"I refuse to believe that!" Harry replied, before his warning wards gave a twinge. Pulling out the map Harry saw McGonagall walking toward the office. With a smile Harry tucked it away and faced the portrait of Albus for the last time. "It seems our time together has come to an end, so I will just say this: I cannot wait to see you again, professor."
With that Harry turned and made his way to the door, ignoring Dumbledore's cries and threats and Phineas' laughs.
Harry had to let out a small chuckle as he heard Black shout, "please come and visit us when you return boy, I simply cannot wait to see who you become,"
Exiting the office in time, Harry caught McGonagall just as she turned the corner.
"Mr. Potter, what are you doing here?" she asked.
Harry schooled his features and smiled at her. "I came to talk to you actually, professor," he said.
"Well then, why don't we take this up to Albus' office?" she asked.
"No," Harry said quickly. "I mean, I would like to see the progress that's been made fixing the damage, if that's alright with you."
McGonagall nodded after looking at Harry with surprise at his quick rejection. "That's fine with me, Mr. Potter," she said, leading the way away from the office.
"Now, what is it you wished to speak to me about?" she asked.
"I was wondering if you had heard about my decision to not return to Hogwarts in September?" he asked, gaining pursed lips from McGonagall before she replied.
"I had heard, and I cannot say I blame you, but I do wish you would reconsider," she said.
Harry felt a moment of anger well up in him as he wondered if she was in on Dumbledore's schemes. She was his deputy after all, and they always seemed close.
"Oh professor?" Harry said hoping for her to elaborate so he could watch her response.
"I cannot even image all you had to go through in order to defeat Voldemort, but I will be honest with you Harry; you have a unique ability. You inspire those around you and I had hoped that, if you returned, maybe others would as well. However, I do understand why you would choose not to. I suppose it would seem silly to return to being a student when you have gone through so much," she said.
Harry's relief at her words was immense. Although it was not definite proof, Harry felt he could trust that she was not in on Dumbledore's schemes.
They continued to make small talk as they view the grounds. The castle's damage was still extensive, but Minerva, as she now insisted on being called as she was no longer his teacher, assured Harry the school would be operational by September.
Walking him to the gates so he could apparate, Minerva smiled at Harry. "You will visit?" she asked, although it sounded more like a demand.
Harry smiled. "I will be back before you know it," Harry promised.
Grimmauld Place, 9th June 1998
Returning to Grimmauld Place for the last time, in this lifetime at least, had Harry looking about in nostalgia. He was ready now, he thought.
Sitting down at the kitchen table, Harry, with a cup of tea Kreacher made, thought about Death to summon Him.
After a few minutes, Harry noticed the shadows growing before a voice asked, "You're ready now?"
Harry swallowed the last of his tea before he turned and looked at Death.
"Yes," he said. "I want to go back to just before I received my letter to Hogwarts."
Death seemed to nod, "Very well."
Harry sat, wondering how this would all work, before suddenly he felt like his body was being forced through a blender. If he thought portkeys were bad, they were nothing compared to this; Harry felt like his very atoms were being ripped apart and rearranged. His last thought was that he was probably correct.
Harry sat wondering how this would all work, before suddenly he felt like his body was being forced through a blender. If he thought portkeys were bad, they were nothing compared to this. Harry felt like his very atoms were being ripped apart and rearranged. His last thought was that he was probably correct.
4 Privet Drive, July 31st 1991
Harry sat up with a groan. His head was killing him and he felt like he had bruised every inch of his skin, twice. Looking around, Harry tried to make sense of his surroundings when he suddenly remembered what he had done. With a maniacal cackle, Harry looked around the dusty confines of his cupboard; it was as bad as he remembered he thought to himself.
"It worked," he whispered to himself.
"Did you doubt me?" asked Death's deep, rumbling voice, making Harry jump as he had thought he was alone.
"No, it's just shocking really being here." Harry said, his prepubescent voice shocking him as he was used to his more mature rumble.
Death seemed to accept that. "I will leave you here," he said, "try not to call on me unless you have dire need as I am not an errand boy for your amusement. I will check in from time to time."
Harry nodded his head, still lost in the surrealism of the situation.
"Very well," Death said before promptly vanishing.
Harry sat for a moment gathering his thoughts before deciding to test his magic; it wasn't that he didn't trust Death, it was just that he wanted to verify.
Focusing on his magic, Harry held out his hand. With one thought of the lighting charm, Harry was happy to see his cupboard light up. Smiling, Harry's thoughts soon turned sour when he heard movement. In his joy he had forgotten about the muggles.
As Vernon moved above him, coming down the stairs, the ceiling let out puffs of dust making Harry cough and splutter. Harry's eyes narrowed as he remembered everything he had been forced to live through at the hands of his so called caretakers. He would be damned if he would sit back and take it again. When his cupboard door was finally yanked open and Vernon's bellowing voice rang out, Harry had already decided what to do.
"You had better be awake, boy! I want breakfast on the table in ten minutes or so help me God, you will rue the day your good for nothing mother whelped you!" Vernon roared, his face an unhealthy puce colour.