Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 17 - The Car Ride

Chapter 17 - The Car Ride

While standing there looking at the red car, a ford 2011 with dark windows, I wondered who it was. The window finally rolled down and it was Jackson.

J: Hey you! Are you going home?

Me: No I'm going to school... DUH I'm going home.

J: Hey Calm down! I'm just asking, geez girl you need to CALM DOWN.

Me: Whatever.

As I continued looking down at my phone.

J: Well, did you call for your ride yet?

Me: Just about to

J: Don't. Come In I'll take you home.

Me: Nah, I don't want to bother you.

J: Stop with the formalities, just get in. What's the point of calling your family. Just go with me and save the gas on your family. Also, it probably takes just as much time for them to get here than for me to take you home. Think about it. If it takes them 10 minutes to get here, and you go with me already for 10 minutes, you'll already be home.

Me:....No I'm serious... I'm.. O..

*Jackson unlocks the car door*

J: Come on in Ori, and take the passenger seat.

Me: .... Fine!

I then got into his car and put my seat belt on. I stilled called home though.

J: Why are you still calling home?

Me: Because I have to let my parents know I'm coming home and someone is taking me home. I don't want them to worry.

J: Wow, such strict and protective parents.

Me: Shhhhhhh.... Oh Hello? Dad?.. * Conversation with my dad* I hang up.

J: So, how many siblings do you have?

Me: 6. I'm the baby, so my parents worry a lot.

J: Why? Are you a troublemaker? Do you go clubbing? Do you drink underage?

Me: No, it's just how my parents are. I'm their baby. Of course they'll be worrying that's all. I don't party or drink and all that crap.

J: Ok ok, geez I'm just asking. I've never seen parents like yours before so I'm just curious.

** A moment of silence**

J: So.... are you going to tell me where you live? Or am I just going to keep driving?

Me: I'll tell you where to turn geez!

J: Ok ok, sorry. Just asking. I don't want to take you home ok.

Me: Whatever... Take a right turn here..

Jackson turns right....

J: Anyways, how old are you anyways? I'm assuming Carina age so? 16??

Me: I'm 17 actually.

J: Same thing & you go to Captain High Academy?

Me: Yes.

J: Cool cool, I graduated from there too

Me: Really?

J: Yep.

Me: Wow you must be hella old then cause I never saw you in High school.

J: Hey now, I'm just in my prime ok?

Me: Yeah so like OLD?

J: Whatever, I'm 21.

Me: Yeah so, like OLD?

J: You're crazy

Me:.... Turn right here also.

Jackson turns right.

Me: Keep going straight.

Jackson: Alright... anyways, the other day I saw on your social media. Did someone hack you?

Me: Which post?

J: the one about finding you at new year and whatever.

Me:....OHHHHHH yeah, that yeah he found me.

J: Ohh it was a "He"

Me: Shut up.

J: Hey I'm just asking.... was it a SHE?

Me: Go to hell.

J: Hahaha ok ok I'm just joking! Geez. you're always ANGRY!

Me: Am not. It's just around you I'm angry!

J: Hahah nah I'm too awesome to make anyone angry!

Me: Ewwwwww please.

J: Don't have to say please girl!

Me: Gross!!!!!!!!! Anyways, make a left turn here.

Jackson makes a left turn.

Me: My house is that one to the left. The Green one by the Red fence.

J: Are you serious? You live here?

Me: No Jackson I'm playing with you! DUHHH I live here.... Why?

J: Oh nothing... I'm just asking...


J: Anyways.... here you go.

I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car.

Jackson rolled the window down.

Me: Thanks for the ride & for helping me today in the jewelries :)

J: You're very welcome.

Me:... :) Well, drive safe and have a goodnight!

J: Will do, you too!

I waved and I walked up the stairs to my porch. Jackson drove off also.

* Writing as Jackson.

Wow, she lives super close yet after all this time, I've never knew... 2 blocks down Jackson turns towards the left, parks his car, and entered his house.