Chereads / My Hypnotic Companion / Chapter 7 - Who Am I?

Chapter 7 - Who Am I?

Master was busy today with his family so he hadn't texted me at all. It was so strange, I think this is the first time in weeks that I haven't gotten orders from Master... I felt so strange...

What do I do now? What would I normally do? I laid in bed trying to think. Before I spent all my time with Master, I must have done other things for fun... Right?

I rolled to my side and picked up my phone, going through old pictures and contacts to see if any of it would jog my memories. Oh! I used to play tennis with Daisy! Why was it so hard to remember that?

My mind felt hazy for some reason. I tried to shake off the feeling as I texted Daisy asking her to hang out. She quickly responded back "hell yea! I'll meet you at the park!" Park? Which park was that?

I tried to focus, though my thoughts kept shifting back to missing my Master. No, he wasn't available today, I needed to find the park...

I stood up and went to my closet and found a blue skirt and white top that matched what I saw in my pictures. That must be what I normally wore to play tennis. So I changed into the outfit and headed downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going to play tennis with Daisy at the park" I called out. "Oh that's good sweety, you haven't really played since you've started hanging out with Alex more" Mom smiled as she watched me put on my shoes. Alex? Oh yea, that was Master's name! Silly me, forgetting such important details.

"Um Mom, which way was it to the park again?" I asked timidly though I put on a smile. "Well jeez, it hasn't been that long... Just put it in your gps, it's the one with the big pool and the basketball court on either side of the tennis court." Mom rolled her eyes as she walked away.

Right, yea... I walked outside and looked through my gps to find the park she was talking about. Cool, it was only like a ten minute walk. No biggie. Carrying my bag with the tennis balls and racket actually made this a pretty decent workout I guess.

I arrived at the park and made my way to the tennis court where I saw Daisy waiting for me. She was wearing a pink skirt and a black sports bra with a visor and her hair in a ponytail. "Hey Paige! I thought you had forgotten all about me!" Daisy exclaimed as she came over and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back, and decided it was best not to mention that I had in fact forgotten about her.

"It's good to see you again Daisy" I said as Daisy led me to where her stuff was laying so I could put down my bag. "Where have you been? You like fell off the face of the planet for a few weeks there!" Daisy talked like she had too much energy stored within her.

"Oh um, well I've been with Master mainly" I said casually though Daisy stopped right in tracks and gave me a funny look. "Oh um ok... Well congratulations I guess? Kind of weird for you to call him that though" Daisy commented.

"Is it?" I asked in confusion, that's what he liked to be called... Daisy looked me up and down in confusion. "Yea, I mean if your sleeping with someone you can call each other whatever you want in the bedroom. But in public it's weird girl."

"So what should I call him?" I asked feeling uncertain about myself. Daisy raised her eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips "how about his name? You do know his name right?"

His name? Oh! "Alex" I said with a big accomplished smile. Daisy frowned even more "Paige you've been friends with Alex since you two were little kids... Did you forget his name?" I bit my lips, I could feel my cheeks turning a bit red. "Well no... It's just... I always call him Master..."

Daisy crossed her arms and tapped her foot as she looked me over. "You seem a bit different Paige. You got your first power right?" I nodded and turned invisible, of course she could still see me well enough since my clothes didn't turn invisible with me. "Did you get yours yet?" I asked as I changed back to normal.

"Yea, I can dispel directed currents of energy" Daisy seemed to be thinking for a moment. "Hey what power did Alex get?" I tried to think back, what power did he get? I remember Master showed me his power, I remember getting excited... But then my mind drifted off to the memory of having fun with my Master, of our bodies intertwined and the pleasure I received from him.

"Earth to Paige" Daisy said snapping her fingers. "Oh um... I don't remember..." I smiled sheepishly. Daisy seemed to be frowning a lot today. "Paige be honest. Did you forget me?" Daisy asked so bluntly it caught me off guard.

"Um... Well... Sort of..." I looked down, why was it so hard for me to gather my thoughts? Oh if only Master were here, he would make me feel better...

"I figured" Daisy nodded not seeming surprised at all. "You seem to be forgetting a lot of things... Paige I think we should take you to see the doctor. Something seems weird about you." A doctor? But I wasn't sick, I felt as healthy as ever!

"I'm fine Daisy, promise." I smiled but Daisy did not seem convinced. "One visit, a quick couple of minutes and then we'll go get something to eat. Sound like a deal?" Daisy tried to sway me with food. It worked.

"Alright" I bounced in place, happy to get food. Daisy smiled softly as she led me away and together we went to her doctor. Once we arrived she checked us in and we waited for only a few minutes before getting ushered in. The doctor was a man in his forties with a slime build and a big grin.

"So I understand you wanted me to check on your friend here?" The doc asked Daisy. Daisy nodded and explained everything to the doctor who was busy jotting down notes as he listened. "Ok Paige I want you to lay down while I check something out."

"Yes sir" I laid down and the doctor put some device over my head. It made a weird little noise but I didn't feel anything. "Yep, seems her mind is being overruled by external commands. Paige, someone has mind controlled you."

"Oh ok" I said not really caring too much. "Paige that's not a good thing" the doctor said. Why not? I felt fine, in fact I was rather happy. Although I would be happier with Master...

"Luckily whoever did it doesn't seem to be very powerful yet. You should be fine once you take the appropriate medicine. Paige promise me you'll take the medicine. This is important" the doctor said, his voice sounding verry serious.

"Ok, I promise" I sighed, I didn't understand why everyone was making a big deal about all this. The doctor pulled away the device and wrote something down on a sheet of paper. He handed the paper to Daisy, "make sure she gets this. Mind control powers are rare, but luckily it normally takes a long time for them to fully develop in power. So long as it remains weak, it is easy to combat with medicine or even with other powers. Although some linger side effects may still remain."

"Thanks Doc, I appreciate it" Daisy said. She then led me out and we went off to get my new medicine. "Take this as the doctor instructed in his note. Once at breakfast and once at dinner. No more, no less. Then call me tomorrow. Ok?"

"Sure thing Daisy" I smiled easily though Daisy seemed a bit tense still. "Now can we eat?" Daisy sighed "yes, let's go eat..."