Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 21 - "But"

Chapter 21 - "But"

After a long day of thinking about how Kenji makes me feel, I think I'm ready to tell him. I came home from school and relaxed a bit until I started my homework. The clock ticked 4PM and all of a sudden the Skype on my laptop started to ring.

*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

I quickly made sure I looked presentable and answered the Skype.

K: Hello there beautiful :)

Me: Hahah Hello to yourself handsome ^_^

K: Haha, wow handsome? Really? Hahah

Me: Yeah, why? Should I not say that?

K: Haha no no, you should I'm just surprised :)

Me: Haha don't be cause you are. :)

K: Hahah thank you. Anyways, how was school?

Me: Good. Busy, but good. I'm just glad I didn't work today and that I don't have too much homework haha.

K: That's good. But regardless you're smart, you'll be able to do it. I know you can.

Me: Haha thanks!

K: Anyways, did you think about what I asked you last night?

Me: Yes. I thought about it quite a bit actually..

K: And? What do you think?

Me: Well....

K: Oriana.....

* He said as he looked at me straight in the eye... *

K: Do you like me.... like, like like me that way kind of like?

Me:......Kenji, after thinking about it long and hard, we haven't known each other for many days. It's been what? 3 weeks most... But... yes... I like like you too :)



K: Wait, can you say that again? I didn't hear you *He started to smile*

Me: Haha, Kenji Loser! I said, I LIKE LIKE YOU !

[[**Kenji Loser was nicknamed in the previous skype chapter that was not mentioned directly in the chapter**]]

K: Again. You're breaking up on me. I hear a lot of static noise. Please one more time?

Me: HAHAHA! NO. you're lying! No I'm not saying it anymore. hahaha I know what you're doing. Haha

K: No, I'm serious. *smiling* I didn't hear you. Please??? Pretty please, can you say it ONE more TIME?

Me: Okay ok.. but LAST time....

K: Hahah ok ok.

Me: Kenji Loser, I Oriana crybaby LIKE LIKE YOU!

[[** Oriana crybaby was nicknamed in the previous skype chapter that was not mentioned directly in the chapter**]]

K: Hahah!!! Ok, NOW I heard it!

Me: Hahah SURE SURE!

K: *smiled* You know, today's one of the happiest day of my life, just cause you said that.

Me: Haha Oh really??

K: Yes.... ahhaha..... sooooo On to my next question!

Me: Oh my gosh, haha so many questions!! You and your questions! haha

K: Heyy, I wanna know ok?

Me: Haha ok Ask away!

K:.... Would you be my girlfriend then?


K: Tell me honestly Ori

Me:... Of Course Kenji... :)

*Kenji smiled!

K: Then... consider this my asking you out... Oriana, Oriana crybaby, would you go out with me and be my girlfriend?.... I know it seems so quick but I've felt like we've known each other so much already especially after endless hours of skyping, texting, and talking. I've never felt like this with anyone before and I don't want to lose this chance... So Oriana, would you be mine?

Me:..... *Speechless*

K: What would you say?...

Me: I would, but I have something to tell you before anything.

K: What is it?

Me: It's just... you know I take my school very seriously.. .

K: Yeah? And?

Me: And, well I'm a junior in High school... so I have to take many entrance exams, and college visits, and apply for scholarships and everything on top of all my classes and the honors courses... I don't think I can handle a relationship "right now"

K: Oh...

*Kenji's smile disappeared*

Me: It's not that I don't like you and don't want to be your girlfriend. I would love to.. It's just... can we wait a little until the term ends? Once I get through the tough things, I'll be more prepared for a relationship... Would that be ok?

Kenji leaned back in his chair speechless and just thinking...

Me:... Kenji?

K:....*Sigh... if you want to wait then I'll wait.

Me: Really?

K: Yes, as long as you promise to be mine?

Me: YES!!! Of course! We'll continue to talk like this every night or whenever we can and text. Nothing will change. I promise!

Kenji's smiled appeared.

K: I'll wait for you Ori.. because you're cute and I really like you.

Me: I really like you too Kenji.

Kenji & I smiled then continued on talking about other things and started making up plans of what we would do if we were to see each other soon. On top of that, we started talking about what we would do when we actually become a couple. At this moment being with him here and making these silly plans with him, I actually felt that maybe this can be the man for me, especially after all those terrible relationships...