Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 16 - Make it YOURS

Chapter 16 - Make it YOURS

I work at a retail store called, Make it YOURS which was a popular retail store due to the customize options that customers have. They were able to pick out their specific outfits with us as employee being their personal "shopping cart" which meant we would suggest what outfits we think looked best on them and they get to decide. From there they then had to option to pick out their accessories and from 4-7PM we have our "special" which meant our deals come into play. Our deal was if they check out before 7PM they would get 1 piece of clothing for free or if they would rather, get half off all their accessories.

That said, it was my day to work the accessories, which meant it would be a busy day for me. The clocked ticked and it finally read 4:00PM. Time to punch in. I punched in my pin ****** at the back of the store and walked out the door to the floor. I made my way to the jewelries to my surprise, someone was already there. Of all people. It just HAAAAAAAAAADDDDDD to be Jackson! Ugh! What is he doing here I thought to myself... Jackson heard me approaching the jewelries cube and looked up.

J: Well, Well, Well, if it isn't Oriana!

Me: What are you doing here?

J: I traded shifts with someone and they put me here. But now looking at you, I should of kept my shift and not trade!

Me: Yep, you aren't very smart that's why you traded.

J: No, I'm SUPER smart!

Me: Keep lying to yourself Jackson. Do whatever to make your tiny heart happy.

J: Of course I will, no need for you to tell me.

Me: Kaay

I then started setting up my station and left to displayed some jewelries before more customers arrived. Jackson then came up behind me looking at what I was doing.

J: Did you need some help?

Me: Not from you. :P

J: Geez, I didn't say I was going to help you. I was just asking.

Me: Well, you don't need to ask.

J: Fine.

Jackson then walked back to the cube. I shortly followed him. Soon enough some customers came by and asked for some suggestions on jewelries. I assisted them the best that I could, but they were more interested that a "man" (*ahem boy to me...) was working in the jewelries department.

Customer 1: Hello there Young man. From a man perspective, what do you think about this necklace with my outfit? I'm going on an anniversary dinner with my husband and I would like your opinion. Do you think it matches?

Jackson: Yes maam' your eyes are great! That necklace looks lovely around your neck especially with your dress. I'm sure your husband would love it on you.

Customer 1: Then I'll take this one! Thank you.... *reads name tag* Jackson! You're so helpful!

I gagged to myself. How disgusting, by all mean Jackson is not helpful what so ever! But at least he makes the customer happy, I guess that's something.

Customer 2: Jackson dear, how does this bracelet look on my wrist?

Jackson: It looks nice maam' but I think with your outfit, this one may look a little better. The diamond design here are about the size of the design on your outfit. I think it looks better. But both are up to you because regardless, they both suit you very well. :)

Customer 2: In that case I'll take both! Thank you dear!

Both the customer walks away after picking out their jewelries leaving Jackson and I alone at the cube again putting things back in their place.

Me: You're quite good with the ladies aren't you.

Jackson: Of Course. It's all natural. I don't even have to try.

Me: I'm glad.

Jackson: You should be glad.

Why did I even bother trying to compliment him I wondered. He's just going to get cocky, like always. Well, at least he did a good job helping the customers. I returned back to work and left the cube to organized the other jewelries. Jackson stayed at the cube helping other customers.

6:55 came around and we were wrapping up our sale deal of 4-7. Jackson and I were cleaning the area up and putting the unsold jewelries back to where they belong. Jackson was taking care of the bracelets, while I organized the ring. On accident, I dropped a ring on the ground.

"Shoot!" I said, as it rolled towards Jackson's feet.

Jackson noticed this and picked up the ring. He looked at it and looked at me then handed it back to me.

"Thanks," I said, as I was going to reach and grab the ring from his fingers. But quickly before I can grabbed it, Jackson moved his hands away from me.

"Quick question Ori," asked Jackson.

"What?" I said.

"From a girl's opinion, would you say that this ring is pretty?" asked Jackson. While asking this, Jackson showed me the ring, holding it in between the both of us so that we both were able to see it.

"Hmmm, I think it would be a pretty ring. The diamonds on there isn't too big but the two smaller one on each side of it compliments the center diamond well. Not to mention the cross design on it makes it stand out. So, to answer your question, yes it is a pretty ring." I answered.

*Jackson looked at the ring in silent*

"Why?" I asked. "Are you looking for a ring for someone? If you are, it really depends on her cause every girl is different."

"Maybe one day" Jackson replied.

Looking at the ring for a moment more, Jackson finally looked at me and reached for my hand. He then slowly places the ring in to the palm of my hand.

"Now.....GIRL DON'T LOSE IT or they'll think you stole it! Hahahaha" he joked.

"I won't!" I angrily replied.

We then both then returned back to work. I clocked out around 7 but still thinking of why he asked me along with how he placed the ring in the palm of my hand.

Get a hold of yourself Ori, I thought to myself walking outside. It's Jackson after all. He's just joking and messing around like always! I then turned on my phone about to call home to get a ride when a car drove up and stopped by where I was standing.