"H...here he comes"!
Korrin releases Ramonns and he begins to charge at Lapran and Prorid.
"Let's go"! Lapran yelled.
"Lapran, head towards the shop owners body and stand at his side". Dobram exclaimed.
Lapran follows Dobrams plan and halts by the owners side.
"Prorid, I'm going to need you to muscle up some strength and lift up the owners body along with Lapran"! Dobram said.
"What? How do you expect me to lift thiss masssive wild beasst"? Prorid asked.
"Prorid, you have to try! it's our only way"! Dobram exclaimed.
Prorid then looks at the body of the unconscious man.
*sigh* "Fine! if you assked, I guesss I can reveal my 'power'". Prorid said.
Just then, Prorids body begins to contort and change into this massive reptilian beast.
"Happy now"? Prorid said with a deeper more confident voice. "I hate doing thiss, becausse it'ss annoying, but once again, Prorid to the resscue".
"You could've done that this whole time"? Dobram asked.
"Uh, yea. Can't everyone"? Prorid asked.
Focusing back on Ramonns charging, Lapran and Prorid wait for the right time.
"...NOW! Lift the owners body and drop him on Ramonns"! Dobram said.
"Thiss wass your 'masster' plan"? Prorid asked. " I could've done thiss by mysself".
"Well, at the time i didn't know you could morph into something five times your size"! Dobram screamed.
"Can we just get this over with please"? Lapran asked.
The two warriors, easily life the body and followed Dobrams plan, trapping Ramonns under the body.
"Raargh"! Ramonns yells in agony.
Just then, he starts to speak.
"You don't know what's going to happen do you? Our master will finally have his vengeance and rule the world once again. You can't stop it, you're only delaying the inevitable. So why not just calmly allow it to happen. resistance is fut..."
Before he can finish his sentence, a sword comes hailing down, piercing Ramonns skull.
"Jeez, he wass annoying". Prorid said.
"Why'd you do that? We could've learned more about what's going on"! Dobram said.
"Lissten, thiss guy desserved it. He wass a thief and a murderer and a threat to children everywhere. Bessidess, didn't the angelly lady ssay to desstroy it before it unitess, etc, etc.". He babbles on.
Thinking back Lapran remembers her saying that.
"He's right you know." Lapran said.
"Maybe, but did he have to do it so quickly"? Dobram asked.
"You guys alright"? Korrin says.
"Yea, just, winded that's all". Dobram said.
The four of them come together to discuss the events that just took place. Seeing as how they're probably the heroes that Treha mentioned, they begin to figure out they're next move.
"Maybe this 'Treha' being will guide us to what to do next". Korrin said.
"Hopefully". Lapran said.
Just then the sky begin to open up as if a tornado was coming through.
"Right on time. Treha", Prorid screamed. "What do we have to do next"?
"Well, heroes, the first thing will be..." The voice said.
But the voice wasn't that of a woman, but of a distortion.
"You have to first... give me my precious...CARGO"! Lap-min melodically said."You thought you could get... away, but no. I won't let you"!
Just then Treha appeared in between Lap-min and the heroes.
"Stop foul beast. I won't allow this to go any further"! she screamed.
"Treha"! Lapran screamed out. "What are you doing"!
"Giving you all time to escape"! she said. "The little one should have the key to traveling back to your worlds to concur your demons"!
"The key to our worlds"? Lapran questioned.
"Prorid"! Dobram said.
Just then the three look at Prorid.
"What"? he said confusingly
"It should be at a place where your heart longs for little one"! Treha said.
"His home"! Korrin said.
"Quickly, take us to your home Prorid before it's too late"! Lapran said.
"...Why sshould I"? Prorid asked. "I mean, we can take thiss guy and any other persson they throw at uss". he said confidently.
Just then a darkness oozes from Lap-mins fingers and makes its way towards the carcass of Ramonns. The body begins to self mutilate and regain life.
"I'M BAAACK"! The zombified body of Ramonns yells.
"...okay, let'ss go, NOW"! he says.
The heroes rush to Prorids place and see a rock with the hole thats big enough to let moonlight through.
"What are we looking for"? Prorid asked
"I don't know, anything that can help"! Lapran said.
Several minutes go by and the heroes start to lose hope.
"This is hopeless". Korrin said exhausted and defeated.
As he began to sit on the ground, the moonlight starts to shine through illuminating a isolated spot where he sat.
"C'mon Korrin, we have to f..." Dobram was stopped mid sentence when he sees Korrin is gone.
"Korrin? Korrin"? Dobram called out. "Hey guys where did Korrin go"?
The heroes look around and nothing. Korrin completely vanished.
"I mean, he was here and now he's not. He was sittting and now nothing". Dobram said.
Lapran looking at the ground notices that the air around it seems to be moving. He begins to reach for it and feels a warmth as he gets closer.
"It's a portal! Guys, it's a portal and on the other side, there's warmth". Lapran said.
The three stand up and begins to walk through the portal. As they enter, they are teleported to the world of Ocanar.
Lapran looks around and tears begin to flood his face.
"...I'm home".
To be continued.