Chapter Six – but the Gods are not kind.
Luna Nightshade is a twenty-seven years old Witch, with roots to the first ever witches from New Orleans, she has the blood of the ancestors in her veins, which grants her powers and places her high above the food chain, however, despite the power that runs through Luna's vein, she has never seen one like Aria Wilder's, which solidifies the fact that she is a aberrant, a ruination of the natural order and while Luna will never admit it out loud, she believes it is time to ditch the so-called natural order.
"Luminae Ignis." Luna whispers and all the light come on. She walks to around her studio apartment, to her kitchen, which is also her make-shift arena for practicing magic. Today, she will head to Flynn Manor and begin lessons with Aria, perhaps along the way, they could discover the depth of Aria's power and how to cloak it. Lu has a bad feeling, it is more of a premonition, she can sense danger from miles away.
There is a knock on the door, and she waves her hand, knowing it is Gideon and the door unlocks. He walks in a second later and she smiles at him.
"It's not even eight in the morning, Gideon, aren't you supposed to be patrolling and shit?" She frowns at him and he smiles as he opens her fridge and pull out the frozen Pizza.
"I'm supposed to, but I couldn't miss you dissecting the little hybrid." He grins and she gasps.
"I am not dissecting her, and you need to keep your mouth shut, you can't go around calling her the little hybrid, someone could catch a wind of it, and that would chaos." She chastised and he shrugs.
"Okay, we will see – I made some research into who she used to be, in her past life, and the first thing I see is the engagement of Elara Valor and Ryker Blackwood, they are throwing a party tonight." He announces and Lu gasps in shock, followed by an onslaught of anger.
"Wow, they really got some nerve. Getting married after killing her? We should be messy and go to the wedding, with Aria." She snaps and Gideon smiles, because she looks so cute when she is this pissed, especially on Aria's behalf.
"It really won't do anything, because she has a new body now, also, the last thing I want is you around them, I still can't comprehend how vicious a person has to be to do that – stabbing, burning and drowning. Aria's need for vengeance is justified." He frowns and Lu nods.
"I need to take my bath, come to my room, so we can keep talking. I've been wondering what to start with." Lu states, distractedly as she walks to her bedroom, not seeing the way Gideon froze.
Gideon Black is a sucker for pain, or maybe he is just so obsessed with Luna, he keeps punishing himself, every moment he spends with her is plain torture, because he wants her, desperately, but she has never looked at him that way – unrequited love is the worst thing to ever feel, but he says nothing and he bites down on the emotional pain, because he would rather spend time with her, have scraps of her than have nothing at all.
She walks to the living room, in a bodycon peach colored dress that makes her dark skin glow and Gideon exhales, looking away from her.
"Tell me about the engagement." She says, warry, levitating her breakfast to where she is, Gideon can never get tired of seeing her be comfortable in who she truly is, as a witch.
"I went to Boston, for the bi-monthly meeting and Ryker was bragging about his engagement, Elara is the King's daughter, the king's only child, so when he dies, she will be Queen and he will be the King. Somehow, I genuinely believe that Elara and Ryker are gonna kill each other. Based on what Aria told us, Elara desperately wants to be Queen, she wants to rule, she has agendas of her own, and Ryker wants to be King, he probably thinks she would settle for being an arm candy." He explains and Lu smiles at him.
"Sometimes I forget that you are practically a Detective." Luna packs up the plates and Gideon smiles, with a shrug.
"Yeah, well, I don't forget."
"Come on, let's go. Did you notice the rain last night, out of nowhere, thunderous and just gone as fast as it came?" She asks, as they step out and she locks the door.
"Do you think it was Aria – she seems to have some control over nature." He muses and Luna exhales, thinking.
"I do think it was Aria. Gideon, Kael is right, there will be a price to pay for this, she was brought back to life, people are not meant to come back to life. I understand that she was killed brutally by people, but at the same time, she was meant to die, our births, deaths, every big moments of our lives have been predestined, written down. It might sound archaic and disturbing, but that is the way of life." She rambles, lost in thought.
"The fact that Aria was reincarnated, with powers, making her a Witch and a Wolf, a hybrid, is unnatural and there will be a price to pay for that. Also, no offence to the Moon Goddess and every other Gods, but the Gods are not kind, not as kind as this, to give someone as second chance at life, that is not kindness and she needs to understand that this was not an act of kindness. They want something from her, and she might be used as an instrument to face a greater evil. You know what? I'm just going to shut up now, I have no idea what I am talking about and this is quite a reach." She shakes her head and he chuckles.
Luna tries not to think about it as they walk to Kael's manor, she needs advice and the only people who knows everything is a five-hours flight away.