...."Cargo...Cargo"? Carmin is seen wandering around and around unfocused and undetermined.
"Where'd you go....Cargo"? He asked.
Dragging around like a zombie, he begins to visualize Lapran.
"Cargo"? eyes wide he asked. "Is that... you"?
Quickly he charges at the mirage attempting to grasp it, but it disappears as soon as he gets close.
"Carg...o"? he said weakly.
"How far you've fallen". A dark voice says. "You were so close, yet so far".
Carmin jumps to his feet. "Who's there"? he asked.
"Just call me....a friend who doesn't like to see family torn apart". The voice said.
As Carmin looks around, there's nothing but darkness surrounding him.
"How would you like to see your precious, precious...cargo"? it asked.
His eyes almost popping out his head.
"Of course, but how"? Carmin asked.
Just then the old Laprans head starts to hover toward Carmin. As it got closer, the eyes opened and revealed a dark figure in the pupil.
"What are you"? Carmin asked.
"I told you, I'm just a friend willing to get you two together". Lapran said. "Just do as I say and i promise, you'll reunite".
Carmin, unnervingly agreed and began to follow the head.
"Oh, yea. I just need one thing". Lapran said.
Carmin hesitantly asked. "Okay, what do you need"?
Lapran begins to laugh evily while Carmin nervously starts to laugh with him.
On Currento, Lapran shudders like a cold has come over him.
"You ok"? Dobram asked.
"Yea". Lapran replied. "Just had a bad feeling, that's all".
"You should my child". A voice said. "The worse is yet to come".
"Who's there"? Lapran asked.
"I'm just a spirit sent to guide you on your journey. You can call me Treha. There's not much time, we have to unite you with the other two heroes". Treha said.
"Two other heroes? What are you talking about"? Lapran asked.
"There's two other heroes beside you two. There's two more currently on Serpentorn and are in trouble. You must hurry before it's too late"! Treha said.
"Okay. Where is it"? Lapran asked.
"It's located in a place where a battle has taken place. I can't accurately point where, only clues". She said.
"Where a battle has taken place"? Dobram said. "Does she mean where I played the game? Then let's hurry"!
As the two hurriedly swam to Dobrams hangout, the water starts to get rough.
"What's that"? Dobram asked.
" It's too late"! Treha said. "HURRY"!
The clouds open up and there's a figure coming down. Lapran looks up and sees... his brother!
"Carmin"? he said confusingly.
No, it wasn't Carmin, well, it was but he seemed different. He seemed more obscure.
"BRA...MAN"! The figure says melodically. "There you are"!
The voice sounds like a distortion of Carmin and Lapran together.
"I'm BAAAAACK"! The figure said.
Lapran looked in horror as he sees a demonic figure with two heads. It was Carmin and Lapran sharing a body.
"Braman"? Who is that"? Dobram asked.
In shock Lapran just stared nervously at the creature.
"Lapran"! Dobram screamed. "We have to go"!
"Yes"! Treha said. "Hurry and go to the portal. I'll hold him off"!
Just then a beam of light shoots from the heavens freezing Lap-min in its tracks.
Lapran snaps out of his hypnotized state and continued to swim to the site. They reached it and frantically searched for the portal.
"Where is it"? Where's the portal"? Dobram asked.
"You must hurry and find it. Please search hard"! Treha said.
"This is the only battle I can think of". Dobram said.
"Wait". Lapran said. "What if it's where I stabbed Clea"?
They looked at each other and started to swim back to where her body lay.
"That has to be it". Dobram said.
"It's not going to be that easy". Lap-min said.
Just then a dark sludge type liquid oozed from Carmins eye, then entered the corpse of Clea. The two stop and witness Cleas' body start to twitch and reanimate.
"Do...bram"? Clea said.
Dobram paused.
"Clea"? he said.
"No, Dobram! It's not her"! But it was too late.
Dobram started calling out to her name while reaching for her.
"Yes Dobra..m, it is I, Clea. Come to me". she teased.
Lapran grabbed Dobrams and shook him.
"That's not her"! he screamed
Dobram looked at Cleas' twitching body.
"You're right, Lapran. She's really gone". Dobram said. "Let's find that portal.
Treha struggling to hold off Lap-min starts to get weak.
"I can't hold it much longer"! she said.
The two swim past the reanimated corpse of Clea to find the portal.
"It's here! Let's go"! Lapran said.
As they finally go into the portal there is a bright flash then darkness.
"NOoo"! Lap-min screamed.
"There. Go young ones. Find the other two heroes. Save the worlds before it's too late".
Back on Serpentorn...
Romanns begins barreling down on Korrin, when a flash could be seen overhead. Suddenly, Dobram and Lapran fall from the sky landing on the store owner.
"Ow! Dobram said. "It could've at least put us down softly".
"Maybe". Lapran said.
The two stand up and come face to face with Prorid.
"What the.."? Prorid said confusingly. "Who are you and where did you come from"?
"We're Dobram and Lapran, and we're here to find two heroes who will help us figure out what's happening to the worlds". Lapran explained.
"Well, you picked the mosst opportune time to drop in, I wass jusst telling my dear friend here", as he points to the store owner, " Uh, Pedro, here that we have ssome trouble on our handss".
Prorid points toward Korrin and Ramonns engage in a fight.
"Stop you two! What's going on here"? Dobram asked.
As Ramonns looked up, he started to attack Lapran and Dobram.
"He's completely lost control. Is it caused by the same thing that's been happening all over"? Lapran asked.
To be continued...