Chereads / Harry Potter: Eclipse. / Chapter 32 - Chapter 31:

Chapter 32 - Chapter 31:

Harry just shrugged. "Maybe, who knows?"

Neville looked slightly white and Harry decided to take pity on his friend. "I wouldn't worry Nev, even if he did annoy a group of vicious vampires, you're safe at Hogwarts."

Neville looked slightly calmer and smiled gratefully. "Yeah, thanks."

"R-r-right t-then class, my n-n-n-name is Professor Q-Quirrell...." After five minutes, Harry decided that when he finally fixed Tom, he would hit the man; the speech impediments were not funny and this was just too much.

By the end of the lesson, Harry was no closer to figuring out what to do about Quirrellmort. The man had not been obvious about observing Harry and, had it not been for Moody's teachings in Harry's last life, he probably would have missed the man's observations; he was smart about it.

After leaving Neville, who had his first Potions lesson, Harry and the girls walked to Transfiguration by following the waiting prefects. Harry had decided to sit with Terry as he didn't want to isolate his housemates and he had never really gotten to know the boy in his last life.

"So, what did you think of Quirrell?" Terry asked as they waited outside the classroom door.

"Well, he's a good enough teacher, it's just...." Harry trailed off.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Maybe we should put a study group together in the common room for Defence this year," Terry suggested.

"Maybe, but I think we should ask the rest of our year," Harry said and, after seeing Terry frown, he added, "I'm sure some of them would love a chance to study, and if it doesn't work out we can always cancel it and stick to fellow ravens."

Terry looked conflicted but agreed, "I suppose. I mean, some of them have to at least want to pass."

Harry was glad Terry agreed as he wanted to try and unite his classmates - at least, the ones he knew weren't part of Dumbledore's schemes, and a study group would be a great idea. It would be like a junior DA, he mused.


After Transfiguration, Harry made his way to lunch, his meeting with Dumbledore in the forefront of his mind.

"What's got your face looking like that, Harry?" Susan asked him. Hannah and, surprisingly, Terry had joined Harry at the Gryffindor table with Neville.

"I've got a meeting with Dumbledore after lunch," he replied.

"Why?" Terry asked, the look of horror on his face as he probably thought of all the house points Harry would be about to lose.

"I'm not sure, really," Harry said.

"Do you think it's got anything to do with what happened yesterday?" Susan asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Hannah said.

"Probably," Harry agreed.

"Well, that's not your fault," Terry said, indignant on Harry's behalf. "That Weasley fellow was way out of line."

"I know that, I'm sure the headmaster just wants a chat or something," Harry said.

"He was a bit mental," Hannah said after looking around to make sure he wasn't within earshot.

"Totally," Susan agreed.

Having finished his food, Harry stood, "Well, I guess I'll see you guys later then," he said.

"We can wait for you if you like," Neville offered. "In the library, maybe?"

Nodding, Harry agreed, "Thanks, that would be great."


After giving the ridiculous password to the gargoyle guarding the headmaster's office, Harry walked up the familiar steps and knocked, not entering until he heard Dumbledore call out.

"Headmaster," Harry greeted as he entered.

"Harry, my boy, welcome, do take a seat," Albus said, his voice affectionate and grandfatherly. Had Harry not know what a manipulative old coot he was, he could have easily believed that he really was just a kind old man.

Sitting, Harry looked at the headmaster. "You wanted to see me, sir?" he said, making sure his voice sounded slightly unsure.

"Yes, nothing to worry about though, my boy," Dumbledore replied. "I just wanted to have a chat with you, see how you were fairing."

Harry fought not to roll his eyes. "I'm fine, thank you, sir," Harry said softly.

"Good, good, I know it must have been a shock for you, all of this." Dumbledore said, his eyes searching Harry's for any indication of deceit.

"It was, but I had the summer to prepare," Harry lied easily.

"Yes. I must say, I was rather surprised that you replied to our owl. I had thought that I would need to send a member of staff for you," Albus said, his voice slightly inquisitive.

"Thank you, professor, but as you say, it wasn't necessary. I would have hated to be a bother for anybody," Harry said, making sure to make his voice small.

"It wouldn't have been a bother, my dear boy. I had to send Hagrid to Diagon Alley anyway, he needed to collect something for me from Gringotts. It's lucky I did as you probably saw, they had a break in the very same day, in that very vault," Albus said, his blue eyes twinkling as he spoke about his good fortune.

'Well, that answers one of my questions,' Harry thought. He had been wondering how Dumbledore would try to get Harry to go after the stone this time around.

"You're lucky then, professor, I had heard that Gringotts was the safest place on earth - after Hogwarts, that is," Harry said, seeing if Dumbledore would add another hint.

"Yes, Hogwarts is the safest place around," Dumbledore agreed his eyes twinkling merrily as he thought his plan was working.

After a moment of silence Dumbledore spoke again, "Anyway, my boy, we seemed to have fallen off track. I also asked you up here as I hear you had a little incident yesterday with a fellow student, a Mister Ron Weasley."

Harry feared he would cause permanent damage to his eye nerves with how much he was straining to keep them in his head.

"Yes, sir," he agreed lightly, making sure to sound sorry.

"I've known Ronald since he was a young boy. He's grown up hearing stories about you and has always wished to befriend you. I'm sure meeting you he just got over excited. You can forgive him can't you, Harry?" Albus said, in a tone which would have made Harry feel guilty had he not remembered exactly who was speaking.

Harry made sure to squirm slightly before he spoke, his voice childlike, "I would forgive him, sir, but he was mean to Neville as well."

"Ah yes, you're friends with young Mister Longbottom."