Chereads / lost heirs / Chapter 9 - Chapter Eight

Chapter 9 - Chapter Eight

A Few Weeks Earlier

A shrill scream pierced the silence in the convent halls, an aged woman turned from her studies toward the thick wooden door where panicked shouts could be heard clear as day. Before she could even blink, the door was forced open, and a horde of soldiers stormed in, cradling a broken woman between them

"Mother Henna!" the captain of the troupe roared. " We need your help!"

"Good father and all things holy. Quickly now, to the table." Mother Henna ushered the men to the back of her study. They immediately pushed their way through and placed the girl down as gently as they could. However, every small movement raised a shriek of pain from her battered lips, and Mother Henna could hear the disquieting sound of snapping bones. She turned to one of her nearby sisters, her eyes firm.

"Colleen grab the trauma kit, quickly now." She instructed as she pulled up the cuffs of her robes. The girl quickly disappeared into an adjacent room as Henna turned to the Admiral, who stood at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed.

"Admiral Arkan," She spoke with an admonishing tone. "Do you care to explain the madness you've brought into my clinic?"

"I am sorry, mother," Arkan apologized quietly. "But we had no choice but to bring her here. The Kings team would have been too far for her to survive."

"And what caused this?" Henna carefully examined the girl's wounds.

"A herd of Guro, they have somehow escaped their enclosure and charged over Princess Aria."

Henna managed to hide her shock. "We are going to need fresh blood to help her body heal from this trauma." She snapped her fingers towards the other nun. "Ella, see if there is any in our stores."

The girl nodded and disappeared out the main door, only for one of Arkan's ranks to step forward, a young woman with flaxen hair and the bearing of a soldier.

"You can take mine." She stated curtly.

Mother Henna looked her up and down, "My dear, you are just human, your blood will do nothing for her."

"I may be human, but Aria and I are bound together; have been for over a century." Everyone's head turned and stared at her, shock clearly apparent on their faces.

"We need Scarlet blood, dear child. Unfortunately, anything else would be to her detriment." Mother Henna turned away and found Ella at the doorway. "Was there any?"

"No Mother."

Mother Henna frowned "She's lost a lot of blood, find a donor, if there are none, call on all the human feeders."

"Wait," Arkan stepped forward, "Take my blood, it will surely be enough."

"Admiral, you can't," Arkan's second in command stated gruffly.

"Admiral Arkan, he is right, you know the danger as well as I." Mother Henna shook her head as she hovered her hands over Aria's body, a soft glow emanating from the palms.

"No blood—" Aria choked out as she tried to breathe through her coughs. Mother Henna could clearly see the blood welling up in her mouth as she gently turned the girl over and almost immediately her breathing became clearer, blood pooling onto the soft bedding. All the while the troupe around Mother Henna continued to bicker on what to do. The bickering quickly turned to arguing on who would supply the blood. Mother Henna, suddenly agitated by the ceaseless nattering, stood straight and gave each one of the battle-hardened soldiers a cold death glare

"Silence," Mother Henna snapped, "You are not doing Aria any favours whining like children."

"But¬¬—" Telsa began.

"I will hear no more, I can't concentrate with you all hovering. Now away with you, shoo!" Mother Henna began pushing the group out, swatting away at them with her hands. When the last of the group was out the door, she slammed the door shut, leaving her alone with her two sisters and Aria.

"Now," the right corner of her lip turned upwards slightly, "Let's get you fixed up."

Hours later, Mother Henna stepped out of the clinic, her white satin gown soaked red down the front, she found the group seated on benches outside, quietly talking amongst themselves. A young girl, Henna recognized immediately as Rhosyn stood up immediately.

"How is she?" she asked quickly, concern welling up in her eyes

"Stable, but she is not past the worst of it," Mother Henna shook her head as she sat on the bench, "She's asleep until her injuries can heal as quickly as they should. She received extensive muscling tearing in her back and legs, which resulted in nerve damage throughout her legs. Due to the break of her right leg, the bone managed to nick an artery. If it weren't for the medic unit, she would be dead. She is covered in bruising and abrasions," Silence hung in the air, "She took a massive beating and frankly she shouldn't be alive, but she is for now."

"Mother, I can help with the healing process," Rhosyn offered instantly.

Mother Henna smiled warmly. "Perhaps you can, I'll take you up on your offer. Maybe you can learn more under my wing as well. Now about the scarlet blood," Henna's words trailed off as her eyes landed on Arkan, making him rock side to side, "We absolutely cannot let her bite you; it may begin the amora bonding," she took a deep breath in. "But, if we introduce the blood with an infusion, it shouldn't activate it. I cannot say for certain, but we don't have a choice," She stood up and jerked her head towards the door, "Let's get started." They walked into Aria's room. Bandages covered Aria's legs and arms as she slept peacefully.

"What do you require me to do?" Arkan asked. His eyes fixated on the bruising that slowly began to darken over Aria's face and neck.

Ella stepped forward with a chair "Please make yourself comfortable beside her, my Lord Admiral."

"Arkan," he grumbled. "Arkan is just fine."

Ella nodded and rubbed a foul-smelling liquid on his forearm before sticking a small needle into his arm. His face stayed composed as he stared at Aria. Ella placed another needle into his other arm, attaching it to a hanging bag of clear fluid. She connected a line to the arm closest to Aria and put a needle into an opening between the bandages. Slowly bright red filled the tube, leaving Arkan's body and going into Aria.

Mother Henna studied the flow and nodded briefly before turning back to Arkan. "If you feel light-headed, let us know immediately. We will fetch for the feeders and let you rest before continuing," she turned to Rhosyn and smiled."Rhosyn dear, you know how to do a body search?"

"Body search?"

"Yes, have you been trained in that magic?"

"I believe so."

"That's fine dear. We will walk you through it." Colleen and Ella stood around the table and locked hands with Mother Henna and Rhosyn.

"Let's us focus on finding the worst injury," The girls closed their eyes as they slowly released their magic. Allowing it to mix together and flow out of Mother Henna's and Rhosyn's hands that were placed on Aria's shoulders. The magic commingled and swelled over Aria's heart as it began to disperse through her blood, searching for any damages. One by one, magic begins to glow along her spine, arms, legs and ribs.

"Can you feel which one needs our care the most?" Mother Henna asked.

Rhosyn furrowed her brow in concentration. "I can. The spinal cord has been badly damaged."

"Do you think you can heal it on your own?"


"Go ahead. We will watch." Mother Henna instructed

Silence filled the room as the Sisters and Mother watched with their magic to watch Rhosyn's progress. The entire world around them a black and silent abyss as all their attention was laid on Aria's still form.

Rhosyn stopped, focusing intently. "It actually feels like something is blocking the spine, almost like it's been crushed."

"Well done," Mother Henna congratulated. "the bone around the spinal cord has been crushed."

"Atgy-werio," A flare in magic came forth from Rhosyn as the bone knitted itself back together, releasing the spinal cord, and repairing the damage that was done.

"Excellent job, now send a push with your magic into her spine to activate the nerves."

"I can't. It took everything I had." Rhosyn's voice wavered. Colleen stepped in and pushed magic through, making Aria's legs twitch. Mother Henna dropped her hands, breaking the spell ring and pulling everyone out. Rhosyn's face was pale as sweat had broken across her skin.

"Graver." Mother Henna called out. The door opened almost instantly, and Graver's sculpted face popped in, "Yes?"

"Take Rhosyn to her room. She needs to rest," she looked at Rhosyn, "I will see you here tomorrow. I will continue your training then."

Rhosyn nodded as Graver wrapped his arm around her waist, helping her out. Mother Henna smiled briefly before turning to Arkan, who clenched his fist rhythmically to force blood from his veins.

"How are you doing?" she asked quietly

"I am fine. Does Aria require more?"

"She should be fine for today. Tomorrow we will repeat the treatment."

"As you wish. I'll report to Lord Roco on what has happened." Ella removed the needles and padded the wounds before placing a bandaged. Arkan slowly stood up and marched out with Mother Henna, and the sisters the following suit. Leaving Aria to rest.

Current Day

"She should be waking up," a man's voice said, bringing her back from the darkness.

"She had a lot of injuries. It could take time." A woman's voice said.

"Send for me when she does."

"Of course."

No! Morato! A strange voice spoke from within. Making Aria shrink back, as she fought the darkness away. As she struggled, the darkness slowly faded away. Her eyes fluttered but crust covered them, refusing to let go as she tried to open her eyes. She raised her arms and removed the sleep from her eyelashes. Blinking, the light blinded her, causing her to squint, waiting for her eyes to adjust.

"You're awake!" A familiar voice rang loud in her ears. Aria winced slightly as her eyes landed on Rhosyn.

"I'm glad to see your face." Her throat was dry like a frog was living within her vocal cords. Rhosyn brought an iron goblet up to her lips, "Here," Aria took a sip, the cool water coated her throat, making her moan slightly at the relief the water brought.

"Thank-you," Rhosyn smiled slightly as she took a seat beside the bed, "What happened?"

"Well, you were trampled by Guro's. We managed to heal your broken ribs, limbs and spine. We couldn't do anything for the muscle tearing or your bruising."


"Here let me help you sit up." Rhosyn propped up a pillow and helped her sit up. Aria's muscles protested, stiff and sore. Her nose scrunched up as she tried not to groan. Aria cleared her throat, "How long was I out?"

"A few weeks."

"Osman?" Aria looked at Rhosyn.

"Whose Osman?"

"The little boy I was helping." Aria's heart slammed into her chest, dread filling her stomach, making it feel heavy, she was afraid she hadn't been able to protect him.

"Oh, him. We found him unscathed." A sigh of relief fell from Aria's lips.

"I'm glad," Aria studied Rhosyn's face, noticing the dark circles around her eyes, "You haven't been sleeping, why?" Rhosyn jerked back slightly.

"The dreams are getting worse," Rhosyn said, quietly.

"What kind of dreams?"

Rhosyn hesitated, "They're about Saffir."

"Who is Saffir?"

Rhosyn shifted in her chair, "Remember the night we had to escape from the palace?"

"I'll never be able to forget it." Aria stated.

"Well Graver and I were surrounded by Jai'lans and we had to fight for our lives to get to the portal," she paused as she stared at her hands as she fiddled with her fingers, "Graver was hurt and when we got to the Eroysia, he was out cold. A woman came upon us and took me in. She had a young daughter named Saffir. When they found out what I was, they didn't treat me well, but Saffir didn't care. I came to love her like a little sister." Silence filled the room, as a tear slid down Rhosyn's face.

"Graver found me, and Saffir decided to come with us. We were constantly on the run, villagers were hunting us, and a group managed to take Saffir, raping her and killing her. I was unable to save her. These dreams keep repeating themselves, and I have this dreadful feeling in my gut that just won't go away."

"Do you think they may mean something?" Aria asked.

"Maybe, I'm not sure anymore." Aria wondered if Rhosyn had gained one of their mother's gift, but she wouldn't know for certain until it happened.

"Well, I'm here for you, if you need to talk."

"Thank-you. I missed you." Rhosyn got up and embraced Aria.

"I miss you too." Aria buried her face into the crook of Rhosyn's neck, relishing in the warmth of finally having her sister back. Someone cleared their throat, making them break away.

"I don't mean to interrupt this little reunion, but, duty calls," The man was dressed in dark red robes, a golden chain hung around his waist with a brown leather book attached. His hair was dark and a morning beard flickered across his rounded chin. He turned around and walked out.

"Who was that?" Aria pointed a finger at the door as she looked at Rhosyn questioningly.

"That would be Zerith."

"Zerith?" Mia walked in with a bundle of clothes in her arms.

"I'll explain later, let's get you dressed." Mia and Rhosyn helped Aria into a pair of soft leather pants with soft knew high leather boots and a white long sleeve shirt.

"Ready?" Rhosyn asked as she looped her arm through Arias.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Aria smiled slightly as they walked out of the convent clinic and down the massive vaulted hallways.

"Mia, where are we to go?" Rhosyn asked.

"The library, near the east wing of the palace." She said, following behind. Aria slowly followed alongside Rhosyn. She was too focused on remembering how to use her legs to take notice of the armour suits lined up in ranks on either side of them, spears held in attention and crossing overhead.

After a few minutes of twists and turns, they found the library. Bookshelves covered the walls and reached the ceiling and Aria could see balconies rise and fall on pulley's to reach the higher floors. In the center of the vaulted hall, row upon row of plain tables littered with books and scrolls with an archaic script on their pages. Aria picked up one such scroll, and on it's she found the instructions for a magic circle spell, including ingredients and rites to perform. She was so engrossed that she didn't even see Zerith looming over her.

"Ah, yes." He began, making her jump. "Transmutation circles. It is the cornerstone for creation spells."

Aria's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Don't do that."

Zerith chuckled nervously. "My apologies. Now, for why you are here." He looked out at the expanse of knowledge. "My Lord has commanded me to instruct the two of you in combative magic."

"We already know how to use magic," Aria interjected. "Rhosyn can use the elements, and I can create shields."

Zerith seemed to grumble. "What you have been taught is the barest minimum you can accomplish. With the Elderblood, you have access to an infinite source of power. The very essence of magic courses through your veins!" He seemed to grow more ecstatic with every word passing his lips.

The two sisters looked at each other and sighed. Zerith was obviously going to be more eager of this then they were.

Zerith clapped his hands together. "Now, to begin, I will instruct you on the exordium of controlling magic." From his palms, Aria saw a white light emit. Slowly it took shape as a perfect sphere, bolts of pure power firing from its glow to latch to Zerith's fingers. He opened his palms to them, and the orb floated in his grasp.

"This is fundamental to all your spells. It is the basis of all your spells from here on out. From this point of concentration, a mage can shape it to their will. Create facsimiles of the elements, twist time, alter the fabric of reality, whatever you will it to be, it can achieve giving proper study." He stretched out his hands, the orb contorting, blazing into the form of wildfire, it's colour that of the sun.

Rhosyn's eyes twinkled with excitement, while Aria stared into the blazing light, a chill running down her spine.

Zerith clasped his hands together, snuffing out the flame. "Now, it is your turn, try to create an (orb spell) and hold it for as long as you can. I will be watching you closely and point out any flaws in your technique." The lilt in 'flaws' made Aria all but aware of his true meaning. Zerith turned away with a wry smirk on his face, sitting down in one of the nearby study tables and eyeing them intently.

Rhosyn was the first to try create the orb, and Aria felt the magic course through her into her hands. At first, nothing happened, but soon enough, white bolts of pure magic raced through her fingers, though try as she might, she could not shape it into a sphere, only a chaotic storm of lightning bolts in her hands.

"Damn it," Rhosyn swore. Aria's eyes widen, surprised at what her sister said.

"Now now," Zerith soothed. "It's only understandable that you don't get it immediately, it takes the uninitiated weeks of study to accomplish what you have just now." He turned to Aria. "How about you?"

Aria sighed and closed her eyes, focusing intently on the open space between her hands. Minutes passed, and she pushed with all of her might. But her magic would not cooperate, it just rushed through her, wild and without rhyme or reason.

"Well, it's definitely moving from what I see, but it's not listening to your commands." He chuckled and gave them an insufferable grin. "Birds of a feather, directionless and untamed. Perhaps, an etiquette class would help both of you?"

It was at that moment that Aria's magic had a direction, sudden anger and embarrassment rushed through Aria, and all of it directed at the arrogant man. In an instant, pink power burned in her hands and lit up the hall, Aria opened her eyes again and felt all that energy rush out of her immediately. Straight into Zerith's gormless face.

When the light show was over, Zerith was head over heels over the table, unceremoniously deposited on the floor. When he lifted himself back up, Aria struggled to contain her laughter. His face was smeared with black soot and slicked back hair completely dishevelled. Aria could clearly see smouldering embers in his brow and hair, smoke sputtering from them. With an almost painful groan, Zerith stood up, his face showing his obvious unhappiness with his lessons.

"Perhaps that is enough experimenting for today." He hesitantly whispered before quietly shuffling away.

Both the sisters giggled at that point, only for it to be cut short when both were struck from behind. A firm smack across the back of their heads that led to them both holding them in pain. Aria turned to find Telsa's face, the look of reprove completely apparent.

"I see it didn't take long for the two of you to get in trouble." She muttered darkly.

Maroto! Something within her shifted as Aria looked behind Telsa to see Arkan and Hazen, both with an amused look on their faces.

"It wasn't our fault," Aria muttered.

"Come. It's time to see what you know about combat." Arkan said, turning and walking out.

"What is with him?" Aria rolled her eyes as they followed behind him. After telling their side of the story with Telsa and going down a flight of stairs, they exited the palace and walked into the eastern gardens.

"Wow," Rhosyn stepped away from Aria and stared at the bush statues of Roco at the entrance to the garden. Looking past Aria could see rows upon rows of different coloured flowers and bushes.

"This is the eastern gardens, you can look after some combat training," Telsa said. Aria watched as Rhosyn's face fell in disappointment.

"It's okay sister, I will come with you and we can get lost as we use too." Rhosyn straightens and gave a small smile.

"This way," Telsa said, as she walked away. Following behind they walked past the garden and came upon soldiers fighting with swords in a ring, where other soldiers were practicing archery and throwing daggers at targets further down. Arkan leaned against the wooden fence of the arena, patiently waiting for them.

"How much experience do you have with a sword?" He asked, eyeing Aria as he waited for a response.

Rhosyn hesitated, "I've never touched a sword."

"And you?"

Aria gritted her teeth, something about him made her boil inside, "I only use a sword."

"You should know how to use a sword then." He looked her up and down.

"Yes." Doing her best to not move from his scrutiny.

"Due to your recent events, you will be sitting out on any combat training," He paused shifting his glaze to Hazen, "however, you will be working with Lieutenant Hazen and Graver on gaining full mobility."

"But," She stopped herself from speaking as his eyes harden and a slight purple began to glow and he clenched his jaw.

"There is no but. You will do as your told," He took a deep breath before moving his gaze onto Rhosyn, completely ignoring Aria. It irritated a deeper part of her, that she didn't understand.

"Let's get going," Arkan said as he hopped over the fence and handed a sword to Rhosyn.

"Come, let's go to the forest and start on some stretches," Hazen jerked his head, indicating for her to follow him. A sigh fell from her lips as she slowly walked her way to the forest edge where Graver and Hazen waited.

"How are you feeling?" Graver asked once she got close enough.

"Like I've been hit by a herd of animals," she muttered. Her body was stiff from not using her muscles.

"Well let's get you stretching and then you can go and watch Rhosyn train," Graver gave a reassuring smile. Hazen and Graver walked her through a series of stretches that helped target the muscles that were torn. Her body relished in the stretches, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. She kept glancing over towards the training ring, she felt a draw towards Arkan, but everything that came out of his mouth, rubbed her the wrong way.

"Earth to Aria," Hazen called, making her head snap back to them.


"It's fine. Time to do some active stretching now."

"Active stretching?"

"I'll show you," Hazen brought his leg up high and held there for an extended period of time than dropped it.

"Like this?" Aria did what he demonstrated, her muscles shaking as she struggled to keep her leg extended.

"Yes. Do that a few times and I'll show you a few more." Hazen said. He corrected her positions and encouraged her as she struggled. Her body hurting.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's go watch Rhosyn." Hazen concluded. Aria didn't know how long she had been practicing but she felt like she had spent a whole day doing sword drills. She wiped the sweat away as she walked silently to the arena. Graver excused himself as Hazen stood a way down. She was relatively alone when a voice scared her.

"When are you going to throw someone on their ass again?" Steve's voice came from the necklace around her neck.

"Fuck, don't scare me like that." Aria quietly snarled.

"What's the fun in that, if I can't?"

"Where have you been?"

"As much as your life has been entertaining, I have shit to do, unlike you." He had a fair point. The sound of a sword tinging and thumping against the ground caught their attention. Rhosyn held her hand as Arkan had the tip of his sword pointed at her chest.

"Again," Rhosyn fumbled as she picked up the sword and placed it in the sheath, "You must be able to remove the sword and block in an instance, your life depends on it." Arkan commanded.

"I bet she would love to be the sheath," Steve commented. Aria glanced at the amulet appalled at what he said. He chuckled, "She wouldn't be good in the sack."

"That is not an image I need in my head," Aria said, watching Rhosyn attempting to block Arkan's strike. She could tell he was holding himself back, by how he contracted his muscles and slowed down his timing. Rhosyn wasn't going to get it. Aria signed and turned around to see Telsa standing and watching her.

"Hey," Aria said.

"Hey back." Telsa smiled.

"Think she'll ever get the hang of it?" Aria jerked her head back.

"The way he is going about it, probably not."

"Happen to know where my sword went?" Aria asked. Telsa smiled and I strapped the leather that hung around her one shoulder, "Knew you were going to want it."

"You know me best." Aria grasped the handle of the sword's hilt and drew it, the sound of metal scraping against the leather. She rotated her wrist, testing the weight of the sword, familiar to her as she safely swung it in front of her.

"You tuned her up?" Aria gently ran her finger against the blade's edge, feeling it's sharpest.

"Find out." Telsa smiled as she walked away. Aria turned back to the arena and ducked under the fence, her body feeling better after all the stretching.

"She is never going to get that maneuver," Aria called out. Rhosyn and Arkan turned towards her as she walked over to them. Arkan raised an eyebrow, not bothering to say anything.

"You've never held a sword sister." Aria grabbed the sword from her sister's hand, feeling the weight off-balanced, and placed her own sword in her hand, "Can you tell the difference between the two?"

"Yes, this one is lighter, easier."

"Now try to do the maneuver." She stepped back to watch Rhosyn place the blade in the sheath and draw and parry Arkan's strike. Rhosyn's eyes got wide with surprise.

"Very good," Arkan praised, "Again." Aria stepped away and watched as Arkan took her through different maneuvers for a few hours when Telsa stepped up beside her.

"I have some news," She said.

"What kind?" Aria's interest perked.

"Roco is having a banquet ball tonight, I was informed to let you know to get ready."

"Rhosyn is going to like that," Aria said, her thoughts drifting back to the memory of the last ball she attended. The one where she saw her father's head rolling into the hallway, lifeless with blood pooling out, "Rhosyn!" Aria shouted.

"Yes?" Rhosyn wiped her forehead, removing the sweat the covered her skin.

"It's time to get ready for the banquet that is happening tonight," Telsa called. Rhosyn walked over and handed the sword back to Aria.

"What is the occasion?"

"You'll have to ask your uncle that," Telsa murmured, "Let's go."

Rhosyn turned to Arkan and thanked him before walking off with Aria and Telsa.