My eyes began to swell with tears. She looks at me with such a painful expression, "I'm so sorry to hear that I really am. You don't have to talk about it anymore I understand your intentions. So how old are you and what are you good at? " "well I am twenty now and I am really good with herbs and alchemy (mixing herbs to make remedies and tonics), cooking, cleaning, along with other things. I can learn whatever I need to learn. I am a fast learner or at least that's what my parents use to tell." The last fell silent for moment as of she's lost in though. Then she says her yes in an agreeing matter. "Ok you seem to be a good kid so this is what I will do. I'll let you work here temporarily to see your work ethic. If things go well you'll work here permanently or when you would like to part ways. Does that sound good to you? " I got up with excitement and bursted out, "yes, yes, yes, you won't regret it. " John cleared his throat once again and I came to realization on how I acted. I immediately sat back down and as calmly as I can I said, "thank you for the opportunity. " She sat down beside me and started to tell me about the inn any my responsibilities. The moment she left I started jumping up and down just full of energy and excitement. John sits there and laughs at my enthusiasm.
He went ahead and showed me around. Evidentially, the actual inn is downstairs and the home that they live in is separate. There is a building they live the inn that they live in and surprisingly so am I. I live in the guest room upstairs. The kitchen is downstairs along with the living room. It's such a beautiful home. I was able to set up in my new room thinking to myself. Wow, I'm really lucky to have found this place. These people are so nice. I will show them that I am the right person for this job. I won't let them down. As long as I don't get heartbroken nobody will know that I'm not normal. I let out a deep sigh and I couldn't help but smile for the thought of finally having a fresh start. I will do my best and work hard. John's mom wanted me to call her Mrs. Yuri. She said I should go ahead and bathe along with getting some rest after dinner. We have a long day of work tomorrow.
I went and soaked in a warm bath enjoying the soothing sensation. After a while I started to get dizzy so I got out and then IT happened. The door opened out of nowhere and I turned around to see a young man with beautiful green eyes and dark black hair that shines a tint of blue in the sunlight. I was so flustered when I saw him I shrieked and desperately tried to cover myself. The moment the unknown man saw me he averted his eyes, turned around instantly called out "sorry", ran out and shut the door behind him. In my mind I was telling myself -no... he saw me. I am so screwed. Who was that guy... ugh.. I'm so embarrassed.
I hurriedly got dressed and tried to escape to my room without getting caught or run into that mysterious hottie, I mean cutie, I mean ugh.. guy. What the hell am I thinking. That's enough... I need to get back to my room. My head was like a battleground. My thoughts are constantly going against each other right now. The moment I got out I dashed to my room. I thought I was scotch free but I was so wrong. I turned around to the sound of someone clearing their throat. It was that guy again. I jumped, on my guard. I am ready for anything. The boy's face was bright red. Is he flustered? He scratched the back of his neck as he spoke, "look I really am sorry. I didn't know someone was in there and I didn't knock because I never really have to since it was just me and my brother. And just do you know I only had a first sight glimpse. I turned my head away as soon I realized that you were a women. I'm terribly sorry. " He is being so sincere and he's actually very respectable. "Hey it's fine really. You were respectable and turned away... it was my fault. I'm sorry I should have locked the door. I know nobody would have wanted to see me like that. " His face turned an even brighter red. "Well to be honest you didn't look half bad. Hot even-- umm--I mean---that y-you looked good---ugh. I'm just making things worst aren't I. Ach---sorry. " He's actually quite adorable. He's covering his mouth to hide the fact that his face is getting redder. Well he's not doing a good job of it though. He was probably more embarrassed than I was. He's just trying to smooth things over with a compliment, "thanks." He looked up st me in surprise. "R-really, your not mad at me." I shake my head no just ever so slightly. "No it was an honest mistake, but if it was someone else you would have had a beaten of a lifetime. So be careful and no worries ok. " He let off a very shy chuckle, scratched his head as he said "yeah--well--umm--the food is ready. So you can come down and eat. " I replied by simply saying "ok" with a smile. I didn't want them waiting on me so I immediately made my ways downstairs to the dining room for something I never had---a family meal.