Poppy nodded her head once, understanding the situation. "Do you know which potions in particular you were taking?"
Harry frowned. He had become used to his memory recall being perfect, so being unsure was annoying, but he honestly didn't know the specific names, just their purpose and perhaps a few ingredients based on the taste. "I'm sorry, I'm not sure. I know that the potion I take each morning is a nutrient potion to help me gain weight - it tastes like burnt sage and is pale purple. The other potion I take every other night is to help my bones heal and strengthen them; it's not skele-gro, I know that much. It smells like copper and tastes like old blood - oh! And it's dark green, almost black," Harry said.
Poppy nodded, impressed with his description. "Right, it sounds like you're taking Helga's Fortune and Kosti-recovery."
Harry just shrugged. He had never heard the names before, but he was admittedly no expert in potions and when the healer had prescribed them the names were not given, just the purpose and dosage.
"I'm also using an ointment to help my scars fade, which I'm running low on," Harry said. "It's pale blue and smells like mint and coffee."
Poppy frowned. "I can't seem to recall any ointments which fit that description. I shall have to ask our resident potions master," she said, racking her brain.
Harry tilted his head to the side. "I have Potions first thing, I can ask him if he knows," Harry offered.
"That would be helpful dear," Poppy said. "Now, if it's Potions you have, you had better pop off. Professor Snape doesn't tolerate tardiness - unless you have any other matters to discuss?" she asked.
"No ma'am," Harry said, turning to leave.
"Mr. Potter, I would like to give you a health scan in a few weeks to check the progress of your potions," she said. "I will send you an owl when it's time."
Nodding, Harry continued and quickly made his way to the dungeons, entering and taking his place just as Snape walked in.
Harry decided he must give the same speech at the start of each year.
"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making. As there is little foolish wand waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses.… I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death—that is, if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
Harry kept his head down and wondered if Snape would call upon him again like he had last time, letting out a breath when he started the roll call. He did seem to pause on Harry's name slightly, making Harry look up in question. However, he soon recovered and continued down the list.
After waving his wand and putting the directions on the board, Snape told them to brew the potion so he could assess their natural talents. Calling randomly on students to ask them questions, he eventually targeted Harry.
"Mr. Potter, what is the best way to prepare pixie wings?" he asked.
Harry frowned for a moment in thought, making sure not to stop stirring his potion. "I suppose, sir, that it depends on the purpose of the potion they're being used in. If they're being used in a stimulus potion, such a Pepper-Up, then they're best powdered as this would increase the surface area and speed up the reaction time. However, if they're being used in a glamour potion like Polyjuice, they're best chopped as this would make the effect longer lasting," Harry said, remembering the information he had read in Snape's old textbook he borrowed in his 6th year.
Severus barely kept his shock from showing. Not only had the boy given a perfect answer to a trick question, but he had understood the effects of ingredient preparation to a level some 7th years had yet to grasp. Perhaps he should have a chat with the boy and see if he had prior tutoring; although he doubted it as Albus had told the staff in their meeting this morning that the boy was muggle raised and new to their world, making Severus wonder just where the boy had grown up.
Meanwhile, the other students, unlike Severus, didn't mask their shock. The other Ravenclaws looked a combination of proud and wary.
"Five points to Ravenclaw, Mr. Potter, for such a well thought out answer," Snape said, shocking Harry into forgetting to add his counter-clockwise stir. Harry didn't think he had ever received points in Potions until Slughorn had taken over. "Please stay behind at the end of class," he instructed.
After the lesson ended, Harry told the other Ravenclaws to go ahead of him and to let Flitwick know where he was.
"If you're sure, Harry," Padma said, leading the others out of the classroom.
Turning to Snape, who had watched the interaction in silence, Harry hoped his face didn't reveal anything. He was glad he had been asked as he needed to question the man about his ointment, but he was curious enough to see what Snape wanted.
"You wished to see me, sir?" Harry asked.
"Yes, we were lead to believe that you had been muggle raised, Mr. Potter, yet you showed a surprising level of knowledge and ability for that," Snape said.
Harry internally cringed. "Thank you, sir," he said. "I like to read and I have an almost perfect recall. I'm also very good at muggle cooking."
Severus hummed in consideration as he looked at the boy. He was tempted to look into his mind but knew such an action would be frowned on. "You do a lot of cooking?" he asked.
Harry flinched, knowing Snape would pick up on it. "Yes, sir," he said.
Severus wondered why his question would elicit such a reaction. "Very well. I will keep an eye on you in class and if I feel you're not being challenged enough, I will aim to rectify the situation."