SCENE: Streets of New York.
The story begins in a futuristic city, where exists flying vehicles and tube-like transport systems to carry people and luggage, among other things. People go on with their business normally, a subway train takes into the sky, another, travels through a much larger tube system. A man at his cart sells hot dogs and funnel cakes, an officer does his rounds. Three figures are suddenly seen flying across the sky, riding on what appear to be hoverboards. Three boys, teenage in age by their appearance.
One having short snow-white hair and yellow eyes. The second boy has short tousled night black hair and purple eyes with tanned skin. The last one has medium-length golden-blond hair with natural highlights and blue eyes. The three ride their boards through the sky, not caring about what was in their way, the blond boy performs a trick mid-air.
Laz: Ha! Try copy that.
Kyle: (smirking) Oh, you're on.
The white-head attempts the same trick but fails miserably and crashes into a bunch of parked hoverbikes.
Laz and Star: (concerned) KYLE!
Both boys descend down to check on their friend, but he just pulls himself out of the bike pile, laughing at his flop; the other two now relieved, laugh with him.
Kyle: Alright Laz, I lost fair and square.
Laz: Yup.
Adult male: (offscreen) HEY! WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR RIDES?
They hear a man scream and turn to see an entire male biker gang of about thirty people, looking very, very angry.
Laz: Oh, sorry mates our bad.
Star: Yeah sorry; don't worry we'll pick them back up.
A large and burly man, clearly the gang leader marches up forward, clearly very pissed. His expression displaying his emotions perfectly. He is large and tall, about nine feet ten; about three feet above the boys' height. He is sandy-skinned with a black mullet and purple eyes hidden by a pair of black sunglasses. He has a bodybuilder's build and wears a black leather jacket with a matching tank top and pants and sneakers.
Snake Tooth: You fools clearly don't know who we are so let me enlighten you, we're the Serpent Fang, and I fang no. 1, Snake Tooth.
The three look as clueless to what he said as if he isn't even speaking English.
Star: Um, congrats? I guess?
Kyle: I'm sorry who are you?
These replies only serve to make Snake Tooth madder.
Snake Tooth: (angrier) Y'all assholes are really starting to seriously p*ss me off.
Laz: (unfazed) You look pretty p*ssed off already. Sheesh mate, take a cold one, will you?
Kyle: Yeah, will you keep your underwear on already. We already apologized and offered to rearrange the bikes.
Either their words are just adding fuel to the fire, or this guy is just looking for an excuse to hit someone, maybe both, but those words are clearly the last straw.
Snake Tooth: (yelling) GET' EM BOYS!
The men all charge at the boys; at least thirty grown men leap in to attack three teenagers.
Kyle: Well, this is interesting.
The three get into combat positions. A man charges at the black-haired boy with a right hook, Star leans back to dodge and uppercut his jaw hard with his right foot; knocking him out instantly. Several gang up on Kyle but he effortlessly evades all their attacks and one-shots each of them. All three boys seem to be masters of martial arts as Laz brought out the wooden sword strapped to his waist and blocks all their attacks with it before knocking out his own batch. Star having beaten two more, suddenly notices the right hand of one the men start glowing a ghostly blue light as he charges at Kyle from behind.
Star: (yelling) KYLE, LOOK OUT!
Kyle notices just in time to back-kick the guy in the face, as more come at once Star releases an omnidirectional energy wave from his body; the wave seems unending as it blows away everyone and everything around the tanned-skinned boy except Kyle and Laz who seem completely unaffected. The wind-like wave stops after all the men are knocked back and out; but three get back up and leap into the air, one has spiky rocks for arms with his left fist poised for a punch, another manifests orbs of light-blue energy above his hands and throws them, while the last slashes at the air with his hand, launching a green energy blade.
Kyle leaps up as well and poises his right hand, manifesting three green, octagonal energy shields, one in front of the other, with each bigger than the last.
The three attacks hit the frontmost shield square, the energy attacks explode into vaporization, the punch's damage is reflected back up the arm, shattering the bones within, and producing a multitude of cracks throughout the arm causing spurt-outs of blood; the force of the attack itself only adding fuel to the fire as it causes the biker to ricochet off the shield into his teammates as he screams in pain, knocking out all three. Seeing that all his men were defeated, Snake Tooth gets beyond mad now.
Snake Tooth: (angrily) You brats, I'll make you pay for this.
His eyes suddenly begin glowing as he punches both fists into the ground and begin absorbing the earth beneath him, his body growing larger and larger in size as his skin turns to stone and his clothes ripped off his body. Soon, he becomes four meters tall and looks like a "Ben Grimm" lookalike with a more "Incredible Hulk"-like build in only his now outstretched pants that rip apart just from the knees down; solid glowing purple eyes on his rocky face. Snake Tooth roars and charges at them in his new monster form.
Star: Impressive.
Kyle: Huh! I see, your skill lets you absorb the elements around you and alter your physical form to enhance your physical parameters; not bad.
Laz: Yeah, pretty good. Okay I've seen enough, let's blow this show. Star.
Star releases another endless wind-like energy wave that pushes the massive brute back, Snake Tooth plants his hands back into the ground to well 'ground' himself. He's no longer pushed back, but still finds it had to move. Kyle then gets into position balling his right fist as a near-transparent crystal-blue-white energy buzzes around it; forming a ball of energy around his fist.
Kyle: Alright Star, NOW!
Kyle whom at first was seemingly unaffected by the wave blast, is suddenly catapulted into the air towards the Snake Tooth as he thrusts his arm forward for a punch.
With one swift strike, Snake Tooth explodes into a thousand pieces, bits of rock scattered everywhere as Star turns off his power. The gravel all reassemble together reverting back to a once-again human and now unconscious Snake Tooth, in nothing but his torn boxers.
Laz: Well that was fun but I think it's time we beat it.
Star: Sure.
Kyle: Yah.
The three hop on their boards and leave.
The scene fades to black as the prologue ends.