In the year 2XXX, on the very New Year's Eve, that Earth went on a massive change, evolution would be the right word. Humankind was faced various extinction-level calamities as the terrain changed. Its evolution soon affected the other planets and the sun.
The sun turned white with various tinges of color, seeming like a rainbow. Its size expanded and earth drew upon the other planets into itself, requiring more mass for its growth. Unlike what it is thought that they would crash onto the planet like a meteor crash landing but it would be like droplets of water fusing together to form a larger whole.
All that was left was a much larger rainbow-like sun, an enlarged and new Earth, 2 moons, and 2 planets similar to Earth but with a strange mystical look to them compared to the new Earth.
On Earth itself, the former continents have been separated and expanded, along with a few new continents to bring about, Islands like Hawaii have not joined up together and grew at the size of Canada.
Not only did everything expand, but a mystical energy that was once hidden and exhausted also came back like a crashing tsunami and flooding the entire world with it. Now revitalized, soon came the invasion of species from different pocket realms to once again stand upon Earth that'll be renamed, Gaia.
Humankind had a hard time surviving in the new world and would only start to rise back up after 10 years of survival and adapting to the new environment. Humankind allied themselves with a few races and rebuilt their civilization and establish a few things such as Spirits and Cultivation.
Spirits are simply manifestations of the soul that comes as either Creature, Items, Ability or in any other form with various potentials, rarities, and being able to grow stronger to become the most powerful it can be. While Cultivation are techniques in strengthening one's self to become stronger and be more capable to use stronger Spirits.
Humankind was able to discover this a year later after the terraforming of the world and solar system. Through this were they able to get back up on their feet and held their head high.
Well, that kind of simple introduction of background, history of the world.
Onto the protagonist, Elena, an orphan that was given nothing, not even a name when she was dropped off at the orphanage mysteriously. Unlike most orphanages, this one wasn't full of good intentions.
Elena grew up with looks of disgust and was treated harshly by the orphanage's faculty. Maturing strongly at a very young age like the other kids within the orphanage. Everyone was given little education and everyone to teach each other what they know.
At the age of 4, the orphanage was suddenly attacked, and Elena had been hidden by the other kids to protect her as she was the only youngest kid within the orphanage, there were hardly any other kids as young as her. They were 9 and higher, the orphanage hardly took in any kids, smooching off the funds for orphanages to take care of the kids.
The invaders had kidnapped the orphans and killed all the faculty before escaping. Elena had gone through the secret exit that the kids within the orphanage had created to secretly go to the outside. Elena ran far and carefully in the shadows to not get discovered.
Scared, she continued to run and only stopped in an alley, exhausted from all the running. She suddenly heard squeaking noise, cautious, Elena looks around and saw an open box where the sound most likely came from. Slowly walking over to it, Elena discovers a black little bunny, shivering within the box, scared of Elena.
Elena reaches out to it and slowly pats it, comforting it, leading the bunny to rest and look at Elena with its beady eyes. Elena took the bunny with her and ran far as possible before finding a pretty good alley to reside in at the moment, though seemingly, it seems more suited to be a hiding spot to live in. If she could, she could add some things here and there and it could be some hidden, trash-filled alley and no one would expect it to be a secret home. It was even in an area with fewer people around.
With this, Elena started to grow up and learn with Umbra, the bunny she had taken as her companion. Together they soon befriended the neighborhood and were able to learn a lot of things. There were times when she was asked to be adopted but were rejected and told them that she would learn how to survive on her own and would be willing to accept gifts.
At the age of 5, she was given a manual by a kind old couple living peacefully, they had handed her an ancient and basic cultivation manual that was usually the norm for those without a cultivation manual, but nowadays, it was somehow lost and forgotten.
The old couple had the free time and educated Elena on how to read and write, basic math, science, and everything there is to know and more. They helped her grow smarter and be more intelligent within a cruel world after learning about her past experience. They at first just wanted to teach her some things and keep her innocence, but learning she had lost all that already, she acceptedly just taught her everything they know. They also tried to get her to live with them but she would like to live separately.
As for the Cultivation Manual, it was called the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual that basically refines everything and allows the user to do anything and not be limited to a few things. The downside is its speed and slow growth rate, which is one of the reasons for it to be out of practice. Other cultivation nowadays is much faster and able to focus on certain areas than in all around.
Elena didn't mind the downsides and cultivated it and upon cultivation, it cannot be removed unless breaking down one's cultivation and restarting from the beginning to use a different Cultivation Manual.
In a few years, Elena managed to enter Mortal Foundation Realm and Body Transformation Stage. Her body was now much stronger, most impurities within her body were pushed out, and her appearance became anew.
Taking a bath, it washes away all the filth, revealing her beautiful smooth neutral tan skin, lustrous black hair, brought amethyst eyes, and early budding athletic body. As for Umbra, she follows a different power system and is at an Ordinary Stage with only 1 Star formed.
Now at Body Transforming Stage, she had also awakened her Soul Space and Spirit. Delving into her consciousness, she found the place is quite big and found 3 orbs circling a green orb, which instantly tells that she is once in a million to have Triple the number of spirits formed from her soul, and her soul level is at Green. Touching each of them she learned that they are called Armory Forge, Ammo Creation, and Identification.
Elena instantly knows that the ability Identification is one of the uncommon and important Ability-Type Soul-Spirits. With them, mysterious, unknown, and unidentified items or beings can be identified. For items, people can learn about the item and what it can do or what it is. For beings, Identification will identify various areas about the person. Depending on the Rarity, Potential, and Tier, certain would or wouldn't appear for the user. Though uncommon, it isn't actually of Uncommon Rarity and it would vary and those certain Rarities would provide a certain amount of information. Common Rarity would provide the most basic and sometimes vague information. While Legendary Rarity could provide detailed information on some powerful items.
For Identification, hers was of Epic Rarity, so if she would have used it on Umbra, she would go the Name, Species, Trait, Elements, Spirit, Spirit Type, Rarity, Potential, Tier, Stars, Aptitudes, Talents, Skills, and a brief description of each of them.
If she had Common Rarity, it would be just Name, Species, Rarity, Tier, and Stars. Uncommon would provide additional information on Traits and Elements. Rare would provide Spirit, Spirit Type, Potential, and a brief description of things. Epic would provide Talents, Skills, and a bit more descriptive description.
Like normal, it was at Ordinary Tier with 0 Stars, the higher its Tier and Stars, the more effective it is on tougher to identify items or beings. For its potential, it was Regular, so its growth wouldn't be slow or fast, it'll be multiplying by 1. If it was below Regular Potential, it would be multiplying in the decimals, while potentials higher than Regular by multiplying by numbers higher than 1.
Armory Forge and Ammo Creation were also Ability-Type Spirits, they were both Rare Rarity had Mid-Level Potential, a level above Regular. Elena had looked on the web to research about the known Spirits that people would have or find. Ammo Creation and Armory Forge were both pretty rare to have. Ammo Creation is usually drafted or has joined the Military due to the potential of Soldiers having near-limitless ammo at their disposal. While Armory Forges are used by Blacksmiths, Inventors, and Forgers, capable of summoning a fully equipped workshop and able to mass-produce them at the cost of slight capability reduction.
Common Rarity Ammo Creation is only capable of making Basic Ammo, while Uncommon Rarity provides the chance better quality or the chance of producing a bunch from just trying to create only one. Rare Rarity would reduce the cost of making Ammo, and through the web, there Epic Rarity was where the user could freely create special ammo at a high cost. There wasn't info on Heroic Rarity, though there was a debate that it could have a cost reduction or have similar effects of the Uncommon Rarity but onto the special ammo. There was Legendary Rarity Ammo Creation and it reduced the cost and allow Bulk Production of both Basic, Advanced, and Special Ammo.
For her Armory Forge, depending on the Rarity, it would allow those Rarity Level Equipment, so Common Rarity Armory Forges can only produce Common Rarity Equipment, and her Rare Rarity Armory Forge could produce a Rare Rarity Equipment and the workshop itself is equipped with higher quality equipment.
For the Tiers, Ammo Creation would have stronger and higher quality Ammo and Armory Forge would allow higher quality equipment.
Leaving the place, Elena uses Identification on herself.
Name: Elena | Race: Human/???/??? | Age: 8
Soul Level: Green | Affinity: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice, Lightning, Life, Death, Holy, Dark, Physical
1st Spirit: Armory Forge | Type: Ability
Rarity: Rare | Potential: Mid
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 0
2nd Spirit: Ammo Creation | Type: Ability
Rarity: Rare | Potential: Mid
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 0
3rd Spirit: Identification | Type: Ability
Rarity: Epic | Potential: Regular
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 0
Bloodline: Unknown/Unawakened
Constitution: Undetermined
Cultivation Realm: Mortal Foundation Realm
Cultivation Stage: Body Transformation Realm
Current Cultivation Level: 0 | Cultivation Minimum/Maximum Level: 50/100
Cultivation Technique: Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual
Fire Aptitude: Inferior | Water Aptitude: Inferior
Earth Aptitude: Inferior | Wind Aptitude: Inferior
Ice Aptitude: Inferior | Lightning Aptitude: Inferior
Life Aptitude: Inferior | Death Aptitude: Inferior
Holy Aptitude: Inferior | Dark Aptitude: Inferior
Physical Aptitude: Inferior
Strength Talent: Inferior
Defense Talent: Inferior
Speed Talent: Inferior
Magic Talent: Inferior
Active Skills: Foundational Combat Martial Arts(Beginner)
Passive Skills: Foundation Body Arts(Beginner) | Foundation Movement Arts(Beginner)
Elena was stunned to see all this, it took her a while to process this before she had to move on. Identifying each part of her information to understand them more clearly than what she already knows about them.
She has learned that the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual not only tries to strengthen every area of the user to be an All-Rounder but also tries to unlock more paths for the user. So if the user does not have a path to, let's say becoming a Sound Element User or a Musician, the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual will try to unlock that path for the user to enter when it once wasn't available to him. So the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual is paving the way for the user to be capable of anything and everything.
With that, Elena was even more willing and happy to use the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual. Elena imagined herself becoming the master of everything that could be done and not having a weakness in anything other than not being proficient enough.
Elena then looks at Umbra on her lap and used Identification.
Name: Umbra | Species: White Bunny Variant
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical, Darkness
Spirit: Shadow Shroud | Type: Ability
Rarity: Uncommon | Potential: Low
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 1
Physical Aptitude: Average
Darkness Aptitude: Inferior
Strength Talent: Mediocre
Defense Talent: Inferior
Speed Talent: Good
Magic Talent: Inferior
Active Skills: Charging Ram(Beginner)
Passive Skills: Stealth(Beginner) | Leporidae Arts(Beginner)
Shadow Shroud: Meld into the shadows and become semi-invisible and intangible
Elena was surprised about the skills, she already learned that Umbra was a sort of White Bunny Variant. Usually, White Bunnies are pets and are very docile, they wielded Light Element and were just cute...
Details done, Elena used the Ammo Creation Spirit-Ability, on an old gun from the past, using Identification to get clearer info on it. This old weapon was an M1911 with Common Rarity, Crude Quality, and a few other things. Elena was signaled through intention and was asked what bullets she would like to create and the availability has certain costs, it tells her which she could and couldn't make with her current pool. Elena didn't make the ammo and just moved onto her Armory Forge which transported her into a pocket dimension that had a fully equipped workshop that allows her to make nearly anything. Elena had used the Scanner which takes in an item to scan, dissembles them, creating a blueprint and imprinting knowledge into Elena, allowing her to know how to even make it and know its capabilities.
The Gun is gone and she returns, she's 8 years old, and in the first stage of Mortal Foundation Realm. She's not yet capable to start making things at the moment.
With those done, Elena went into her cultivation and training her body to become stronger.
The Foundation Body Arts trained each part of her body to become stronger, durable, faster, and resistant. Nothing would be left out and it would be excruciating.
Foundation Movement Arts taught her how to move around more efficiently in every way than focusing on a certain area such as evasion or running. It helped her run around the neighborhood like it was a parkour track.
The Foundational Combat Martial Arts taught her how to fight and it was a combination of every fighting technique and way to fight. There were even ways to fight dirty, cowardly, and slyly.
These were ancient basic arts that many had abandoned for focusing on certain areas and getting stronger faster.
Elena trained in these ancient arts like a fanatic and upon reaching 14 years old, within the 6 years of time passing. Elena focused on her foundation and reached the maximum in the Body Transformation Stage with the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual, and it upgraded her Talents to Good, while also refining her appearance a bit. It made a young budding beauty, she wasn't too voluptuous or muscular, but she was in between, on the point where it could satisfy though interested in a muscular woman or a voluptuous one, well, it'll be so when she reaches age.
After Body Transformation Stage would be the Blood Purification Stage and the times minimum done would be 10 times and the maximum is 50 times. In this stage, people would start to purify their body from any impurities and free up anything locked up due to impurities, such as their hidden potentials or restraining their body from working 100%. Elena went to the max on this stage also and it was much easier to pass through this stage as her cultivation manual would thoroughly purify and refine everything. So much of her impurities are already lost and her systems that remove impurities are working past their 100% and reaching 500%. Impurities would now have a hard time settling and doing anything harmful as they'll be immediately expelled or rejected. Upon reaching the next stage, she had unlocked other Talents and Elemental Aptitudes.
Muscle Refinement Stage was next and it was the stage for strengthening the cultivator's bodily power. This was a minimum of 20 times and a maximum of 50 times. At this stage, Elena slowed down a bit and focused on her techniques had reached Master Proficiency on all of them before going onto other techniques she was given and had found abandoned.
There were 5 Active Skills and 7 Passive Skills. For the passive skills, she found Metal Skin Body Art and it has 6 Stages: Copper, Bronze, Iron, Steel, Titanium, and Adamantine. Slowly, she could just cultivate them normally and make them stronger, or she could cultivate them through combat and injuries. It was noted through the identification that taking on attacks could refine the Body Art to provide better effects than just cultivating it in peace. So she left it alone and would only cultivate it through battles for the better benefits.
She has the Unbreakable Bones Manual that strengthens her bones and bodily integrity to higher heights. Though it is a painful process as it requires breaking and reforging them back together. Elena managed to reach Expert Proficiency from it, having pretty strong bones at a young age.
She found two of the Foundation Arts Series called Foundational Instinct Training Method which was a frustrating and hardcore method of training that nowadays, people wouldn't go to it due to the extreme ways needed to be done. And Fundamental Breathing Technique, which helps allow her to automatically collect energy around her from just breathing, the downside is the starting stages of usage is where it requires concentration and training until when higher proficiency that it doesn't require focus. From the web, about half the populous uses it as it's the most basic technique that everyone uses but those from Sects and Clans hardly use it as either they have their own Breathing Technique or they won't bother to even use it.
Relentless Will Sutra of Ancient Spartans, was something Elena found thrown away and looking through the sutra and identification. The sutra would give the user an unbreakable and unrelenting will, along with the endurance to move forward without fear. Though the requirements are pretty high, some that most couldn't really truly achieve. But Elena had those requirements and could achieve some of them when she has yet reached those areas. Elena trained in it and only reached Novice Level, she needs to achieve most of the requirements before continuing on. Without them, she cannot move forward in it.
The Windflow Shifting Steps make her evade attacks like she's the flowing wind that cannot be touched. This technique also has high requirements such as high flexibility as you cannot flow like the wind if inflexible. Elena reached Basic Level and had stopped due to her current speed and flexibility, along with reaction and perception.
Lastly, Elena managed to learn the Leopridae Arts from Umbra. From it, Elena managed to jump higher, run faster, and react quicker. Elena could move around like any other Leporidae.
For Active Skills, she has the Mountain Chop Technique, an Axe Weapon Technique that was designed to chop down mountains with a very overwhelming heavy attack. Elena learned it but didn't practice it as she didn't have an ax to use. There is also the Wind Blade Slash and Gentleman Swordplay, they were at Amateur Proficiency as she doesn't have a weapon to use for them. Wind Blade Slash was a technique involving the Wind Element and being capable of shooting out a Wind Blade without the element. Gentleman Swordplay is a fancy quick and lethal way of fighting. The only reason why it's not popular is due to the instinct and blockage in using other kinds of Swordsmanships. But such a demerit would be ineffective to her since her Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Technique wouldn't allow it, and it was meant for men, but she managed to get it to work for a woman.
Tiger Claw Fist was a fist attack that embodies the Tiger, and Heavy Palm Pulse Blast is a palm attack that since an explosive pulse that would interrupt and blow targets away. There was nothing wrong with the Tiger Claw Fist, but the potential is limited so people on the path to higher heights would ignore such the basic fist technique. Heavy Palm Pulse Blast is a non-lethal palm technique so it was unpopular and only those who could see the potential and usage of it would use it.
Then there was the Bone Refinement Stage which makes the body more durable and less fragile, with better integrity. The Unbreakable Bones Manual made cultivating through this stage easier and further made the bones stronger.
Now, she's currently on the Core Formation Stage and it has no max or min times. The cultivator could continuously gather, refine and create their core for how long they want to go. She had cultivated it 135 times and would continue to gather more energy to be refined and make her core stronger and larger, providing her a much larger and purer pool of energy to access. Only the breathing technique was increasing the pace of her gathering speed.
Her goal was 1,000 Times before going onto the next stage as she would be very powerful due to it, having a large supply of energy at her disposal.
Reaching 15, she managed to cultivate up to 556 times, about halfway to 1000 times. She reached the summit of her intelligence, the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual had unlocked as much it could of her brain for her to use, how she uses it depends on her. I learned everything she could within the neighborhood, from the old couples who fought in the ancient past to workers who were nice enough to teach her some things they know. There weren't many people in the neighborhood, but she learned all the common sense there is and much of the basics she could.
Umbra, her companion had reached adult age and grew pretty strong.
Elena had contemplated on what to do as her core has reached an incredible size and felt it was going to burst. Elena was thinking about how to offset it and find a way to continue growing it without bursting. She talked to the old couple about it as they gave her some things they saw and heard, and she could try to do something with them. She was enlightened when she heard about the various things they heard about some people made their cores differently from the norm.
Elena dissembles her core and spreads them throughout her body, into the meridians where they would be the sub-cores and her entire body would be the core. Elena rewrote the system and made it so whenever one of them is destroyed, it wouldn't create much chaos and would just flow differently until the destroyed sub-core meridian is restored. It would be like blood vessels and hearts. the system would be blood vessels, keeping the energy flowing throughout the body and the sub-core would be like hearts, but not too important, just secondary hearts, not the main one. She created another system where the cores regenerate and heal like a living body.
She reinforced her Body Core, Sub-Cores, System, and Pool by just doing it like she strengthens her body. From this, she had accidentally created another body, an Energy Form, or Astral Body. It'll be another layer in protecting her soul, the first layer being the Material Body, the second layer is the Energy Form, and the last layer is the Soul itself.
With the Energy Form, she was able to more easily connect to the surrounding energy, gathering them, enforcing them into her body. Making her cultivate 1000 times much easier than how it was before.
Now, Elena was thinking it was time for her to go out and hunt for Soul-Spirits, experience, and resources for her cultivation. She told this to the old couple, and they gave her a steel sword and Basic Sword Arts Book as a parting gift, along with helping her get an I.D. so she would have a legal identity. As Elena would be actually moving away to live in the wilderness.
Umbra was registered and given a collar to show she has an owner...
Elena went into the forest and gathered quite the attention due to her appearance. Elena ran far to get away from the crowd.
The city she had resided in was the Border City: Red City, one of the 8 Border Cities, or it would be commonly called the Side Cities and Color Cities. They are usually closest to the frontlines and would be the first to face attacks from invaders.
Red City is a pretty normal city and hardly had anything special about it.
The Forest nearby had 5 commonly found beasts, Grass Rabbits, Forest Wolves, Swift Sparrows, Rabid Rodents, and Rock Beetles. From the web, these were what she could get from them.
Name: None | Species: Grass Rabbit
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical, Life
Spirit: Grass Rabbit Coat | Type: Armor
Spirit: Grass Rabbit Soul | Type: Possession
Spirit: Crude Leopridae Vial | Type: Consumable
Spirit: Crude Speed Vial | Type: Consumable
Spirit: Flawed Speed Vial | Type: Consumable
Spirit: Grass Rabbit Bracelet | Type: Accessory
Rarity: Common/Uncommon | Potential: Inferior~Regular
Name: None | Species: Forest Wolf
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical, Life, Earth
Spirit: Forest Wolf Dagger | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Forest Wolf Armor | Type: Armor
Spirit: Forest Wolf Boots | Type: Armor
Spirit: Crude Canidae Vial | Type: Armor
Spirit: Forest Wolf Cloak | Type: Armor
Spirit: Forest Wolf Claw Gauntlet | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Forest Wolf Totem | Type: Item
Rarity: Common~Rare | Potential: Inferior~Mid
Name: None | Species: Rabid Rodent
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical
Spirit: Rabid Attacks | Type: Ability
Spirit: Rodent Tail Rope | Type: Item
Spirit: Rabid Rodent Companion | Type: Creature
Spirit: Rodent Horde Attack | Type: Ability
Rarity: Common | Potential: Inferior~Low
Name: None | Species: Swift Sparrow
Trait: Beast | Element: Wind
Spirit: Swift Sparrow Arrow | Type: Item
Spirit: Swift Sparrow Glider Cape | Type: Armor
Spirit: Feather Barrage | Type: Ability
Spirit: Swift Sparrow Bow | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Sparrow Wing Shield | Type: Armor
Rarity: Common/Uncommon | Potential: Inferior~Regular
Name: None | Species: Rock Beetle
Trait: Insect | Element: Earth
Spirit: Rock Beetle Shield | Type: Armor
Spirit: Rock Beetle Armor | Type: Armor
Spirit: Rock Beetle Summon | Type: Creature
Spirit: Rock Beetle Soul | Type: Possession
Spirit: Hardened Skin | Type: Ability
Spirit: Stone Breaking Hammer | Type: Item
Rarity: Common/Uncommon | Potential: Inferior~Mid
These creatures are what she's going to fight at the moment in the area before going farther away from the area.
Dressed in pretty old clothes that are starting to be a bit tight on her, not bothering to spend her savings on just clothes. They were just a shirt, shorts, jacket, boots, and gloves, carrying a backpack and Umbra in her hood. Single-Edge Steel Sword sheathed on her waist, old smartphone in her back pocket, and a few other things she needs in her other pockets.
Soon, Elena comes across a Rabid Rodent, a mixture between a large rat and a squirrel, on a branch. Elena immediately takes out her sword and slashes at it, cutting it apart. Surprised at how smoothly it was taken down, Elena examines her clean-cut before picking the Rabit Rodent Spirit and identifying it.
Name: None | Species: Rabid Rodent
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical
Spirit: Rodent Tail Rope | Type: Item
Rarity: Common | Potential: Lesser
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 5
Soul-Spirits would look like mystical marble, the higher its rarity, the brighter it is and it would become dimmer for the opposite. It'll feel amazing if its potential was high and would seem more normal the lesser its potential. Traits would affect the symbol within the Soul-Spirit, beasts would show the beast symbol, insects with insect symbol, dragons with dragon symbol, etc. Elements would affect the special effects around the Soul-Spirit, Physical Element would have a sort of greyish aura.
... Looking back, I have yet explained about the Soul Level, even if I did, I'll either recap or talk about what had changed. Soul Levels are the strength and capacity of the soul, the higher it is, the stronger it is and the more capable the holder is. The higher it is, the holder can use more Soul-Spirits or Stronger Soul-Spirits. Leveling it up is difficult as it either requires rare and difficult training or finding suitable cultivation that strengthens the soul. Elena using the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual had leveled up her Soul multiple times and reached Pink Soul level. Though a higher soul level isn't the only requirement in using stronger Soul-Spirits, it is the only requirement for the number of Soul-Spirits.
There are 12 Soul levels: Grey, White, Lime, Green, Cyan, Blue, Pink, Violet, Orange, Red, Black, Golden. From the lowest, Grey Soul Level has the max capacity to hold 5 Soul-Spirits, and it goes up by 1 until Cyan, it increases by 2 until Pink, which is the max capacity of 15. Violet has a max of 18, Orange has a max of 21, Red has a max of 25, Black has a max of 30, and Golden has a max of 40. Think of Soul Levels as the containers and Soul-Spirits as pebbles that'll be placed within the container.
Elena connected with the Soul-Spirit and it transformed into a long but thin as a pen, organic-looking rope. Material like Soul-Spirits like ropes cannot be used to make equipment, as their actual form is just a marble-like object, their materialized form is just temporary.
For what she's going to do with the rope, she doesn't know yet. Returning to its original form, Elena moves on, not dealing with the corpse. Rabid Rodents are useless and inedible. Their hide is weak, their flesh gives off a terrible smell and taste, everything else is also terrible. The only thing good they have is when they drop a rarely appearing Soul-Spirit Ability, the Rodent Horde Attack, forming a spiritual flood of rodents. It's effective against those scared of rodents, blocking vision, and acting as a distraction.
Elena killed a few more, putting them into a plastic bag which she labels with a marker as "Rabid Rodents,". Elena soon encountered a Grass Rabbit, it was on the ground eating grass and blending in. Umbra who was just watching perked up, looking over Elena's shoulders. Umbra went down and confronted the Grass Rabbit, it noticed her and they started to, talk. Umbra was asserting her dominance on the Grass Rabbit. It tries to rebel against Umbra that saw her as some stranger trying to have some power over it. The Umbra beat up the Grass Rabbit into submission, and brought the rabbit to Elena. Looking closely, it looked like a rabbit-shaped bush and it was alive. Elena made a contract with it as she did with Umbra when she was 8.
Elena identified it and was dumbfounded by its stats, Umbra gave her a surprising companion.
Name: None | Species: Grass Rabbit
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical, Life
Spirit: Grass Rabbit Ghillie Suit | Type: Armor
Rarity: Uncommon | Potential: Regular
Tier: Soldier | Stars: 6
Physical Aptitude: Mediocre
Life Aptitude: Good
Strength Talent: Mediocre
Defense Talent: Mediocre
Speed Talent: Average
Magic Talent: Good
Active Skills: Grass Spikes(Intermediate) | Grass Shield(Intermediate) | Forest Healing(Basic) | Speed Boost(Basic)
Passive Skills: Stealth(Professional) | Life Leporidae Arts(Basic) | Danger Sensitivity(Intermediate)
First off, it had a never seen before Spirit-Soul for a Grass Rabbit, the second was the Leporidae Arts, it managed to Evolve its Normal Leporidae Arts and managed to evolve it into an Elemental Leporidae Art. Weak creatures such as it would have a hard time even evolving any of their skills. And this one has a pretty high talent level for Magic.
Happy for the new companion, she names it Lex, as it was also a girl like Umbra.
With two rabbits onboard, Elena journies on and found more Grass Rabbits, but this time, Umbra or Lex tried to get them onboard their group. Killing them, one of them dropped pretty good stats with Grass Rabbit Coat.
Name: None | Species: Grass Rabbit
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical, Life
Spirit: Grass Rabbit Coat | Type: Armor
Rarity: Uncommon | Potential: Regular
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 9
Elena tossed away her old jacket and puts on the padded coat. It was neither dark nor bright green just right in between, the fur part was mixed between bright and dark greens. Since it's a Spirit-Soul Armor, it has a pretty high defense and durability, if it was even damaged, Elena could put it away and it'll slowly repair itself. Or, from the web, Elena could sacrifice a Grass Rabbit Coat to have it nearly instant repaired.
Cultivating Soul-Spirits is much harder than having them as companions as the companions are able to cultivate by themselves without assistance. While Soul-Spirits must be cultivated like plants, having to provide a much larger amount of energy to strengthen and level them up. Though there are some rumors that Elena believed to be true was that there was a way to forge Soul-Spirits into something new or something stronger. Elena knows that there are many ways and usage for Soul-Spirits than just using their materialized forms, they could be further made into something and none of the people in high places are giving away this information to the public.
That aside though, Elena hunted a few Grass Rabbits, obtaining their Soul-Spirits and a Lesser-Grade Life Leaf, a basic herb in Alchemy. Their meats are edible but Elena isn't going to be carrying around pounds of meat along with her everywhere.
Fighting Rabid Rodents and Grass Rabbits, Elena finally got further enough away from the city to start discovering Swift Sparrows, Rock Beetles, and Forest Wolves. Swift Sparrows are usually shot down by soldiers on the city walls so the Swift Sparrows are staying away from there. Forest Wolves are intimidated away, Rock Beetles are always close to abundant rocks and there are hardly any rocks by the city.
Elena fought a few more Rabid Rodents and Grass Rabbits before being attacked by a Swift Sparrow. Umbra activated her Spirit Ability with Elena and Lex, the Swift Sparrow passed through them and crashed into the floor, not expecting to not hit them. Umbra deactivates her ability and Elena kills the Swift Sparrow.
A few more Swift Sparrows came in after one of them died. They were swiftly killed and one of them dropped a rarely seen one, Swift Sparrow Bow, a bow decorated with their feathers and engravings. The Bow, unlike normal ones, and other than its appearance, the difference between them was the ability to imbue Wind Element Attacks, but compared to other Wind Element Bows, the Swift Sparrow Bow is much weaker.
Elena kept the few Soul-Spirits that are arrows into her soul storage where she kept a few other Soul-Spirits such as the Soul-Spirit Consumable, Crude Speed Vial. The rest were placed in a new bag labeled Swift Sparrow.
Elena had Lex transform and Elena's entire outfit had its color scheme temporarily changed and covered in grass and plants. Elena wielded the bow and had an arrow out, and unlike normal arrows, Swift Sparrow Arrows can travel faster. Elena drew the bow like she was very familiar with it, aiming before letting it go. Elena hears a squeak and she quickly goes to the Grass Rabbit that she had spotted in a distance and shot.
She collects the arrow, Lesser-Grade Life Leaf, and Soul-Spirit, before moving on to the next targets. Sooner or later, she finds a Rock Beetle munching on some rocks covered in a bit of moss. It was the size of a boar and a combination between an Atlas Beetle and Triceratop. It's not a very aggressive creature, but when things are involved with rocks, it'll either be aggressive or docile depending on what the aggressor does.
Rock Beetles are still valued even when they're common, their defensive Soul-Spirits are highly valued by the weaker and common populous.
Elena talks to Umbra, asking whether she could find a good Rock Beetle companion. Umbra was confused a bit before nodding, and Elena asks if the Rock Beetle could be one, and Umbra shook her head no.
Sighing, Elena took aim and fired multiple shots which she now finally has Basic Bow Arts in her status board, if she ever identified herself.
The arrow barely pierced into its chitin armor and agitated it. Elena hid carefully up as one of the beetle's weaknesses is its inability to look up and its horns cover most of its vision when looking up.
Activating her Spirit-Ability, Ammo Creation, she created an Arrow with a higher level of sharpness. Drawing it on her bow, she waits for the beetle to get closer below her, before releasing and it accurately pierces through its head, the hardest part of the body.
Elena was a bit surprised by the performance as it looked pretty normal, but its seemingly normal arrowhead was incredibly sharp.
Elena pulled out the arrow, recollected the other ones, and used the incredibly sharp arrow to dissect take the two important parts of the Rock Beetle, its chitin head, and back. They're the hardest part of any Rock Beetle, used mostly in crafting, the other chitin pieces on their body would have sub-par defense compared to the 2 main parts. The meat is edible, but it's pretty tough to eat. Elena picked up its Soul-Spirit and checked out the rock it was eating and it was thankfully normal rocks. She didn't want to carry some special rocks around.
For its Soul-Spirit, it was of the common series.
Name: None | Species: Rock Beetle
Trait: Insect | Element: Earth
Spirit: Rock Beetle Armor | Type: Armor
Rarity: Common | Potential: Lesser
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 5
Elena equips it and it kind of overlaps the clothes. The armor forms a chest plate to protect the chest and abdomen, it even formed a tasset below the hips. There were pauldrons on her shoulders and that was it. It was fully black and had no other pieces to even create a set or a full body.
Elena fought more creatures, encountered Forest Wolves, they're never alone. Most of the time, Elena killed them through an arrow to the head. When they got up close, she switched to her sword to fight them off.
When the sky was turning dark, Elena returns back to the city to take off the load. People were a bit astonished seeing a 15-year-old, Core Formation girl brings so much loot. The weaker people looked at her stuff greedily but didn't do much, wary about the possible backings she might have.
Elena sold the Soul-Spirits and materials to the Mercenary Guild Organization, a neutral organization handling everything about creatures, hunting, soul-spirits, and a few other things. They're also mediators for many Guild Organizations, and Elena had signed up to be a Mercenary but have yet to join a guild that'll get her out of mercenary status but a well-established person in society.
After filling her card with money, which is like a mobile bank, independent and away from any influence, like a wallet.
Elena purchased 2 sets of clothes and underwear, rations, and a Basic Bow Technique to establish a true foundation in her basic archery.
Returning to the wild, Elena hunted a few things, found a place to safely rest and eat, before things repeat, and would hide some of her loot as space in her bag lessened.
While hunting, Elena heard a large group of people hunting and was pretty curious as to why a large group of people are hunting some of the weakest creatures, in groups. Activating both of Lex and Umbra's Soul-Spirits, Elena sneakily comes over.
She sees it was a small military group, hunting and gathering a pile of corpses into their trucks before they drove off. Even more curious about their actions, Elena downs a few Crude Speed Vials to increase her speed and the duration of the effect.
Following the military carefully, not sure if they got any detection equipment or abilities, she stayed in the distance. They were going somewhere far from the city and she wasn't sure if she should continue to follow them as she wasn't ready to venture away from the starting forest for most beginners and away from the city, she's hardly equipped for an adventure away from cities.
So Elena stopped following and returned, but just as she was about to leave, she was faced with military personnel that had long discovered her and were just watching from a distance. They started to talk about how she was caught, etc.
Elena tries to escape but in the end, it was futile and Elena had to save Lex and Umbra by sending them into her soul space where all the Soul-Spirits she keeps. Since they're alive, they took quite up the space and this is only possible due to the companion contract. It was a common technique known to everyone who has made a companion contract and it was a way to bring along their companion if their size was ever too large to fit in the city and buildings.
Elena was taken down and brought into captivity. They confiscated much of her belongings and were given a Spirit-Locking Collar, which is made from special metals, magic, and runes to prevent the wearer from using their Spirits and Soul-Spirits. They then gave her Energy-Blocking Cuffs to restraint any usage of the special energy and it also weakens the wearer to the point of having the strength of a normal non-cultivator.
Elena was given a blindfold and ear-muffs to block her sight and hearing. Not wanting to let her know what is going on, where they are going, etc.
Within a few hours, they reached their base, Elena was brought into interrogation while her information was being processed. Elena was soon given a clear after giving them enough information for her innocence and not belonging to any organization. Though she is still in captivity for a few things, one of them being part of an orphanage that was attacked.
It was top secret due to the identity of the offenders, but being one of the victims and a survivor. Along with Elena saying with conviction that she would join the military if she would know the identity of those who kidnapped her friends. Taking her word, as they see high potential in the girl, reaching high levels with one of the most difficult Cultivation Techniques, and it is ranked first. They were also people who loved and filled with people with potential. Thankfully she wasn't captured by arrogant people who do not wish for people other than themselves to have great potential and reach great heights.
They told her about their group and surprised Elena greatly. This group is called the Secret Order of Silent Defenders, it is a Guild Organization that was built by the pioneers of the human race who revitalized their society and brought how it is today. The organization's purpose was to continue the pioneering as not much has been discovered in this new era and everything they know is just the tip of the peak and they have yet to fully explore the world and beyond. Even with the help of the other races, they too do not know much about this new era, though what they have and know is much more than what the human race currently knows, even the people high ups and corrupt have yet to know much.
The Secret Order of Silent Defenders is independent and has no reliance on the Government, Empire, and Church, though they work with them, they cannot be influenced. Everything they have is made by those who're talented within the organization, and they sometimes have some people that defected, got corrupted by money and power, but the organization kept itself very stably no matter what happens internally. Those that left are being monitored closely so they wouldn't jeopardize the organization in any way.
The people who attacked and kidnapped her friends are part of an opposing secret organization that has stupid beliefs on various things. They wish for chaos and destruction, they kidnapped children to brainwash and indoctrinate in their ways, increasing their numbers. The one looking after her told her that saving her friends is impossible by now since their abilities to brainwash and indoctrinate kids are uncanny. He doesn't and no one but those from that organization knows how they brainwash people. Though the brainwash can be broken, it is only when they were brainwashed at an older age, it becomes much harder and impossible the younger they were when brainwashed. As kids are more easily influenced than adults.
Elena was sad and knew it well, she learned such science on the web before. Knowing that it's impossible to save now, that goal was replaced with the destruction of such an organization that made it impossible, preventing more kids to be forced into such stupid ideas. If her friends were strong enough to resist their indoctrination, she would save them if she could.
Elena was given back her stuff, a uniform, and a badge that tells others that she's a trial member. Elena has to go through several trials before being officially accepted. Her first trials were to assist other members in their work and solve some of their problems.
Elena accepted the trials, and the man who lead around finally introduced himself as Alan, he is one of the Squad Leaders in the outpost. She was given a special tablet connected to their network, it is where most things happen, she was registered into the organization and the tablet is now hers, inaccessible to anyone but those with special access and the owner. She could check what missions she could do and how she could help in the organization. Alan showed her how to check out information on who's positioned in this outpost, and the things to do within this specific outpost.
Through it, Elena learns that there are 3 Squads, one of them being led by Alan. There is an actual shop within the outpost and Alan told her that it is where they can trade in points they earned through doing tasks and missions to obtain some equipment. It's meant for non-personnel like her, he's personnel of this outpost so things are cheaper for him but it'll be a normal price if he goes to a different outpost to purchase something. Equipment isn't the only thing they sell and it could be techniques, information, materials, etc.
Alan was assigned to watch over her trials until becoming an official member. Alan looked over the list of tasks and gave her the first assignment.
Alan: "Alright, here's your first assignment."
Alan sent over the details and Elena was appalled.
Elena: "You want me to clean the entire outpost?!"
Alan nods: "Yes, with no rewards as this is a trial task for you."
Elena reluctantly accepted it and Alan showed her the Janitor closet.
Going to work, she went around cleaning and being introduced to other members in the outpost. Some of them had comforted her that they had at least once cleaned the outpost or other places in their time within the organization. After being comfortable in the outpost, she brought out Umbra and Lex to show others. Others were surprised by their uniqueness, Lex's never seen before Spirit, and Umbra being a variant to White Bunnies, known for their docile, non-combatant creature, and being a pet.
Umbra and Lex were a unique collar used to identify their member's contract companions, separating non-member contract companions from the official members'.
Within a day, she cleaned most of the outpost, places that needed cleaning, and was given a place to reside in temporarily. On the next day, she finished the rest of the cleaning and was given the next task, which is helping out the outpost's R&D Department, they were working on ways to improve Catalysts, a medium for a new way of crafting called Combination and Fusion. Alan doesn't know much and could ask the scientists and researchers for answers, this wasn't his area of expertise.
Alan dropped her off and she'll be monitored by the scientists and researchers. They brought her here as an assistant because of her intelligence and learning capacity. They know her capabilities and the effects of the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual. They taught her about Combination and Fusion Crafting. It is an in-progress way of crafting that involves Elven, Dwarven, Demonic, and Angelic Crafts. Using all sorts of unique Alchemy Crafts, Rune Crafts, Metalworking, and the such.
Combination Crafting is a way to combine Soul-Spirits and powerful equipment to make an Equipment Set, which they gave an example from games, Item Sets. But, unlike games, there are hardly any actual Equipment sets, so they tried to make a set but connecting various items to create a set, and through a Catalyst, is kind of worked after several and probably countless trials.
Making a set would make the soul-spirits and equipment mix and share their traits and capabilities together. They have a bunch of recipes with various sets with different items but the same Catalysts, and different Catalysts with different items. They can create a bunch of exact same Equipment Sets if they have the exact same items that make it.
Fusion Crafting is fusing various items and soul-spirits into a whole new Item or Soul-Spirit.
Fusion Crafting and Combination Crafting has some similarities and differences such as Fusion Crafting would lose everything to make 1 thing, while Combination Crafting would still have the items but they would be slightly different how they used to be.
And they both require a Catalyst which is the hardest material to make and the recipes in making them sometimes vary. They showed her some of the recipes and one of them interests her at the moment, Rock Beetle Catalysts, which requires materials she doesn't know about, Rock Beetle Chitin Iron and Rock Beetle Crystal.
Elena asked them about it and they told her that Rock Beetles have some iron in their armor, and it is abundant in their skull piece and back piece, which is the reason why they are hard to break. Using a certain alchemy solution and forging, they made Rock Beetle Chitin Iron.
As for the Rock Beetle Crystal, it is formed from collecting Rock Beetle Crystal Fragments to make Rock Beetle Crystal Shards, and then into Rock Beetle Crystals. To find Rock Beetle Crystal Fragments, it could only by found on Rock Beetles with cultivation higher than Ordinary, and it would be hard to find Rock Beetles higher than Ordinary since they are usually hunted before they can even rise higher and they have a Rock Beetle Cultivation Farm where they raise Rock Beetles to Soldier or higher before collecting their materials.
Reasons why Rock Beetles only and not also Forest Wolves, Grass Rabbits and all, it is due to how easy it is to raising Rock Beetles and their valuable Soul-Spirits and materials.
Elena was enlightened by this and looked at the other Catalysts and was a bit frustrated as she sold some of those materials used in Catalyst making. Elena agreed to help them fully in their research and spent a few days working with them. The scientists and researchers were enlightened many times over the course of a few days from Elena's ideas. They got mad at themselves for how they couldn't think of it and how it was in front of them the whole time or discarding such ideas because of the possibility it wouldn't work.
With many advancements, they started to work on the most perfect and highest grade Catalyst. They have 100 Gallon of Purified Rock Beetle Blood, 10 Purified Rock Beetle Chitin Iron Ingots, 20 Rock Beetle Soul-Spirits, and a Refined Rock Beetle Crystal.
Doing the honors of crafting it, Elena used the Armory Forge and went step by step closely, Elena had invited the researchers in and they assisted her. Elena crafted and refined each part of the catalyst, and soon, she forge and put them together.
It worked and shining brightly, identifying it, Elena bursts into joy. Highest-Grade Rock Beetle Catalyst, up until now, they have been making Low-Grade Catalysts, sometimes, Medium-Grade, and rarely High-Grade. Now they reached Highest-Grade, but it required so much to make, Elena started to think of alternatives as all this only made Highest-Grade, she needs to find materials that allow even higher grades. She conversed this with the researchers and nodded, they started to converse about the requirements as they handled the Highest-Grade.
On the next day, they moved on to thinking about which should they do, Fusion or Combination. They soon came to standstill and stared at Elena who has yet to decide, and she went for Fusion. With that, they went to the Fusion Table, placing the Catalyst at the center where it floats, and had decided for Elena to choose again, but they also added that it'll be a gift to her for all the hard work and achievements they accomplished. Happy about all this, Elena thought hard, she was given a list of Soul-Spirits and Equipment she could use for the fusion.
There wasn't much as they were using things that come from their area. Elena decided to use her Grass Rabbit Coat that she kept with for a long time as the center main piece. This appalled the others and asked her to reconsider but Elena told them she managed to cultivate it to the highest level and through Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual, it had become this.
Name: None | Species: Elemental Life Rabbit
Trait: Elemental | Element: Life
Spirit: Elemental Life Rabbit Coat | Type: Armor
Rarity: Epic | Potential: Top
Tier: Warrior | Stars: 2
The Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual had managed to seek out the hidden potential within the Grass Rabbit and evolved it, making it stronger than ever before. But that was it, through the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual, there were nothing left to find within it to bring out into the light other than making stronger and reacher cultivation levels.
Though at first, she thought it would be slow the cultivation, seemingly, it was much faster than expected. Through some hypotheses and probabilities, Elena could say that the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual is much more potent on weaker creatures with less, and hidden potential, Elena wasn't technically a weak creature. From the unknown races, she's from and through their DNA she found within her. Her potential and future were very great, so the wasn't much to bring out that is already out.
As for which the speed and potency are weak for mankind, it was probably due to their unique high adaptability, a trait she found in her own Human DNA. The human race was weak, but very high potential, so the Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual doesn't have much to bring out of the human race other than refining them and making them stronger. Though combining what she had theorized about, it has some contradictories, but it's all she could think of.
The researchers were further appalled about the evolved Grass Rabbit Soul-Spirit before accepting it as the main piece. next was the recently evolved Rock Beetle which is now Boulder Beetle, it's just a Rock Beetle with higher defense and larger size from the image given through Identification. The Rock Beetle Armor was like lighter and well-plated armor, while the Boulder Beetle was a heavy-looking plated armor, armor designed for large tankers.
It was placed on the head part of the pentagram, the other 4 would be what's considered top-grade Rock Beetle Shields and Armors. Now Elena connects to the Catalyst to the Elemental Life Rabbit Coat its Main piece before connecting to the others as Sub-pieces. She then lastly activates the Fusion Table which would command the Catalyst on what to do.
The Elemental Life Rabbit Soul-Spirit enters the Catalyst to the center while the other Soul-Spirits entered the 5 revolving rings which started to faster and faster, reaching blinding speed. The Catalyst shines in bright light, transforming into a whole new Soul-Spirit.
Name: None | Species: Lifebringing Mountain Beetle
Trait: Elemental/Insect | Element: Life, Earth
Spirit: Lifebringing Chitin Knight Armor | Type: Armor
Rarity: Heroic | Potential: Peak
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 0
Elena jumps in joy and immediately uses it. Wrapped in dark-green heavy chitin armor, inlaid with some emerald-like gems, golden outline patterns on the edge of each plate. The armor wasn't sexualized due to her being a female, her chest plate was shaped normally and was just pushed out and enlarged to contain the volume of her breasts. There were large horns on the helm, it had the combination of the Rhinoceros and Stag Beetle Horns. Pincer-like horns on the sides of the helm and that one dominating horn of a Rhinoceros Beetle on the forehead of the helm.
With a thorough identification, Lifebringing Chitin Knight Armor has heightened defense and durability, capable of regenerating itself when it is in nature. Self-Healing Factors are boosted by a high percentage, surrounding plant life becomes more vigorous, and increases the tenacity of the wearer.
Elena and the others marveled at the never seen before armor before deactivating it and just celebrating the discovery. They partied and on the next day, Elena was sadly let go and moved on to the next trial.
The next trial was a training montage that lasted for a month, learning about Elena's physical capabilities before going onto the next trial which was hunting various stronger creatures within their Sector, which is the Mountain Sector: Rock Eating Lizard, Mountain Bull Goat, Brown Lynx Leopard, Stone Cave Spider, and Wind Breeze Eagle.
From the weakest to the strongest: Brown Lynx Leopard, Mountain Bull Goat, Rock Eating Lizard, Wind Breeze Eagle, Stone Cave Spider. Brown Lynx Leopard is just a bit fast and has weak offensive power. Mountain Bull Goat has strong power and defense, it attacks with ramming its horns and charging but is very inflexible, could be tripped or dodged most of the time. Rock Eating Lizard is covered in highly durably rock scales, really strong power, and a few scales that act as weapons, they're placed on the tail, arms or legs, and back. Wind Breeze Eagle is a very fast and large bird that can dodge almost any projectile like it was protected by the wind, its attacks are made up of just Wind Blasts and Wind Blades. Stone Cave Spiders are not only toxic and durable, but their legs are also pretty penetrative and their webs are very durable and resistant to fire.
Name: None | Species: Brown Lynx Leopard
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical
Spirit: Brown Lynx Leopard Rapier | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Brown Lynx Leopard Shoes | Type: Armor
Spirit: Brown Lynx Leopard Cap | Type: Armor
Spirit: Brown Lynx Leopard Jacket | Type: Armor
Spirit: Brown Lynx Leopard Pants | Type: Armor
Spirit: Flawed Speed Vial | Type: Consumable
Spirit: Brown Lynx Leopard Knuckle Claws | Type: Weapon
Rarity: Common/Uncommon | Potential: Inferior~Mid
Name: None | Species: Mountain Bull Goat
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical, Earth
Spirit: Mountain Bull Goat Cudgel | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Mountain Bull Goat Armor | Type: Armor
Spirit: Mountain Bull Goat Helmet | Type: Armor
Spirit: Heavy Charge | Type: Ability
Spirit: Mountain Bull Goat's Blunderbuss | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Mountain Bull Goat's Shield | Type: Armor
Rarity: Common/Uncommon | Potential: Lesser~Mid
Name: None | Species: Rock Eating Lizard
Trait: Beast | Element: Earth
Spirit: Rock Eating Lizard Gladius | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Rock Eating Lizard Gauntlets | Type: Armor
Spirit: Rock Eating Lizard Summon | Type: Beast
Spirit: Rock Eating Lizard Soul | Type: Possession
Spirit: Rock Eating Lizard Grenade | Type: Consumable
Spirit: Rock Eating Lizard's Musket | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Rock Eating Lizard's Bladed Gauntlets | Type: Weapon
Rarity: Common/Uncommon | Potential: Low~Mid
Name: None | Species: Wind Breeze Eagle
Trait: Beast | Element: Wind
Spirit: Wind Breeze Eagle Bow | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Wind Breeze Eagle Spear | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Wind Breeze Eagle Katana | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Wind Breeze Eagle Summon | Type: Beast
Spirit: Wind Breeze Eagle Dual Blades | Type: Weapon
Rarity: Common/Uncommon/Rare | Potential: Low~Mid
Name: None | Species: Stone Cave Spider
Trait: Insect | Element: Earth, Metal
Spirit: Stone Cave Spider Soul | Type: Possession
Spirit: Stone Cave Spider Pike | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Stone Cave Spider String | Type: Item
Spirit: Stone Cave Spider Claw Gauntlet | Type: Weapon
Spirit: Stone Cave Spider Web Shooter | Type: Item
Spirit: Stone Cave Spider Summon | Type: Beast
Rarity: Common/Uncommon/Rare | Potential: Low~High
Author Note: I tried my best not to sexualized things and make things as real normal and realistic as possible.
*Spoilers Ahead*
Fiery Charred Skull, Corruption Essence, Fire Essence, Dark Essence,
Red City: City Sector(Center), Forest Sector(Surrounding, North West, North East), Charred Sector(South, South West, South East), Volcanic Sector(Far South), Mountain Sector(Far North), Plain Sector(North)
Heart of Steel, Prediction, Clairvoyance, Prophecy, Awakened, Inheritance, Architech, Archetype, Dimensional, Transaction, Steelguards, Evaporation, Everlasting, Darksteel, Pig Iron, Brightsteel, Rainbow, Dazzle, Ginseng, Exchange, Moonlight Stone, Cartel, Catalyst, Vile, Serrated, Haze, Stalker, Stim-pack, Med-pack, Med-kit, Eidolon, Prototype, Frostlight, Deluxe, Satisfactory, Gear, Obliterate, Petals, Sentiment, Prosperity, Triumph, Triumphant, Rupture, Vortex, Whirlpool, Amulet,
Essence Energy:
Mana Energy: Normal energy
Aether Energy: Purified energy
Nether Energy: Ominous and malicious energy
Combination and Fusion require catalysts to be able to fuse or combine things together. Pentagram.
Grades: Lowest, Low, Medium, High, Highest, Pinnacle, Apex, Divine
Crystal Fragment -> Crystal Shard -> Whole Crystal
Rock Beetle Crystal Fragment Drop Requirement: Above Ordinary
Rock Beetle Catalyst: 100 Gallon of Purified Rock Beetle Blood + 10 Ingots of Purified Rock Beetle Chitin Iron + 20 Rock Beetle Soul-Spirits + 1 Refined Rock Beetle Crystal
Description: correct set of Soul-Spirits to combine and form a reaction to create an effect, while keeping the Soul-Spirits. A set's weakness is not having the entire set, the lesser there is equipped, the weaker the effects.
Description: fusing and sacrificing Soul-Spirits to create either newer or stronger Soul-Spirits.
Rock Beetle Armor(Main) + 5 Rock Beetle Armor(Sub) = Rock Beetle Full-Body Armor
Rock Beetle Shield(Main) + 5 Rock Beetle Shield(Sub) =
Rabid Rodents near cities
Grass Rabbits everywhere
Forest Wolves in packs
Swift Sparrows in open areas
Rock Beetles close to rocks
Hyena, Odyssey, Willow, Strong, Reinforcement, Density,
Hot Slime Suit
Cool Slime Suit
Regulated Slime Suit
Man-Made Medicine: Healing Stick->Syringe->Serum,
Vial(Small), Potion(Medium/Large), Elixir(Potent)
Barrel/Canister - Containers
Grass Rabbit Coat | Uncommon | Regular Potential | 9 Star Ordinary
Swift Sparrow Bow | Uncommon | Low Potential | 5 Star Ordinary
Swift Sparrow Arrow(x5) | Common | Inferior~Low Potential | 1~3 Star Ordinary
Outposts: Storage Facilities(Armory), Canteen, Communication Facility,
Base: Administrative Facilities, Storage Facilities(Armory), Canteen, Communication Facility,
Forbidden Wild Lands: A jungle full of dangerous and powerful monsters that can cause calamities outside its lands.
3 Capitals: Divine Temple Capital(Highland), Heavenly Dynasty Capital(Forest), Grand Federation Capital(Forest)
5 Major Cities: Diamond City(Highland), Jade City(Highland), Pearl City(Seas), Platinum City(Forest), and Gold City(Desert)
8 Border Cities: Red City(Forest), Orange City(Highland), Yellow City(Desert), Green City(Forest), Blue City(Seas), Violet City(Seas), White City(Forest), and Black City(Highland).
Insects: Scarab Insectoid Warrior, Atlas Insectoid Warrior, Hercules Insectoid Warrior, Stag Insectoid Warrior, Rhinoceros Insectoid Warrior, Thorn Beetle, Sand Scorpion,
Elemental: Treant, Mud Golems, Phoenix, Elder Tempest, Ice Golem,
Beast: Mad Dog, Roc, Griffin, Hawk, Hippogriff, Pegasus, Mammoth, Camel, Jackal, Hyena, Owlbear, Crocodile, Fiery Chimpanzee,
Dragon: Red Dragon, Wyvern, Wyrm, Drake, Dragonkin, Ancient Dragon, Elder Dragon,
Ancient: Giant, Titan, Yeti, Frost Giant, Djinni, Hydra,
Fairy: Dryad, Dwarf, Elf, Druid,
Monster: Sludge Monsters, Goop Slime, Ooze, Goblin, Troll, Cyclops, Harpy, Chimera, Troll, Stone Giant, Winged Kobold, Lamia, Lizardmen,
Undead: Dread Knight, Skeleton Samurai, Zombie Samurai, Draugr, Dreadnaught, Mummy, Mummy Lord, Pharoh, Wight, Banshee, Blight, Will-o-Wisp, Floating Fiery Skull,
Humanoid: Demonic Cultist, Evil Witch, Corrupt Templar, Corrupt Priest,
Aquatic: Kraken, Mermaid, Sea Hag, Dragon Turtle, Sea Serpent, Loch Ness Monster(Nessie),
Evolution: a rare event or situation for a creature, becoming a different and stronger species similar to its previous species.
Void Realm, Abyss Realm, Hell Realm, Underworld Realm, Demon Realm,
Spirits: X-Ray Vision,
Basic Shooting Arts, Basic Aiming Arts, Basic Detection Arts,
Acquired, Innate, Prodigal, Amalgamation, Poor-Grade/Quality, Superior
Races: Human, Ogre, Elf, Dwarf, Werekin, Demon, Angel, and Asura
Angel(Single Pair Wings -> Triple Pair Wings) -> Archangel(4 Pair) -> Seraphim
Demons(Minion, Knight, Baron, Viscount, Count, Marquess, Duke, Archduke, Prince/Princess, Lord, King/Queen, Emperor/Empress, Sin)
Amethyst Iris, Black Hair, Light Neutral Tan, Cold on the outside, pretty open to others, careful,
Celestian Race: People with an unchangeable and incorruptible mind, have their own set personality that they are born with and cannot be changed. Though that personality cannot be much of a demerit or beneficial. Elena's born personality is 'Openness' and at a young age gained Caution and Toughness to her personality, making her seem cold on the outside.
Devourer Race: One of the Eldritch Race and is known for its unstoppable power in devouring anything. Elena obtains their unique physique and traits. Amethyst iris, tanner skin, black hair
Name: Elena | Race: Human/???/??? | Age: 15
Soul Level: Pink(15 Max)) | Affinity: All-Elements
1st Spirit: Armory Forge | Type: Ability
Rarity: Epic | Potential: Mid
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 5
2nd Spirit: Ammo Creation | Type: Ability
Rarity: Epic | Potential: Mid
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 5
3rd Spirit: Identification | Type: Ability
Rarity: Epic | Potential: Mid
Tier: Ordinary | Stars: 8
Bloodline: Unknown/Unawakened
Constitution: Undetermined
Cultivation Realm: Mortal Foundation Realm
Cultivation Stage: Core Formation Stage
Current Cultivation Level: 570 | Cultivation Minimum/Maximum Level: None
Cultivation Technique: Cosmic Refinement Cultivation Manual
Overall Aptitudes: Average | Overall Talents: Good
Active Skills: Foundational Combat Martial Arts(Master) | Tiger Claw Fist(Advanced) | Heavy Palm Pulse Blast(Intermediate) | ... | ...
Passive Skills: Foundation Body Arts(Master) | Foundation Movement Arts(Master) | Metal Skin Body Arts(Copper) | Unbreakable Bones Manual(Expert) | Foundational Instinct Training Method(Advanced) | Fundamental Breathing Technique(Expert) | Relentless Will Scripture of Ancient Spartans(Novice) | Windflow Shifting Steps(Basic) | Leopridae Arts(Intermediate) | ... | ...
Weapon Skills: Mountain Chop Technique(Amateur) | Wind Blade Slash(Amateur) | Gentleman Swordplay(Amateur) | ... | ...
Basic Weapon Art Series: Sword(Basic) | Bow(Novice) | ...
Name: Umbra | Species: White Bunny Variant
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical, Darkness
Spirit: Shadow Shroud | Type: Ability
Rarity: Uncommon | Potential: Low
Tier: Warrior | Stars: 8
Physical Aptitude: Good
Darkness Aptitude: Average
Strength Talent: Mediocre
Defense Talent: Mediocre
Speed Talent: Good
Magic Talent: Mediocre
Active Skills: Charging Ram(Master) | Dark Claw(Expert) | Shadowstep(Exper) | Shadow Realm Gate(Basic) | Speed Boost(Professional)
Passive Skills: Stealth(Master) | Dark Leporidae Arts(Expert) | Danger Sensitivity(Advanced) | Shadow Blend(Intermediate)
Name: None | Species: Grass Rabbit
Trait: Beast | Element: Physical, Life
Spirit: Grass Rabbit Ghillie Suit | Type: Armor
Rarity: Uncommon | Potential: Regular
Tier: Soldier | Stars: 6
Physical Aptitude: Mediocre
Life Aptitude: Good
Strength Talent: Mediocre
Defense Talent: Mediocre
Speed Talent: Average
Magic Talent: Good
Active Skills: Grass Spikes(Intermediate) | Grass Shield(Intermediate) | Forest Healing(Basic) | Speed Boost(Basic)
Passive Skills: Stealth(Professional) | Life Leporidae Arts(Basic) | Danger Sensitivity(Intermediate)
Grades are a society's view and don't truly mean a thing for Techniques.
There are mechs, meant for large and strong monsters, and being at a small size compared to it doesn't do much.
Body Art: Copper -> Bronze -> Iron -> Steel -> Titanium -> Adamantine
Skill Mastery/Proficiency: Amateur, Beginner, Novice, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, Professional, Master, Grandmaster,
Item Quality: Crude, Flawed, Refined, Perfect, Flawless
Ultra, Ultimate, Training Method, Amateur, Legacy,
Monster Variation: Elite, King, Emperor, Sacred, Divine
F Rank Combat Professions: Militiaman, Mercenary, Ranger,
E Rank Combat Professions: Warrior, Archer
D Rank Combat Professions: Knight, Barbarian, Hunter, Longbowman,
C Rank Combat Professions: Heavy Archers,
B Rank Combat Professions:
A-Rank Combat Professions:
S Rank Combat Professions:
Add Legend of The Star General References.
Grade/Rank: SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, F
Non-Combat Professions: Farmer, Herbalist->Alchemist, Blacksmith->Forger, Craftsman, Lumberjack, Miner, Nurse->Doctor, Fisherman,
Reference Beastmaster Online, Age of Terror,
Mediocre, Grades
Below Average: Grey | Average: White | Above Average: Lime, Green, Cyan | Talented: Cyan, Blue, Pink, Violet | Genius, Orange, Red, Black | Godly: Golden
Soul Level: Grey(5), White(6), Lime(7), Green(8), Cyan(10), Blue(12), Pink(15), Violet(18), Orange(21), Red(25), Black(30), Golden(40)
Soul Level is the strength of the person's soul, capable of whether to hold a certain number of Soul-Spirits, the potential of their growth rate and I ain't talking about age.
Spirit Type: Creature, Ability, Weapon, Armor, Item, Consumable, Possession
Creature Spirit Trait: Beast, Dragon, Ancient, Insect, Fairy, Elemental, Demon, Angel, Monster, Undead, Humanoid,
Common Spirit Traits: Physical, Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Light, Dark, Death, Life, Ice, Lightning, Metal, Poison, Physic, Sound, Crystal, Blood, Arcane
Rarer Spirit Traits: Corrupt, Void, Astral, Space, Time,
Spirit Tiers: Ordinary, Soldier, Warrior, Commander, General, Warlord, Overlord, Ruler, Divine | 0-9 Stars
Spirit Rarity: (Common, Uncommon), (Rare, Epic, Heroic), (Legendary, Mythical), (Unique)
Spirit Potential: (Inferior, Lesser, Lower, Low), (Regular, Mid), (High, Top), (Peak, Pinnacle, Apex)
Aptitude/Talent Levels: (Inferior, Mediocre), (Average), (Good, Great, Excellent), (Maximum)
Realms: Mortal Foundation Realm | Martial Practitioner Realm | Superhuman Body Realm | Venerable Saint Realm | Heavenly Monarch Realm | True Overlord Realm | Celestial Sovereign Realm | Divine Origin Realm | Tribulation Ascension Realm | Transcendent Defiance Realm
Heavenly Principle, Dao, Law, Authority, Meridian
False Stage, Quasi Stage, Semi Stage
1st Stage: Body Transformation - Strengthening the body to be stronger than normal
2nd Stage: Blood Purification - Purifying the body from any impurities possible
3rd Stage: Muscle Refinement - Refining the muscles
4th Stage: Bone Refinement - Strengthening the bones
5th Stage: Core Formation - Establishing connection to Aether(Energy) or Nether(Evil)
6th Stage: Physique Forging - Refining the body to be further stronger, trying to establish or gain a unique Constitution or just a stronger body.
7th Stage: Constitution Quenching - Establishing the constitution and finishing touches.
Discipline Stage: Early, Middle, Late, Peak - Mind and Body
Gathering Stage: Early, Middle, Late, Peak - Internal Energy Usage
Channeling Stage: Early, Middle, Late, Peak - External Energy Usage
Tempering Stage: Early, Middle, Late, Peak - Refinement
Profound Stage: Early, Middle, Late, Peak - Enlightenment, Variation depending on Cultivation Manual
1st Stage: Physique Alteration - Transforming the body on the direction of the Cultivation Manual
2nd Stage: Nascent Soul - Transforming the soul
3rd Stage: Nirvana Transformation - Mind and Body
Saint Lord Stage: Early, Entry, Middle, Late, Peak
Saint King Stage: Early, Entry, Middle, Late, Peak
Saint Emperor Stage: Early, Entry, Middle, Late, Peak
1st Stage: Mortal Shackle
2nd Stage: Earth Shackle
3rd Stage: Sky Shackle
4th Stage: Heaven Shackle
5th Stage: Soul Shackle
1st Stage: Extreme Body - Early, Entry, Middle, Late, Peak
2nd Stage: Supreme Mind - Early, Entry, Middle, Late, Peak
3rd Stage: Apex Foundation - Early, Entry, Middle, Late, Peak
Ancestral Sovereignty Stage
Source Condensation Stage
Primal Transformation Stage
Divinity Creation Stage: Low, Mid, High, Top
Deity Transformation Stage
God Transformation Stage
Elder God Transformation Stage
Ancient God Transformation Stage
Authority Establishment Stage: Low, Mid, High, Top
Heavenly Defiance Stage: Early, Entry, Middle, Late, Peak Pinnacle
True Omnipotence Stage
Cosmic Overseer Stage
Cultivation Arts: Spiritual Gathering Arts | Divine Scripture of Enlightenment | Desolate Physique Training Method | Imperial Infantry Training Method | Relentless Spartan Scripture | Spartan God's Insane Training Method |
Body Arts: Demonic Warlord's Body Art |
Martial Arts: 108 Lightning Dragon Fists | 12 Constellation Arts | Underworld Purgatory Martial Arts | Fiery Bull Stance | Energy Stealing Finger | World Breaking Fist | Haunt Fist of Darkness |
Movement Arts: 9 Stellar Steps |
Production Arts: Impurity Obliteration Forging Arts | Perfect Crop Cultivating Arts | Divine Farming Arts |
Weapon Arts: Basic Blade Arts | Basic Dagger Arts | Basic Spear Arts | Basic Shield Arts | Basic Axe Arts | Basic Bow Arts | Heavenly Meteor Archery |
Formation Arts: 300 Spartan War Formation | Nova Nebula Formation |
Breathing Arts: Turtle Breathing Arts |
Forbidden Arts: Sacrificial Revival Art |
Armament, Relic, Artifact,
Top: Shirt, Jacket, Hoodie, Vest, Chestplate, Armor
Feet: Boots, Sandals, Heels, Shoes, Sneakers
Accessories: Glasses, Cape, Cloak, Scarf.
Shield Types: Heater Shield, Round Shield, Buckler Shield, Kite Shield, Heavy Shield