Chereads / lost heirs / Chapter 5 - Chapter Four

Chapter 5 - Chapter Four

Aria woke to a loud noise that came from behind her. She glanced over and saw Gael packing up the campsite on the pack horses. She scrambled to get her things packed and, on her horse, noticing Gael was in a hurry and lost in thought. After she had packed away her belongings, Aria shook Telsa awake, and before long they were off. With Gael at the lead, they moved the horses to a trot and moved deeper into the mountains.

The forest blocked the majority of the sun's light out, leaving dancing spots of light on the forest's thick, dense floor. Soft bird chirps echoed throughout the woods, with faint animal noises in the distance. Aria glanced over her shoulder to see Telsa looking off into the woods.

"Eyes forward Spiræ." Gael's gruff voice made her turn back around in her saddle.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"The Portal Universe."

"What is the Portal Universe?"

Can't you elaborate on it? Aria huffed.

"A magic labyrinth built after the Great War. Ever-changing, making people become lost and never to return." Gael said with a deeper meaning.

"How are we going to get through it, then?"

"The Tarkammon built the labyrinth to prevent the races from bringing any army's through."

Do you plan for us to get lost? Aria thought.

"They are the only ones who know how to get through it without a string leading them to the portals," Telsa said. Her voice came from behind Aria. Aria went into deep thought as they continued to make their way through the dense forest.

How could the Tarkammon build a living labyrinth? I thought they were only good for knowledge and passing history down. Aria tried to remember if Gael had her read anything on the Tarkammon in the temple, but nothing came to mind.

"There is more than what meets the eye, Aria," Telsa said from beside her.


"Gael will tell you when the time is right. They are very secretive with what they can do."

"We are here." Gael's voice broke the silence. He lowered himself to the ground and tied his horse to a tree. Aria groaned, as her feet touched the ground. She felt stiff in her limbs after riding for so many hours. Her hands were raw from the leather harness as she tied her horse up. She turned around and walked towards the cave's entrance, where she stood.

Aria's hair stood up as she felt the raw electricity emanating off the cave's entrance.

Magic, she thought. The rock that framed the entry was etched with ancient glyphs. The horse's whined, drawing her attention to them, seeing their ears swivelling, rapidly, as they pawed the ground, tails swishing and hitting Aria in the back. Telsa tried to soothe the horses, but nothing worked. Telsa gave up her futile attempts and pulled a torch out of her bag and lit it. Gael nodded his head towards the entrance. Stepping through the opening, Aria felt something cling to her skin as she passed through the glyphs. Her hair stood up, as goose bumps raced across her skin, sending a chill down her spine.

"You sure this is such a good idea to get to the…?" She was interrupted by Gael.

"Yes, and the only way at that. Be on your guard; a labyrinth is a place in constant flux." The torch left dancing shadows on the cave wall as they continued further. Rats skittered across the floor, chattering and hissing as Aria came to a split in the tunnel and paused. Screams could be heard in the distance, echoing through the tunnels. Gael placed his hand up and cocked his head to the side. He listened carefully, trying to listen to the noise as Aria peered around Gael, hoping she could figure out which direction the sound was coming.

"Something is not right," Gael whispered. Aria moved to his side, touching his shoulder and seeing no reaction. In the dim light, she could see his emerald eyes were now blank and milky white, staring off into the darkness.

Aria looked back at Telsa, "Is he in a trance again?"

"It would seem so." She replied. A scream echoed from the left tunnel.

"Apace!" Gael ushered them towards down the tunnel. Aria and Telsa quickly followed, running into Gael as he stopped. He placed a hand to his mouth, and the torch went out.

"Silence, something approaches. Be ready, Spiræ." He pulled his staff over his shoulder. Aria caught a glimpse before drawing her small dagger from its sheath. The feeling of uneasiness sat heavy in her gut.

Aria saw the tip of Telsa's blade in her peripheral for only a moment before she refocused on the tunnel. The screaming grew louder as the distance between them closed.

Gael and Telsa slowly crept forward, their bodies rigid and ready for the incoming fight, Aria felt a tug within her chest, not understanding the feelings she felt. She stopped and stood still, allowing her eyes to examine the tunnel.

Something is off, but what is it? She thought.

Aria caught a flicker of movement above Gael and Telsa's heads. A slit wreathed in multihued smoke that slowly opened like a great eye. Within she saw nothing but swirling light and shapes, rippling as it came to a standstill. Aria called out a warning, but in that instant, two figures fell from the empty void above them, crashing into them with a resounding thud.

Aria quickly ran to the group. Gael and Telsa groaned as the bodies on top of them tried to pull themselves away. Aria grabbed the nearest body, not realizing it was a woman till she had her by the hair and the woman gasped. Aria quickly glanced over the woman, a strange sense of familiarity washed over her as Aria looked into the girl's eyes. A pain shot through Aria's chest as she let go of the girl's silver locks, the braid coming undone in her hand. Her gaze fixated on a face she saw every time she looked upon a mirror. Aria shook her head, clearing away the distraction before firmly grabbing the girl by the arm and pushing her into the wall. She then grabbed the other figure by the scruff of the neck, throwing him next to the girl.

"Not a move" She held the dagger towards them, making them press their backs to the wall. Aria turned her face away from the girl's, refusing to look at her.

"Gale? Telsa? Is that you?" The man said, trying to move to see them.

"I said, not to move!" Aria threw a dagger into the stone wall, beside the man's head.

"I do not miss. Next time I'll go for the ear." She said, with a deeper meaning.

An arm went in front of her, "Enough, Spiræ." Gael warned.

"You share the face of my brother, but only he knows our creed." Gael looked down on him, Gael's eyes hard.

The man put his hand over his chest, his head bowed. "Born of blood, made strong by blood, undone by the blood. Let ours become one with all, and let all be shed for the one."

Gael repeated the creed correctly, before placing his hand to rest on the young man's head in silence. The man and woman turned to face the group.

After a moment Gael stepped back, his eyes laid on the woman before bowing respectively. "My lady, it has been long since we last met. Do you perhaps, remember me?"

The woman shook her head.

"As I surmised, I was once your instructor, as a child," he gestured to Aria, whose eyes remained on the woman. "Do you perhaps remember your sister?"

The word struck Aria's chest like an arrow, her mind suddenly putting all the pieces together as she looked on her sister, she had not seen in nearly a century. Rhosyn's eyes met her and Aria saw the wave of familiarity rise in her eyes, emotions welling up before they suddenly embraced.

"You're alive!" They said in unison.

The girls gasped as they felt something snap in their mind and body. They could sense a soft presence in the back of their minds.

"Graver! It has been so long since we last saw each other!" Telsa came up and embraced him quickly, as Aria and Rhosyn stepped back.

"Telsa! Good lord, you have grown!" Graver gave her the once over. "You have not aged a day! How is that possible for a human like yourself?"

"What? Thought I would have croaked by now?" Telsa teased.

"If you put it that way, yeah, I did." He chuckled.

"No, I bonded with Aria when we escaped the castle." Telsa shyly said. Aria knew Telsa was unsure about the bond they shared, for Telsa never used it unless necessary. Graver looked over Telsa's shoulder to see Aria standing there, observing them. Graver approached her and bowed.

"You must be Aria. You may not remember me, but I'm Graver. I had to take your sister in a different direction then Gael."

Aria nodded her head, "Pleasure to meet you." She looked at him. He had black curly hair and bright green eyes, with a sharp face. He wore soft black leather and kept a dagger at his waist. His sculpted muscles were visible beneath the leather. However, she could not help but feel a draw towards Rhosyn. Like there was a string pulling her towards her. It felt foreign to her, being reconnected with her sister.

"We have so much to catch up on," Rhosyn said.

Just as they did, they heard the sound of another rift open nearby, Aria immediately prepared for an attack, her hand brandishing her dagger. From the rift came a hooded man, dressed in evangelist robes that billowed behind him as he moved. Rhosyn glanced at the man as he approached, but as she turned, she felt pain in her side once more. She looked down to see blood seep from her wound, her veins searing from the toxin within. Her mind went blank; she felt her body fall to the hard ground, convulsing as her vision faded into darkness.

"What's happening?" Aria shouted as she grabbed Rhosyn's body, trying to hold her as she seized. She didn't know what to do. Graver knelt at Rhosyn's side. Drawing his dagger, he sliced opened her tunic. He noticed there were tears on her side, gushing black goo out of the wounds and saw black veins running across Rhosyn's skin. Aria and Telsa gasped as they covered their mouths.

"She's been poisoned by a Jai'lan." He murmured.

"She will need Killeaper herb from the Shifting Lands to counteract the venom. We cannot treat her here, but there is no time to reach the lands of your uncle." Gael fell to his knees, his eyes filled with pain. Someone cleared their thought, drawing their attention towards them.

"I don't mean to intrude, but I couldn't help but overhear you need an antidote for the poison that the Jai'lan's carry?" the man from the portal inquired. Gael stood up as he recognized the man.

"You come in good time, dear friend," Gael paused as he looked at Aria and Graver, "This is Zerith. He is a personal adviser to King Roco."

"I do have the antidote that can save the girl." Zerith bowed in respect. Zerith reached into his robe and produced a vial.

"One drop should suffice." He instructed. Graver took the bottle from him and dropped a drop into Rhosyn's mouth. Slowly the seizing stopped as the black veins faded. Slowly Rhosyn came to and sat up.

She looked at Graver. "Next time you say there is poison, and it makes you wish you were dead; I'll believe you." Her voice croaked. Graver gave a small smile in response. Aria breathed a sigh of relief as she sat down.

"Thank-you," Graver said quietly, handing back the vial, "had it not been for you, we would have lost her."

Zerith tucked the vial back into his robe. "I am just fulfilling my role as my lordships retainer. Thanks, are not necessary."

Gael looked up at him, "By chance, are you part of Lord Roco's council?"

"Indeed, I am."

Gael stood up, "I am Gael Tarkammon. I have news I wish to speak to you about if you can spare the time."

"Yes, this way." Zerith jerked his head towards a bend. Zerith and Gael walked away as Aria helped Rhosyn from the ground.

"Are you sure your okay?" Aria asked with concern. Her eyes scanned Rhosyn, making sure everything was okay.

"Besides feeling like my insides have been seared, I'm okay." Rhosyn smiled painfully.

The sound of rock scraping across the floor drew their eyes towards the direction where Zerith and Gael had walked. The walls of the labyrinth began to move and change. Closing the only way out before them. Aria bolted to the wall and hit her fist hard against the red stone.

"No!" She swore under her breath,

Why do I always end up in these kinds of situations! She asked herself.

"You throwing your fists against me… It's not very nice of you." A face popped out from the wall, between her hands. Aria screamed as the face moved closer to her. Her heart thumped hard in her chest as the voice laughed. Aria slowly backed up as the face disappeared. She felt a tap on her right shoulder. She turned towards it and came nose to nose with the face again.

"Boo!" He chuckled. Aria stumbled back as she tripped over Rhosyn's legs and fell on her ass.

"What… What is that thing!?" Aria sputtered.

"Thing? That hurts my feelings, but if you really must know, I am…Steve." Steve said raucously, before his face disappeared into the wall, leaving it smooth once again.

"This has never been here before," Graver said as he watched the surroundings.

"What do you mean?" Rhosyn asked.

"Usually when we come through, the tunnels only shift, and that's it," Graver explained.

"It's magic," Aria stated, as her eyes narrowed and drew her blade, watching the surroundings, waiting.

"You look lost." Steve's voice echoed through the chamber he created. Aria felt something tap her on her shoulder, she whipped around with her blade held high, only to see the wall rippling.

"Hey!" Telsa shouted as she whipped around with the lit torch. "Where are you? You bugger!"

"Then again, everyone that comes here looks lost." The voice stated blandly, "So, what're you guys doing here?" he asked.

"Do. Not. Answer. Him." Graver warned. Aria looked around, trying to find the face again.

"We are going to see Roco in the Shifting Lands." Aria disregarded Graver's warning.

"Aria!" Graver and Telsa chastise.

"Well, I'll be damn," His voice echoed through the chamber, "How about I show you the way to the King?"

"Absolutely not!" Telsa said .

"Yes," Aria said at the same time.

Aria watched as the wall behind Telsa twisted as if something moved within it. A slow ripple formed as a vaguely humanoid shape formed, the wall stretching over it like a sheet of parchment. Muting all details of the body. It walked adjacent to the wall, still connected but moving freely as it lifted an arm, pointing behind them.

"This way, my friends." The mouth on the shape moved as the voice echoed.

"Don't trust him Aria," Telsa warned.

"What do you think, Rhosyn?" Aria asked as she turned to face her sister. Disregarding Telsa.

"Yes, what do you think?" Steve slipped back into the wall as the labyrinth moved once again. Opening a new path.

"If you think at all." He whispered in Rhosyn's ear.

"Hey!" Rhosyn said as she swatted at him.

"Ooooh, feisty little girl you are."

"I am not!"

"Okay, okay, where does this path lead?" Aria interrupted Steve from responding.

"Well… anywhere you want it to go." He smiled, with a deeper meaning, before disappearing into the wall once again.

"What do you think you are doing?" Graver snarled as he whipped around to face Aria.

Aria shrugged, "Might as well follow the path, there's no harm in it." Telsa rolled her eyes as Rhosyn stepped forward.

"She's right, we should try the path and hope for the best," Rhosyn said. Aria smiled at her; At least I have my sister to back me up. Graver and Telsa sighed as they followed the sisters down the hall. All the while, Steve's form occasionally appeared ahead of them with multitudes of hands manifesting and pointing the way with clay fingers. Aria and Rhosyn followed his directions without a word until they reached an opening in the tunnel, revealing a pitch-black cavern that the torch could not penetrate.

"Here we are, on the other side of this large, dark, and not in any way dangerous, the cavern is the exit."

"Why is it dark?" Telsa asked.

"Because it's a cave," Steve retorted, "You're not a smart one, are you?"

"Why you! Get out here and fight me." Telsa snarled as she eyed the walls.

"Fight you? Oh, you sweet, poor little thing, always looking for a fight despite the lie." He chuckled.

Telsa's eyes flared with anger as she unsheathed her blade.

"Telsa, just ignore him. He's an ass, but he may be useful." Graver said.

"Oh, now your thoughts are changing." Aria murmured. Graver glared at her as they stepped into the dark cavern. The tunnel behind them closed off, leaving them in darkness. They could hear the torch crackling as it's light did nothing to stave off the dark. They cautiously walk forward, not knowing where they were going.

"Oh, I'd watch your step if I were you." Steve's voice echoed through the darkness.

"Well, how can we, when we can't see shit!" Aria snarled. The sound of a door opening echoed through the room. A draft of cold air came rushing up, beneath them, the rancid smell of rotten eggs, pungent with the scent of decaying flesh, with stagnant water. The smell was so revolting, they began coughing and gagging. Aria could hear Telsa and Rhosyn vomiting their guts out as she struggled as her stomach churned, wanting to follow suit. The smell lingered in her senses as she felt like she could taste the rottenness in her mouth.

"What is that?" Aria gagged. Swallowing the vomit down.

"Did I forget to mention that this chamber has swallowed many alive?" Steve's voice came from behind her.

"No, you didn't," Graver said. The crunching of dirt could be heard as he tried to make his way to Rhosyn and Telsa.

Graver hollered as a thud sound reached Aria's ears.

"Graver?" She hollered. Trying to see if she could see him through the darkness.

"Over here!" He grunted.

"Why I did say to watch your step, didn't I?" Steve whispered in Aria's ear. She whipped around, expecting to see him standing behind her, but all she could see was black.

Watch your step…. A floor trap? She thought. Aria crouched down, to get on her hands and knees and slowly shuffled her way towards Graver's grunting. Using her hands to feel the ground in front of her. Looking for any signs of a floor trap. Her hand hit the air, as she almost fell forward. The revolting smell was pungent, causing her to vomit over the edge into the abyss. Gut-wrenching as she emptied the contents in her stomach.

Aria groaned as she wiped her mouth, "Where are you, Graver?"

"Here," Graver said. Aria could hear the weakness in his voice. She felt the edge of the trap and moved along until she found Graver's hands.

"I've got you." She grunted as she grabbed his hands and began to pull him up, slowly.

Aria and Graver paused as they heard nails scraping against a stone wall that was accompanied by heavy breathing. She lifted her head, trying to pinpoint the noise and to her horror, realized it came from within the pit. She looked down; the overpowering smell wafted upwards, blowing the hair from her face as the scent filled her nose.

"Pull me up!" Graver shouted.

Aria pulled with all her strength as Graver scrambled his way over the edge. They collapsed to the ground as a snarl came from the pit. Aria glanced in front of her and saw a gnarled shadow handgrip the side of the hole.

Aria and Graver scrambled to their feet, as fast as possible, as the smell overcame their senses from a draft of wind blowing out of the hole, the shape of the creature barely visible in the dark. The floor near Aria twisted beneath her foot. She took a step back and saw the outline of Steve's face appear with a cynical grin.

"Oh dear, you woke Barry up." Steve chastised, "tsk tsk tsk. Oh well, rise and shine Barry!"

Aria glanced up and saw glowing beetles hanging from the ceiling of the chamber, bathing the cavern in a pale glow, illuminating the monster with its radiance.

"Oh shit," Aria whispered.

The creature's body wrapped in a variety of coral spines, resembling crumbling armour. Using its *arms* to maintain its balance, more and more spikes emerged with each shift of the lumbering *body *. It's putrid, dead gray skin visibly rotting beneath all the corral. Aria stood frozen in place as she stared at the creature's face. Where its eyes should have been, were dark hollow sockets with a transparent film of skin covering both as the beast opened its mouth, revealing row upon row. of razor-sharp teeth

"What is that thing?" Rhosyn hollered.

"How the hell would I know?" Aria yelled. She drew her sword and stepped back as the creature advanced slowly.

"How do we kill it?" Aria asked, "Telsa?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Telsa said.

"You know everything!"

"Well, obviously, I don't."

"Enough, you two," Graver cut in, "this is not helping our current situation."

Aria wanted to say something but bit her tongue as the monster bolted towards her. Aria swore as she dove to her right. A whizzing sound came from above her.

"I figured it out!" Rhosyn shouted.

"Figured what out?" Aria yelled as she dodged the creature's advancement. The vibration from her sword clashing against the coral blades left her arms tingling with weakness. She gritted her teeth as she tried to prevent her arms from shaking.

"Are you all just going to stand there?" She snarled as she cut the co

"Keep it distracted," Telsa shouted. Aria opened her mouth to respond, but the creature jumped backwards, making her stumble forwards. It raised its coral blade and slashed down. Aria swung up to parry. A loud clang rang through the chamber before the sound of metal hitting the ground reached everyone's ears. Aria stepped back as pain seared her face. A warm liquid began to trail down her cheek and neck as she brought her hand to touch her face. She winced as she saw her fingers covered in crimson red.

"H..h…," A raspy gurgling voice said, "" Aria was taken back as she glanced at the creature as she saw red trickling down its face from its eyes. Her eyes averted to the creature's arms as the coral began to wrap around its hands and arms, forming a four-foot blade on each side of it, reminding her of a crescent blade. Aria took a step back as the coral began to twist around its body, forming spikes. It attempts to speak was futile before the creature lashed outward, sending spikes flying at her. Aria's stomach dropped as she had no weapon to defend herself and dodging wasn't going to help.

Use me, a voice resounded in Aria's mind, let your fear go, feel me in your veins. Use your imagination...

My imagination? Aria didn't have time to ponder on the voice as she thought of a shield before her.

Raise your hand.

Aria did as she was told and raised her hand. A warm feeling flooded her body as a dark purple shield manifested in front of her, just in time to block the coral spikes. She groaned and clutched her head as it began to feel as if a knife was stabbing her behind her eyes. She felt wetness run out from her nose and across her lips. A rich sweetness with a slight metallic taste flooded her taste buds.

"Kill me," the creature pleaded before raising its blades and lashed down. Aria used the purple shield to block. Flinching at the pain in her brain. She gritted her teeth as a loud roar resonated in her ears as the pressure was lifted off the shield. She glanced around and saw snowflakes falling to the ground, and the creature on its side twitching as it bled out.

Drink, the voice urged. Aria felt compelled to taste the creature's blood, as she found herself taking a step forward.

Drink, it repeated, Taste the power.

Power? Aria felt herself take another step like someone was forcing her too.

Power to give you freedom.

Aria's gums were painful as her fangs lengthened; her mouth parched from overwhelming thirst, a limitless thirst seemingly without end. All she could think about was the urge to taste the life force of the creature. She reached down and pulled the frozen arrow out of the creature's neck.

Drink. Aria hesitated as she watched the blood pulse from the wound.

Drink. The thirst got stronger as Aria felt her throat constrict. She brought a hand to her mouth, tongue flickering out to taste the blood on her fingers. An explosion of flavour hit her tongue, making her moan as the voice purred in her mind. Aria could only see red, with the dying need to drink the blood. She ferociously tore the coral off the creature's body and sank her fangs into the open wound. Drawing the blood into her mouth, her senses were filled with an earthy copper taste. She closed her eyes as she moaned. She vaguely heard her name being called as her mind went black.

Where am I? Aria thought.

"No one will be able to find you here." Aria felt herself say, but the voice came from a man. Her vision blurred for only a moment before a soft, golden glow enveloped her, bringing light to the darkness. All around her, multihued coral spun and twisted like long, slender branches, cradling the light on a podium of smooth stones. Aria's arm moved suddenly, only it was not her own, but rather it was scaled and speckled like that of a fish. With a motion of the hand, the water around them seemed to shimmer for just a moment before the coral contorted, slowly ensnaring the light and leaving it in a cage of

"Here, our people's safety, your children, is secured."

The light flickered as if to respond, the water around her warming after the strange voice spoke.

Her vision blurred again, the darkness and golden light replaced instead with an immense sculpture of a macabre skull, water raining down from above and hanging moss grew rampantly on every surface. What little light there was came from the walls and ceiling, a dim glow of algae.

The gaping maw of the skull's open mouth seemed to silently laugh as Aria still moved without her will and the eyeless sockets staring back at her. She stopped at the edge of the water, staring into the deep, blue pool.

"Your resting place will be here, my secret to being carried through my line until one who is worthy claims your sacred light."

Aria suddenly dove into the pool, and for only a moment she saw legs morph into a beautiful, shimmering tail as she moved through the water at impossible speeds, the tunnel twisted and split, a maze of coral and stone that spanned with no limit. After what felt like an eternity, she saw sunlight scatter through the moving sea and a great wall of coral disappearing into the horizon.

With another wave of the scaled hand, the entrance she had just swam through closed tight, becoming one with the tangled shoreline the spanned endlessly.

"It is done."

"Aria!" A voice broke through the bloodlust haze that filled Aria's mind. Slowly she felt her body being shaken as the voice continued to repeat her name. Aria felt her fangs recede as the body she was holding dropped to the ground.

"I think she's back." Aria heard Telsa say. Gravers face appeared in her line of vision.

"Aria are you okay?" She saw his lips move but didn't register what he said.

Feel the power of the Drowen, the voice from before spoke, it's yours.

"Its mine," Aria whispered. Graver looked towards Telsa and raised an eyebrow in question. Telsa shrugged, "Let's get her up." Aria shook her head as the voice faded, beginning to feel like herself.

"No. I'm fine." She stood up and looked around the cavern. She spotted Rhosyn just a few feet away. Noticing her face was pale.

"You guys should be more concerned about her." She commented. Graver glanced over to Rhosyn and noticed her pale face and trembling hands.

"Crap." He got up and went to her.

"Okay, Steve. What else is going to throw at us." Aria said. She was done with the games. In front of her, she saw a shift in the floor as Steve rose.

"You are very interesting. Behind you is a tunnel that will lead you back. Follow the string to be reunited with your friend." Steve had a smile Aria couldn't distinguish.

"No more games." She warned. He chuckled as he disappeared back into the ground. Aria turned around to find Graver comforting Rhsoyn.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she went to stand in front of Rhosyn.

Rhosyn nodded as she removed herself from Gravers' embracement.

"I've never seen someone drink from a living being, that was so," she hesitated, "violent."

Aria grimaced, "I don't usually drink blood. I don't know what happened," she paused, "shall we get back to Gael?" Rhosyn nodded as the four of them entered the tunnel, following the string, that Steve had mentioned.

They didn't walk far before they reached a split tunnel. Six tunnels branched off from the one they came from. Aria glanced at the string to see it went directly into the tunnel that was blocked off.

"Great. Just great." Telsa murmured. Aria could hear she was getting fed up, by how her voice carried a sense of mockery and frustration. Steve appealed from the blocked tunnel and smiled.

"Would you like a map?" He asked. Aria glanced back to her friends.

"Should we trust him?" she asked.

"What is he going to do? Throw us into another floor trap with monsters?" Graver replied dryly.

"I take that as a yes." Steve stretched out his hand and produced a hand size square that separated from him and dropped to the floor. Telsa slowly walked and picked up the square object. Keeping her eye on Steve. She stepped back and examined it. Aria could see it was nothing but a rock.

"Dick!" Telsa snarled as she whirled around and hurled the rock at him. The rock smashed into his head before the landing of the ground and shattering into pieces.

"This is all just fun and games for you, but this is life or death for us!" Telsa screamed.

"Telsa, there is no need to get worked up over it. That is what he is wanting." Rhosyn murmured.

"She's right." Aria cut Telsa off. Telsa huffed as she glared at Steve before he disappeared within the wall.

Aria glanced over at Graver, "What do you know of the labyrinth here?" she asked.

"Gael only told us that it changes after a certain period," he replied.

"Do you know the period?"

"I can't remember." Graver sheepishly said.

"Then, I guess we wait." Aria and Rhosyn said in unison, as they sat against the wall to wait.

It felt like hours had passed as Aria let out a groan. She was beginning to get restless, sitting here talking about the past, waiting for the labyrinth to move.

"Anyone have water?"She asked. She hadn't drunk anything after consuming the blood of that vile creature, and the taste was beginning to get to her. It had left a film in her mouth.

"Bêl," Rhosyn whispered. Aria stared as strands of water ribboned through her sister's spread fingers as it began to swirl in an upward motion, almost like a whirlpool. It pooled as of Rhosyn's grasps, though her hands never made contact. Aria knew they wanted to come together; she had felt this for herself, long ago. The perfect ball of singing water glistened as it came to a standstill. Crystal clear. Rhosyn looked at Aria as she shifted.

"Sister, are you going to drink or just watch me?" Rhosyn chuckled.

"I've always been jealous of how easy the elements came to you. This brings back if poured into a form that looked like a larger bowl. It continued to fill as more silken threads spun the liquid in an invisible container. A ball began to form from the overflowing confines old memories in the palace garden with Ma." Aria bent down and drank from the ball of water between Rhosyn's hand. It was refreshing as Aria felt the cold water slide down. She moved back so Telsa and Graver could have a drink.

The walls began to move as the scraping sound drew their attention. Rhosyn released the spell, creating the orb started to fall like a waterfall, froth rushing between Rhosyns's fingers and fell to the floor as the sphere dissolved. The water splashed against Aria's boots as they all got to their feet. Aria groaned as her muscles protested. She was stiff from everything that had happened in the last few days. Steve's head appeared out of the wall, just in front of Aria.

"Congratulations! Your reward for getting past this wall is… another wall!" He said, before disappearing.

Aria sighed as she sat back against the wall.

"We should never have listened to him," Telsa said.

"That thing you do with your mouth… just don't." Steve said, his face appeared just above Telsa before disappearing and reappearing beside Aria.

"So impatient she is. You on the other hand." He said as he looked at Aria. A wall appeared around her, so quickly she didn't have a chance to move. No one did.

"Now why did you go and do that?" Aria snarled. She was done with the games, but couldn't do anything about it.

"You wish to see the bastard king, no?"

"They do."

"But what about you?"

"They want to get the throne back. I want to not be trapped anymore."

Steve paused for a moment before producing an amulet with a string.

"How did you.."

"We want one and the same," He interrupted her, "I will let you through Scott free if you take a part of me with you."

"Why?" She asked wry.

"As I said, we are one and the same. I wish to see more of the world, then what is just in here."

"How does this work?"

"It holds a piece of the labyrinth that allows me to move from one place to another. I will be able to transfer from this back to here." He handed the amulet to her.

"Either take it or turn into one of my pets."

"Fine." She said.

"Do we have a deal?"

"Yes, we have a deal."

"Good, look on the back and say the word that is written." Aria looked at him with confusion. She grabbed the necklace from his outstretched hand. It was a piece of clay, with a form of metal wire, twisting around it. She took a closer look. It looked as if the thin metal wires were placed in a certain way to form a type of rune. She flipped it over to see a word etched into the back of the clay.

"Abel." She pronounced. The metal wires heated up, as the clay flashed a bright light, blinding her. She dropped the necklace as she clawed at her throat. She couldn't breathe, it was like something was restricting her from breathing. She fell to the ground as her body began to spasm, and her head felt like some was gripping it like a vice grip. Blood poured from her eyes and ears as she struggled to breath.

"Repeat it." His voice echoed.

"Abel." Aria mouth as she struggled to breathe.

Instantly she was able to breathe, and the pain eased. She gasped for air in between breaths. Her mind felt hollow as she glared at Steve.

"What did you do to me?" Her voice was raspy.

"We are now bound by our deal. Break it, and you will suffer." He said as he smiled.

"I hate you." She snarled as she struggled to her feet.

"Oh, we are going to have such fun," He grabbed the amulet and placed it on her, "Now remember, you can't let anyone know. I'm a secret." He winked before disappearing with the walls.

"Aria!" Telsa called, "What happened?"

"Nothing, just another game." She cleared her throat. The wall blocking the tunnel disappeared. They walked forward as they saw Gael and Zerith come around the corner.

"We do not speak of this to Gael," Aria said. Everyone murmured their agreement.

"It is my pleasure to be of service. May I inquire to why you are roaming the halls of the Portal Universe?" He asked.

"We at on our way to seeth Roco," Gael replied. Telsa and Aria helped Rhosyn up. Zerith thought for a moment before offering, "I can guide you to the portal if you so wish."

"We appreciateth the off'r but we knoweth we are going. Thanketh thee again for the antidote, but we might not but best on our way." Gael nodded and gestured for the group to continue on. Rhosyn and Aria bowed to Zerith in gratitude and followed their friends, leaving Zerith behind.

Rhosyn glanced back and watched as a portal opened and closed behind Zerith.

Who was that man? she thought.

"Graver, pray, explain yourself?" Gael asked. Everyone looked at each other with a worried expression. Did he know something?

"What do you mean?" Graver coughed, trying to cover his discomfort.

"What became of Rhosyn, what else could I be referring to?" Gael said as he looked at him.

"I'm actually not sure. I assumed a Jai'lan got her." Graver than looked back and asked Rhosyn,

"What exactly happened out there anyways?"

Rhosyn responded with a soft smile, "I was knocked off the horse by a Jai'lan. It decided to shove its claws into my side."

"How were you not left in the ditch, bleeding to death? Healing magic?" Telsa threw over her shoulder as she walked along the tunnels.

"Sort of," Rhosyn replied.

"You've been taught spells of healing?" Gael inquired. Rhosyn didn't know what to say as she looked at Graver for help.

"No. Rhosyn's ended up teaching herself." Graver hesitated.

"Why farce is this?"

"Well… we got separated after going through the portal." Gael stopped walking and turned to face Graver. A vein bulged out of his forehead as his peppered eyebrows scrunched up.

"You mean to say that you did not uphold your duty and mislay your charge!?" He gritted his teeth.

"Um…" Graver took a step back as Gael eye's turned murky grey, "There is a valid reason to why we were." He raised his hands up, submitting.

"When we escaped the castle, multiple undead creatures were laying in wait. It was like they were expecting us to flee that way. I managed to get us through to the human realm, but I was injured. Worse then I thought. A human found us and took Rhosyn in. I managed to find her, by then she was already practicing magic." He quickly explained. Gael's eye's slowly transformed back to their milky grey colour.

"Fortunately for you, our liege is not here to administer just punishment for this lapse of your responsibility."

"Even if the king were alive, he would never go against the queen's plan. You and I both know that! Even then, the queen was wrong."

Rhosyn cleared her throat, drawing Graver and Gael's attention.

"If you guys don't mind, but we are here too." She stated. She raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms.

"First off, Graver did the best he could. I'm still here, am I not? Secondly, what does our mother have to do with any of this? Thirdly, what type of punishment?" She asked.

"Hey be glad you grew up being allowed to roam. Gael and Telsa kept me locked in a nun temple." Aria commented. Rhosyn turned to Aria with her eyes wide with shock, as she tried to form words, but failed.

"Do not speak ill of your kin, child. If it was in time bygone punishment for such a failure would be lashing." Gael said as he turned and continued walking. Rhosyn stared at Gael's back, not knowing what to say.

"Hey, you asked, sister," Aria said as she linked arms with Rhosyn and walked after Gael.

"We are here," Gael stopped, "The realm of roaming skies, the shifting lands and our destination."

Before them, there were vines moving across the floor and walls. It was like they had a life of their own. Rhosyn felt a chill go down her spine as she looked at the portal. It looked like black tendrils that were moving, twisting and tangling amongst themselves. She couldn't take her eyes off them until she noticed the entrance. It was continually moving like the surface of a lake, reflecting their image as it shifted. She saw that the portal would break and remodel itself as the vines moved.

"Now that's just creepy." Graver pointed out.

"No! It's gorgeous!" Rhosyn commented in awe.

"What is this place?" Aria asked. Rhosyn looked at her and smiled. It seemed they shared the same thought.

"This is the shifting land portal," Gael said as he moved closer to it.

"What is this place really? Why are these vines moving?" Aria asked.

"This vast, twisted realm is known to all as the Portal Universe. Long before now, the realms were not barred by this labyrinth, it was great portcullis gates that led to all destinations without err. The lord of lords long before your late father, was a tyrant, bitter and cruel, who turned all races on another in endless war that spanned centuries. The Tarkargon treated with the Scarlet Empire, the land of your people and of your father. An alliance forged, the offered to bring peace to our realms while my people divined a way to ensure the Portal Universe could not be used again. After much time, we found a way to twist the portcullis halls into the vast maze around us. The gates remain as they were since times beginning, but the connections between forever twist and shift. This would ensure that the realms could no longer war amongst themselves, as no army could safely pass through it's ever changing paths. On that day, your family line would reign over all as Lord of Lords, bringing peace for all, as will you once you rightfully take your place as your father did before you," Gael explained,

"Come, your uncle is waiting." Gael walked through the portal. The vines tightened as he disappeared.

"I still find that moderately disturbing," Graver commented as he waved the girls to go first,

"After you." They all walked through the portal and entered the shifting lands.