Chereads / SimbiyoZ-The Tale of Immortality / Chapter 11 - The Fella in a Dilemma

Chapter 11 - The Fella in a Dilemma

People of Sisna were in a bad mood because of the cold weather and heavy working life.

After the cold began, villagers began cultivating Red Lotus. Soon after the first harvest, they started plowing the fields for a second one. In winter, the village always continue harvesting this interesting red wheat.

Red Lotus was an interesting thing that If there is enough cold, you could continue to harvest.

But between every plowing and harvest, there was a short growing time. In this time, the village was in a rare holiday. So, everyone began their quiet vacation at home.

Of course, in the two houses of this village, the situation was the opposite.

The first house was the home of Director Munmer, a house where Nihan was a guest and did not leave. The other was the house of the village healer Yuzu. These two houses were already side by side, by which rest of the village could not envy these houses more.


Nihan, as usual, was immersed in telling his stories. These stories were composed of things related of an old war which Nihan had participated in the past. Some of them were the exotic adventures he had with the nobles he had rescued.

"... at that time, I learned the place called "The Red Room" was actually a room that opened to all good tastes of the world. But after tasting all the pleasures, the one entered the room would die no matter what. I thought for a long time in front of the room... but that great noble Bieveng told me these words as an advise so I decided not to enter.. "

Most recently he described what was the red room ", one of the great mysteries dilemma in a distant empire.

He used the names of formerly forgotten old buildings or great heros. He used mostly modified false or half true things about aristocrats, just to create a story that would fill several books' content in a day. But sometimes, just sometimes he would really tell the true stories! But nobody knew this fact. Of course, villagers couldn't separate these strange and unique moments from the other false stories.

While all the people in the manager's house listened the Red Room" with holding their breaths, no one was really sure whether the Red Room was real or not. They wouldn't care if all the story was been made up.

After a long tired work in the fields, these people didn't care about trivial things like "fiction-forged-false" anymore.

Probably there was no one alive and still know that place anymore. But no matter how strange it is, at a very distant point on a continent, there was indeed a real building called "Red room". These villagers didn't know that but Red Room was certainly visited by Nihan a long time ago.

The people in the house were out of their breaths after hearing the story of the day with strange dreams and long debates. In fact, though, they kept listening to these stories all the time. But a couple who were the source of all the tense air in the house fired all the listeners. They knew after every big final of the stories, there was a chance to kick all these people. Every night....every day..

They were Manager Munmer and his wife. Both had simple and calm lives over 60 years. Of course, this man came to the village six months ago and haunted their home.

Whatever they did, they couldn't get rid of the crazy old man. So they started to experience the most animated but comedy-filled moments of their lives.


Same day..

Eren was having a birthday dinner with her mother, grandfather, and Helen, her mother Yuzu's best friend.

He was excited to have Helen as a guest this day, because she was the only girl in the village whose age was close to Yuzu.

Helen was alike every woman of Sisna. She looked exacly 18-19 years old from outside, although her age wasn't certain, she was really young though. The Grandi, which have quite a long life but are very unstable in their ambition or desires, don't have many children. For a long time, even the middle aged Grandi Womans in their prime ages would imitate young girls. But somehow Eren learned that the most young generation in the village were two girls and one boy. Two of the girls were Yuzu and Helen. Eren thought they would be between 20 and 25 at most.

For example, Yuzu seemed to be 21-22 years old even if she was only 2 years older than Helen. If she didn't have a mature aura, with all her acting, with the young and beautiful face she had, Eren would say she was just 17 this year. That's why Eren always found that Yuzu behaved like an adult on purpose.

Anyway, Eren was happy to be around Helen who has both a rare character and very beautiful body. Especially the rare moments when they hugged and slept together were some of the happiest moments in Eren's life. She was mature and different, with strikingly different(sexy) lines and impressively well developed body unlike other Grandies which were normally weak and thin!

She smiled a lot, inquisitively got into every job, decided to do quickly, and sometimes intend to make dirty jokes.

She was different from most of the surly Grandies in Eren's life.

Even her hair was lighter and brighter than normal grandies have. Sometimes her hair, which turned white" rather than yellow, was unique under the sun. But even white parts of her hair shine like other grandies.

Eren still have a hard time to understand their hairs and shining thing. "WHY JUST HAİR! IT IS NOT


From the bio class on Earth, Eren knew all of their hair on the body must have shine if Grandies' hair were different. But just hair?

Not fuc**ng scientific!


At the dinner, Eren was eating chicken and rice, as well as a few plants. When the meal was almost over, Eren raised his head and looked the beautiful sexy duo. His step mother Yuzu and her best friend Helen.

"Can I ask something for my birthday?"

Eren looked so honest and pure on this moment. He bent his head to Helen and looked her sweetly.

"Of cource little Er. What do you want?"

"We should sleep together tonight."

As someone who has decided to leave things like shyness and hesitation behind, sleeping with someone so humorous, pleasant and eye-catching was he had to achieve. Eren didn't leave these wishes to chance or destiny.( those things)

With the smiling Helen, they lay down after an hour. Eren didn't even see Yuzu behind him and his grandfather lying next to them on the sofa.

In those moments, he had already been surrounded by rambunctious thoughts, wrapped in Internet videos and adult thoughts. Helen's hair was constantly played with the hand of Eren. While Eren's little body was wrapped with the hands of a sexy, grown up woman.

Eren fell asleep with a happy smile.

He had beautiful dreams instead of bad nightmares after sleeping.


Wind ...

Eren waited a few minutes while watching the water's flowing under the bridge. He watched Yuzu and did relieved after seeing she had gone to the field. But Eren still waited a couple minutes for safety. After being sure no one watching him, Eren crossed the bridge and followed the dirt road on the opposite side.

As he walked with small steps, even the short distance was too long for a little boy.

When he finally came to the entrance of the altar, he crossed the narrow wooded corridor and walked inside. Right in the middle of the altar, there was the same stone.

He remembered the day he took the bracelet and wore it on da right wrist. It was two years ago. His grandfather gave him the earth bracelet and said all his knowledge about crazy altars and secrets.

On that day, Eren heard that the bracelet had something people usually didn't have. So wearing these things would fix the lack of concentration and increase intimacy with the elements. That's why he's never taken off the bracelet since then. But now..

He gently took off the bracelet and put it in his pocket. There was a smile on his face but before he felt something, he waited on purpose for a difference!

With a sudden heartbeat, as though some of the excitement and vitality in his chest were torn off and taken back. It happened in a second. Like your favourite song was paused from mp3 player while you listening all the time.

Like a thunder, or a slow motion bad-sci-fi effect. It affect his body, brain and soul both slowly and immediately. But Eren still didn't believe whether there is really a soul in the body, anyway.


There was another heartbeat and another one and another.

one by one....then one other .. Dumb!

For the last time in the rhythm, he felt his power and energy "fall" like a teenager's depression does.

He waited for a few minutes to adjust without moving. Although the vitality he used to had decreased a bit, nothing bad happened.

The element predisposition he had acquired for the last years, or the levels (lvl) he received for short, seemed to have not gone.

He tried to pierce his left palm with a small sharp piece he brought with him. First he had to puncture the lower vein parts by pressing on his palm and hurting his hand in a rookie way. Eren never hurt himself in both lifes he lived. It was sad but even hurting and bleed your hand was harder than it looked in hollywood movies.

With an uncomfortable expression on his face, Eren suppressed his disgust and pain.

"You wouldn't have made an altar which measuring our levels by spitting saliva, wouldn't you? I swear you must have been a very stupid creator. They say "Holy Sky God". I say just "Brainless moron!

What a stupid lvl measure system !!", Eren lost his composure a little bit, then cursed before hardly relaxing again.

Drops of blood flowed onto the stone. One by one they all went into the stone and disappeared instantly.

The minutes passed, and after about 5 minutes again, the tiny black text appeared on the stone.

If Eren hadn't heard that this shity magic writings were the same language as his ex planet's, perhaps he couldn't have come here on his own.

But as soon as he heard his grandfather, he was pleased. Clearly, the use of the language and the without including literature meaning behind this, Earth's language in this planet say a lot of things.

For example right now, Eren was half sure for a guess. "Maybe this is future of the Earth. Or one of many possible futures of it. My memories or soul stuck on the planet somehow and I regained them as becaming Eren again. Borning like a new person but taking these memories made me resemble the old Eren from the past Earth! Anyway. I dont care. Fuck them all. Fuck your magic and gods! I DON'T CARE.."

He lost it again. But this time just a little bit..:/

Anyway after looking the figures, they surprised Eren when the texts on the stone came together for a meaningful way.

"Eren Han Kugyo"

"Yeah yeah we know this, you moron!"

Race: 8/6 Daedra (High Species-Superior Human) .... 8/2 Zzyxzze (Bloody Tooth Type-Monster)

The inheritance element: Electricity ... 7 "... Earth ... 5" ... Mental ... 2 "... Water ... 1" ... Fire ... 1 ". ... Darkness ... 1 "... Air ... 1" ... ... ...!

"Wtf is superior human ha! WTFUCK is this word choices!!!

All creation are just equal! Beng different doesn't mean any shit in my eyes. Our feelings make a difference but laws, shapes, basic rules or time does not classify the living. They could differ, maybe the life but not the living, you piece of shit!"

Finally when his hard suppressed whisper finished, he saw the exact numbers!

"Holy S..."

Eren was very surprised by the absurd numbers. Also his hand was in pain so his mentality was very sarcastic at that moment.

He read the writings and numbers again with the alphabet he had always known and learned in his old life.

"My shitty native language is fuc...Magic Language here!"

After reading again and again he figured one other thing. Clearly, the scripts looked only one minute and disappeared from stone.

Eren stand up and started to walk back and forth on da floor.

"Earth Element - Lvl 5 "

It was quite normal. But what about "Electric Element- Lvl 7!"

That was something out of his expectations.

He hadn't done a special study on electricity for more than 10 minutes, ignored it because Yuzu would be angry if she notice. Even though he had to sneak occasionally, all his attention and time was for the soil.

How could it be Lvl 7?

"I worked on the wrong element without knowing, Wtf?"

He thought of everything that's logical and also unreasonable, then shook his head again. It just simply disn't make sense. Eren thought, questioned and thought more. A kind of unresponsive answer was there, in his head. But it was hard for him to notice the truth.

When he was meditating for the earth element, he didn't know about the shiny electric energy that had comes out of his hands. If he had a person accompanying him, maybe he would have noticed.

He didn't hear the strange "china" or the "zZzzxzz" voices from the different parts of his body.

In short Eren continued to look at the stone without knowing any shit.

"Fuck you stone!"


After a few more minutes at the altar, he went back the same way and wanted to complete his day's meditation or whatever it is, before the evening came.

He went in his usual place and sat in a proper position to switch to meditation.

One of his hands was on his leg which was crossed. His head was looking down at a very slight angle, but the majority of his chest and upper body was looked across.

F..uurrrr... (very cold winter breeze..)

Eren watched the village from afar while breathing the cold air.

Somehow, just somehow it was hard to endure this ridiculous fantasy crap. Eren was lucky and taking his second chance but all this bullshit was really hard to believe for him.

While taking deep breaths, he watched the sky, Sisna Village and dawn.

Sometimes he was thinking about the old world and what was missing in this village.

Clean Pijamas, restrooms, bathrooms, a stronger warming method in winter, cleaner kitchens and a lot ,Lot More!..

Eren liked and used to sleep in this world with a beautiful woman like Yuzu whom he couldn't even imagine on Earth. But on the other hand, the clutter of the environment and ordinary stagnant life began to disturb him.

Eren sighed thinking about this village and his old planet.

He didn't meditate that day.

"What do elements and levels make anyway. Fucking retards! What do I do with magic, when I have an outfit in shit color?"

Eren couldn't stand the cold anymore and ran home.