Symla moved backward when the man started to face her. The moment he glances at her, his long hair moved away from his face. She looked up him and her heart fluttered the moment their gazes locked. She was right. The man was beautiful. He possessed the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. It was like a cat's eye, yellowish mixed with blue.

He possessed bushy brows that gave her strange feelings that seemed to convey a strange feeling to her. His nose was pointed. His lips were reddish. She instantly thought about how this man could kiss. He seemed rough and it suits him as a wolf.

Her heart beats like crazy when the man moved towards her. His manhood was completely exposed and Symla looked in another direction. She was blushing. She was palpitating. She swallowed, she felt strange dryness in her throat. Before she complains about showing his nakedness, the man grabbed the cape of a dead vampire and used it to cover his body.

"D-Don't come near…" she whispered. It was hard for her to speak straight. Her throat had been hurt from screaming. She was also shaking at the moment.

He bowed his head and he grinned when he noticed her shaking. "Do you shudder at what you watch or… because of my body?"

Symla's heart thumps faster. The man was right. Aside from the fight that she watched, she was trembling because of his gorgeous body. But Symla didn't dare confirm it. The man was making fun of her. "D-Don't spend too much time. If you want to kill me, do it before my kin discovers it. Kill me so you can be proud of your family that you killed me..." Symla was provoking.

Symla knows that even this man saved her, he has his reason for doing so. Maybe, he only wants the credit all alone. Catching her was like every wolf's trophy anyway. She could think of no reason other than that.

The man grinned. "You have the guts, black saint. I like that. I like a woman who has guts…"

The man sniffed her neck. It made her hair stand to its end. Symla was surprised by her body's reaction towards this wolf. Instead of anger and frustration, she felt the opposite. The feeling of this new and unknown sensation hit her again and immediately pushed the man to the chest. Her heart was fluttering even more.

"Your scent is different," he rumbled and stared at her. She was melting into his stares. Her heart pounded again and again. How could the wolf do that? How this man affects her that way? Every minute, every second that passing by, the feeling intensifies. "You smelled lovely compared to other vampires that I sniffed."

"I am still a vampire and it's none of your damn business!" she hissed and she transformed. It was pissing her off. In just one touch, she couldn't deny her body reaction.

He grinned. "I didn't expect that you're this stubborn, Black Saint."

Symla looked at the man and right there and there, she realized he kept on saying that. It seems he knew who she was. Base on the spark in his eyes, he knew her deepest secret. She gritted her teeth. Surely, she's no longer safe from death. "What are you waiting for? Kill me! I can't fight back! My rib was broke! I couldn't stand. Your friends poisoned my legs. I couldn't use them now!"

Her eyes watered and she desperately looked at her poisoned legs. She remembered those wolves who attacked her and she was shaking angrily. Right that moment, the man stops grinning and in just blinked of an eye, he was carrying her and ran fast. It shocked Symla. She couldn't even react.

The moment they reached the small river. The man put her down slowly and washed her legs. Symla couldn't help but wonder. The man was so serious cleaning her legs. She held her breath the moment she felt his warm hand slowly and carefully touching her.

Symla was surprised when the man stood and disappears. Thanks to his extraordinary ability. He could move freely and fast. The moment he went back, he was carrying his stuff. He was also wearing normal clothes. Symla wondered. It seems the man was ready. Was he waiting for them? How this man knew everything?

She was lost in her thoughts when she felt the swelling pain of the liquid in her legs that the man put. She noticed that the effect of that liquid. As the seconds passed by, it felt warm. It gave her a light feeling until her legs were back in normal. He touched her legs. It was warm. She felt warm all over. Ah, another strange feeling again.

"W-Why are you healing me?" she asked in wonder. She didn't what to think. A wolf helped her? What kind of show is that?

He grinned. His eyes sparkled in wickedness. "Your skin was smooth. It's such a waste if I will let it go to waste."

Symla blushed. That was the answer to all her questions and confusion. He's such a flirt! It pissed her off big time. She was disgusted to herself too. They were in the middle of the war. Why does she feel strange to an enemy?

"Don't make me angry. Why are you doing this?" she hissed.

The man stared at Symla intently. She swallowed when the man smiled teasingly. "Because I need you…" he whispered and used his fingers to trace some small circles on her legs. She felt giddy inside. She gets butterflies inside her stomach. She shivered on her body's reaction. It seems he was giving her a naughty message!

"Jerk!" she screamed in anger and push him on his chest.

The man laughed in nodded. "You think differently, Black Saint. I like that. But don't worry. It will not happen. I will just get what I want from my father by using you. After that, I will kill you."

Symla swallowed. Her heart beats faster. The man stares was intense, making her feel he was saying the truth. However, she felt sorry for herself. The man would prolong her agony. After that, she'll die.