Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

There was an intense silence as Audrey came out of the kitchen with a delicious pie. The aroma was irresistible as she was an excellent cook.

"There is nothing. I just want you to have a man. We all need one at least for the sex." Maja said.

"You know for the sex, yes we need them but for pleasure men or most are useless." Audrey added cutting part of the pie. Sarah and Maja looked at her immediately. They were suspicious of her statement. Audrey never made any statement without a reason.

Maja was the first to break the now amused silence. "Is Daniel not giving you pleasure?"

Audrey shook her head pitifully. She looked like she was going to cry as she was very frustrated. It was now that Sarah noticed the eyes bags In Audrey's eyes that didn't used to be there before. And the stress induced edges on her face.

"Doesn't he? You can talk to us Audrey you know that." Sarah added. Maja and her shared a glance In understanding.

"He doesn't." Audrey exhaled. "You know at first when we were dating he used to be there all the time and would last in bed for maybe 5 minutes. Although I wasn't always satisfied I stuck around because I loved him and he promised he would get better after marriage but instead it got worse. He can't even go past a minute and after that one minute his penis goes placid and even when I give him a blow job or hand job he will still not get hard. I've told him to visit the hospital but he keeps saying he's busy. And then when he said he went, I asked the doctor and he said he didn't." Audrey confessed in frustration, puffing out air from her mouth.

"You can't stay in an unhappy marriage you know that sex and pleasure is very important in any marriage." Sarah advised rubbing Audrey's ankles reassuringly.

"I agree with Sarah on this. That's why I keep advising you Sarah to give up on keeping your Virginity till after marriage. Men don't care about that again. No one does actually. its best you know if a man can pleasure you before you get married to him. Or you just will end up unhappy and divorced. Forget your promise to your mother she's old school and beside she's__"

"Maja keep quiet for once." Audrey scolded.

Sarah's face remained expressionless at that point she was thinking and feeling nothing. She had learnt not to hold the things Maja said against her. Just like Maja knew her story she knew hers as well. She knew well the struggle Maja was going through and the battle she fought everyday against her demon. Yes, everyone had demons but not everyone could tame their demons for some their demons got to tame them. Maja was one of them.

"I'm sorry, I was just saying. You know giving an honest advice." Maja apologized. She didn't like it when she was seen as heartless or when she quarrelled with Sarah. Although she didn't want to think much of it, a part of her loved Sarah very much.

"No offense taken but you should know this isn't about me but Audrey. So now what are you going to do Audrey. Stay or leave?" Sarah asked lowering her voice. They were at the dining of the Michaels mansion and although she knew there was no one around as Michael was with his friends and the workers retired she still felt the need to speak quietly after all the walls had ears.

"I was going to leave him." Audrey exhaled. "But then he became so sweet recently buying me gifts and all. Even a new car again. I became greedy. Now I'm pregnant and I desperately need a man by my side. A real man that can satisfy me and take care of me. Horny as fuck!" She exhaled, exhilarated. "Damn Michael his dick can't give pleasure but it can give me a baby how fucked up is that, truly fucked up!" Audrey hissed. Sarah and Maja laughed. Audrey could be funny when she's frustrated.

"So are you staying." Maja asked.

"Yea I guess so. I'm afraid I'll cheat on him though. God help me that I don't." She sighed in exasperation.

"You have to tell him all this that you told us now. Lay out your fears to him__"

"But I have_"

"Have you told him that you are afraid you will cheat on him? If he loves you the fact that he might share you with someone else will surely scare him and he would go treat himself that is If he loves you and I'm sure he does. In the end let it be you tried your best. Your absolute best." Sarah adviced.

Audrey nodded in agreement happy to have shared her burdens with her friends. She definitely now felt a whole lot better. They soon dug into the delicious pie she made and talked about other things without much banter.