Harry laughed. "I think it's a combination of all of that, to be honest," he said, easing Susan's fears that she would upset Harry when she mentioned muggleborns.
Seeing the tension slowly ease, Harry sat back happily. He had worried when he thought about coming back to Hogwarts that he wouldn't be able to cope with being 11 again and surrounded by children, but now he had more confidence that he would manage. At least he hoped he would.
"And to think, Neville," Harry said, "you didn't think you were Gryffindor material. What you just did was brave.,"
Neville perked up. "It was, wasn't it?" he said, his excitement making the girls smile.
Eventually Harry started to tune out the conversation and picked up his book again. Reading, Harry would add the occasional comment, but for the next hour or so he devoured the chapter in his book.
"Are you interested in mind magic?" Susan asked when Harry closed the book, having finished the chapter he had been on.
"Yes, I find it to be quite fascinating," Harry said.
"My aunt has told me a little about it," Susan said. "It's really hard to master, but she promised to try and teach me some basic occlumency next summer; she said it would help me study."
Harry was not surprised by this, a lot of purebloods and halfbloods taught their children occlumency if they could.
"You've heard of occlumency, right?" Susan asked.
"Yes, I find it fascinating. I read about it over the summer, which is what lead me to reading this book. I've started to do some of the exercises and think I've got a good starting base," Harry said.
"That's cool. You know, I'm sure my aunt wouldn't mind answering any questions if you have any. She's a Master Occlumens because of her job," Susan said happily.
"Thank you, I will remember that," Harry promised. Once again the conversation drifted and Harry found his thoughts wandering. He joined in, adding comments in places, but he was more than happy to sit back and observe.
This time when the trolley lady got to their compartment, Harry once again bought a large amount of food and, like last time, he shared his treats before putting half away in his trunk.
"I heard it's a smart idea to buy a load now so they can last, we're not allowed to go to Hogsmeade until 3rd year and well... in my case, I don't really have anyone to send me sweets," Harry said at their curious looks.
"Is it true then? The rumours?" Neville asked.
"What rumours would those be? I've heard a lot recently."
"Well... that you were raised by muggles?" Neville said.
"Oh, that rumour," Harry said, his voice losing some of its warmth, "yes. My aunt and uncle."
"Do you not like them?" Susan asked, picking up on Harry's tone.
Harry was suddenly glad that she and Hannah had decided to sit with him; the odds are that she would tell her aunt anything he said. "Well it's not that, it's just that, well…. They don't like anything not normal, not muggle, and me, well, I'm not normal to them," Harry said in a quiet voice.
Hannah gasped quietly. "They don't like you?" she said, shocked.
Harry just shrugged.
"They don't, you know…." Susan asked hesitantly.
Harry just looked up. "It's not so bad now, since I got my letter," is all he said.
After letting that sink in and a silence fall, Harry had to congratulate himself. He doubted that it would change anything but it certainly wouldn't hurt.
"Could you not say anything to anybody about that?" Harry asked. "I don't want people looking at me with pity or anything."
"Sure, Harry," Neville said, "it that's what you want."
Smiling, Harry couldn't wait to see what planting the seeds in Susan's mind would do. It helped that he really wasn't lying.
Arriving at Hogsmeade station, Harry joined the crowd of growing first years and looked out for the famous red hair of the Weasley family.
Getting to the boats Harry, Hannah, Susan, and Neville got on together. Harry watched with amusement as Neville struggled with Trevor; at least he hadn't lost him on the train this time, he thought fleetingly.
As the boats took off, Harry looked up to see with amusement that Ron had somehow managed to get himself trapped on a boat with Draco Malfoy and his two goons, Crabbe and Goyle. Making sure not to use his wand as he didn't want anybody to see him, Harry focused on his magic and sent a push towards the redhead.
Harry barely contained his mirth when Ron fell, landing with a splash in the Black Lake. Some people screamed whilst others laughed; Harry thought for a moment Malfoy would join Ron with the amount he was laughing.
"Easy now," shouted Hagrid from the first boat. "He'll be fine, the squid will rescue him."
His words seemed to incite more fear and people huddle close into the boats. Eventually Ron resurfaced with a tentacle around his waist and was plopped back in his boat. His white face made his freckles stand out even more.
Harry had to bite his lip as he heard Malfoy taunt, "Bet that's the first bath you've taken all year, weasel."
Eventually the boats reached the castle and Harry found himself reaching out with his magic instinctively. He felt the castle's magic sing within him and felt an overwhelming peace.
Seeing his enraptured look the girls giggled. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Susan asked.
Harry, dazed from the magical connection, merely nodded. "Yeah."
The crowd follow Hagrid into the entrance hall with Ron standing at the front next him, dripping lake water on the floor. The doors opened and Professor McGonagall entered.
"Good heavens, what happened?" she asked, indicating to Ron.
"He fell in the lake," Hagrid said.
"No, I didn't!" Ron shouted, "I was pushed! I bet Malfoy did it!"
Draco snorted. "Please, like I would want to touch you," he drawled, getting laughs from some people, including a small one from Harry.
McGonagall sighed and withdrew her wand. "Stand still, Mr. Weasley - you are a Weasley, I presume?" she asked.
Ron's grumbled reply was lost when Harry heard Draco mutter, "Red hair, hand-me-down clothes? He's obviously a Weasley."
After Ron had been dried, McGonagall gave the students two minutes to prepare themselves and left, promising to be back.
Alone again, the students milled out slightly. The girls and Neville chose to stay close to Harry, who had wandered towards Draco and Ron to watch their argument.
"I know it was you, you dirty Death Eater!" Ron snarled, red faced.
Draco narrowed his eyes. "You know nothing, weasel," he hissed.
"Oh, yeah? Just wait, me and Harry will get you and your little Slytherin friends," Ron threatened, shocking Harry as he had yet to meet the redhead in this life.
"I doubt you even know the great Boy-Who-Lived," Draco said.
"Me and Harry will be great friends, you'll see. We'll be in Gryffindor together and—" Ron started before cutting off when Harry snorted.