Chereads / SimbiyoZ-The Tale of Immortality / Chapter 16 - The Walking Fella..

Chapter 16 - The Walking Fella..

Eren was a child who didn't believe in fairies, elfs or genies. He had lost faith in angels and demons after his faith in religion was cut off. He grew up in the middle of modern technology for 17 years. So this strict belief on modernity made sense for him.

But now he began to feel something new. This new feeling made his old perspective unreasonable and kin of stupid. He couldn't name it, but whatever it was, it was something different and effective enough to shake his beliefs.

When his eyes started to see the details that were not there seconds ago in the darkness, he wondered more and more about the magic.

"Congratulations on your success, my lord!" Taylor's voice rattled all the people, who were curiously looking at Eren. Yuzu was still thinking about the sentence his little son said. She hasn't been a wizard for more than two decades and she still didn't cross the level 10 barrier in her element. Therefore, she still have difficulties as using even simple healing spells. She surprised with this success but didn't show it to Eren.

Eren smiled with Taylor's voice and sat next to his family. He warmed up by the fire. It was so quiet and fun that night. The success of the little boy in the family made them happy.

In particular, Eren's grandfather brought the sweetened honey milk he kept for a long time and forced him to drink. Despite his objections, he forcibly swallowed milk. He finally got away with his grandfather's hand, with pretending to be drowning.

But nobody was unhappy. The bigger family, who has been more noisy since Taylor arrived, seemed to have more fun as Eren continued to grow.


In the morning he got up and went to help with Yuzu's farming job. For the first time, he began to understand the grueling aspects of her garden work in the fields. Dealing with the soil, doing business between the prickly and annoying plants, and ignoring the burning sun even in the winter day, these were harder than they seem from outside.

He helped by talking to Yuzu and making Taylor work behind him. He laughed abundantly and did his best to make the girls feel better. After the sudden success of last night, nothing had changed for him. He still had no real magic except for the theoretical spells in Yuzu's book. So he didn't expect to throw fireballs or anything at once. Life continued in this small mountain village.

After eating plenty of lunch, Eren planned to go to the altar and see the change. After that, he wanted to talk to Taylor, who hadn't left Eren for half a year.


Things in the garden were done earlier than expected. Eren gave back the fancy but best quality gloves to Yuzu at home. No matter what is the condition this Grandi Gloves never get cold to inside. So in the winter it was a heavenly thing to has. Anyway. Eren changed some of the clothes on, and ran the altar.

His low excitement for yesterday was because he needed a detailed numerical visual to understand his condition. He was from Earth and no matter how good he feel now, he wasn't sure about his element or magician levels. There is a big difference between seeing something just in feeling and with your own eyes. Eren wanted to see a concrete figure thanks to his Eartly head was full of computer games and science.

When he saw the usual tunnel in the woods, his heart rate escalated. Even his grandfather and Taylor, who came behind him, saw Eren's steps slowing down. After about a minute they entered the altar, which as usual didn't change a bit.

Inside, the scattered and sweet sunshine was still an image of spirituality and blessing nature. Small insects and bird' voices were heard inside. Near the Stone, there was even a little cat sleeping. He looked at the trio, get up and slowly walked outside. God know how long it was sleeping here. Yeah it was winter and that means snow. But the cold from the outside could not reach inside. This was a relatively warm and sweet shelter for animals.

Eren held his hand to the grandpa, but Taylor took his hand and nervously showed the knife in her hand. "Can I do it, Master Eren? I will try not to hurt you. I promise."

Brown n bright eyes were so innocent and so sweet that Eren forgot why they were there. Even a different creature who did not know the concepts of beautiful would be frozen as she looked at with that innocent face.

"Hmm." He nodded with his head back and forth and motioned for her to continue. But her beauty was nowhere less than Yuzu. Eren felt ashamed to compare them to each other for some reason. He felt struggling with some ancient tabooes.


The blood poured out and with the sore feeling they waited the blood to drop on the stone. Each flowing drop was made them more excited and the expectations increased. Eren was worried about his grandfather's blood pressure.

While waiting for five minutes, only Taylor said promising things. But when the numbers finally appeared, even Taylor was about to pass out of curiosity..

Race: 8/6 Daedra (High Species-Superior Human) .... 8/2 Zzyxzze (Bloody Tooth Type-Monster)

The Inheritance Element: Electricity ... 14 "... Earth ... 11" ... Mental ... 4 "... Water ... 1" ... Fire ... 1 ". ... Darkness ... 1 "... Air ... 1" ... ... ...!

"OH, come on! You got to be kidding me.. Why this stupid Electricity again. HOW!!?"


The days went on and there was not much change in the center of the village except the repair of the well. Occasionally, Nihan made some fireworks and exploded them for fun. But that's it.

Wouldn't it be ridiculous to always wait some action and adventure in a small mountain village? Eren didn't even feel like the main character of his story. If he had really been kidnapped to experiment on a reality show or by aliens, there would be a thousand kinds of things. But his life was normal for a magical world.

Eren's life seemed calm.

Oddly, even an American woman named Taylor didn't think Eren was gone mad or abducted. In fact, the biggest guess was that the universe gave her this beautiful life. Eren always rejected Taylor's idea of ​​conversation. But inside she wondered. What if the gods are real?

As you think, the gods did not wonder if the universe was affecting the structure of the quantum dimension. He was wondering if the curses he had reached reached their owners somewhere! If he swore to a buyer, then that would be bruised.

"I've been cursing at least a hundred gods and goddesses since I was born on this planet.


That day was ordinary. Taylor had finished preparing breakfast like every day she did for the past month.

Everyone awakened and sat down on the table in the middle of the house. They ate the bread looking like usual, the only difference it was red not brown. The tomatoes mixed the egg and the napus that were similar to the peppers but tasted different. Occasionally they drank a tea-like drink. Four of the newly awakened people did not have a conversation. It was a peaceful morning. Any normal family would have this lind of mornings.

A few hours passed, and even though he knew that it will dirty his clothes, Eren went to the edge of the river to work two new weird techniques.

Firstly he closed his eyes and started as usual. After half a minute he was ready. Actually Eren was quite lucky. When he learned the technique, it had a bonus move! thing he learned a month ago and came up with a bonus technique when he found out.

"I'm pressing on this big planet, which I don't even know how big it is."

Even if Eren's whisper couldn't be heard, his lips would have moved. It was something he liked to do when he started this spell.

"Earth Element" "Impact"

All the colors have changed again with just one blink. Eren was able to feel that his body was spending a little bit energy every second. But every new second in this technique would get new energy particles. So he didn't care about the spended energy. He could use this technique for hours and still wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

Eren felt and halfly see all the energy on the environment. It was like a third eye he can't control completely. It was like his body was a new eye and could see and control the energy. Those things were of course symbolic but Eren didn't know how to describe it.

It was peaceful and magnificent to be in this state!

Boom! (explosion sound)

It was like some kind of grenade which comes from action movies!.. and then there was a little silence. Eren was about 600 meters away from the village. If he was bouncing so far from the distance with it's voice, who knows what would it be if he was close?

Eren hesitated at the first moment and thought the absurd bombs Nihan used last year. This crazy old man, Nihan was just bored, so he shot firecrackers in the middle of the village. But there's never been a big blast or noise. Little fun things were his flares were just for having fun. Actually even Eren liked them a little. Just then Eren began to fear when he remembered his family.

Angel like Yuzu, who now considered as his mother, and his close friend Taylor, actually only friend and his weird grandfather who likes to joke ... also his aunty like neightbor Hanna.

Eren started running instantly. Just before he started running, something instinctive made him feel the soil beneath his feet. Eren was now running faster by taking the right steps.

Soil Element , Middle Stage Technique "Restricted Walk!"

When he was out of with his full springing Eren want to go Village immediately.

He was just 8.5 years old. But when he used the foot movements, his small body was moving like a cat's shadow. It was fast, but the only thing that could run in this size with that speed would be a wild cat or dog. Each step he took, he was traveling more quickly than usual and moving faster. It was an agility that wouldn't let anyone catch him.

A technique of feeling the world through a little animals' point of view!

He never stopped running and using this movement technique, which he was able to throw himself a few feet forward while running at full speed. As he approached the bridge, he decided to leap over the water as bridge would extend the way. Eren was so excited at the time that he didn't even think about the details.

He bounced off the edge of the soil and landed on the shore at great speed. He didn't even spend a second and didn't go down like a free runner. He just continued running like he was a leopard. It was like a wild animal running for his life.

Although, before reaching the village, he understood why this technique called "Restricted". Even the simplest of the normal jump or bounce techniques began with at least intermediate body strengthening techniques on +10 level of elements. His body wasn't ready to use this kind of movements. He wasn'T even supposed to feel the earth like how he feel right now.

This technique was probably a theoretical thing created as a small exercise. Rather than jumping, it was created to get help from the soil while sprinting.

Quickly, he ran down the road to enter the village and jumped back to the trapezoid road leading into the fields. He had to hold himself to avoid the shock when he saw the view directly opposite him.

Half of the village was ruined!

Nihan was standing angrily and looking up somewhere. Eren looked up like the old Nihan and saw something. There was a thing up there above the village. Although it was very upstairs, it had wings and Eren rushed his attention to his house to deal with what was wrong with the village.

Even though most of the houses in the village disappeared, his house remained intact. But most of the houses, starting from their own home to the center of the village, were destroyed. If they were made of stone, the houses that would not be demolished were collapsed because they were wooden.

"MOM!" He screamed outside, pushed the door open, but couldn't see anyone.

Nihan approaching him from behind. "Don't worry. When I saw the animal upstare, I sent everyone to the altar."

Eren was looking up while listening. That thing was flying in the air, flapping its wings and gliding down. Eren first thought it was an eagle or a hawk-like but larger creature. Also he actually knew he had to say "animal," but that thing was really big. After a few more seconds, he took back his word.

"This thing can't be an animal, it's definitely a monster!"

After Eren had made his own assesment, Nihan lowered his head, turning his eyes to the child and nodded. "These species are grown only because they have very little monster blood. They are half-animal-semi-monsters. But they are mostly used as travel-pets, because they have small monster bodies but naive brains. They have very little attacking skills with wasy to tame natures."

Eren looked at the ruined houses around him for a moment and couldn't digest "very littl attacking skills"

When he thought that the biggest flying things in his old world were simple predators like a hawk and a vulture, he realized that he didn't know the dangers of this world yet. He had seen a few strange birds around village, and varieties of cats that weren't on Earth. But he never believed in the existence of these strange creatures.

Since he was just 8.5 years old, the wind blown by the creature shook down the under it like it was a helicopter. It's force spread and made it difficult for Eren to stand still. When the wind was violent, he had to bend slightly with his knees.

In a strange movement of the creature, he prepared to leap and escape. In a second, he was ready to use his new movement "Restricted Walk and get da fuck out of here.

"I just want a normal life. Why these things keep finding me ha??"

The morning of that day was really very ordinary and peaceful. Eren sighed unintentionally.
