Yeah telling a potentially hostile woman your life story not on my list of things I probably should have done but I did it go me right though she did at least not turn me into paste or some other horrible things so there is that. It turns out that she was extremely hostile and she shot me with a smoking bolt of cyan fire at least that was the best description of it I could give. I didn't die I was sure I would die a god creature just hit me with something and I'm pretty sure I felt like I was being vaporized so it was a shock that I woke up at all though I could tell that my body reformed quickly in comparison to my first awakening which probably took days this time it felt like maybe an hour and I was back together. I had no idea what was happening to me or why I was essentially immortal but I was both happy and disturbed how did I become so god like?
Few can rightly say that they are immortal in fact no living person in my original world could say they were immortal yet I had just been completely obliterated and now I was back up and ready for round two like some kind of unkillable energizer bunny and I had even seemed to get stronger though I did notice that my hair had a bit of salt and pepper going on though I only could tell because I happened to have a nice bit of placid water flowing past me as I was laying on the bank of a small river obviously not where I had been previously. I looked around trying to find a landmark I could use I realized that I had escaped whatever was about to happen or every time I died I would randomly teleport again either way it was awkward at best because I had no clue where I had ended up.
After getting myself sorted out again I realized I was naked once more and I would just have to scrounge more clothes though I was starting to think learning how to make clothes out of some leaves might just be a good investment should this situation ever happen again. Through much trial and error I managed to create a loincloth and a mantle and still had plenty of improvement to strive for. Freshly equipped in my leafy garments and a short branch that would work as a decent club if I needed to use it though realistically it just completed the caveman outfit that I had going on I marched out for fame glory and finding out what was actually going on. Yeah it was a great day or week depending on how you looked at it though I still didn't understand what had happened I was stronger now somehow so I tested out a spirit gun from one of my fingers and instead of the sickly green bolt of before a much healthier green bolt flew striking the rock and doing about the same amount of damage as the original and then I started really trying to understand how spirit gun and kamehameha worked when other ones like it didn't.
It took me a long long time and plenty of days traveling before I managed to figure out how it all worked and realize that I was probably an idiot. The magic worked on belief and channeling which I kind of figured out but it also required visualization of what I wanted to happen and in the case of kamehameha the actual chant and actions boosted the "spell". I had finally figured out the magic system enough to try experimenting with it and my first attempt was to try to create or summon a ride which went poorly I must admit first I tried summoning a horse and ended up with an illusion of one but not a rideable one then out of frustration I tried summoning a car then a motorcycle then a bicycle all with the same results nada I tried to summon a pogo stick and almost had it but realized that it was pretty useless on this soft ground and stopped summoning it. After a few days I managed to find a ride I could use I ended up riding a broomstick yep and here is why when I tried just a stick I could fly easily but the stick would spin with me on it and then I would land in a heap on my head then I tried adding sticks to the rear and found that each stick stabilized the branch somewhat and finally I managed to create a stable levitating broom that I could ride and then I hopped on and the broom promptly broke in half so I found a much thicker branch for me to ride on and remade my broom.
If anyone else ever saw me riding a broomstick like this I am certain I might have died in embarrassment simply because of how ridiculous it looked though I could go much faster on my broomstick than on foot and could see farther ahead so I suppose a little bit of strangeness is acceptable.