Chereads / War Within Worlds / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: No Time For Sleep.

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: No Time For Sleep.

"LAP-MIN"! Prorid exclaimed

Lap-min descends from the skies toward Prorid.

"Hello, little one. Maybe you can help me". Lap-min asked. "I'm looking for my brother, Braman.

"Braman? Who iss that"? Prorid asked.

"Why, he's my brother of course. He's been with you guys all this time". Lap-min said.

"What? What're you talking about? There'ss no one named Braman with uss". Prorid argued.

Confused, Lap-min approached Prorid and looks at him.

"Did I choose the wrong person? Impossible! Then how would he know our name"? Lap-min asked himself.

"Tell me, what are the names of the ones you travel with"?

Prorid hesitates but is also confused as to what he's taking about. He jumps back and begins to answer.

"It's Korrin, Dobram, mysself and Lapran, and all four of uss will sstop you". He answered.

"Did you say....Lapran"? Lap-min asked.

"Yess! This iss hiss home town"! he replied.

Lap-min begins to laugh excruciatingly loud.

"Little one, my first name was Lapran as well. Amazing! Well, in that case, where is....Lapran"? he asked.

Confused, Prorid started to run away and tried to lose Lap-min.

"You can't hide little one. We know this place very well". He said.

As Prorid's little legs carried him as fast as he could, he slowed down and ducked around a corner. He peeks and sees a dark figure, walking up the streets.

Melodically he hums. "Cargo, where for art thou? Yes, Braman, where are you, friend"?

Just then, Lap-min stops three feet away from Prorid's hiding spot.

"Hmmm, if I were to come back to my world, where would I go"? He asked himself. "I don't know. Hey, Prorid, where would you go"?

As Lap-min looks back at the corner with his blacked out eyes, there's nothing there. Prorid had already took off running.

"Funny, I thought I saw him there. Oh, well. Let us go then". he said continuing his melodical hum.

"I gotta get away, but where wass that housse again"? Prorid asked himself.

He hurriedly went through the village looking for anything that looks familiar. Just then, he hears the sound of laughter.

Excitability he screamed. "THE PUB"!

He darts toward the pub and begins to make his way back to the house.

"There it is"! he said. "I finally found the house"!

As he makes his way to the doorstep, he hears a humming sound. It was Lap-min! He quickly enters the house and closed the door.

"Prorid, what's wrong? Why are you out of breath"? Korrin asked.

"It'ss Lap-min! He fell from heaven and found me! He ssaid he knowss thiss place, very well might I add, and iss looking for ssomeone named, Braman"? Lapran said.

"What? How did he find us"? Korrin asked.

Although, before he could answer there was a knock on the door.

Korrin and Prorid stayed quiet hoping that whomever it was would just leave.

Then another knock...



"WHO IS IT AND WHAT DO YOU WANT"? Dobram screamed drunkenly.

Korrin and Prorid looked at Dobram in shock. Then a voice replies.

"We were wondering, have you seen this person"? the strange voice said.

Just then a poster slid under the door with Dobrams face. The two let out a sigh of relief.

"No we haven't". Prorid replied

"....Now that's a familiar voice". The strange voice replied.

Just then the door burst open and standing there was Lap-min!

"Precious...Cargo...". Lap-min said. "I finally fou..." As he looked, he saw Braman's lifeless body just laying on the bed.

"Car...go"? Lap-min said. "CARGOOOO"! he yelled.

He rams his way into the house and hovers over Lapran. A tear shed from Lapran face and landed on Bramans cheek.

Bramans eyes quivered as he slowly opened them. His sight blurred, he sees Laprans face.

"Lapran! that you"? he asked as he reached out.

"Not exactly, cargo". Lap-min said.

Just then Cormins face appears next to Lapran forcing Braman to jump up on the bed, but Lap-min pins him back down to the bed. Korrin and Prorid begin to attack Lap-min trying to free Lapran.

"Let him go"! Korrin said as he clawed at Lap-mins back.

"Hey, can you guys keep it down please? I'm feeling sick". Dobram asked.

As he opened his eyes he sees Korrin and Prorid fighting what looks like three Lap-mins!

"What's going on"? he asked.

He begins to stand on his feet and begins to attack. He jumps on Lap-mins back and weakly punch. Just then, a nauseous feeling overcame him. The same feeling from last time. He was about to vomit. As the vomit was about to escape, he felt something else. As if there was a swelling inside of him about to explode.

"I feel...feel..". he thought.

He opened his mouth and floods of water came projecting from his mouth at a strong force pushing Lap-min into the wall and out the house.

"What was that"? Korrin asked.

"I don't know. I just felt it inside". Dobram replied.

The four heroes get up and start to head out.

"What happened"? Lapran asked.

"You passed out and have been sleep for about fifteen hours". Korrin replied.

They make it to a safe house and gather themselves.

Exhausted Prorid says. "Sso, who'ss Braman"?

Lapran looks up in shock.

"Lap-min ssaid he'ss looking for hiss brother and friend and hiss name iss Braman. He ssaid he'ss been traveling with uss from the beginning".

As Prorid continued, they learned Lap-mins real name and that this was also his hometown. With this knowledge, they looked at Lapran wondering if he knew anything.

"...yes. I know, everything". he said. " Lap-min is really my brother and friend. Lapran...and Cormin. My real name is Braman. I adopted Lapran because..". he paused. " I don't know why. I figured, if I had the Kings son name, he would find me faster, but apparently that didn't work".

As he continued the story, the other heroes just listened.

"Well, seeing as your father is a legend, how about we go and visit him then"? Korrin suggested.

"YEAH"! Dobram screamed. "Let's go...first thing when the sun breaks.".

As Dobram passes back out, and Lap-min mysteriously disappearing, our heroes try to sleep and prepare for the battles ahead.


"We could've stopped him right there. Why'd we stop"? Lap-min asked

"It's because you still have feelings for your brother and friend". The three voices giggled and answered

"No, that can't be it".

"Whatever has happened, fix it! CLOS is not happy with your performance. Either end them, or he'll end you"!