I laid in bed thinking back on everything. The medicine had worked and I could remember everything now. I had to admit I was having rather mixed feelings about the whole situation. I had gotten more pleasure and had more fun with Alex and his power than I ever had with anyone else. The way he controlled me... It was rather kinky...
But he did so without letting me remember, without letting me be in on the fun! He never asked me if he could do that... Although I had to wonder, if he had asked, would I have said yes?
I looked at my phone and saw the message from Alex saying he was coming over. I hadn't told him I wasn't under the effects of his hypnotism anymore. I figured I would understand my own feelings better once I saw him in person again.
I got up and put on a white dress. It wasn't long before Alex rang the doorbell. I walked to the door and opened it up with a smile "hey there!" Alex paused as if sensing something was off "hello" came his simple reply.
I led him in and guided him up to my room where he casually sat on my bed. "Take that dress off, and suck me off" Alex commanded. I smiled as I got on all fours on the bed and crawled to him "you want me to suck you off?"
Alex looked at me with confusion, he opened his mouth to speak but got cut off when I slapped him in the face. "Ouch! What the hell was that?" Alex exclaimed, his hand on his cheek. I stood up and crossed my arms.
"Do you know what those are" I asked as I pointed to the bottle on the shelf by my tv. "Your anti crazy pills?" Alex joked. I shrugged "close enough, my anti hypnotism pills." Alex's face suddenly dropped as the dots all seemed to connect in his brain.
"Shit" he muttered. "Shit" I sarcastically responded. "Paige I'm sorry, look I didn't intend for things to go so far" Alex began to apologize.
I felt so torn. On the one hand, I would like to continue our sexual engagements. On the other hand, I was still mad at him. "Why wouldn't you just ask me!?" I yelled at him and Alex seemed taken aback by my question.
"Um what?" He looked puzzled. I bit my lips and felt my cheeks flush a little red. "What? I can enjoy kinky shit too you idiot... But I can't enjoy it if I don't even know." Alex blinked, his brain seeming to buffer for a moment. "I didn't realize you enjoyed stuff like that" he admitted.
I sighed and turned away. Yea, before Alex got his power we never really did anything sexual together. But also Alex never tried... I wasn't even aware he liked me like that...
"Probably because you used your power to have me instead of trying to get me like a real man" I scoffed. Was that what was bothering me? That he never shared his feelings or intentions? That I had to find out in this rather bizarre manner?
"Paige, I'm sorry" Alex said sounding a little deflated. "You are beautiful and I really like you. I should have been more upfront about things with you. But I wasn't and when I discovered my powers I thought oh great, now I can share my feelings without having to worry. I wanted us to have fun but let you go back to normal right after. So we could keep being friends but also... Be more..."
That's right. Now that the medicine had broken me free, I could remember his original attempts were just for us to engage in sexual fun. But I was still me, he let me keep my memories. I didn't become a mindless slave until...
"If you ever invite Emily over again, I will cut off your balls" I glared at Alex who nodded back at me. "I promise, I will never let her anywhere near you. And I won't listen to anymore of her crazy suggestions. Honestly I got a little too caught up in what my power could do... Seeing how far I could this power."
Well the first thing I did when I realized I could turn invisible was run around messing with people. Did having powers doom us to be messed up? Did everyone go through a messed up portion of discovering their powers?
"I want you to leave Alex" I admitted out loud. There were too many feelings and thoughts all swirling around within me. "And if you want to be with me, next time ask me out" I finished without facing him.
"I will" Alex said as he stood up. "Paige, I promise to do better by you." Alex then left my room and left my house. I laid back down on the bed and starred up at the ceiling. I almost wished he hadn't left, I almost wished he had grabbed me and kissed me instead. Agh! Stupid powers making things too confusing! I rolled to my side and hugged my pillow.
I was mad at Alex... But I didn't want to lose him... I had to wonder though. Now that I was no longer under his hypnotism... Would he ask me out? Were his feelings for me genuine?