Are you alive sister? Aria thought as she sat down at a table, and studied the round sandstone table—etched with the glyphs of the Seetha's belief. When can I leave this place? She felt trapped within the Oldborn Temple.
The temple walls covered in tapestries detailing the story of their people. It was the duties of the Reverend Mothers to maintain the temple and the image of their God that was broadcast to outsiders, praying and laying offerings were a part of daily life for these women. Aria would be more grateful, but being stuck inside a holy place for 86 years wears down a person's patience.
Aria looked up and watched as the Reverend Mothers performed their morning routine of placing baskets of food on all the tables. Surrounding her were similar tables, and seated at them were various Reverend Mothers, wearing shrouds that were all coloured a light shade of yellow. I prefer to call them potato sacks; Aria couldn't help but chuckle to herself. A hearth sat in the middle of the hall, and the crackling of the fire filled her ears. This temple had been home to her in the beginning, but now she just felt like a prisoner. It had been almost a century since she last stepped foot into the outside world. Aria couldn't remember much from that day, but she could still remember being terrified that she was now alone and running for her life. If it weren't for Telsa, I wouldn't be sitting here.
Aria lifted the cup and glanced at the contents. The liquid radiated a brilliant garnet red, swirls of amber slithering through the thick crimson. From this, she could tell that is was blood. So repulsive, she thought, though it does have a pleasing, intense aroma of violets, and oregano. She tossed the liquid back quickly and nearly gagged as it sluggishly made its way down the back of her throat. Immediately following the action, a shudder weaselled its way down her spine, her face cringing at the overpowering flavour of oregano and iron that lingered. She darted a hand out to wrap around a goblet of water, washing down both the taste and the need to vomit.
"Ugh." Aria couldn't stop herself from shuddering once more.
"Aria!" A woman's voice called from behind her. Aria glanced towards the temple's doors and turned when she saw who had entered the vaulted hall.
Two figures. One was a towering man, dressed in flowing robes of the chantry of Seetha, gnarled horns on his head twisted to either side like the branches of a tree. His lined face was haggard as if he were exhausted, with his eyes sunken deep and brimming with intelligence. The other, a young woman, effortlessly matching the pace of her counterpart. Dressed in Travelers' armour, her copper hair laid out like a waterfall down her neck, and her sapphire eyes shimmered in the dawning sun.
A smile spilled across Aria's face as she watched her mentor, Gael, leaning heavily on his staff as he walked with Telsa towards the table. Because of these two, I am alive to this day. Aria thought. Gael had been assigned as the Lore Master and had been an instructor to Aria and her sister when they were small. Telsa, on the other hand, was assigned to Aria as her bodyguard; both born on the same day and sharing everything as they grew up together for 14 long years. The only difference between the three of them was that Telsa was human. I still remember begging mother about how unfair it was, that she aged while we stayed young. Aria thought.
Her smile disappeared when Gael moved closer and sat down, and Aria could see that the fire in his eyes had been dowsed with icy water if anything it made the hazel murkier and the crimson-colour flicks stand out, she thought. She studied him as he sat across from her. He looked to be in his later forties, but by the way, the gunmetal grey streaked through his black hair; Aria knew better. His face was angular, with cracked lips pressed together in a thin line, framed by a wild beard. There was an air of despair that radiated from the inward slouch of his shoulders, and the shroud of the Mother's hid the rest of his body. She knew that he was well past two Millenia into his lifespan. Aria's attention did not last long, for it was drawn towards Telsa as she placed a parcel in front of Aria. Telsa had a soft bone structure with faint lines where her dimples showed whenever she smiled. Telsa always had a demure personality, but that was due to her taking her duties too seriously, rarely did Aria see her let loose.
"Good Dawning upon you, Aria," Gael said.
"Morning Gael, Tesla," Aria replied, taking another sip of water from her goblet.
Gael leaned forward, his eyes betraying his concern. "Did ye find your rest adequate? You seem rather weary." He muttered, lifting a goblet of water to his lip. Gael took a long slug before placing it back down on the table.
Are they testing me? Aria felt a sliver of panic work its way into her chest.
"I am feeling better. Thank you for your concern." She placed the goblet down.
"If you had just taken a little before, they wouldn't have to, Aria." Telsa chided her, grabbing Aria's now empty goblet and replacing it with her favourite tea.
You know the Reverend Mother's don't like it when you don't feed. Telsa scolded in her mind. Aria couldn't help sigh.
You know why I don't like drinking blood. Leave it be. Aria shut her mental wall so Telsa couldn't reply back.
She sighed and lifted the goblet to her lips, relieved at the calming scent that greeted her. "I know."
She turned to Gael, wishing to change the subject. "You don't seem too good either, Gael. You look as if you just drank poison. What's going on?"
He shook his head in response. "Nay, good lady, I simply have grim tidings to speak of." Gael pulled out a scroll from underneath his robe and focused on unfurling it. The vast desert of Seetha was painted in intricate inking, strange markings listed underneath various place names.
"It is finally time, today, we travel to the Shifting Lands of your uncle, Aria. There is a long journey ahead of us." Gael gathered his cup in his hands. Aria froze with her cup in midair. Does this mean it's time to see my sister?
"What kind of journey? Now?" She placed her cup down. She wanted to know if her thoughts were correct. Her fingers trembled. "So soon?"
"Yes, our enemy is on the march. It is only a matter of time before they find us." He explained in Tarkgonian.
"Why now?" Aria's Tarkgonian was a bit rusty.
"You and your sister must claim your birthright." He carefully murmured under his breath.
"Don't you mean, it's time to go back to her homeland to form a plan to take back the realm of The King of Kings? And to come out of hiding?" Telsa muttered to Gael, alertness to her eyes that signalled her state of irritation. Both were oblivious to Aria's shock.
She knew from her lessons over the years that she and her sister were to take the throne when the time came, but she was hoping he didn't mean now. Aria didn't feel nearly as prepared as she expected, nor was she ready to face what killed her family.
"I can hear you; you know," Aria said, refusing to act the trembling girl she was when she was younger. She hated when people talked about her when she was right there in front of them.
"Aria, it is time to leave the temple," Gael announced.
"…the temple?" Aria mustn't have heard anything else as she looked between Gael and Telsa. The shock was quickly overcome with excitement as it began to bloom in her chest.
"Aria you're one of a handful of the last Elderblood royals. Your rightful place is on the throne, with your sister." Telsa said. Aria looked at Gael, who was glaring at Telsa.
"We must not waste time. The Gods shall pardon me, we must be on our way." Gael grabbed an apple as he got up and hobbled his way out of the hall.
"What was that all about? Did something happen?" Aria glanced at Telsa in question.
"Your guess, is my guess," Telsa shrugged, "but we should get going. I have packed everything we need."
"Why must he always leave everything in a shroud of mystery?" Aria asked, frustrated as she grabbed an apple from the basket on the table, walking out with Telsa. Aria made her way to the front of the temple where Gael waited.
"Here." Telsa handed her a parcel.
"What is this for?" she asked, unwrapping the paper to find an oval amulet.
"To breathe" Gael finished as he hoisted his bag onto his back. She glanced at the amulet; it was smooth. Aria knew of the predicament the lizard people were in. The lizard people could breathe in the sand, but the evil that was brought upon them took away their ability to breathe, plaguing their territory with sandstorms so thick, anyone who went out into the storms suffocated and died. Chief Urianj managed to find people with the ability to create shields that were willing to part with a section of their power, implementing permanent defences from the sandstorms around each city and village. This meant that if they were to step outside the safety of the village shield lines, without the amulet, they would die. The corner of her mouth slowly curved upward as she recalled when they arrived here at the temple.
It wasn't until Gael arrived with her and Telsa did they find a way to walk outside the shield. The Reverend Mothers agreed to keep her existence a secret under one condition; that Gael would find a way for the people of Seetha to be able to travel without the threat of dying. Gael ended up pulling out an amulet from his pocket and handing it to them, along with how to forge the charm. Following that day, Gael built paths with wooden posts to all the cities and villages and continued to help with any challenges the curse inflicted just to keep her hidden. It was all for her.
She felt a ping of guilt for the people as she tied the string around her neck. Aria excepted something to happen once she placed it on, but nothing did.
"It didn't do anything?" She stated, glancing at Telsa questioningly.
"It will activate once we step outside." Telsa grabbed her bag and tied it around her waist.
"Oh," Aria answered, placing her hand on the necklace. This'll be different.
She grabbed her bag and placed it on her back. As she tied the mid-straps around her waist, she noticed the weight of what she was carrying.
Gael handed a rope to her, "Tie this to your hoop."
"What hoop?" Aria asked.
"That one." Gael pointed to the hoop that was attached to her midsection.
Oh… Aria glowered with embarrassment as she gripped the hoop and tied it with a figure-eight knot.
She noticed the rope was attached to Telsa and Gael.
"Let's move out." Telsa opened the door, big enough for them to fit through as Aria got a hint of the battering sandstorm that plagued the perimeter of the cities edge.
Aria stared with shock at the sea of shifting gold. Dunes that were typically un-moving were rising and crashing like waves. The wind shifted and danced violently, creating magnificent veils of sand.
Displaying a writhing power made from mere air and minuscule rock striking against the shield relentlessly. The sun was bright and hot as ever, as it shone down on Aria. Making Aria squint her eyes so she can see where they were going. As she crossed through the shield, she hardly noticed that the amulet activated as she braced herself against the winds. Vultures began to circle in the sky unnoticed, as they silently watched from afar, for hours. Gael led them through the storm with a tug of the rope. She could only see the violent lashing blades of golden sand that obscured her vision, rendering her skin raw. Aria's clothes clung to her body as she felt sweat slowly running down it.
Aria gave a feeble attempt to oust the raging sands from the folds of her clothes, only resulting in a worsened state.
She swore under her breath. "I hate this!"
Calm down Aria, the worse is yet to come. Telsa scolded her. Aria looked up to see Telsa's shadow to the right of her. I left the wall down again, didn't I? Aria thought to herself.
Yes, yes you have. Remember your lessons. Always be aware of your mental walls. Or…
Or someone could quickly grasp my mind and manipulate it. I know Telsa. Aria retorted in a condescending tone.
Aria was busy glaring at Telsa's shadow when she walked into something hard. She staggered back as hands steadied her.
"Mind your surroundings, one mistake is all it takes." Gael's voice was quickly whisked away by the storm.
"Tell me what you see Spiræ." He said into her ear. Aria looked around and only saw sand.
"I see nothing," Aria said.
"Look again." He urged. A loud clap of thunder shook the ground they stood on, bringing with it white gold lightning that marked the storm. Striking the ground around her. Aria flinched into Gael's embrace as chunks of sand hit them.
"This is not the work of Mother Tærus . The land is in great pain." Gael released Aria, "We must continue on. Watch your surroundings, we can not afford a mistake." He warned as they slowly started moving forward. Aria checked her mental walls as she struggled to see where they were going. How does he know where to go? She walked by a slim shadow as she reached out to touch it. Through the wraps on her hands, she felt something rough. Wood. There are wood posts he is following, but how does he know where they are?
Aria struggled to walk through the thick storm as she walked into Gael's back. He motioned a halt
Why did we stop? Especially in the middle of a damn storm. She thought.
A soft howl accompanied the rough sound of the storm as it reached her ears. Slowly turning into a song. Sending a chill throughout her body.
Gael pointed towards the left, his arm just a shadow in the sand. Aria looked to where he pointed and saw faint shadows floating through the sand.
What are they? She asked herself.
Those are Jai'lans. They are patrolling the edges of Seetha. It seems the enemy has been notified that you may have been hidden within the Seetha people. Telsas voice resonance in her mind.
What are Jai'lans? She asked.
They are the undead. Created through necromancy and raised from the skeleton of dead soldiers.
Dead soldiers?
The only way to create them is with the skull or a bone from the departed. Most prefer a soldier's head for they carry the ability to fight and take orders.
If they are dead, how do they carry the ability to fight?
Traces of magic and parts of the soul remain in the DNA of the bones. It is preferred to use soldiers because they were born to fight. I don't understand why they are this far into the storm but, we are almost to the Reach forest. Be wary of the Jai'lans. We can't afford to be caught in a battle with them.
I understand. Aria shut the mental wall to her mind.
Cutting the connecting from Telsa as she walked into Gael. The Jai'lan's stopped moving and began to hover in place.
"Why do you stop so suddenly?" Aria said I'm getting frustrated with his constant stopping.
"Stay close Spiræ. There is another pass we can take, but it has its dangers."
"Can't we just wait till they move away?" The light from the sun began to fade as night descended. Worsening their sight. Chilling howls started to pierce through the sound of the storm.
"It is too late. The Jai'lans found us. We must make our way to the Narok Pass." Gael urged her to follow Telsa, "Quickly now." Aria glanced over her shoulder as Gael was right on her heel. "Not walk, run!"
Aria began to run as she followed Telsa closely behind. The ground started to change under her feet. Turning from the flat planes to ridges.
Careful, one wrong step and you'll slide down the embankment. Telsa said. Aria kept running as the howl's continued to echo from behind. Sending chills down her back. The sand storm began to taper off enough that she could see the edge where Seetha and Sylva came together. Aria ran behind Telsa, towards the border only to feel the ground underneath her boots give-way. A small gasp left Aria's lips as her arms flailed in the fading light, gravity taking her downwards. She looked down to see a deep dark abyss. She closed her eyes, knowing her fate.
ARIA! Telsa's voice reached into her mind.
After a few moments she splashed into what felt like frigid water, the wind knocked from her lungs.
After blinking splashes of dirty water away she squinted upwards, the remaining sunlight barely a small circle in the distance.
Where am I? Aria asked herself. She quickly checked herself over to find she wasn't hurt.
Just my ego maybe. Aria tried to stand up only to find that her foot slipped from underneath her.
"What is this?" She lifted her hand and found, what she thought was water, was actually a sticky substance that had an overpowering smell to it, making her cough.
"Ew, what the hell is this?" She lifted her arms to see strings of liquid hanging. She placed her hand on a smoothed rock and positioned her weight on the rock, and slowly stood up. A loud crack echoed through the tunnel. She quickly looked around to see she had landed in a massive sand cavern with many tunnels leading out of it.
This is bigger than Seetha's capital city and villages combined. How is this here? She wondered as another loud crack echoed through the cavern. She looked down to see that the rock she used to help herself up was cracking, like an egg. A slight hum filled the air as a creature worked its way out of the stone. Aria bent down to take a closer look.
"What are you?" she reached out and pushed aside the top that broke apart. A small screech filled the air as the rest of the egg split, revealing the creature. Aria gently picked it up to examine it. It was the size of her two hands, a soft shade of green, and round. Her hands ooze with the sticky residue, as it wiggled in her hands. Small scales began to define across its body.
What is this? She never read of such a creature in the books Gael forced her to read over the years.
Slowly it turned to face her, its mouth opening showing rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth, that moved side to side. A high pitch screech came from its mouth, as its body bent and another mouth opened to make the same sound.
Two heads?! Aria stared in shock. The sound from the little creature began to amplify. I need to get out of here. As she put the beast down and went to turn around, a deep guttural chattering came from behind her. Something hot landed on her shoulder making her touch it to reveal a slim on her finger. The loud guttural chattering moved closer, sending a deadly chill through her body. She began to sweat as she stood still with fear. Her breath began to shake as she carefully turned to see what was behind her.
TELSA!!!!!! Aria screamed down the bond, praying Telsa was near to hear her. What stood before her filled the cavern completely. Its mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth moving side to side, saliva pouring out of its mouth, pooling onto the ground. The body was covered in dark green scales as it slowly coiled itself in the sand.
It's huge! Aria frantically searched for a way to escape. She spotted a tunnel off to her right as she began to look for something to throw. Her eyes landed on the hatchling.
"Better you than me." She picked up the screeching hatchling and threw it at the giant monster's mouth. As she threw it, she leaped over the edge of the nest and took off running for the tunnel. The creature released a deafening raspy chatter as it uncurled, she could feel the ground begin to shake as it slithered after her. Panic began to seep through her body as she pushed herself to run as fast as she can through the tunnel.
Shit, shit, shit. Aria began to panic as she veered off to the left. A crash came from behind her, she glanced over her shoulder to see the enormous worm-like creature bashed into the wall as it turned into the passageway.
You're too big to take the corner fast. I wonder… An idea took form in her mind as Aria tried to suppress the panic.
Aria take the next left, it should lead you back to the cavern. Telsa's voice entered her mind.
Where have you been? I'm currently being chased by a massive, and I mean huge monster! Aria's panic began to seep through the bond. Her stomach started to twist in knots.
Breathe, we have a plan, just bring the Nagun back to its cavern. You are going to run straight to the other side and take the first right tunnel. Gael will take care of the rest.
What do you mean you have a plan? Aria snarled. Something bright flew past her head landing in the sand before her.
Aria screamed as she came to a halt, ducking as sandblasted everywhere.
Aria you need to get out of there now! Or you'll be fried!
Aria quickly dodged into a tunnel on her right as the sand began to light up with electricity.
"Holy shit…." She gaped at where she used to stand. That could've killed me. She turned and continued running down the tunnel.
Telsa I don't know where I am, or where these tunnels lead. She felt disorientated taking turn after turn until she came to a dead end.
"No!" She cried. She slammed her fists into the sand wall, feeling defeated.
I ran into a dead-end! She cried.
Gael says it follows by sounds. Telsa hinted.
Wait, it can't see? She asked. There was no response. She turned around and pushed herself against the wall and held her breath, trying not to make a sound. The creature slithered past the dead end she was down as it continued forward looking for her. Aria released her breath as she sagged against the wall.
"That was close." She wiped her face on her shoulder, forgetting that she was still covered in sticky goo.
"Ugh." She tried to remove it from her face but ended up just making it worse. She walked to the end of the tunnel and looked both ways. The Nagun was gone. She smiled slightly as she turned left and jogged down the tunnel, counting the turns she took previously.
The hum returned, making her looking over her shoulder to see the Nagun slithering after her. She swore and took off running into the cavern. She spotted Telsa at the other end by the tunnel, waving for her to hurry. She bolted past and halted inside the shaft.
"Where's Gael?" She panted. Telsa pointed towards the cavern indicating for her to watch. The Nagun entered the cavern as Gael came dropping from the ceiling.
"Sænnio , brace and take cover!" Gael released a magic blast from his staff, hitting the Nagun in the mouth as he dodged to the left. He took off running as the Nagun released an ear-splitting chatter. Before it could follow, Jai'lans fell from the ceiling, landing in front of it.
"Let's be on our way now," Gael said as he showed them the way out.
"How do you know which way to go?" Aria asked.
"Taste the moisture in the air. The Nagun need a source of water." Gael said.
They went around a corner that opened up to show the Sylva forest. The oxygen bubble disappeared as the mountain ranges of the Reach loomed over Sylva, a thick forest that surrounded the high peaks. They walked in silence as they worked their way through the dense brush before coming to a small clearing.
"We shall rest here for the night," Gael said as he wandered off.
"Where is he going?" Aria asked Telsa. "No idea. I'll collect the rocks for the fire if you want to grab the wood." Telsa disappeared into the woods... Aria put her bag down and gathered the wood that was laying around the clearing as she waited for Telsa to return with the stones. Together they got the fire going and flushed out rabbits from the bushes to roast over the fire as Gael walked into the clearing with three horses.
"Where did you find those?" Aria looked up.
"We had to leave the horses with someone when we went into hiding." He tied the horses to a tree.
They sat around the fire, eating the cooked meat in silence.
"What was that thing back there?" Aria asked, breaking the silence. She still couldn't shake the feeling of dread and fear from her mind.
"A Nagun. They are the great guardians of the desert." Gael said.
"Okay, but what is it," Aria asked.
"Basically, a giant worm," Telsa said. Aria's inside shuddered, still remembering the size of it.
"Seetha found that the ichor left behind from their scale, reinforceS their barriers against magic." He paused, "Nagun's feast on the minerals deep below the earth, producing a type of metal that we cannot fathom. Not even the greatest smith men have been able to leave a mark." He unrolled his bedding and laid beneath it.
"We make our way to the crossing cave. Where we will enter the portal universe to meet your uncle. Get some rest, we set out before dawn." Gael rolled over to face his back towards the fire and closed his eyes.
Aria stared at his back as she got up and walked through the trees. She heard the crunching sound of Telsa's footsteps behind her as she continued to swat thick vines to the side.
"Where are you going Aria," Telsa asked as she struggled to keep up.
"I am looking for an animal. The hunger is back." Aria turned around to face Telsa, "Do you know if Gael has any idea on how we are going to take back the throne?"
"Well, he did mention something about visiting all the race's kingdoms and seeing if we can persuade them to join us and help fight for the throne." Telsa leaned against a tree.
"Do we know if Rhosyn is alive?" Aria peaked into a hole in a tree trunk hoping to find a bird's nest.
"She is your twin. The bond would have told you otherwise. We've heard from Graver a few years ago that she has come into her power, but was injured trying to protect someone." Aria felt a pain in her chest as she looked at Telsa, "How was she hurt?"
"The family that took her in, had a daughter. She fell down a cliff and broke her leg. Rhosyn followed, and she end up falling down a cliff face injuring herself. Graver never told us how bad, just that she was still alive." Telsa watched Aria closely as Telsa felt Aria's rage for her sister down their bond.
"What was the little girl's name?" Aria asked.
"Saffir. We don't know what happened to her, you could ask Rhosyn when we see her." Telsa crossed her arms.
"Am I going to be locked up again?" Aria asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Like the temple. Is my uncle going to lock Rhosyn and I away in the castle?"
"You've never been locked away Aria."
"Then what do you call the last 84 years?" Aria yelled, "I was only allowed to glimpse out the window of the tower."
"No. You won't be locked away this time." Telsa sighed.
"I can't be locked away again." Aria's voice quivered, as her eyes filled with tears, "I just can't!"
"Hey, don't get upset. You know the reason why we couldn't allow you to go outside." Telsa attempted to comfort Aria, but she was only pushed away.
"How come my sister was able to live a life with a family, even if it was a human one, and I got locked in a temple with a bunch of nuns?" Aria was envious of her sister.
"I'm afraid I can't answer that for you. The only one who can is your father."
"Whose dead." Aria spat bitterly.
Aria spotted movement to her right under the bush beside her and quickly snatched the critter up.
The rabbit struggled in the tight grips of her hands. She looked at it and felt disgusted for what she was about to do.
"I'm sorry I wasn't able to get you out of the temple. Gael forbade it." Telsa's hand touched her shoulder, "We need you at your full strength," Telsa changed the subject, "I understand you do not like it, but it's what needs to be done." Telsa walked away. Leaving Aria by herself. The warmth of the rabbit seeped into her hands as it kept struggling. She felt that the guilt sat not on her chest but inside her brain. What she was going to do, could not be undone. She didn't feel like she deserved to decide who lived and who didn't No one should decide who lives and who doesn't. It's not right having to take one's supply of life, just so I can continue to live.
She sighed and closed her eyes, mumbling the common tongue of her people, " May your blood be blessed." reciting the magic ritual of her family. She placed her hand over the rabbit's face and slowly brought it to her mouth as she sank her teeth into its neck. Warm, precious blood spilled into her mouth, the tang of copper was so foreign and wrong that it forced her to back her meal.. She breathed as a forest clearing with a small watering hole flashed before her eyes, following a burrow and kits. She closed her eyes trying to block it out as she drained the last of its life.
"Thank-you" Aria whispered. She walked to the burrow where the rabbit lived and buried it beside the den. She followed the rabbit's memories to the watering hole and stripped out of the stiff clothing. She glanced at the water as it was clear as glass with small fish swimming in the depths.
She grimaced as she dove into the fresh cold water. Aria floated on her back as she closed her eyes and drifted into thought.
I will fight for the throne, but only for you, Rhosyn. So you can be queen.
A while later, Aria returned to camp, to see Telsa and Gael peacefully asleep. She quietly went to her spread and laid down by the fire, where she soon fell asleep.