Chereads / ZeroNemeziz’s Wandering Mind of Stories / Chapter 14 - Rise and Fall of the Magical Armor Princess(Part 2)

Chapter 14 - Rise and Fall of the Magical Armor Princess(Part 2)

10 years have passed since going to the Northern Continent. Just when humanity had hope in regaining their world back, things just falls apart.

When I was sent to the Northern Continent, I helped out the frontier in eliminating monsters coming in my way, but I was just one person and in one location.

As I was winning fights, other parts of the Northern Frontier started to lose, even in the Southern Parts, there were fights in the Eastern Continent, it wasn't in the continent, but around the coast, Sea monsters that could walk upon the land were trying to invade, but the walls, barricades, defenders, and all were able to stop them.

The Frontier Outpost I was in had to be abandoned as other outposts were failing and there was a possibility of monsters from other outposts to come to my outpost and have it surrounded. Not wanted to have the chance for it to happen, the outpost was evacuated and the monsters were able to occupy it.

Years of fighting and constant losing, no one really expected me to turn the tide of the war as I was just one person and I couldn't be everywhere.

I was told to no longer help out the frontier and do my own thing as the chance in occupying any spot on the Northern Continent was lost.

Watching how mankind has slowly fallen back and gathered in the Eastern Continent, it had greatly motivated me to grow stronger so I could help the people of this world and hopefully grow stronger than the beings of my world.

And to become strong, I exploited the system in getting the Experience Points Cards, farming the Massive Experience Point Cards. Whenever I had cards piling up that aren't Material Cards, Core Cards, or Experience Cards, I would just go to the Dungeon Tower, Dungeon Portal, or Dungeon Labyrinth that have yet to explore to get their Creation Altar and create extraordinary cards.

I spent 10 years in farming Massive Experience Points, Cards, Cores and grabbing all the benefits I could from the Dungeons.

But just as I was about to spam the experience point gains, the Morpher stopped me and said some beneficial things, such as adding more functions to itself, but those benefits do cost some sacrifice in bits of itself, for the greater good. I accepted it, and it gave me choices.

[ Embodiment Function. It'll give you the ability to add traits of Creatures or Machines to the Armor Type. At the cost of being able to summon creatures to assist you in combat and Element Function ]

From what I could tell, it was told if I wanted to continue being a lone fighter or keep the ability to have Summoned Allies to fight alongside me. I knew what I wanted, and it was the power to fight back, I'm willing to lose the ability to summon creatures to fight alongside me to just increase my personal fighting strength.

"Why the Element Function" I held a liking to the Element Function, I'm pretty reluctant to have it gone.

[ Embodiment Provides more than just elements to the armor, it provides both traits and elements, so the Element Function would be redundant if the Embodiement Function were to be integrated. ]

"All right, if that is what you say, I'll take the Embodiment System."

[ Integrating Embodiment Function.... assimilating Element Function.... adjusting the Armor Type Function..... Complete ]

[ Next Proposal ]

[ Upgrade Operation, lose the ability to use Weapon Cards, Armor Cards, Experience Point Cards, and the removal of the Class System, Stat System, Level System, and Title System. But be able to accumulate energy from combat to grow stronger, upgrade Armor Types and Unlock more Initiate cards. All lost Cards will be used to further unlock and upgrade all Armor Types to their Final Forms. The lost System Functions would be used in further improving the Embodiment Function. The stats won't be taken away and stay as it is. Will you accept this? ]

"....Is this to lessen my dependence on the System?" [ Yes, Morpher has detected further growth from the System will further endanger the user upon losing it. ]

"Then I'll take it."

[ Initializing Upgrades... Infiltrating user's System.... taking away Class System, Stat System, Level System, Title System.... ]

I felt something disappear from my soul and felt a bit weakened, most likely the titles that had increased my stats.

[ Detecting functionalities within the System having problems... ]

As it says this, I could feel things becoming uncomfortable, "What it is?!" Worried it could be something really bad.

[ Requesting to remove Skill System, Spell System, Gift System, Resistance System in return to further increase the range of cards... Morpher will be able to absorb Skill Books, Spell Scrolls, and Resistance Enhancers to further improve various cards... Do you wish to do it? ]

"Do it!" I didn't want to continue having this uncomfortable feeling.

[ Removing.... ]

[ Upgrading.... ]

[ Adjusting.... ]

[ Problem Detected.... ]

[ Readjusting.... ]

[ Finalizing.... ]

[ Errors Detected.... ]

[ Fixing.... ]

[ Adjusting.... ]

The Morpher goes on and I'm feeling all sorts of things, pains, healings, relaxations, uncomfortableness, it goes on.

[ Final Adjustments.... ]

[ No Further Problems Detected.... ]

[ Finalizing.... ]

[ No Problems Detected.... ]

[ Done ]

[ Soldier Armor Type Lost ]

[ Warlord Armor Type Gained ]

[ Heavy Armor Type Lost ]

[ Dreadnaught Armor Type Gained ]

[ Light Armor Type Lost ]

[ Phantom Armor Type Gained ]

[ Hitman Armor Type Gained ]

[ Assassin Armor Type Gained ]

[ Warlock Armor Type Gained ]

[ Archmage Armor Type Gained ]

[ Archknight Armor Type Gained ]

[ Guardian Armor Type Gained ]

[ Dragoon Armor Type Gained ]

[ Brawler Armor Type Gained ]

[ Arcanist Armor Type Gained ]

[ Maiden Armor Type Gained ]

[ Archbishop Armor Type Gained ]

[ Templar Armor Type Gained ]

[ Inquisitor Armor Type Gained ]

Things started to feel normal until the Morpher brought more proposals.

[ Unlock Super Card, and Final Move Card. Super Card is a silver card that is stronger than the original, but more costly. Final Move Card is a golden card that is used to execute enemies, leaving no chance for them to retaliate. But at the cost of having to charge it and it's draining. ]

[ Implement Ultimate Transformation, accumulate Ultimate Energy, at max, for 1 minute, increase capabilities by triple ]

[ Card Creation Function, draw Blueprint Cards to use Material Card to create or forge something ]

[ Permission to use remove Core Cards to further increase growth rate and upgrade Morpher? ]

"I accept all of them, why are you asking me permission for these? They pretty beneficial." I started to feel tired from the Morpher constantly asking permissions, but reasonable in a way.

Chilled, a mechanical spine appears along my spine to my tailbone. The chains become smaller, golden, and a few more appear around. As more aesthetics appear, I suddenly was able to pull out hidden blades from the bracers and could fire something from them.

[ Changes complete ]

[ Transferring information to user ]

Things became more clearer to me and the changes to the Morpher excites me to go out and fight.

Exiting my Log Cabin, trees were all around, I'm living in the forest.

Taking a deep breath, with my eyes closed, I swung my arms 45 degrees out and crossing them on my chest. With a thought, 2 cards pop out, as I uncross my arms, my hands grabbed the cards.

Stylishly throwing one card into the air and another in front of me. The card in front turned into a portal and the one in the air turned into a hawk. I jumped through the portal and the Morpher calls it out.

[ Phantom! ] the hawk in the air flies into me and fused with my body, transforming my armor.

[ Hawk! ]

[ A phantom flying the skies with unimaginable speed! ]

feathered aura wings sprouts from my back, flapping them as I flew into the sky.

"Woohoo!" Having a bit of fun with my Phantom Hawk Armor as I flew to the Northern Continent. It's pretty fun personally flying through the air.

But it has come to an end as a reminiscent the of what remains of mankind. They pushed back to a southern side of the Eastern Continent with 12 Cities Remaining and to defend them they made giant walls and various outposts and fortresses as checkpoints in stopping any invasions.

The human race stood their place, keeping it 12 cities, nothing less, and they wouldn't expand as it'll thin their forces. Though as they strengthen themselves, their greed grows and internal conflicts keeps from humans working together as one.

I stayed away from society and had focused on my own business.

I went to Dungeon that was closest to me, Tower of Life with the element theme of Dendro.

} Welcome to Tower of Life! {

} Teleportation: Floor 11 | Floor 21 | Floor 31 {

I selected Floor 31, to try reached the Floor 50, as monsters from here on are level 70 and higher.

[ Phantom Hawk~! Disengage~! ]

[ Warlord~! Phoenix~! The Warlord of undying fire~! ]

-Minutes Later-

The forest was set on fire, Treants and Wood Giants are set ablaze. Tree Heart Cores and Hard Logs were piling up in my inventory. Energy filled with Dendro Element started to enter my body.

With this floor cleared, I moved to the next and continue to destroy the environment with the enemies, they're resistant to burning, but it still does damage. Though I need to do a different plan after reaching the 40th and beyond, as the monsters would hardly die from being on fire.

-40th Floor-

*Roar* The Wood Giant, more different designed and equipped, roars before stabbing its spear at me.

[ Blazing Phoenix Dash! ] Turning into a fiery Phoenix dashing to the Wood Giant Boss, running up its spear, leaving a trail of fire on it, and bashing into its head. Pushing it back and jumping back into the air, [ Fiery Bird Barrage! ] Birds of fire flew from my palms and blasting onto the Wood Giant, spreading the fire and quickening the burning process.

[ Nuclear Phoenix Explosion! ] a large ball of fire formed above me, throwing it down, the ball of fire slowly crashes onto the Wood Giant.

The Wood Giant still lives, just barely. Attacking a few more times and it finally dies.

[ Phoenix Warlord~! Disengaged~! ]

I went to the shop to get a certain item as I finally gathered a million dungeon coins as there was 1 last material to obtain to create something through something That was discovered and kept hidden amongst the higher ups among players.

[ Purchased ]

Taking the item to the altar, I pushed the lid that seemed to be not be moveable, was moved aside.

} Altar of Creation has become Altar of Modification {

} Place 4 items on the pillars to be used to enhance the body! This is one time use! {

I placed the item I just bought onto the pillar, Divine Core, supposedly a Core of a creature that held Divinity and Authority. The other item was Blessed Devil's Core, it was created when I still had the Card Crafting and Card Fusion Skills. Random Mythical Bloodline Elixir, obtained from a Treasure chest with immense luck, and what I did to get immense luck was using the Luck Conversion Orb, an item that absorbs my Luck until it's finally filled, it brought me life of misfortune, and when used, it's gone and for 1 minutes, I would give me the highest luck, lucky enough to have everything go my way. The last item was the Heart Crystal of Magical Essence, a crystallized, concentrated, purified mana at the size of a refrigerator.

} 4 Items placed, please lay onto the altar {

Laying into the altar, the altar closes itself and glowing water started to fill the inside, barely leaving some space to breathe. Outside, the 4 items were absorbed and sucked into the pillars, lighting up the runes and converging to the altar.

The glowing water lit ever more brightly. The water slowly enter my every orifices but not suffocate me, they slowly enter my body and invigorate it. For what I could tell, the impurities in my blood, body, mana pool, and soul were being burned away.

The Morpher took in the the liquid as it is part of my body. The suit parts expanded and cover my entire body up to my jawline and ears. The helmet turned from a visor helmet to a Sci-if Helmet, the mechanical parts on the top vanished and the chains where connected to where my nips were. Mechanical parts now covered my private part and slimed down more. Most of the mechanical parts disappeared and had made the bracers into gauntlet and heels were become mechanical heeled boots were only up to below my calfs. The color scheme is now mostly white and bit of gold here and there.

} Modification Complete {

[ Growth Rate increased greatly! ]

[ Gained the ability imbue Divine or Devil Power into cards once every day ]

[ Able to stay transformed indefinitely ]

Unlock before, I could now summon cards from my fingers, and the slots were mostly removed, there were only 2 slots which are on the gauntlets, but it would absorb the cards, so it wouldn't be occupied and more cards can be taken in.

The helmet's visor would split 4 ways so I could see things with my own eyes and eat.

The treasure had no items worth mentioning and I ventured onto the next floor.

Fighting the monsters in this floor, they were Treant Guardian and Alraune Enchantress, dropping Steel Logs and Alraune Flowers. Steel Logs was a more stronger wood than Hard Log, and Alraune Flowers had juices that could induce attraction or love. It could be used to make people in love with the maker or attract people to love each other.

With the transformations, I noticed that the armor pieces are created than formed from the Morpher and the helmet would resemble the embodiment. The color scheme was as usual, matching the element or trait and creature or machine.

Reaching the 50th Floor, the Boss was a Female Treant Guardian with flowers growing on it.

[ Phoenix Brawler Disengaged~! ]

[ Dreadnaught~! ] [ Phoenix~! ] [ The Undying! The Unstoppable! The Destroyer! ]

[ Super Card~! Destructive Phoenix Cannon Blaster~! ]

My hands were turned into cannons and upon firing, a oversized fire beam blasted at the boss. It was unprepared and it was charring, it's flowers were burned away. It was enraged, screaming at me and sent out a greenish pink mist that started to invade my bodily system. I started having instances of attraction to the boss, but I held it out and fired more artillery strikes at the boss until it finally died.

Opening the treasure chest and ignoring the store, I went up to the Altar. "Morpher, can you connect to the altar and take control over it." [ Permanently, No. Temporary, Yes. Cost, Down to one use. ] "Control it."

The Morpher started to monologue its infiltration into the altar and when it was done, I asked it to combine all the transformations into one. Variety was nice and all, but having too much would be detrimental to me, I would be having too many choices and wouldn't know what to exactly be or is the best choice.

[ Are you sure? ] "Yes!" The Morpher and the Altar shined brightly as short cape and chains disappeared as a hooded cowl formed, a side cloaking the left with chains reaching the right shoulder, long loin cloth on the bottom front and back. Right gauntlet grew thicker and rose a bit higher than the shoulder, but not above the head. The heels reached up to my knees, behind my back was a series of golden crosses forming a circle, the top part made the circle and the bottom part reached out. Each cross held different designs depending on the element. Armor, chains, and straps formed on the chest and waist, blending in the designs together.

From this, I truly felt powerful and whole. To test it out, it went to my transformation sequence. Flipping my side cape out, a card appears on my left hand before slapping it onto the right gauntlet around the wrist.

[ Prideful Lion~! ] the cloaks bursts into particles and the uneven gauntlets resized themselves to be symmetrical. Armor plates started to form and lion heads were formed on the head, pauldrons, and chest. There was symbols of a lion's head on the lion cloth and cape.

The power felt even more vigorating than how it was. With this, I quickly climbed up the tower, increasingly strengthen myself. I used the Altars to modify my body with more items, I even used actual items than materials to strengthen myself. But I didn't have a lot of items to strengthen myself, so I had used whatever materials had, find what best suit each other to create something amazing. Example would be combining all the materials gained from the Tower of Life and I got the Heavenly Alraune Life Essence Lotus which provides great amount of lifeforce, and could beautify the user. Using it as one of the sacrifice to increase my strength has lengthened my lifespan and had beautified my face and body to be attractive to the eye.

When reaching the last floor, I was faced with a Dryad Empress with draconic traits. It was a difficult fight, more so than fighting the mobs in the other floors. Our fight changed the terrain constantly and when it ended in my victory, the Draconic Dryad Empress transformed into a card.

[ Special Card! Yggdrasil's Blessings~! ]

The Morpher calls out and information on what I could do rushed into my head. This card will summon a World Tree that would then create a forest which would buff all allies and attack and restrain enemies with vines and roots. A card holder forms on the right shoulder or upper arm, placing it there, I exited the Dungeon Tower and got greeted by an announcement.

} Tower of Life Has Been Cleared! {

} World Buff: Plant and Crop Growth is increased! Duration: 10 Years {

} You've been granted special attention~ {

Ignoring the last part, I thought that if I completed other dungeon towers, they would probably provide other buffs that could help the human race of this world.

Also, I tried to enter the Tower of Life but was denied access. Probably to prevent the same people from stacking World Buffs.

I was soon visited by Players as I was thinking about the World Buffs and Dungeon Towers. They greeted me and said that they didn't think and were surprised it was me who cleared the tower, and various other things. They even admired my new appearance.

I had soon separated from them and went for other Dungeon Towers, and this journey would be a long one….

-50 Years Later-

} Tower of Music has been Cleared {

} World Buff: Music Buffs is more effective! Duration: 20 Year {


It's been more than 60 years since I entered this world and lots have changed for the better.

First off, I've conquered all the Dungeon Towers, and it only took me 50 Years as I needed some breaks and enjoy life more. It would be detrimental to my mind if I spend all my time fighting and not enjoy life once awhile. There were times I had mentored some next generations of players, some died and some either succeeded or failed in life. I didn't really cared, as I gotten tired of the conflicts going on between players.

I've done Dungeon Labyrinths and Portals. Labyrinths provided amazing treasures while Portals gave nice materials, using in strengthening my self and to some players that gained my attention.

I became all powerful now, and all that was left was to return to my world. To do that, I needed some things, Divine Cores, Spatial Meteorites, Special Runes, and various other things to create a stable portal that wouldn't collapse on itself, I am trying to cross planes and dimensions. This world I am is one of the parallel worlds of my world, there dimensions and planes that separates parallel worlds and I need to cross that.

Using the astronaut armor and space element to travel through the vast galaxy in search of special materials. This took me 10 more years and when I returned, it was enough to make some rumors that I was dead. I didn't really try to refute that claim and just went on my way, collecting everything I needed. But there was 1 more piece that I needed to return, a soul that had traveled to another world, or a soul from another world entered this world. Which was a hard to thing to find, as these people will try to blend in with the people.

But thankfully I managed to find soul detecting tool which then was upgraded to detect World Traveling Souls. And knowing it would be a year long search as there couldn't be one at the moment, I decidingly joined a famed academy in training players to spend my time and find a World Traveling Soul, as I read some novels about some protagonist traveling to another world and all that. Hopefully this works out, if not, I'll try to search for World Traveling Souls that might have went to other academies, schools, or haven't gone to one.

-Few Dozen Years Later-

I was given the title of Immortal Empress as I seemingly have yet to age and was still powerful. But that wasn't what is important, I found a World Traveling Soul and it was in a once dead orphan.

I kidnapped the orphan without anyone or anything knowing. He knew he was going to die as I grabbed his soul and stuffed it into a canister. Activating the portal gate, the soul was screaming and cursing, but i ignored it as I passed through the portal, returning to my home world. The portal gate collapses and the soul dissipates in the end. All evidences were destroyed by the portal as it suddenly went unstable and collapses on itself, sucking in everything before going boom.


Standing on the highest building, my home world has become unrecognizable to me. I had hunted the monsters and demons down, interrogated them and learned, 20 Years has passed since the change and world reality has adapted to the changes, no longer will the deaths of who changed it will return anything back. Nearly everything has become the norm and heroes were humans who are hard to get.

Some things were rejected by the world, but was one thing that was permanent in this world's reality, sex is addicting.

Unsure what to do now, I could hunt and kill all the demons and monsters, but that wouldn't return the world how it was. Though, since that was all she could do now, she started hunting down every demon and monster she could find.

On news television, they say there is a vigilante killing demons and monsters, though no one really cares unless it involves stopping sex or intercourse.

I found the one who had defeated me, killed her and killed various other demons. Spent years hunting demons and monster until they rare appear publicly. Due to my actions, the world had called out to me, it didn't speak in words, it spoke in feelings. I wanted to return things back to normal, but I declined of such wish, it tells me that the changes has deeply embedded itself to reality and more deeply in the people. So it's like asking it to do the same thing that the demons and monsters did to it, but it has to expend more energy in doing it and it'll make it vulnerable after it does it.

I grudgingly accepted its explanation and asked the sexual actions to be mild and orderly. I didn't like how public they were doing it and how crazy they were for it. The world tells her that it'll work, things would be how it was before, but sexual acts is more common and public, not much embarrassing.

After saying so, I felt the reality around me shatter, people having sex in the middle of the streets are gone and they are going about normally. Society looked like it was functioning properly, but as I roentgen to other parts of the world, I found various places that all the sexual desires are vented at.

There was Glory Toilets, places where people can release their pent up desires to women who voluntarily presented their privates through a wall and to be used. There was also committee in schools where elected students goes around giving others free sex and create the sexually degenerate festivals. Churches, Shrines and Temples provided sexual services, and there was amusement parks that blatantly just various things sexual.

Now, I don't even know what to do next, other than hunting monsters, and I couldn't really fit into society with my appearance, I would be seen as a cosplayer or something down that line. I can't even remove the appearance and try look normal… I guess, my next motivation was try to be normal and be part of society….

Though the first I should do was get a home…

I went to some country side and went into the mountains. [ Constructor~! ] I cleaned and evened the land before building my house. I'm house was simple, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and living room. There was no restroom as I my body had long lost the ability to form feces or urine.

Here, I would live a hermit life peacefully, only a few times I would go out to see how the world goes on about or hunting monsters or demons.



Dungeon Titles: Dungeon Conqueror, Tower Conqueror, Labyrinth Conquerer

Dungeon Types: Portals(Difficulty Function), Towers(100 Floors), Labyrinth(Maze)

Dungeon Store(Shop), Creation Altar(Craft), Treasure Chest(Reward),

Difficulty: Easy, Hard, Extreme, Hell, Nightmare

Treasure Chest: Skill Book, Spell Scrolls, Money, Items


Ultimate Transformation Accumulated: 0/100

Dungeon Coins: 7660


Building Card: Log House x5 |

Item Card: Miner's Steel Pickaxe x1 |

Material Card: Cyclop's Eye x5 | Wood Log x965 | Roll of Linen x3 | Magical Clay x125

Variations: Fire Goblin,

Beast Empire: Grey/Red/Blue/Green/Brown Wolf, Agile Wolf, Wind Gale Wolf, Screeching Bat

Demon Empire: Imps

Undead Empire: Skeleton, Zombie, Ghoul, Lich,

Monster Empire: Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Cyclops, Ogre, Troll, Oni, Kobold

Goblin(Lvl:1~5) Card Drops: Wooden Club Card(Common)

Goblin Warrior(Lvl:6~12) Card Drops: Worn Sword/Spear Card(Common), Worn Armor/Greaves/Bracer Card(Common)

Goblin Archer Card Drops: Wooden Bow(Common), 2~6 Arrows(Common), Worn Quiver(Common)

Goblin Shaman Card Drops: Worn Magic Robe(Common), Goblin Shaman Staff(Common)

Goblin Marauder Card Drops: Heavy Iron Armor/Helmet/Greaves/Bracers Card(Common), Iron War-Axe(Common)

Goblin Knight Card Drops: Iron Armor/Helmet/Greaves/Bracers Card(Common), Iron Sword/Shield Card(Common)

Goblin Assassin Card Drops: Goblin Cloak Card(Common), Leather Armor/Bracer/Boots Card(Common), Iron Daggers Card(Common)

Goblin Hunter Card Drops: Iron Crossbow Card(Common), 1~4 Iron Bolt Cards(Common), Leather Armor/Bracer/Boots/Hat Card(Common)

Goblin Champion Card Drops: Heavy Iron Armor/Helmet/Boots/Gauntlets Card(Common), Heavy Iron Mace Card(Common)

Goblin-King Card Drops: Steel Armor/Gauntlets/Boots Card(Common), Golden Crown(Common), Steel Greatsword(Common)

Hobgoblins(Lvl:6~10): Worn Iron Sword(Common)

Hobgoblin Warrior:

Hobgoblin Archer:

Hobgoblin Shaman:

Hobgoblin Knight:

Hobgoblin Marksman:

Hobgoblin Mage:

Hobgoblin Queen:

Hobgoblin King:

Orcs(Lvl:10~17): Heavy Club(Common)

Orc Warrior:

Orc Knight:

Orc General:

Orc King:

Orc Emperor:


Ogre Chieftain

Cyclops(Lvl:40~50): Gigantic Club(Common), Cyclopes' Eye(Common),

Giant Cyclops:

Gazing Cyclops:

Kobold(Lvl:5~10): Worn Iron Sword(Common), Kobold Card(UnCommon)

Kobold Soldier(Lvl:15~20):

Kobold Swordsman

Kobold Spearman

Kobold Assassin

Kobold Mage

Kobold King

Skeleton(Lvl:1~10): Worn Iron Sword(Common),

Skeleton Soldier(Lvl:10~20): Worn Iron Sword(Common), Worn Shield(Common), S

Skeleton Warrior

Skeleton Knight



Dread Knight



Damned Templar

Imp(Lvl:8~16): Demonic Core Shard(Common),

Fiery Imp

Hell's Imp

Grey Wolf(Lvl:5~15): Wolf Fur Pelt(Common), Wolf Fangs(Common)

Red Wolf(Lvl:20~30): Red Wolf Fur Pelt(Common), Wolf Fangs(Common)

Green Wolf(Lvl:20~30): Green Wolf Fur Pelt(Common), Wolf Fangs(Common)

Blue Wolf(Lvl:20~30): Blue Wolf Fur Pelt(Common), Wolf Fangs(Common)

Brown Wolf(Lvl:20~30): Brown Wolf Fur Pelt(Common), Wolf Fangs(Common)

Pteranodon(Lvl:9~16) | Screeching Bat(Lvl:5~20) |

-Tower of Mountains(Geo)- Special Card: Fortress Golem Guard

Floor 1-20(Lvl:10~50): Clay Soldiers, Clay Marksman | Drops: Magical Clay

Floor 21-40(Lvl:60~80): Clay Knights, Clay Golems | Drops: Magical Clay, Magical Clay Brick

Floor 41-60(Lvl:90~100): Rock Lizard, Mud Golem, Earth Golem | Drops: Rock Lizard Hide,

Floor 61-80(Lvl:250~500): Ruin Golem, Ancient Ruin Golem | Drops: Ancient Stone Runes, Stone Runes

Floor 81-100(Lvl:750~1000): Ancient Ruin Golem, Earth Dragon | Drops: Ancient Stone Runes, Earth Dragon Bones, Earth Dragon Fangs, Earth Dragon Scales, Earth Dragon Heart, Earth Dragon Meat, Earth Dragon Eyes

-Tower of Life(Dendro)- Special Card: Yggdrasil's Blessings

Floor 1-20(Lvl:5~50): Wood Automaton, Wood Golem | Drops: Hard Log

Floor 21-40(Lvl:60~80): Treant, Wood Giant | Drops: Tree Heart Core, Hard Log

Floor 41-60(Lvl:90~100): Treant Guardian, Alraune Enchantress | Drops: Alraune Flower, Steel Log

Floor 61-80(Lvl:250~500): Amazonian Dryad, Spartan Dryad | Drops: Life Wood, Dryad Heart,

Floor 81-100(Lvl:750~1000): Dryad Dragon, Dryad Empress | Drops: Dryad Empress Heart, Life Essence Leaf, Dryad Dragon Wood, Dryad Dragon Essence

-Tower of Machinery(Techno)- Special Card: Android Legion

-Tower of Music(Sono)- Special Card: Melody of Hope

-Tower of _______-

Floor 1-20(Lvl:5~50):

Floor 21-40(Lvl:60~80):

Floor 41-60(Lvl:90~100):

Floor 61-80(Lvl:250~500):

Floor 81-100(Lvl:750~1000):

Rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, Unique

Core Levels: Lesser, Lower, Low, Good, Mid, High, Sacred/Cursed, Divine

Basic Elemental Type: Pyro(Fire), Hydro(Water), Aero(Wind), Geo(Earth), Cyro(Ice), Electro(Lightning), Umbra(Dark), Photo(Light)

Rare Elemental Types: Chrono(Time), Dendro(Wood), Ferro(Metal), Gyro(Gravity), Haemo(Blood), Necro(Death), Sono(Sound), Spatio(Space), Suna(Sand), Tephra(Ash), Halluci(Illusion), Toxi(Poison), Konio(Dust), Thermo(Temperature), Mento(Mental), Techno(Technology), Lava(Magma),

Special Elemental Types: Astro(Stars), Ergo(Energy), Crystallo(Crystal), Radio(Radiation), Magneto(Magnetism), Megitho(Size), Seismo(Vibration), Sympho(Music), Kinetic(Force), Arcano(Magic)

Creature Type: Demon, Insectoid, Beetle, Arachne,

Spells Cards: Bolt Spell, Ball Spell, Punch Spells,

Boost Cards, Ultimate Cards

Blessed Card, Cursed Card

Fate Cards, Tarot Cards, Capture Cards,

