Waiting, Harry was almost bouncing with excitement when he heard the mail come. Walking to the door, Harry easily saw the letter that was for him, the parchment standing out against the muggle envelopes. Picking the letter up, Harry immediately felt the charms and compulsions on it try to take effect and smirked when his magic reacted and tore them apart. Taking the letter upstairs, Harry opened it after reading the address, gleefully ripping apart the purple wax seal bearing the school's coat of arms.
Mr. H. Potter
The Cupboard under the Stairs
4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mr. Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress
Equipment list
First-year students will require:
Three Sets of Plain Work Robes (black)
One Plain Pointed Hat (black)
One Pair of Protective Gloves (dragon hide or similar)
One Winter Cloak (black, silver fastenings)
Please note that all student's clothes should carry name-tags at all times.
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
Other Equipment:
1 Wand
1 Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set of glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set of brass scales
Students may also bring an Owl, Cat, or Toad.
Reading the list, Harry thought about Hedwig for a moment; he could buy her again in this life he thought happily, pleading that his first friend would hopefully be with him again soon.
Summoning a biro and some paper, Harry quickly penned his reply to McGonagall. It wouldn't do for him to use ink and a quill and gain any unwanted attention.
Professor McGonagall,
Thank you for the letter, I accept my place at Hogwarts school as a first year student.
Harry J Potter
With that done, Harry spent a moment and concentrated on his clothes, transfiguring his oversized t-shirt into a short day robe in a dark blue colour with pale green accents and his jeans into a pair of grey trousers. Harry then focused on his shoes, looking in disgust at the barely held together trainers, and transfigured them into shiny black ankle boots. Happy that his clothing would last until he managed to buy himself a proper wardrobe, Harry made his way down the stairs, glad to see the Dursleys going out of their way to ignore him. Even Vernon, who clenched his teeth and shook as he stared at Harry, but he still let him pass without challenge.
Walking out of the door, Harry took a moment to observe the wards surrounding the property and felt his anger towards Dumbledore surge. There were no blood wards surrounding the house. The wards consisted of a simple protection ward, an anti-apparition ward, and an owl redirection ward. Luckily the old man hadn't thought to place any magical detection wards, or Harry would have some explaining to do. 'I will make him pay', Harry vowed to himself.
With a growl, Harry continued his journey and passed through the wards fully before spinning on his heel and apperating to just outside of the Leaky Cauldron. Entering the pub, Harry made sure to walk quickly and keep his scar covered. The Wizarding world hadn't yet met him and didn't know what he looked like, therefore he hoped that dressed in wizarding fashion and without Dumbledore's blasted blood glamour, he would go undetected.
Going up to the bar, Harry gained Tom's attention. "Excuse me, could you open the passage to Diagon Alley please?" he asked.
"Certainly, young sir," Tom said.
Nodding his in thanks as the entry way opened, Harry slipped into the bustling crowd. He remembered only days ago reminiscing about the magic of Diagon Alley, but now he felt he had exaggerated it as he struggled to get through the crowd without knocking into people. Like before, the crowd parted easily for him subconsciously but still, with the number of people milling about, the journey through wasn't without difficulty.
Finally reaching the other end of the alley, Harry slipped into Gringotts, giving the guards a nod in greeting and happy to see he got one in return.
After waiting in the small queue, Harry finally reached a free teller. Barely able to see up over the desk, Harry nodded in greeting and spoke, "Greetings, master goblin. I wish to enquire about the state of my family's estate and my inheritance."
Nodding, the goblin stood. "Greetings, Mr. Potter, we at Gringotts welcome you on this day. If you would follow me, I will take you to Chief Ragnok, who is personally overseeing your accounts."
Harry let out a breath in relief when he heard this and hoped that Ragnok hadn't been wrong when he assured Harry he would remember. Taking the familiar route to Ragnok's office, Harry greeted the guards and bid his escort goodbye before entering the office.
Seeing Ragnok behind his desk, Harry approached before stopping to glare at the chair he usually sat in. Although he could get into it, it wouldn't be easy as his eleven year old body was disturbingly small.
Ragnok, who was watching, chuckled at seeing his friend, although he hadn't met him yet officially, struggle with the limitations of his new body.
Harry, giving up on trying to sit down, simply focused his magic on the chair, using a slight shrinking charm. Harry watched happily as the chair reduced enough in size that he would be comfortable yet still able to see over the desk. Once he was settled, he looked up to see Ragnok smirking at him.
"It is good to see you again, my friend," the goblin said, "although this is our first time meeting for me."
Harry let out a breath. "I am glad to see you again as well," he said.
"I take it you are here to withdraw money from your vaults?" Ragnok asked.
"Please," Harry said, before he added, "would it also be possible to make it so that only I can take money from my accounts?"
"Sadly, you cannot ban Dumbledore from your vaults as he is your magical guardian, however you can make it so that only he can access your vaults and only in person," Ragnok said
"Please do, and could you possibly recall all of my vault keys?" Harry asked, remembering that Hagrid had one in his last life.