Harry moaned in pleasure, even knowing that it was poisoned he had to admit that Mrs. Weasley did know how to cook.
"This is great Mrs Weasley," he said, again pretending not to notice their scheming smiles.
After lunch was over, everybody at the table seemed to go quiet as Ginny stood up. "Harry, don't you think you should come upstairs with me?" she asked, smirking.
Harry turned to her and said in a dazed voice, "Ginny?"
Thinking the potion had worked the Weasleys and Hermione barely contained their triumph. Ginny's smirk of victory was particularly vicious.
Deciding he couldn't be bothered to drag out the act, Harry continued, "Why would I want to do that, Ginny? I need to get going soon."
Harry barely contained his laughter when Ginny's face fell, going red then white in her anger.
"What?!" she demanded.
"I said I need to get going; I have business at Gringotts," Harry said, deciding to do as Hermione suggested and take a look in his vaults.
"But-but—" Ron spluttered, turning to Hermione in his confusion. Hermione looked like an angry cat; her hair was practically standing on end and her anger almost palpable.
Standing, Harry barely concealed his glee. Turning to Mrs. Weasley, who was doing a better job at hiding her frustration, Harry smiled.
"I'm going to apparate, thank you so much for the lovely meal Mrs. Weasley," Harry said before turning to the others. "I'll see you guys soon." Without waiting for them to say goodbye, Harry turned and left through the backdoor. However, instead of leaving, Harry cast a wordless disillusionment spell and snuck back inside before the door had fully closed.
Almost instantly, Harry had to cast a silencing charm as his glee quickly overcame him.
"I thought you said the potion would make him a mindless drone!" Ron shouted at Hermione, his face red.
"It was supposed to!"
"Well, it obviously didn't work!" screeched Ginny.
"I don't understand why it didn't!" Hermione wailed, "I know I brewed it right, I followed the notes out of Dumbledore's book perfectly!"
"Well, obviously, you made a mistake dear," Mrs. Weasley said, the only one not screaming. "It's not the end of the world, maybe next time I'll help you."
"But I want him now!" Ginny whined.
"Ginevra!" Molly's voice turned sharp before smoothing out again, "You know that Harry is sullied by dark magic; he's a taint on this world like Dumbledore said. The only reason you should ever want him is for his money, the fact you even have to pretend sickens me but it's for the greater good."
Harry, having heard enough to cement his belief, left at that point, silently exiting the house via the front door and apparating just outside the Leakey Cauldron in order to take off his glamours and change his eyes.
Entering the Wizarding pub, Harry noted that it was slightly busier than it had been days previously, as was Diagon Alley. Moving with purpose, Harry noticed the crowd seemed to part for him easily.
Once he reached the bank, Harry greeted the guards and made his way to a teller.
"Greetings master goblin," he said, not knowing this goblin's name.
The goblin looked up in shock before bowing his body slightly to Harry. "Greeting Lord Potter, what can we at Gringotts do for you on this day?" he asked.
Harry smiled lightly at the personal use of 'we'; that collective showed his place as a goblin friend.
"I was wondering if I might take inventory of my vaults and maybe have them audited," Harry said.
The goblin's eyes widened before he nodded his head and said, "That is indeed possible; Chief Ragnok has taken it on himself to oversee you, Lord Potter." Standing, the goblin beckoned Harry to follow. "If you would follow me, I shall take you to his office,"
"Thank you, master goblin," Harry said, following the goblin down the familiar path. Since the blocks had been removed, Harry had found that he was able to recall much more information with a phenomenal accuracy. Often things he didn't even realise that he knew, such as the dates of particular goblin battles and all twelve uses of dragon's blood.
Reaching the doors, Harry turned to his guide. "I thank you for your help, my friend," Harry said, "may your gold overflow."
The goblin smiled toothily at Harry before bowing slightly. "And may your enemies quake in fear."
Smirking, Harry said darkly, "Oh, they will."
After knocking the door, Harry was beckoned inside.
"I was wondering when I would see you again, Harry," Ragnok said.
Sitting on the chair opposite, Harry nodded his head in greeting before speaking, "Indeed, it has taken me a few days to embrace all of the information thrust upon me during our last meeting."
"I trust you have embraced it all now?" Ragnok asked.
"Yes," Harry acknowledged, "that is why I am here. I was wondering if you have had a chance to overlook my vaults. I wish for them to be audited. I'm more interested in the Potter and Black vaults to be honest, but information on the others would be useful."
Ragnok smirked in pride, "I have indeed had a chance, and in fact I was just about to send you a summons. It seems as though Mr. Dumbledore was more scheming than we first thought."
Hearing this Harry's eyes narrowed. "How so?" he asked, suspicions already forming in his mind.
"He has been taking money from the Potter vaults annually since November 1st, 1981. These payments include a large sum going to the Weasley family in what was named a Scholarship Fund, as well as individual payments to himself, Mrs. Molly Weasley nee Prewett, Mr. Ronald Weasley, Ms. Ginevra Weasley, Ms. Hermione Granger, and Mrs. Petunia Dursley nee Evans."
Hearing this Harry hissed, and his magic flared dangerously. He tried not to think about his aunt and uncle; how they treated him was truly diabolical and Harry had to wonder if Dumbledore had something to do with the abuse never being notice by the authorities or Madam Pomfrey.
"These payments have been stopped correct?" Harry asked, once he had finally calmed down.
Ragnok nodded, shocked at the amount of control Harry had gained in such a short amount of time.
"If you would like we should be able to reclaim some of what was taken and impose sanctions until their debts to you have been cleared," Ragnok said.
"If this can be done without their knowledge, do so. If not, then leave it, I do not what them knowing I am aware of their deceptions just yet," Harry said.
"The sanctions can be put in place without their knowledge," Ragnok said.
"Then do so," Harry replied.
After taking a moment to gather his thoughts, which had been scattered by his anger, Harry remembered his other area of business. "I would like to visit some of my vaults today, to see what they contain."
"A wise decision," Ragnok said. "If I may, I would recommend going to the Mortemis vault; it should hold information very important to you."
Nodding his head in understanding Harry thanked Ragnok and left the office, going with a teller who seemed to materialise out of the shadows to the vault carts.
"Vault number one," the teller intoned when Harry stated his destination. A flicker of thought had Harry pausing; the lower the vault numbers usually meant older vaults, but the sudden jerk of the cart sent his apprehension of visiting the oldest vault in Gringotts flying in the wind.