Aria stood in front of the decorative mirror as the sun danced along with it. Her elaborate green dress reflected back. It flowed from her shoulders with a scoop neckline, which gracefully revealed her hourglass figure. The satiny, loosely tied fabric of her skirt wrapped around her stomach where the continuous flow was broken up by a simple band worn quite high around her waist.
She raised a hand to shield her eyes from the reflective rays. A sigh fell from her lips; the right dress was nowhere in her closet. She glanced around her to see every dress she had ever owned was strewn across her chamber.
"Princess, that dress is stunning. You must hurry, you are late for dinner. His majesty is not happy." Mia, her maid, exclaimed as she shooed Aria towards the door.
"Very well." Aria murmured as she headed to the door.
"Is Rhosyn there?" She asked over her shoulder.
"She should be," Mia replied. Aria nodded as she opened the door and left her chambers quietly. What she was wearing would have to do.
The sun shined brightly, only was it stopped by the immense ivory pillars between the outer balcony and the hallway, where it left stretches of shadow across the hallway floors. Aria's heels clicked on the marble floor as she walked down the corridors. Her gown rustled ceaselessly, utterly oblivious to her surroundings.
Aria, where are you? Rhosyn's voice's echoed in Aria's mind.
Walking to this dreadful dinner.
You think every formal dinner is dreadful, Rhosyn chuckled, which hallway are you in? I'll come to meet you. So we can suffer together.
Aria chuckled, I'm at the southern balcony. I'll wait for you. Aria walked onto the balcony with Mia behind her.
"Princess, we have to go," Mia said. A sigh fell from Aria's lips.
"Mia, have you ever wondered what life is like outside the palace? What it's like to not be followed by guards? Not having anyone watching your every move?" Aria asked. Her eyes moved across Lotharis's capital city. Beyond the palace walls, the city spread below her, and the world suddenly felt so vast and free, with endless possibilities that Aria wanted to find.
Lights would glitter at night, just like stars dropping to the earth and small buildings collided in a mixture of shadow and geometry, tiny wagons rushing along tangled lines of streets creating twisting threads of colour - they all intertwined together in a magnificent mess of dream.
A breathtaking, marvellous, almost frightening dream that made her feel like some fake, unlucky living thing.
"Sister." Rhosyns voice brought Aria back. Aria smiled slightly and turned to face her sister. Watching as Rhosyns pale rose dress hugged her curves, moving like a wave, as she leaned against the railing.
"Daydreaming again?" she asked.
"Yes," Aria responded.
"Maybe we can talk to father about letting us outside the capital for a time," Rhosyn paused, "it could do us both good." Aria turned and looked out across the vast city, watching as the twinkling lights began to turn on, one by one.
"You know I don't just want a limited time out there." A sigh slipped through her lips.
"Maybe Ma will help us convince him."
"You know she doesn't have any say when it comes to father's decisions."
"Princess, we really need to get going." Mia's voice interrupted their conversation, coming from behind them. They looked over their shoulders to see Mia moving side to side and twisting her fingers. Her face was pale.
"What's wrong, Mia? You know we never show up or always late. This isn't out of our normal routine." Aria commented.
"I…" sharp intake of air could be heard as Mia tapered off. Her eyes widen as all blood drained from her face, causing her to take a step back.
"What is it, Mia?" Aria asked. Mia raised her hand and pointed back towards the city. Aria and Rhosyns looked back at the city. A black cloud began to form afar up in the sky. Slowly working, it's way to engulfing the sun. The lights in the city started to glow as a cyclone began falling from the black abyss cloud, crackling with lightning. As it touched the ground, it began to spread rapidly, like the plague, swallowing everything it touched, as if it was hungry for more. A deafening roar followed by vigorous tremors shook the earth's crust. The air became charged with static energy as the smell of singed earth hung loose in the air. Making Aria cough. Suddenly, the conical cyclone began to turn into a fiery column as liquefied rocks shot up into the sky, setting the column into a fiery electric storm. Aria stood there petrified as wails and screams filled the air.
"What is it?" Aria whispered. Rhosyn gripped into her hand tighter.
"We need to warn father," Rhosyn said.
Aria and Rhosyn let out a gasp as they watched as the black cloud began to swallow the outer edges of the city. Lightning shot out of the fiery abyss, striking buildings, sending liquidity rocks into nearby one, crumbling them to the ground. A roar of what sounded like thousands of voices came from within this black abyss.
Aria could only watch as people screamed, scrambling over each other, trying to getaway. Shouts and orders were being called as soldiers began ran across the walls surrounding the palace.
"Take your positions!" The Commander shouted.
"We need to warn Father and Ma!" Rhosyn shouted. Tugging on Arias' hand.
Screams echoed through the corridor as Aria whipped her head towards the massive vaulted doors that led to the dining hall.
"Hurry!" Aria shouted as she started running towards the doors but was stopped by Mia as she grabbed Aria's arm and tugged hard. Aria staggered a few steps backwards as the momentum pulled her.
"You can't! We have to get you both to safety!" Mia urged. Aria looked at Mia hard, and back at Rhosyn, they couldn't leave their family there, not when they needed help. The urge to go and help was burning her up inside. She continued to stare at Mia as she tried to decide whether to go towards the dining hall or to flee.
"Aria, we don't have time for this," Rhosyn said as she ripped Aria's arm free from Mia's grasp and grabbed onto Aria's hand. Dragging her down the hallway. Rhosyn's grip around her wrist was beginning to hurt as Rhosyn dug her nails into her skin.
"Let go Rhosyn. You're hurting me." Aria winced.
They rounded the corner and saw the door to the dining room. As Aria and Rhosyn made their way there, Gael, Telsa and Graver stepped out, blocking their paths.
"We must leave now. Graver, you take Rhosyn. Telsa and I will look out for Aria." Gael said. Graver nodded as he grabbed onto Rhosyns hand and started pulling her away from the dining room, regardless of her protests and attempts to flee.
"Let's go," Gael said, as he placed his hand on Aria's arm and started directing her away.
"But.." She trailed off as she heard clashing of swords come from the room. She glanced back when she heard shouts, only to see the head of her father rolling into the hallway.
"Gael! What is going on? Why…Why did fathers…" Aria sputtered. Tears formed in her eyes as the screams stopped.
Mother… Father… Aria's chest tightened as tears began to fall.
"Remember your first lesson, Aria, breath!" Gael murmured. She took a step back as she realized she was hyperventilating.
"There is no time to ask questions Aria. This way quickly." Gael quickly pulled her and Mia to the right, of the arched doors and down a long corridor, before stopping before a statue and grabbing ahold of the torch and pulling it towards him. The sound of shifting gears echoed in the wall as a panel in the wall opened up. He ushered the girls into the corridor that was cloaked in darkness. Telsa jerked her chin at Aria as she raised an eyebrow in question, but obeyed. As she neared where Gael was, Telsa closed in on her heels, she heard a click and a grinding noise as if the stone was scraping against stone. She accidentally bumped into Gael. As her eyes adjusted, Aria noticed him pointing at a hole in the wall. She suspected he wanted her to go in there.
Yeah right, she thought.
Gael grunted as he shoved her into the hole. Her heels sunk into the ground as she started to slowly walk her way down the incline. Telsa lit a torch, casting a dancing shadow across the walls. The walls were cobble, with green moss growing between the bricks. She sneered with disgust as the moist fuzz brushed against her hand.
So not a place for a princess to be, Aria thought to herself. She continued to follow Gael through the ancient tunnel, and all the while, she was aware of the oppressive darkness around her. The silence was eerie, almost frightening as they slowly shuffled down deeper into depths, the ground becoming more damper as Aria shuddered as cold, stagnant water splashed on her with each step.
" We are almost there, Aria. Just a bit further" Gael whispered comfortably, almost sensing her unease.
After some time, Gael lifted his torch to reveal an old grate, rusted with age and rotted wood hanging from its hinges. Gael turned to her and gave her a grave look.
" Aria, I want you to be careful but quick. Once you are through this hole, you must run for your life across the vast fields and into the forest, where you will hide deep within a bush or the treetops. Do not move or make a noise. We will find you. "
"We will be behind you. But do not stop or look back. No matter what happens!" Gael Aria took a deep breath and nodded. Gael nodded back, and with a massive heave, he lifted the grate over his head and Aria bolted, sprinting across the open field. She could hear the telltale jingle of Telsa's armour behind her, followed closely by the heavy footfalls of Gael. The area seemed unnaturally long, but finally, the forest was in reach when a sound bellowed from above.
"Aria! Above you!" Telsa roared as Aria stumbled and fell, knocked aside by the knight's push. She looked up at this time and saw talons glimmering in what little light there was. She caught a glance as to what bore them, a hulking creature with leathery wings spread wide. The claws caught empty air, not moments where Aria stood as the beast took to the skies again to ready for its next attack. It swooped down, diving directly at her. Talons opened.
Aria closed her eyes, raising her arms in front of her, in an attempt to protect herself. A sharp pain sliced through her arms as she screamed. She opened her eyes and watched as a second talon gripped around her chest. Pain slicing through her torso.
Aria's eyesight blurred, but not because tears were welling up, everything became fuzzy; then she saw nothing at all. Her consciousness was floating through an empty space filled with a thick static. Throughout the inky area, her heartbeat pounded loudly, echoing in her ears, alongside the fading of her screams.
* * * *
She jolted upright as her eyes flew open.
Oh, just a dream. Aria thought. Her shoulders sagged as she took a deep breath in. Steadying herself.
"Aria?" Aria looked to see Rhosyn walking beside her, that's when she noticed she was on a stretcher, being carried by two soldiers dressed in leather armour. The breastplate drew her eye as she studied what it looked to be made from many vertical layers of leather with squared edges and decoration pieces, that Aria couldn't recall. The men were well built, their dark hair pulled back in a ponytail.
"How are you feeling?" Rhosyn asked. Aria glanced at her.
"How do you think I feel?" Aria asked back, "How long was I out, sister?"
"Five days. Commander Arkan says we should reach the capital city any minute now."
Commander Arkan, Aria thought. From her memory, she recalled him interrupting her fight with the girl with fire for eyes. She would never forget those fiery red eyes blazing at her. She felt she knew the girl from somewhere. Aria groaned as her stiff muscles protested. She slipped her legs over the edge of the stretcher and stretched. A groan of pleasure slipped through her lips as she felt her muscles sing with happiness.
"Aria, you shouldn't move." Rhosyn placed a hand on her arm to stop her.
"The wound may be healed, but that doesn't mean…"
Aria stepped off the stretcher, focusing most of her weight on her left leg.
"See? I'm okay." She gave a small smile. Rhosyn's forehead creased as she looked at Aria.
"Well just don't push yourself. You were hurt pretty badly."
Aria scoffed as she took a step, crying out in pain, as a sharp firing pain went up to her thigh. Causing her to fall into Rhosyn's arm.
"Look at what you've done." Rhosyn huffed. The soldiers stopped beside them, placing the stretcher down. Wetness began to seep up her leg, causing her to look down and see that the bandages wrapped around her leg were soaked in blood.
"Now I have to change your bandages."
Footsteps approached them.
"What's the hold-up?" A commanding voice spoke.
Arkan, Aria recognized the voice. Rhosyn coughed as she cleared her throat. Attempting to busy herself with changing Aria's bandages.
"Nothing," Aria said as she looked up.
"Oh really?" Her eyes locked onto his sharp cat-like eyes that were the colour of midnight. He had a chiselled face that was framed with pieces of black hair that had gotten loose from his braid. She could see the defined lines of his muscles sculpted under the leather, as his black cloak covered his broad shoulders.
"What is your problem?" She found herself saying.
"My problem?" An eyebrow raised up as his lips slightly tilted upwards on one side.
"Yes, your problem."
"It's not my problem, but everyone else's problem."
"Which is?"
"You being selfish and hindering the group from reaching the capital."
"How was I being selfish?" He was starting to get on her nerves.
He looked at Rhosyn, "Don't let her off the stretcher," before turning on his heel and walking back to the front of the group, "Move out!"
"What is his problem?" Aria said. She glanced towards Rhosyn and caught her shrugging her shoulders.
"Let's get you back on the stretcher," Rhosyn said, helping Aria back on, and the soldiers started walking again.
"What happened while I was out?" Aria asked.
"Look! There's the city." Rhosyn said. Aria glanced over the soldier's shoulder and gasped. The city was huge.
"Whoa." She gasped. Farms expanded across the valley, with rivers boarding each farm. The outer edges of the city had wooden homes with straw roofing, moving inward, the homes turned to stone with shilling roofs, slowly turning into a building that she could not describe. Things she had never seen. The palace sat in the middle of the city, with massive walls protecting it. As they walked through the farm valley, farmers called out greetings to them.
"I've never seen people so friendly," Rhosyn whispered.
"What was that?" Aria asked. Rhosyn shook her head, not wanting to go into detail. As they neared the outer edges of the city, the smell of sweat and mould reached their nose. Aria stifled a cough, trying to not cough on the smell.
"I can walk." She said. Rhosyn went to protest but stopped herself. Aria got up off the stretcher slowly.
"Have a sword?" Rhosyn looked at her with a bewildered expression.
"A walking stick."
When Rhosyn's hand wrapped around the wooden staff, that was attached to her back, from her grip, water wreathed the staff like a raging current. In an instant, the water twisted and churned, engulfing it's entirely all except the stone, which now floated in the center of a whirlpool at its peak. She handed it to Aria.
"Will this do?"
"Uh… Yeah." Aria replied. She stared at the moving water as she slowly raised her hand. Grabbing hold of the staff, cold water encased her hand. Rhosyn let go and the water slid down, dropping the stone back to the tip of the staff, leaving behind the knotted wood of the staff. Aria glanced at Rhosyn, raising her left eyebrow up in question.
"It was a gift from Graver." Rhosyn shrugged her shoulders and moved forward. Aria's right tightened into a fist as she stared at Rhosyn's back.
Why? She thought to herself. She placed part of her weight on the staff and followed the group from behind, slowly navigating through the throng of people filling the streets.
A lost child began wailing for his mother, as a man frantically searched for his missing dog, shopkeepers screamed out offers at the top of their voices to attract customers and customers desperately tried to bargain for the best possible prices.
Aria stopped and looked at the lost child. Tears were streaming down his red face as he wailed.
"There, there. No need to cry, little one." She carefully knelt down and gently patted the little boy on his head. The child stopped, one foot sliding unconsciously backward and his eyes glancing behind for just a moment. Then his face buckled, once again, tears falling thickly to his cherubic lips, "Where's my mommy?"
"Why don't we go looking for her, together?" Aria suggested, "What do you think?" The little boy nodded his head as his grubby hands left dirt marks under his eye, as he scrubbed the tears away.
"What is your name?"
"Nice to meet you, Osman, I am Aria." Aria smiled at the child, offering her hand to the boy. He hesitantly took her hand. His tiny hand wrapping around three of her fingers.
"Let's see if my friends and I can help you find your ma." She smiled as she used the staff in her other hand to help her stand. She turned to look for her friends, only to see a swarm of people moving stall to stall. Her mouth opens and closed, as she searched the crowd for her friends.
"Well, I guess it'll be just me helping you." She looked down and winked at the boy. Hiding her fear of getting lost. It was a vast city, and it would be easy for them to get lost.
"Do you know where your home is?" He shook his head as they started walking through the streets. Smells of bread being baked filled the street and her senses as they walked passed a small bakery, hidden in a corner shop. Osman tugged on her arm, leading her towards the stall outside the shop. Her stomach snarled and grumbled and from it came the not-so-subtle undertone of pain. It came in waves, feeling as if her stomach was slowly digesting itself. She clutched at her stomach, slowly massaging it in an attempt to silence it with no avail. It was a slow pain, eating away at her. Aria rummaged through her pockets on her travelling trousers.
Where is it? She asked herself. Osman reached out to grab a loaf of bread from the stall.
"Get your filthy little thieving hands off my wares!" A hefty woman stepped out of the stall and smacked Osman's hands, "Get out of here before I call the wardens!" Osman's eyes welled up as he ran back to Aria. He clung to her leg, trembling. Anger began to well up in her chest as she stared at the older woman.
"What gives you the right to treat a little boy like that?" Aria snarled. The hefty woman took a step back, before standing up straight and standing her ground.
"Thieves have the right to rot in jail, how else are we supposed to make a living?" Aria could make a retort but chose not too, as she placed her hand on the boy's head, and placed the gold coin back in her pocket.
"Osman, we will find another stall to buy from," She informed him. The woman eyed her as she watched the gold coin disappear into Aria's pocket.
"Wait!" She called as they walked away.
Aria stopped and looked over her shoulder, "What?"
"You are a paying customer? Not a thief?"
"Who has the right to decide who is a paying customer or a thief?" She paused as the woman tried to find a way to respond, "Certainly not you." Aria reached down and grabbed Osman's hand and continue their walk through the crowded streets, eventually turning into a market.
The child wandered through the market, holding tightly onto her hand, head tilted upward to scan the faces of the adults that moved like shoals of fish from stall to stall. Every few steps he would stop and scream for his mother, but his voice was just one in many, every stallholder calling out for customers and haggling in every direction. With every jostle from a careless shopper, his eyes brimmed deeper with tears. Aria spotted another bread stall and decided it was time they took a break and ate.
"How much?" Aria asked as she picked up a loaf of sourdough.
"Two silvers." The gentleman replied. Aria grabbed two silver from her pocket and tossed it to the man, before moving to another stall and buying two apples.
"Let's go sit at the water fountain," Aria suggested. Osman nodded is head and ran ahead, saving them a spot while she hobbled her way there. She broke half of the loaf and handed it to him.
"Eat slowly, you don't want a hurt tummy." She tilted her head and smiled. She watched as the boy took a big bite into a piece of bread, chewing with his mouth open.
"Are you new in town?" A soft woman's voice spoke. Aria glanced to her side and saw a young woman around her age, with a soft face, and her hair braided down her back.
"Why do you ask?"
"I've never seen you around Valiance Square Market before." Aria stared at her while she savoured her apple.
"I've just moved here. What is this place?"
"This is the Valiance market, a place which is always drowning in a sea of people. Well, I think it's empty at night, with the curfew and everything."
Aria glanced around and noticed that not a single empty place could be spotted between the stalls. Some of the people walking by holding a hand against their forehead to shield themselves from the sun, while others made fans out of newspapers. The sun mercilessly shone down upon the market. Beads of sweat glistened on everyone's forehead and many faces turned red due to the sweltering heat. The salty odour of sweat mingled with her nose from the tingling aroma of spices and the sweet smell of flowers coming from the florist's shop. All of these smells mixed together and gave the market a rather unique scent, which hung in the air.
"Osman did you stray too far from your family again?" the young woman asked. Aria focused back on the little boy, to see him nod.
"You know him?" She asked.
"Of course. Osman's mother comes into the market once a week with him." The young woman paused, "But, recently, since the rumours started, she hasn't been to the market. She sends little Osman on his own." The woman blushed, bringing her hand to her face, "Oh gosh, I shouldn't have said that."
"No please, what are these rumours?" Aria asked. She glanced at the boy beside her, handing him an apple. He was thin, unhealthily thin, she could see his ribs sticking out beneath his shirt. He eagerly grabbed the apple and devoured it.
"Astra's husband is a swordmaster," the woman paused, "well, used to be a swordmaster."
"Used to be? What happened?"
"He trained all the soldiers for the King of Kings, Tarquen. Was famous for it, really."
"The rumours?"
"Oh right, apparently King Tarquen went around binding all the races under a spell, so they couldn't rebel against the throne. Seeing as Astra's husband was the one to train the king's soldiers, he lost his job when the king was killed, and with it his reputation."
"I don't know who killed the king, but they sing songs about him. He's a hero to the people."
Aria had to bite her tongue, stopping herself from speaking her mind.
It can't be true. Father would never do that! He is innocent.
"I'm Adrey by the way, what's your name?" Adrey smiled with a tilt of her head.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Aria. Where do you travel from?"A tug on her arm drew her attention from Adrey.
"Mommy?" Osman said.
"Right. Adrey, do you know where Osman's family live?" Aria asked as she placed an arm around Osman in an attempt to comfort him. Adrey blinked and look between the two of them.
"Are you sure you want to help him Aria? I know you're new to the area, but helping him could condemn you before you even start a life here."
"My life is already condemned, more than you think. Besides, no matter the issues, a boy should never be separated from his family."
"Or ripped from their family," Aria whispered to herself. The memory of her father's head rolling into the castle's hallway, lifeless, as blood seeped from his severed neck flashed before her eyes.
"I'll take you to the edge of the city, but I can't take you any further. I have my father's reputation to maintain." Adrey stood up and smiled.
"Thank you, I appreciate your help, more than you know." Aria stood up and reached a hand down to the boy, "Shall we go find your parents?"
Osman grabbed her hand and hopped down from the water's edge. Tugging on her hand.
"You don't speak much do you?" Aria commented.
"He is only three, I'm surprised Astra hasn't worked on his education," Adrey paused as she showed them down an alley, "But given their circumstances, I can understand why he is unable to talk." They walked into a courtyard space, full of more merchants, shouting deals and bargaining with customers. Jewelry hung from the entrance of some stalls while others had fabric upon fabric draped everywhere.
"What is this place called?" Aria stopped walking, as the turned the corner, gaping at what stood before her.
"Get the finest cloth here! A yard for silver!"
"Handcrafted earrings! Name your price, and their yours!"
Shopkeepers shouted above the noise of the people. Young ladies walked the streets, stopping at stalls with fabric. Jewelry was strung from stall to stall, while vibrant clothes were draped, creating privacy in some areas.
"This is the fabric market," Adrey giggled, "Come along."
"Can you only buy food from the markets?" Aria asked as she and Osman walked beside Adrey through the throng of people.
"No, we have pubs and inn's around the city that you can handcraft ale and food." Adrey looked around and stopped, "There." She pointed her hand to a door, the tang of stale ale and body odour wafted from the open door as a young man's body flew out the door. Aria grabbed Osman and hid him behind her. Her senses went on the alert.
"You'r askin for a death sentence, boy!" A deep voice came from a bulky man standing in the door's frame.
"How is asking about the King a death sentence?" The young man scrambled to his feet, with his fists raised.
"He is no king. He's a traitor to our people."
"King Tarquen was no traitor! He was murdered!" The man stepped out from the shadows of the door and lifted the man by his neck. His legs kicking in the air as his oxygen was being cut off.
I have to stop this. He is going to kill that man.
Aria stepped forward to interfere and stand up for the man who believed her father was innocent when Adrey stepped in front of her.
"You can't. Let's go."
"We have Osman to think of right now." Adrey linked her arm with her's, walking them away from the young man that was struggling for breath. They chatted as they walked through the city's crowded streets. Adrey filled Aria in with details about the temples, different markets and the life of the city.
"This is as far as I can take you," Adrey stopped and turned towards Aria, "The path that leads to Osman's family is just up ahead in the trees. May the Great Dragons watch over you." Aria raised a hand and lightly touched Adrey's upper arm, "Thank you, my friend. I appreciate the risk you took, for me and for Osman. I won't forget it."
"I wish you the best," Adrey said.
Aria looked at the fields before them. A small, run-down, wooden hut sat on the other side of the vast farmland, with a draping willow tree shading the home. Surrounding the house were fences, breaking the land into sections, where animals she's never seen grazed. The sun was high in the sky, as Aria felt the perspiration on her skin. Her clothing becoming damp. Aria and Osman slowly made their way across the fields.
"Mommy." Osman said as he pointed towards the hut. A smile spread across his face, as he released her hand and began to run towards the house. Aria continued to walk, as she felt the ground began to tremor, causing Osman to fall down.
"Aria!" Aria heard Adrey's voice call. Her head whipped up as she saw a dust cloud covering the whole width of the field, moving closer towards her and Osman at a fast rate. She quickly looked back to Osman and how far the house was. She needed to do something, and quick.
She took off running towards Osman as the ground began to shake violently under the thundering feet smashing into the ground. She reached Osman and grabbed him. She quickly looked up the field to see hundreds of heads with horns only a short distance away. She looked back at the house and back at the creatures running toward them. There was no way she was going to make it to the house safely. She quickly glanced back to see it was the same distance. Either direction she wouldn't make it. Perhaps on her own, but not with the boy.
"Look what you have gotten yourself into." A muffled voice spoke, from under her shirt.
"Steve this is not the best time right now." Aria gritted her teeth. She could place a shield around the boy, but she didn't have the training to protect them both.
She took off running towards the house, trying to get as close as she could. Osman clung to her with a death grip, crying into her shoulder as she held him tight. She could Adrey calling their name, as creatures with massive horns, and two heads began to race by her. Causing her to slow down.
I'm out of time. She skidded to a stop and braced herself. Bending over she put Osman on the ground and called upon her magic.
The hairs on her arms stood up as the warm rush of magic left her hands, encasing Osman in a protective shield. She bent over the shield with her body, praying her magic would hold.
"Please hold. Please hold." She muttered to herself as hooves bashed into her arms. She cried from the excruciating shock that radiated throughout her body. Blood began to pour from her nose as she tried to keep her mind focused on the shield beneath her. She screamed as something barrelled into her, ripping her away from Osman. The heavyweight of the creature stepping on her leg created the sound of ripping and popping as the ligaments torn from the pressure, and the sound of a stick breaking as the bone burst from the back of her thigh. Aria let out a strangled scream as she felt the blood run down her leg. She felt like her leg was burning, the agony consuming her mind.
Must keep the shield up.
She struggled to focus her mind on the shield protecting Osman. A hoof kicked her in the back, knocking the wind out of her. Aria fell to her side, fighting to breathe, wheezing as she became lightheaded and disoriented. Coughing as blood poured into the back of her throat. She turned her head to the side and coughed up blood, clearing her airway, enabling her to suck in a full breath.
She did her best to curl into a ball, trying to protect herself as best as she could. Her vision wavering as she stared at the pink shield. Her body burned with agony as she was countlessly kicked.
A hand reached out and touched her face. Her eyes diverted upwards and saw the deep violet colour of her father's eyes, filled with love. His long white hair was tied back, as the wrinkles on his sharp face softened as he smiled.
Fight on in my stead, my child. My strength and will go on with thee. His soft melodic voice echoed in her mind, as he slowly faded away.
Father don't go!
A dark cloak covered Aria as she felt a familiar presence consume her. Shadows whipped around her as she felt herself being lifted off the ground.
Shadows… Her head rolled into the person's shoulder as she attempted to fight off the darkness wanting to consume her.
"Osman…" She mumbled. She had to protect him.
"He is safe, thanks to you." She felt the vibration of the man's voice through his chest. She struggled to open her eyes as she heard footsteps running towards them. She struggled to open her eyes as she heard footsteps running towards them. Fear sliced through her as she began to panic.
They're coming back! Blinded by the torturous agony, she didn't feel her magic activate, forming a massive shield around Osman, herself and the man holding her. She began to struggle against him only to have his arms tighten around her. She felt hot air against her face, the smell of a forest filled her senses, slowly calming the panic within her.
"You're okay," He whispered, "It's just your friends. Let the shields down." He coaxed her, mumbling nonsense into her ear until she felt the world fall away.
* * * * * * *
Arkan felt Aria go limp in his embrace. He stared at her ashen face, feeling a pull to her that he could not understand. As he scanned her body he saw angry bruises marring her pale skin, while taking note of all the cuts and blood.
"My lord, you okay?" Hazan's asked. His voice was muffled as Arkan looked at his second on the other side of the shield.
"Ai, find a way to get us out this shield," Arkan commanded.
"Yes, Sir!" Hazan walked away and gave orders to their captains, before walking back.
"What do you wish to do now?"
Arkan glanced down at Aria's face, watching her chest struggling to rise.
"Fetch the medics. Send out the investigation unit. Find out how the Guro's got out of their pasture." Hazen turned and walked away, shouting commands at their soldiers. Arkan walked to the edge of the shield, studying it.
"I wonder…" Arkan dropped the shield the contains magic, allowing a sliver of a black tentacle out. It slowly uncoiled from behind him, slithering through the air and stopping before the shield.
It gentle caressed the shield as he felt for a weak spot within the shield's walls. The tentacle stopped as it found the weak spot in the roof. Arkan froze as he felt Aria struggling to breath. He was out of time. He released his magic and focused it all on the shield, blasting through it. Delicate purple dust fell down around them.
"Medic. Now!" Arkan shouted as he carefully, trying to not jostle Aria, ran towards medics. A young man reached him as he handed her off to him.
"Keep her alive if you value your life." Arkan snarled before turning and walked to the little purple shield, shielding the boy. The boy cowered in the shield, tears streaming down his face. Arkan forced his face to relax and reveal a small smile as he placed his hand on the top of the shield, forcing magic into the shield, shattering it into dust.
"You're safe. What's your name?" He asked as he stared at the boy.
"Osman." The boy sputtered as snot dripped from his nose.
"Osman!" A male voice screamed. Arkan glanced up to see Master Huro running towards them.
"Daddy!" Osman took off running towards his father. Huro leaned down and embraced his son as Arkan heard the little boy cry.
"Master Huro, how do you do." Arkan bowed slightly out of respect.
"Admiral, thank you for protecting my son. I am forever in your debt." Huro nodded.
"You can start by telling me how your Guro's got out." Arkan inquired. Huro jerked back in surprise.
"They are all in the northern pastures. My eldest rotated them there to give the pasture a break."
"Mind showing us?"
"Of course," Huro put Osman down, "Run to your brother, I'll be back shortly."
"This way Admiral." Huro turned and walked to the northern pasture. Arkan jerked his arm at Hazen to follow with the investigation unit.
"Where's the wife?" Arkan asked. It had been a while since he saw his old friend.
"Dead," Huro said, there was an awkward pause before Huro continued, "She hung herself two night falls ago. Osman continues to go to the city looking for her."
"My condolences."
He remembers hearing Astar's laughter when they use to go on adventures to train, the smile that was always on her face. In recent years he hadn't seen them, for he was busy chasing lead after lead on who their enemy was, with no result. He also tried to diminish the rumour that was floating around the Royal family. A sliver of guilt coiled in his gut, if only he had been around more.
"Thank-you." Huro stopped and scratched his head. In front of them was the northern pasture, empty. The gate to the left was swinging in the light breeze.
"Oh no." Huro took off running into the northern pasture. Arkan quickly followed behind them as they came to a body lying in the long grass, lifeless. The beast had four legs with sharp claw-like nails, and two heads. One the shape of a ferocious lioness's head, branching off one shoulder, while the head of the other one had massive antlers like a deer. The rough edges of the hole in the beasts chest went straight through.
"The head of the herd is dead." Huro looked at Arkan. They both understood that without the head of the herd, there was nothing controlling the Guro's, stopping them from wreaking mayhem upon the city. This was a bigger issue than he realized.
"Admiral!" Hazan shouted. Arkan turned to see Hazan running towards him.
"Report," he said.
"The gate was tampered with. The lock could only be opened by those who were programmed into it."
"What are you getting at Lieutenant?"
"It would have to be someone from the family." Hazan glanced at Master Huro, confirming what he said.
"Master Huro, care to explain?" Arkan raised an eyebrow as he turned and stared at Huro.
"Myself, my eldest and my wife only had access to the locks we used but I checked it when my eldest moved the herd over. It was fine."
"Did you check for a magic trace?" Arkan looked at Hazan.
"The investigation unit is working on it."
"The girl?"
"Princess Aria is being taken to the palace for further treatment."
"Her injuries?"
"Wait… Princess?" Huro interrupted them, "As in King Tarquen's daughter?"
"Correct, two of them. One risked her life for your son." Arkan stated.
"Admiral!" A soldier called out, waving them over. The three of them walked towards the gate to see what was found.
"What is it, soldier?" Hazan asked.
"We found traces of strong necromancy magic. It is mixed with a DNA strand. We ran it through our collected database and found the DNA belongs to Astra." he said.
"How is that possible? She hung herself two night falls ago. I buried her myself." Huro exclaimed. Arkan stood there, with his hand on his chin as he ran through possible scenarios in his mind when a thought popped in.
"Huro, where did you bury her?"
"By the tree, why?"
"We need you to unbury her." Huro and Hazan took a step back, staring at him like he was crazy.
"You know the bad omens that come with disturbing the dead," Huro gritted his teeth, "I already have enough that forced her to take her life, and cast my sons out for life."
"Bad omens aren't brought to those who aren't the first to disturb the dead."
"Are you saying what I think you are saying?"
"It looks like this may be a lot bigger than we anticipated," Arkan said. He walked off towards the house as Hazan got everything ready to dig the grave. If he was correct, then this could be the first lead to who they were facing, but could also be catastrophic for the city. He glanced back at the tall stone walls of the palace. Some part of him, hoping, he was wrong.