Chereads / SimbiyoZ-The Tale of Immortality / Chapter 13 - Fella vs Magical World

Chapter 13 - Fella vs Magical World

Eren was happy to be there for the first time. Being grateful for being alive - he tasted this feeling for the first time, and he enjoyed it.

It was an addictive feeling. for this strange day. Especially to feel happy and safe on a magical world.

"I'm calling .."

He could feel Hanna's eyes full of anticipation sitting behind him, his grandfather who sit on a rock and lastly-beautiful Yuzu who also sitting just behind him. Yuzu was wearing just a tiny bit of an actual dress. Her cloths were too revealing and sexy. Even Eren who is very used to her beauty, was mesmerized by her eyes and hair that day.

She was too beautiful to be true, so Eren had a hard time to enter Meditation State.

But he tried to focus. Meditation was only beginning with forgetting the outside. Even If Yuzu didn't help, he had to try.

He tried again, "I'm calling ..."

He had expected something to happen, but when it actually did, he couldn't help but wonder. As Yuzu taught, it was working to establish a connection with the Earth Element. Being the most peaceful and happy element was not in vain. It was really something magical. Eren felt it in his hearth with that special peaceful feeling. Anyway.

Eren was at the 6th level in his Earth Element tendency. Although, for Eren, these spells were too stupid, but he kept trying, since there might be a reward at the end.

"Come on now, if you're really coming, fuck!"

"No swearing. Also no talk and don't lose your focus!" Yuzu immediately scolded. The fluctuations in the clothes Eren was wearing and the shaking of the dust around him showed that Eren actually started to do well in summoning. But she could also feel the electric sparks around Eren. Yuzu was worried for electric.

Eren finally, at some point, ignored everything. If there was no such things as turning the coal into diamond or making gold from soil.. then he was ready to throw away all of these stupid magic things from his body at the end.

"Come on, baby. Just come out, you little piece of s....."

Eren was forced to swear inside this time. In fact, it was delightful to stay in this way like becoming a statue on a semi-meditative way. He enjoyed the condition of his body which drawing some kind of energy from the soil. Energy or whatever it is, was filling his body with peace. But when it came to Eren's mind, all the soft magical energy was desperate.

"I don't know if you're the earth! But if you don't come now, I'll make you cry in the future. I'll find out where you are and break your legs and mouth! It's my last warning little fucker. Last-call from this airport moron!"

Eren like officially, threatened the earth without caring about future. He was from Modern World.

"Fuck you magical earth!"

Even Yuzu smiled for a second with what she had heard. She didn't know what exactly Eren told about airports but she was sure the summoning class of this day was over.

Even Eren was ready to finish the peaceful state of him and opened his eyes. But guess what! The last threat must have been so heavy that the soil began to tremble.

"Lan! It was just a joke, brother. Please learn the difference between jokes!! Earth--Bro?"

Seriously, all the soil beneath of Sisna Village began to tremble and then swinging. Eren was even preparing to finish all the prayers he knew from Earth. Even If he was an atheist, he clicked every button he see to pass the game. Without joke, If he see the smallest light from soil or weird creature, he was ready to run with all his strength and hide on the other side of the world.

But the faster the earthquake came, the quicker it disappeared.

"What's going on, Munmer? So you know why the earthquake happened?"

"Why did you think I would know motherfuckers?" Munmer cursed, coming out of his house to street, and stared badly to unlucky Grandi Man.

"I live in the same village with you. How do I know something you don't know moron?"

Just then when another woman approached and asked Munmer the same thing, the elderly manager went mad.

"Because of you, everyone calls Grandi foolish, and actually wait! They seriously might be right. God, damn it!"

Eren was wiping his sweat from his forehead while that stopid scene happened in the Village.

"That was close ha."

At that moment Eren had no good feelings about cursing aloud.

"It'd be good for us If earth had a sense of humor.."

Eren smiled wryly as he felt Yuzu who had struck his back of head. He ran away to home when he saw Hannah, Grandpa and Yuzu were staring him with nasty looks.


Three people who seemed serious a few seconds ago, began to laugh when he fled. But for a moment, when the earth trembled again, their laughter was over. They all started running home instantly just like Eren.


Planet "B-46"–– "Little and Blue Planet" > Local Name–– "Earth"

Coordination–– "Macau Peninsula" Inside of a little hotel room

(around 10 pm)

Taylor was ready to sleep. After a long day spent with shopping, she was really tired. She felt like a zombie walking in slow motion. After jumping on to the big comfy bed she sweetly looked her new sparrow tattoo on her ankle. She was smiling for her childish behaviour but also her piece of mind.

Tired maybe. But trying to be happy and suppressing her fears in vacation worked and was worth. Anyway, Taylor began to watch the concert video of a famous singer who had the same name with her on her phone. Before going to bed, it was time to spend some time wandering between suggested videos.

Her eyes closed in a few minutes. The only thing she remembered before was the singer's bright cream-colored outfit and cool high heels.

Then her body was immersed in the dream world and her beautiful face was innocently buried in her fluffy pillow. Every once in a while she mumbles and throws her legs around. It was the moment when she discovered a more comfortable position by covering her face with her arm!

Behind her blonde hair, a small piece of leaf that hardly seen on the pillow fell between her hair. Taylor took the leaf on her hair somehow while she was moving constantly.

But soon there was a whisper of a child from a very different world. From a magical world.

"Come .."

Taylor wasn't awake at that moment, but somehow she regained part of her consciousness and started seeing things despite her closed eyes. She watched the Eren and the magical village while Eren try to fo Earth Element Call in a different world.

But Eren's words were in English. Surprisingly Taylor understood everthing the little fella said.

When looking at the mystical Eren and his call, she unintentionally wondered for this surreal place. She was whispering to her enthusiastic part kept behind her fears for a long time.

Taylor replied without even knowing when he was sure.

"Coming there ..."

The sexy actress kept her eyes closed no matter what. She started to smile despite the earthquake that started with her words. Her inside, especially her heart was filled with a new great energy. She was watching and hoping untold things and somehow she felt happy deep inside. The biggest happiness she had ever felt in her life. Even Her closed eyes started to get wet.

She didn't care about the rocking building and the paniced city Macau. She did not wake up.


Taylor somehow made a deal with a Different Universe behind an impossible barrier named "logic". When Eren got up after the earthquake and said, "I'm joking....." at that moment in a thousandth of a second, Taylor, a grown up woman disappeared.

There were neither magical lights nor strange creatures. There was only an instant disappearance and a small piece of leaf remained on the red pillow.

The temperature of the bed and the tiny voice coming from videos on the phone remained the same for a while. The blue dwarf planet B-46 / With the other name- Earth was the same as always for a long time.

People didn't notice any strange side in this incident. It was just a little earthquaqe. Right? ;)
