Chapter Eight – They have to pay for what they did .
Luna knocks on Kael's door and it takes a second for him to open the door, when he does, she sees that he is freshly dressed, getting ready for the Uni.
"Isn't today your day off?" She frowns at him as she walks into his big bedroom, it is bigger than her entire apartment, he has always told her to move into one of the bedrooms and she always refuse, because she wants her own autonomy, but now, she does not even know what she wants, she does not think she can keep living in that apartment.
"It is, but I would rather be in school, teaching nonchalant people in their early twenties, than here, accommodating Aria's annoying behavior." He shrugs, working on his cufflinks, she nods, because he is right. There is a knock on the door and Gideon comes in.
"I see we are all camping out here, avoiding the reincarnated witch." He jokes and Luna shakes her head at him, smiling a little.
"When are you moving in? it would be fun, like when we were kids in Switzerland?" Kael smiles at Gideon.
"In a week or less, I have to get back to Boston tonight, Ryker is pulling all the stops for his engagement party tonight, he needs the Perimeter secured, and yet, he wants everyone to be there. You know, I have been thinking about something – working for the Boston Pack was something I always aspired to do when we were kids, but that was before, before when it was led by the Captain, but now, Ryker is leading, Elara is about to be Queen and this is not where I imagined myself to be, so I am thinking of the Irish Goodbye." Gideon announces and Kael frowns while Luna chuckles.
Unbeknownst to three friends, Aria was about to knock on the door and apologize, she froze when she heard about Elara and Ryker's engagement, and she walked out, a destination in mind.
"An Irish what?" Kael laughs.
"You call yourself a professor and yet you don't know what an Irish Goodbye means?" Gideon jokes.
"Well, I'm a Professor of ancient art and studies, so forgive me for being a bit oblivious to some sentences meaning." Kael smiles.
"An Irish Goodbye is also called 'an Irish exit', and it refers to when you leave a social gathering without announcing your departure to anyone, you are slipping away quietly. Basically, you just leave without telling anyone why you are leaving to avoid awkwardness of departure." Luna explains and Kael nods, understanding.
"Oh, I understand now. So, you really want to leave the Boston Pack?" He frowns at Gideon who is practically his brother, more than a best friend, they are his family.
"I don't want to leave, but this is not the Army I joined, things are different now, and almost everyone on the team are driven by pride and greed. Coupled with that, the way Ryker killed a defenseless woman just because she would threaten his chances for leadership was mind-blowing, that is not a man, whose team I want to belong." Gideon shrugs and Kael nods, because he is right, the world is no longer filled with kindness and selflessness, just cruel and vicious people.
"So, while I wrap everything up, I might have to stay here longer than I planned. I hope you don't mind?" He asks gingerly and Kael shrugs; the man is big enough.
"About that," Luna drawls, and they look at her, she is blushing, which means she is about to ask for something, and she hates when she has to ask for something, so before she can fully ask, Kael nods because he knows what she is about to ask.
"Yes, you don't have to ask. It would be fun and exciting, beats coming home to an empty manor, creeps me out sometimes." He says dramatically and Luna giggles, while Gideon smiles, watching Luna.
Suddenly, Luna gasps, she falls to the ground, on her knees, she throws her head backwards and her eyes turn crimson red, Gideon and Kael gets up, but they've seen this before, Luna is a witch, and occasionally, there are prophesies.
"The reborn shall walk with the tempest flood,
With paths known, her heart ablaze, she threads the path of a perilous maze.
Seek not the end in fury's flight, for darkness blind in the absence of light,
Three shall stand, their fates intertwined, to guide the lost through the bind
The reborn one, driven by wrath, awakens with power untamed.
Heed this warning, let wisdom guide, or face the torment of the tide
For vengeance sought in heat of fire, may burn the one with pure desire
Together you must stand as four entwined, for only united, can destiny unwind
Your paths converge, a bond to trust, to forge a future bright and just."
Luna gasps, falling back to the ground, feeling the blood of her ancestors in her vein, throbbing, thumbing, beating. Every time she makes a prophesy, its strengths and weakens her at the same time, she goes over the words in her mind, trying to figure out what it means.
"Are you okay, Lu?" Gideon touches her softly and she nods.
"A prophesy only comes when there is danger, Luna. What is happening or what is about to happen?" Kael says, running over the words, he wrote it down as she yelled it out, now they just have to figure out what it means, but he fears they do not have more time.
"The reborn shall work with the tempest f – Aria, we have to get Aria." Luna gets up and she checks the living space, but they don't find her there, instead they find a note, a note she left for them, and anger fills Luna.
They have to pay for what they did even if it kills me, thank you and I'm sorry – Aria Wilder.
"We are going to Boston and she needs to understand that she can't leave." Gideon announces, annoyed.