Chereads / The Werewolf Endless Curse / Chapter 3 - My Parents Passed In A Car Crash

Chapter 3 - My Parents Passed In A Car Crash

Chapter Three -- My parents passed in a car crash.

Louis' Point of View

"Hey, ever being to Germany?" Colette asks as she walks to me, and my mind blanks as I stare at her in my clothes, she looks so good and heavenly, made for me. I try to focus on the meal I'm making, but my gaze just constantly draws back to her, and I didn't hear the question.

"Louis." She says and she has a smile on her face. I blink "Sorry, what did you say? You - you -- you just look really good in that, you should keep it." I smile and she nods, then repeats her question "Have you ever being to Germany?"

I have being to Germany, from 1902 to 1942, I was a German soldier and my werewolf abilities was able to keep my alive during the war, but after the World War II, I struggled from PSTD, and eventually lost my life, I was just forty. I remember the Massacre, the deaths of close comrades, the malnutrition, my capture, guilt and shame, it was a hard life for me. I look at Colette, surprised that she is asking about this, just after leaving my bedroom, which can means she found something, so I chose my words carefully.

"I visited a while ago, but I have not spent so much time. My Grand-father spoke about his Grand father who was a German Soldier, I'm not so sure about that, I try not to think of it." I say, again, just a half lie, she nods, and walks to me "So, what are you making?"

Relieved, we spend the next hour making lunch, then I make some more for her to take home and something for dinner. 


"Thank you for lunch." She smiles at me and I nod. We are sharing the same couch, but I make sure to stay on my side, because I don't want her to think I need something from her, or I have certain sexual expectations, because I don't, I just want to get to know her.

"Where do you work, Louis?" She asks and I smile "I'm a Professor, at Columbia University, I teach History, Arts and Archeology."

"What?" She gasps, and burst into laughter, I stare at her as she throws her head back, laughing, clenching her belly as she does, and nothing has ever looked as good. "Does my profession amuse you, Colette?" I tease and she giggles "Of course, it does. You are a Professor, but you are so young, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty-five." I admit and her eyes widens "How are you twenty-five years old and a Professor at Columbia University?"

I could tell her about my years of study and experience, centuries of experience, about how I got to be here, I could tell her about my time in China, I could tell her so much, instead, I shrug, and I speak "I am very knowledgeable in the field, and I have tons of degrees. I could tell you all about it, but don't worry, it is boring talk." 

"You are basically a genius, you should write a book. There are twenty-five years old that are struggling to get through their first years, people trying not to mess up their lives, people wasting their lives away and here you are, a freaking Professor. Do you know how insane this is?" She articulates, obviously in awe, and I shrug "I guess I have had many chances and opportunities."

A truth slipped in between half lies.

"I bet your parents must be so proud." She whispers and I exhale.

Who are my parents? For over four hundred years, I have struggled with letting people go, I have struggled with this endless curse. I have had parents, and they have died at the same time, this curse is quite dynamic, and every time I turn sixteen, my parents leave me, they die, and I can nothing to prevent it, especially because their death is a catalyst.

When they die, I begin to remember everything, but I don't remember everything from my past lives, all I have is just fragments that I am allowed to keep, the most painful part, another downside of the curse. I am cursed to wander through life, to wander, to fall in love or spend my lifetime finding a cure, but the end never changes, I always die at one point or the other, then I am instantly reincarnated in the same life, and I know when I turn sixteen. 

It is a cage and I'm trapped in it.

"My parents passed in a car crash when I was sixteen." I admit and her eyes widen and instantly fills with grief, for me, and I hate to see any sadness in her, even if she is sad for me.

"I'm so sorry, Louis. Can I hug you?" She whispers and I smile, confused "What?"

"This works every time. Get up." She pulls me up and wraps her hand around me, she places her head on my shoulder and I wonder if she hears how my heart skip beats for her.

"I work at an Art Gallery, by the way, I don't make any of my own art, yet, but I hope to, someday." She speaks and I smile, running my hands through her beautiful hair, she is beautiful, in more ways than one and might be a little too good for me.

"Scarlett is my best friend, do you have a best friend?" She asks, and somehow, we are moving, slowly, to a music only us can hear. 

"I don't have a best friend, men my age are all busy trying not to fail my classes and men older than me feel above, so I enjoy my solitude." I confess, and she looks at me, this will be a good time to kiss her, so I lean down slowly, giving her room to back off, but she does not and when we kiss, it is everything I have always wanted.

"We should be together." She suggests and I grin, happy, and for the first time, the curse is not looming over me.