Chapter 3 - System

[Congratulation to host for consuming your first hunted beast]

[Authority Leveled Up]

[Installing Guidance System]

[Install Completed]

[Showing Status Page]


Adam Winston

Race : Human / Book of Life Holder

Authority Level : 1

Mana : 75 / 100

Divinity : 1%

Contracted Subject : 0 / 1






"Is this the legendary thing that all gamers and novel readers want? The legendary system?!"

[Answering to Host question, This is The Book of Life Guidance System is created to help Host understand more about the Book powers]

[System Interface chosen because Host more Familiar with the system pattern than the other patterns available]

"So because I was a gamer on earth the Book chose system to help me? What about the other patterns?"

[Answering to Host questions. Yes and there are several way, examples, direct input to brain, cultivation power pattern, and library pattern is the most popular patterns among the other Book holders]

"You said the others? so there are more like me?"

[Answering to Host question. Yes, as mentioned in the Book introduction the other Book from the Akashic Records were scattered around the multiverse]

"Interesting. One more question."

[Host please feel free to ask any questions]

"Is there a Book that exist on Earth?"

[Answering to Host question. Yes, although the one exist on Host previous world is from minor class called the Book of Humanity. Therefore Host previous achieved humanity supremacy and won over the other sentience being in ruling race.]

"Huh? It is indeed shocking to hear that Earth had such a mystical thing. From my understanding of what you said there supposed other race other than human on Earth. Let's forget about Earth already. Even though I am an earthling, I am an orphan without any family so I don't have any attachment to Earth what so ever."

"No! I don't finish my game yet! And that forbidden folder still on my computer drive! I hope John would be kind to delete those folder. Or just burn the hard drive to dust! God, Goddess, Jesus, Allah, Buddha please let John hear my plea!"

I spent another five minutes to pray to any Gods I know on Earth to hear my silly wish. Also don't blame me on acting silly like this! Just try to spend almost three weeks in unfamiliar world with any human to talk to! Ah, I miss social interaction so much.

After heal my mental health by acting weird for whole ten minutes, I begin my research on the new system i got.

"First, status page is quite simple but it so much better than complicated one. Hey, ugh how I call you? Can I modify the system later? "

[Answering to Host question. Please call me Guide and yes you can modify the system to your heart content]

"Good, I want to improve and add some feature later. Next is, open skill page!"




[Fast Growth]

[Plant Control]

[Life Detection]

[Find Weakness]





[Spead Mastery]

[Blunt Mastery]

[Street Fighting]




There are a lot of greyed skills beside those showed. I think those greyed skills were the one mentioned about being sealed. Also I think I got bunch of new skill that I don't have before.

"Some of skills are the ones that I knew before. And some others are self-explanatory. What about [Life Detection] and [Find Weakness]?"


[Life Detection]

Rank : Book of Life Inherent Skill

Level : 1 (Leveled along with Authority Level)

Detect life form within certain radius around Host. Current radius 100 meters.

Mana required : 10

[Find Weakness]

Rank : Book of Life Inherent Skill

Level : 1 (Leveled along with Authority Level)

Show weaknesses of the target to Host. Probability of success is affected by Host understanding of target and different of strength between Host and target. Can only show one small weakness in current level.

Mana required : 30


"[Life Detection] is good for hunting and preparing for ambushes. [Find Weakness] is good for fighting strong or new enemies. Good, good, new skills always welcomed!"

"Also that skills explanation. it seem every skill have their rank and level. Inherent Skill can only leveled up when I leveled up my Authority. I suspect there will be another power and feature along with leveling Authority Level. Hey Guide, what I need to rising my Authority Level?"

[Answering to Host question. ... Sorry Host Authority Level is not enough.]

"I bet. Sigh, I guess I have to achieve some kind of achievement to rise my Authority Level. So what about skill ranks? "

[Answering to Host question. Skill ranks devided to Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Expert, Master, and Grand Master. Inherent Skill does not have rank.]

"Let's see... other than [Street Fighting] and [Cooking] that on Intermediate rank and inherent skill that doesn't have rank the other skills are on Beginner rank. That what to be expected. So it means my fighting skill that up to pat with national champion just on Intermediate rank, how powerful Grand Master rank are? And my twenty years experience cooking my own food to be ranked only on Intermediate level is hurting my pride"

Next up is Encyclopedia. Well I can already tell what it means. It contains information about life form that known to me. the new thing is there a new information about much my understanding to certain things.

In example my understanding about pinepepper is 35%. It mean that I only know few things about it uses. I don't know if this plant can be used in other ways except the fruit that can be eaten and seeds that can be used as spice.

My understanding to Punching Rabi is terrifyingly low at 12%. Probably becaust I just know how it look and it basic attack pattern.

"The last one is the almighty Inventory! "

When opening it I see there are 2x6 empty slots. When I hold my spear and thrust it against the Inventory interface a small black hole like portal open up and swallow the spear and my arm. Freaking up for a second, I noticed that there is some kind of space beyond the portal.

I played with the Inventory to know what its limit. After two hours of research I found that as I will it I can take or put things without using the interface directly. I also can equip or unequip my armor if I want it. I can exploit this is feature to equip myself according to situation. Also I can play transforming hero with this, hehe.

For the space it can hold, I try to fill water to it and learn that it can hold 999 liter of water let slot. How can I measure it withot any measurement tool? It fu*king literally said so! when I filled it with water, the inventory show how much it hold in detailed information.

Unfortunately it can't stack same equipment or what I suspect crafted items into one slot. maybe the problem is the difference in quality between them. The good news is when I tried to make some arrow it stacked into same slot. I don't want to filled up my entire inventory by arrows. Otherwise , I can only put my dream to you all kind of weapons.

After learning what I can learn about the new system I got, I put up the fire and decided to end the day.


-Third person POV-

"You ... damned ... rabbits ... can you stop ... ruining ... my slightly ... handsome face already !"

With every word he said Adam stab one after another Punching Rabi that surrounded him. It almost an hour since Adam surrounded by ten's of Punching Rabi after accidentally step to their nest when hunting.

With bruises and blood that paint his leather armor he struggled to fight the herd of rabbits around him. This will be his reminder to always maintained his awareness when hunting in the wild.

When he defeated almost twenty more Punching Rabi, a different one that have a bigger knuckle come attacking. This one bigger that another rabbits and have more terrifying power to each of its attack. it height reach Adam chest. Also the new enemy have a interesting movement. It put it's two knuckle in front of its head and skipping it leg from time to time.

"oh an interesting fella. I guess you are the Boxing one huh?"

After defeating the remaining Punching Rabi around, Adam face the new opponent with more concentration.

The first to move was the rabbit that throw a straight to Adam face after rushing in. Shocked with sudden attack, Adam tried to block it with his spear just to have the spear break in half.

"What?! "

Disbelief painted over Adam face. Without any weapon to use, Adam was panicking. Or so it would have if it's another person. Adam, former street thug slash gamer slash depressed person social interaction for long just smiling ear to ear.

" I guess we just have to exchange some fist then! "