There is no such a tree on the Earth, at least to my knowledge. The fruit shape is similar to that of banana, but with red color. Also banana grow on a pseudostem not on tree that clearly similar to apple tree. When I take a bite, its gives me a shock. Its texture soft similar to banana but taste like apple.
Every time I find unusual fruit, I always taste it. Majority of them is something new to me, but there is also some that exist on Earth.
As I venture deeper into the woods, I feel there is something there. As if something is calling me to come closer. I know that venturing deeper is a dumb thing to do. But the feeling keep come and I can't deny it any longer.
Finally, I arrive at a small clearing. There is a book resting on a tree stump. With a beam of sunlight showering onto the book it somehow gives a mystical feeling. Without he knowing, his hand already reaching the book.
As my hand touch the book, suddenly the book come flying to his head.
[Initialize connection.]
[Congratulations host for binding with the Book of Life]
"What the...?! Wait what? the Book of Life? isn't it the thing that selfish prick call the world's will mention before?"
[The Akashic RecordsĀ are a compendiums of all creations events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future.]
"Info dump without notice huh? "
[In Eons ago the Seed of Chaos, the beginning of all evil successfully destroy the Slashing Records. Therefore, the Records cannot contains all the Books it's hold within causing the Books to scatter around low dimension worlds]
"Are you ignoring me?!"
[What you hold is called the Book of Life. The beginning of all life. It hold power to create new life and modify existing life]
[As host is that of normal human being that yet to hold any ????????, host cannot directly intervene with ????. The Book ability, ?????? ???? Sealed. ]
[As host is that of normal human being that yet to learn world energy called ????, host cannot ?????? any ????. The Book ability, ?????? ???? Sealed.]
"Nani..?! "
[As host is that of hum.... ]
"Stop... stop!"
"I don't need the explanation about sealed ability or whatever. Even if you explain everything I can't remember a darn thing!"
"Uh... Are you mad?"
"Fine, continue "
[As host...]
That torturous two hour of explanation, I don't want to think about it again. In short, a lot of power is sealed due to me being an ordinary human. Sorry for being ordinary!
That mystical sound of whatever-something-will explained that I need to explore the book myself. Seriously what can I explore. the whole darn Book was empty. Alas, I didn't know what to do anymore.
Two weeks later I Learn a lot about the Book power more. First when when I held a seed from a purple apple after I bounding, the Book Glowing and two new pages show in the Book.
First page contains the fruit information from the taste to the effects it give when consumed. The name itself was blank. I apparently because there is no civilized people to give it name, I can give the name myself. I simply called it Purapple.
Second page contains Book new power explanation. I found that as long as I will it I can identify any life form. For detailed explanation I need to consume it first. Also I can register a macro or a chant for this power. So I called it [Inspect]. another thing to note, I can read the Book content without opening it.
Learning more about power of the Book excite me greatly. I began to research about what power this book contains.
I tried to planted a seed and two new page lit up. Both was skill page or so I called it.
First was [Fast Growth]. It simply means to accelerate the plant growth. I can grow tree from seed to bear fruits withing seconds.
The second was [Plant Control]. As the name said I was an control any plant as I wish. I can use it to strangle my enemies.
But unfortunately both power cost me a lot of energy that I called as Mana. I can absorb Mana from the World but the speed is so slow that I can't spam the skill like mad.
Also today I plan to go deeper into the jungle. Why you ask?
"Because I am so fu*king sick with fruits!"
I equipped myself with make shift armor and spear. I also confirmed that my Mana is in it full capacity. Who know what kind of beast I will find.
As I venture deeper into the woods I heard a lot of bird chirping from a distance away. My spear throwing is pathetic and I don't know how to make a bow so bird is a no no. I rather hunt a small prey like rabbits or something similar.
Sometime later I found my first prey. The animal is similar to rabbits on Earth except it stand on its two feet. the rabbit also have big hand like someone wearing a boxing gloves.
I slowly creep to near bushes try to ambush it. with spear in one hand and a rock in another I lock into my target.
Species : ....
Some sort of rabbit with overly big knuckle.
With slight glow new information written in the Book. As expected there is no information that I can exploit.
After confirming the new content I decide to begin the hunt. With every ounce of my strength I throw a rock with my hand trying to stun it.
The rabbit seem to be alerted by sudden movement from the bushes. it direct it's attention to bushes where I am hiding at. not expecting a rock thrown to it, the rabbit get stunned and fall over.
I rush from the bushes and thrust my spear toward its body. but the rabbit recover from stunned state it was almost immediately and reacting to my thrusting with a jump.
Not expecting the reaction I failed to avoid the incoming attack from the rabbit. it's overly big knuckle burrow into my stomach.
"Buhakk..! You are just a mere prey how dare you to punch me on my stomach!"
I bring my right knee and my elbows together crushing the furious rabbit. With the rabbit down I don't want to make a same mistake twice so I swing my spear and blow the rabbit away. I
The rabbit crash into a tree several meters away. I cautiously go to the rabbit body without lowering my guard. Before I get near the rabbit suddenly the Book glowing and new information come up.
Species : ....
Skill :
[Punching Strike]
Heavy punch after a jumping.
[High Jump]
Jumping very high.
A species specialize in punching bag from genus of bipedal rabbit that learn some sort of martial art. Please mind it's jumping power and reach. Also its punch hold terrifying power.
"it's too fu*king late!"
But I know that when new information come it indicates that I reach some milestone for the book giving me more detailed information. it mean that the rabbit is dead.
"Okay whatever. Give name Punching Rabi"
(A/N: not typo)
I rushed to retrieve the body. I once read that meat will taste better if you drain the blood. Luckily I also know how to make a simple stone knife from one of my survival game back on earth.
After I drain the blood, I quickly leave to small river that I found on way to my base. After I crudely dismantling and cleaning the carcass, I clean myself with water and escape to my base in case predators came smelling the blood.
Entering a cave that become my base, I immediately use one of my skill [Plant Control] to close the entrance with roots and branches from nearby trees, leaving small opening for ventilation.
"Finally meat! "
I carefully make fire and prepare the meat with some herbs and spices that I found. Delicious smell slowly permate the cave and I can't stop salivating. The meat slowly browning and juices flowing through.
" I can't wait any longer!"
Not minding the heat I open my mouth and vote the meat. Explosion of taste blowing my mind. I expect the meat to somehow tough and hard to bite but it surprisingly tender. Oh I did season it with Pinepepper, seeds from pineapple looking fruit. This spice is wonderful it taste like black pepper and also have tenderizing effect like pineapple.
Without realizing I already wolfing down entire time rabbit meat. After drinking water to flush down the gamy after taste, the Book slowly glowing and become blinding after seconds.
"What?! "