Chereads / Power Fantasy / Chapter 6 - Highschool DxD (5)

Chapter 6 - Highschool DxD (5)

Yasaka was speechless. She could not fathom what I had just requested, and it took more than a couple of seconds for her to recollect herself, regaining her natural expression.

She might also be questioning my sanity in the process.

I would be too, questioning my sanity, and the answer might shock even me. It might have something to do with me working a stressful job by myself for years.

"This is all for simple pleasure?"

Yasaka asked. Her eyes narrowed ever so slowly. She was gauging my reaction, likely pondering what kind of nutjob would think such a demand would work in any kind of logical universe.

Was this universe logical?

Yes. Ecchi logic – so such a demand probably worked if I decided to forcibly press the matter, but there was no need for that. I could still get what I wanted and much more if I understood my gifts correctly, specifically the third gift.

"Well, you did ask what I want from you, and I think I want that. If you don't want to –

"Fine," Yasaka interrupted. Her expression unchanging. "Return my daughter to the state that she was before, and I will be your bedwarmer for as long as you live."

I arched my brow while muttering inaudibly: "as long as you live."

"Yeah, no way, Yasaka-sama. You will probably kill me the instant I return your daughter to normal or as normal as she can be, so nope. Besides, that was not the deal. You asked what I wanted, from you most likely, and I only gave my honest answer. It is your fault for assuming otherwise."

I responded and took a slow sip from my cup, all while enjoying the show Yasaka displayed. She really did have a nice expression.

Golden eyes. Golden long hair. Nice pair of lips.


Yasaka growled. She nearly assaulted me again, but she would be in for a surprise if she tried that shit again. I was not prepared the last time around. I might not even prepare this time around, but I would not be completely helpless.

"Yes, me?"

I questioned with a smirk, adding more fuel to the fire and probably pushing her over the edge. Better to hold her back a little, for insurance.

"Ah. If I die, good luck at restoring your lovely daughter. Without her soul, she is more or less a corpse."

I added. My statement stopped Yasaka from doing anything rash, at least for now.

Yasaka took a deep breath, calming herself before speaking up once more. "What do you want for the return of my daughter as she once was with her spirit restored?"

"Oh? Hmmm… her spirit is quite a prized acquisition since she is a nine-tailed fox. I will not exchange it for anything less."

I answered and allowed Yasaka to understand the hidden meaning. There were likely other nine-tailed fox beside Yasaka and Kunou, but no one in their right mind would give their soul in exchange unless it was out of love.

"Take my spirit instead. My spirit is fully matured and far more powerful than that of my daughter."

Yasaka offered with little to no hesitation, and I was thinking about giving her some time to think it all through. I supposed that was unnecessary. Did she not think about whether I had Kunou's soul on my person? Maybe she did, but she could not be for certain.

Or maybe not.

"Now that is a deal I can accept, Yasaka-sama."

I nodded with a smile. That smile soon turned sour. It was mostly for effect, really. However, I did take notice that I had a lot of incomings. The wall of text did allow me to see some event in advance.

"Unfortunately," I begun before Yasaka could speak up. "I cannot restore your daughter's spirit at this time, but I will have her restored tonight as long as I get what I wanted. Since I do not trust you holding up your end of the bargain, I will be extracting your spirit first before restoring your daughter."

I raised a hand to prevent Yasaka from interrupting me. She obviously wasn't going to accept that kind of condition since I could just take her soul without restoring her daughter's one.

"You have my words that your daughter will be as she was. If you accept my condition, I will give you further instruction, but do not take too long. I will not be around forever, and when I am gone, I will be gone for good. I hope to see you soon, Yasaka-sama."

I added before activating a scroll, rendering me invisible and allowing me to sneak away. From Yasaka's point of view, I simply vanished without a trace.

Well, not without a trace, but Yasaka was too preoccupied to notice. She was hugging her daughter in her arms, but the girl remained unresponsive.

Kunou was more or less a corpse without my command.

A legion of Youkai eventually arrived, finding numerous undead corpses littered about. Most of them had been torn apart by Yasaka, and I did not find the need to restore them. I could always make more at my leisure.

"It is likely a necromancer, Yasaka-hime," an aging man said. "I thought such an art was lost in time. If we are to restore Kunou-hime completely, we must know where the necromancer has sent her spirit. Without that, we afraid there is little can be done."

Yasaka simply nodded before dismissing her entire entourage. None of them had a solution to restore Kunou, but she did – except it wasn't exactly a solution.

"How could I have allowed this to happen?"

Yasaka questioned herself before sobbing almost silently. She would do absolutely anything for Kunou, including giving up her own life. Or in this case, her own soul.

Once she had made up her mind on the matter and prepare for the fallout afterwards, she was given instruction on where to meet me. It was not hard to give her instructions from nowhere in sight given my ability to insert events into the universe.

"I see that you come alone, Yasaka-sama."

I commented. I did not really want to have to deal with other Youkais because it was annoying. But if I had too, I would drown them in sheer numbers. Summoning scrolls were super cheap after all.

"You requested that I come alone… what shall I call you?"

Yasaka responded. She did question how I would be restoring Kunou without having Kunou's body in sight. I did not bother to give her an answer to that because there was no reason to tell her anything, at least not anymore.

"Oh, whatever you like at the moment, Yasaka-sama."

I told her almost absentmindedly. My mind was elsewhere, thinking about the possible ways to claim her soul and absorb it into my domain.

There were several ways.

Due to the nature of my domain, fucking Yasaka into submission was actually one way, but that would probably take way too long. I honestly did not have the stamina to match her. I was a squishy human, and Yasaka was a supernatural monster with superhuman strength and stamina.

Yeah. That would not go well. I needed to be way more powerful to do that. Probably enjoyed it too.

Another method was overwhelming her soul on a spiritual level, but that would require me to have a super powerful soul myself. Again, I was way outclassed in that – probably. I was a human, and Yasaka was a supernatural monster with superhuman strength and stamina.

Oh, did I just repeat myself?

Out of all the possible methods, only one was really viable. She had to be willing to bind herself to me and allow me to stake my claim on her soul. This was the method that I had planned for when I had decided to fuck it and coerce one of the faction's leader.

Granted, Yasaka was considered to be the weakest faction's leader, but she was still a faction's leader with godlike strength from my perspective.

The other methods were possible, but it would take way too much time, training and all of that shit.

Did I mention that I was lazy?

"Fine, human necromancer. Know that if you do not keep your end of the bargain, my people will hunt you to the end of time. There will be no place for you to hide."

Yasaka threatened me.

"They can try, but I will let you know that I am goddamn good at hide and seek."

I responded with a shrug. I already knew that her people, the Youkais of Kyoto were fanatically loyal, thus it probably pained her greatly to see her people becoming instrumental to her daughter's current predicament.

Oh well. Not like they had a choice in the matter.

Yasaka glared at me due to the response but I found it to be cute. I believed that she will be doing that more often soon enough.

"Anyway, let's extract that spirit of yours, shall we?"

I questioned, wanting to get the show on the road. The longer I played around, the more riskier things would become. There was no need to take more risk than necessary when the goal is within reach.

Yasaka pursed her lips. "What do you need me to do?"

"Is that all?"

Yasaka questioned, realizing that nothing had really changed. She was still herself, not a disembodied spirit like she had assumed.

I had also questioned the same thing despite noticing the title of a notification.

[Member Acquired: Yasaka (Highschool DxD)]

I wondered if I could trust that, but the System never lied thus far. I truly acquired the first member in my Harem Palace, and with the first member, I begun to feel great changes.

More options and abilities related to Domination Domain opened up to me.

I could not help but grin devilish.

"Apparently so," I responded and took out a Black Soul Gem. "Within this gem is your daughter's spirit. If you break it close to her body, her spirit would naturally return to its rightful place. Probably."

I wasn't sure that would work, considering there was no method of returning a soul to a body in Skyrim from what I could recall, but hey, it never hurt to try.

Yasaka snatched my gem from hand and the instant that she felt her daughter's spirit within, her eyes changed. Her whole expression did.

In an instant, there should be a hole inside my chest from her attack, but Yasaka collapsed to the floor before she could carry out her thought, gasping for air.

She could feel her strength and power leaving her body.

No, being drained away.

The world around us soon shattered, revealing a white void of my domain. I should start adding things into the domain, so that it could feel like home.

Maybe a king-size bed to start.

"What is the matter, Yasaka-sama? Feeling a bit under the weather?"

I questioned with a smile before lifting her up by the throat effortlessly. Having the strength equivalent to an Ultimate-Class devil felt great. Power and stamina to boot as well.

"Oh, you should call me Master from now on, Yasaka-sama, and I think I should have what I wanted from you now."