Chereads / Of Gods and Torment / Chapter 2 - Regretting times

Chapter 2 - Regretting times

It was a few days before I felt that my regeneration was completed but what happened how did I get even gain this ability to regenerate what is happening with me. I'd searched the corpses thoroughly and found a few things mostly a wool coat that was in decent shape and a couple coins in a small pouch and that was it not even a knife or even a sharp rock to work with. After hours of fruitless searching and timidly poking the bodies I decided that it was best I leave if people found me standing over two corpses then it would probably go poorly for me. I kept an eye out for anything useful but found very little aside from a flat rock that might pass as a sharpening stone there was literally nothing that I could use unlike some video games where useful rocks were everywhere I couldn't find anything.

My wandering the woods half naked netted me little beyond a few new scratches and a flat rock even the trees seemed disdainful of my presence it was disconcerting. It was quite by accident that I found a town it was well hidden and I didn't even realize that I was walking through it until I nearly walked into a collapsed building. The town was abandoned not a single sign of habitation nor even a sign that someone had passed through it in fact the town was completely overgrown with greenery. With some trepidation I searched the few buildings that remained intact and found a corse wool blanket and a small box that held a slightly rusty axe with a dry rotted handle and a dagger that was in great shape except that the handle and sheath were obviously not in the best shape. Finding myself some gear became my first priority and soon enough I had found a couple things that would work the dagger an axe and a blanket along with my wool jacket and I was starting to really get equipment sort of and so I kept digging through the contents of these houses to find more. After several hours of searching I found mostly junk and rotten food and fabrics the few things I'd already found proved atypical items but still useful though I was starting to get hungry it was an odd feeling hunger though. I was hungry but like nothing I've ever been before and on top of that I could tell eating wasn't mandatory it was an odd feeling to say the least so I picked through the few things I'd found and counted my collection so far I'd obtained a woolen blanket a axe of questionable durability a dagger with a time worn handle and a waxed walking stick that had survived completely intact though it was far too thin to be a staff.

My few meager belongings gathered up in the woolen blanket and tied to my walking stick I set out and used my lacking plant lore to attempt to find edible berries which mostly ended up with me looking through bushes and eating berries at random until they either made me sick or they didn't more often than not I was puking my guts out but eventually I found some that only tasted like three day old socks that didn't make me sick. I had no idea what I was obviously I wasn't a vampire or sunlight would have killed me long before I fully regenerated so I started thinking long and hard about my situation did I even need food? Water? Would I die if I lost my head? Or what if my heart was destroyed? What about fire? My only clue was that I regenerated from a obviously dead state and I had no idea what kind of creature I was/am nor how much regeneration it took to get to this point.

Taking my meager belongings I set out on the small obviously over grown road leading out of the village and I must have looked a sight what with a wool jacket wrapped around my middle and a walking stick with a woolen bundle wrapped around the end. I wandered along the roadside for hours to nothing interesting aside from finding more of those berries that tasted horrible I found literally nothing of interest not even a shiny rock. Days passed with my routine unchanged I'd wake up and walk a few miles along the road occasionally I would find an intersection but I generally stuck to a straight ahead path for lack of anything else. My daily monotony ended abruptly as I had finally found another town but sadly this one was abandoned as well though I could tell it was more recently by the state of the buildings and the quality of the road being vastly superior to the road I'd traveled to this point.

-short chapter but it came to a good break point so expect another soon-