Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 19 - I like you

Chapter 19 - I like you

The next day, I found Carina in the hallway at school during 4th hour in which we were going to photography class.

Me: Carina! I have to tell you a lot of things!

C: What's up? How was work yesterday!?

Me: Well, that's one of the things. So much happened in one day!

C: Alright, fill me in!

Me: Well, to start off yesterday on the floor, although I was working on Jewelries, Jackson was there. He was my partner working the floor. He was actually helpful for once.

C: Hahah not surprised. Jackson is pretty good at his job. Susan (one of our manager at work) really depends on him and his sale in the guys clothing department.

Me: Still, he was good on the jewelries cube. We sold a lot of stuff last night and the weirdest thing is I think he has a girlfriend!

C: Haha seriously?

Me: YES! He asked me my opinion on a ring from our rings we were selling yesterday.

C: What did you tell him?

Me: I told him the truth about the ring and how I liked it.

C: I wonder who his girlfriend is.

Me: Not sure, but later that evening he offered me a ride home. So I literally got dropped off at my house by him last night!

C: Maybe he's just being nice? Did you call your ride already?

Me: No.

C: Yeah he's just being nice then cause he offered my brother ViLai a ride before too.

Me: I guess so. But yeah other than him, I skyped Kenji last night.

C: Hahaha again?

Me: Yeah and this time we stayed til 1AM

C: Girl! You're CRAZY!

Me: I know.. but time goes by so quickly!

C: Hahahah girl, just date already!!!!!!

Me:.....that's what I wanted to talk to you about.

C: .... What do you mean?

Me: Well.... last night....

*** Flash back to last night skype session with Kenji.

K: Can I tell you something Ori?

Me: Sure. What's up?

K:... I know this is kind of soon, but I like you

Me:..... I like you too

K: No like.... like like, as in more than a friend.


*Kenji took a deep breathe*

K: Do you like Like me too???

Me:... Ummmmm

K:....If you don't know don't say it... I might get hurt.

Me: .....Can I answer you tomorrow..??

K: Yes, if you need to think about it. Then yes. answer me tomorrow.

Me:..... Have a goodnight.

K: Yeah you too, and answer me tomorrow ok??

**Back to talking with Carina!


Me: Yeah!

C: Well... how do u feel about him?

Me: I mean yeah I like him and all, but like like. I dont know.

C: okay let me ask you some things then.

Me: Sure.

C: Okay, how do u feel when he talks to you?

Me: I have fun with him. Like we talk about the most randomness thing. He makes me laugh and I'm happy with him.

C: How do you feel when he dont text back?

Me: I guess he's just busy. So yeah it's a little lonesome, but he tries his best to text me back and...

C: Do you miss him?

Me:... I...

C: If you know you can't talk to him tomorrow, how would you feel??

Me: I'll miss him... I guess..

C: Girl, admit it. You Like Like him hahaha. Don't lie to yourself. Haha, think of it some more before you answer him ok? Haha let me know how it goes. Now, let's finish these photos.