Chapter 5 - CHAPTER :4 (FAUX SKILLS)




SCENE: Enforcement Branch Office


Bishop and Laz stand face-to-face in front of the building as they converse.


Bishop: So, what's your decision.


Laz: (breathes in deeply and breathes back out, determined) I'll do it, I want the artificial skills.


Bishop: Really now? (Laz nods; pleased) Excellent Choice.


Bishop is indeed pleased, that is clear in his voice, despite his face being incapable of showing any facial expression or emotional reaction.



SCENE: HQ Conference Room


Bishop stands in a dimly lit room, surrounded by four screens which turn on, displaying the silhouette of a person on each.


Bishop: Great Elders of Enforcement.


Elder 1: Bishop, do you have any news regarding the La rose child?


Bishop: Yes sir. He has agreed to the infusion.


Elder 2: I see. So, when will the infusion begin?


Bishop: We've agreed first thing tomorrow morning?


Elder 2: Bishop, you already know how much was invested into this project, and how much loss we've already incurred with the recent setbacks. You promised us great things with this, we expect to see results.


Elder 3: Indeed, we don't take likely to disappointment.


Elder 1: So, there better be results. This is your last chance.


Bishop: Understood.


After the meeting, Bishop exits the room and walks down the hall. As he walks, he thinks back to talk with Laz.




Bishop: So, you've decided to accept my offer. What made you do so?


Laz: (determined) I got dragged into something that didn't concern me for no good reason, and at the end I'm stuck powerless, worst is that I'm not the only one. Let's make a deal. Help me get back my own skills, and I'll help you take down Terror.


Bishop: Hmmmm. Very well. Of course, you do know, that this could come at certain risks.


(Flashback ends)


Bishop: A strong-willed boy indeed. Let's see just how strong he really is.



SCENE: HQ Operation Theatre (Sunday morning)


Laz lies on a surgery bed, wearing a hospital gown, as Bishop and the other scientists make the preparations for everything.


Bishop: Alright Lazarus, we're almost ready to begin. (takes a mechanical ventilator mask and straps it to his face) Just relax and go to sleep.


Laz: Anesthesia? What for?


Bishop: You have to be unconscious for surgery of course.


Laz: Woah, hold up! I didn't agree to any surgery.


Bishop: It's a necessity. Your normal minergy pool is no longer in commission, so we have to implant a new one, one that enables us to not only infuse whatever skills we want, but also funnel in as much minergy as necessary. (gestures to machine with three canisters of glowing liquid connected to it; one purple, another red, and last white)


Laz: You didn't mention anything like that.


Bishop: No, but I'm sure you expected something along these lines right. (Laz sighs and succumbs to the painkillers) He's out cold, let's begin.


The scientists all surround him and get to work.



SCENE: Kalahan Manor


Kyle sits in a chair on his balcony thinking about Laz's decision. He knows he encouraged Laz to go through with it but…he looks down at the drink in his hand, a strawberry banana parfait, and sighs.



SCENE: Laz's room (flashback)


Laz: (takes a bite of another scone) Hey Kyle.


Kyle: Yeah?


Laz: Do me a favor. Don't tell anyone about this. Not Neil, not Mavy, especially not Emilia.


Kyle: Why bring up Mavy now? Why not Neil or Emilia? I mean they already know as much.


Laz: Neil's a great guy. If learns this, he won't rest till he helps get me out. And Emilia, I've troubled her enough with this. I'm no consultant but, I'm pretty sure terrorist attacks and skill disabling isn't the housemaid job description. I just…don't want to trouble them anymore than I already have.


Kyle: (sighs) Fine, if that's what you wish.



SCENE: Later outside (flashback)


Laz makes his 'never say die' statement and turns to walk away.


Kyle: Okay then. But on an important note, I understand your refusing because the of the vagueness of it all and that the cons clearly outweigh the pros. Say you do accept and something goes wrong, what then?


Laz: (smiles warmly at Kyle) Then I'll have deal with, besides I won't be alone. I know you'll fix everything, and if I do end up going astray, I know you'll always be there to set me straight. After all, that's what friends are for right?


Kyle stares baffled at Laz.


(Flashback ends)


Kyle: (sighs again) I really hope it doesn't come to that.



SCENE: HQ OT, Several Hours Later.


Laz slowly opens his eyes as he stirs awake. He looks around, sees his body wrapped in bandages, looks to his left arm to see it wrapped in a black cast, the cast connected to a machine by a long tube. It isn't the life support machine, but rather a larger, bulkier one, black and grey with blinking lights, flashy screens and touch-screen keypads. Attached to it are three empty canisters. Laz's memories begin returning in a haze before clearing up properly. He remembers what happened, he accepted Bishop's offer to be his test monkey, and that he had to undergo surgery for the infusion, but he can't recollect anything after or…even before. He looks back at the cast then at the machine.


Laz: (in a monotone voice) That must be the infusion machine, and I guess is how the skills are infused.


He rips the cast and other connections to medical devices off, then tears off his bandages. He looks down at his body then at the reflective metal material of the wall to see his reflection, the first thing he notices is the change in his slight appearance, his golden locks are now longer, becoming shoulder-length and they are now a pale, snow-white. His eyes have also changed, now from lively and inviting bluebell pools to cold and lifeless blood-red. Next, he spots a scar on his chest, already fully healed. He suspects what this means, but rather then feel happy about it, he doesn't feel anything. Not joy, sadness, surprise, anything. He has only a deadpan, emotionless, almost lifeless expression on his face, something he had since waking up. He looks back down at his arm, noticing a metamark there, not his usual star-shaped mark but one identical to Candy's.


Laz: A triangle mark. I see, so I'm a triangle meta now.


Bishop: (from behind) Ah, you're finally awake I see.


Laz: (in the same monotone voice and expression) I take it the infusion was a success.


Bishop: (delighted) Indeed, a 99.6% success. As expected, your compatibility was 99%, so the skills were successfully infused.


Laz: 99.6? what about the other 0.4%?


Bishop: No need to worry about that. (a woman enters the room, walking up behind Bishop) Lazarus, I would like you to meet Ms. Celestine.


Laz looks over the mechanical man's shoulder to see tall older woman, probably agemates with Emilia. She has long, straight, silver hair that goes down her back, golden eyes and peach skin. She is pretty but has a smug army soldier look and a large bust. She dresses in all black skin-tight, wearing a sleeveless, zip-up jacket, matching full-length arm-warmers, a pair of shorts, a left leg-warmer and a pair of combat boots.


Anastasia: Sup little man. So, you're my new student huh?


Bishop: Lazarus this is Anastasia Celestine. She's a top-tier enforcer and a trainer. She will be your instructor. (Laz doesn't answer, only stares at them emptily) Alright, take him to the training room, I'll live the rest to you.



SCENE: HQ Training Room


Anastasia: Okay Blondie, I'll be your mentor from now on. Hope you can handle it, my training's gruesome and nerve-wracking, requiring you to think on your feet. And there's no mercy, so if you're looking for mentor that'll take it easy on you 'cause you're new, then might as well just leave Enforcement.


She pauses there for a moment, expecting him to laugh, when only silence follows she continues.


Anastasia: Alright Blondie, here's the thing. Normally, preliminary tests are done to evaluate rookies' physical and mental capabilities. (holds up a holographic screen made of hard light) But these records show that you've naturally already more than passed the basic minimum requirements. In fact, you're apparently so good, you moved to mid-tier level immediately.


He stares blankly at her with lifeless eyes.


Anastasia: Ooookaaayy…I take it you don't know what all that means, so I'll start from the beginning. As you already know, Terror's a terrorist group with high-level control and influence, they're not easy to deal with, so Enforcement, a special task force created and funded by the Bureau, was formed specifically to deal with them. And so, capable metas with expertise and potential in all fields are recruited for that one cause. Everyone is given basic combat training and assessment when hired, regardless of their unit, but of course, only the best at combat here are qualified to be enforcers, the organization's special task unit.


Laz: So, we're the ones who actually go one the dangerous missions aren't we?


Anastasia: Hmm, you're quick. I see your mental assessment wasn't exaggerated after all. That's good, enforcement can finally have some extra brain power on missions instead of mostly dumb muscle.


Laz: So, which one are you?


Anastasia: (unamused) Hmm! (clears throat) Here, enforcers are grouped into different category of strength based on their primary combat capability and effectiveness in handling missions. At the lowest is the 'Bottom-tier', the new recruits who have little-to-no experience. 'Low-tier', where the rookies are given basic assignments: assisting, researching, office work, the likes. 'Mid-tier', at this stage, they get secondary level tasks: guarding, tracking, espionage, that stuff. Next, is 'High-tier', that's where the real fun begins, you get sent on test missions, accompanied by your proctor, of course only small ones, no more than reconnaissance and retrieval, if pass them, you automatically get promoted to the next stage. 'Top-tier', enforcers put in teams to take on more higher-grade missions, without having their proctors to hold their hands, of course and lastly, 'God-tier', in which the enforcers can fight solo and take on the most dangerous missions.


Anastasia: Usually, you'd start as a bottom-tier, but the higher-ups say you're already high-tier material, but in my opinion, that still remains to be seen. (sets the papers aside and gets into a fighting stance) Alright, let's start with some advanced combat. I'm told you're already a decent fighter, so let's see what you've…GOT!


She lunges at him with a punch, only for Laz to side-step, spin and grab her arm, before flipping her over his shoulder into a wall, three feet away. She hits the wall with a 'WHAM!', gets back up and charges at him again, launching a kick that he swiftly blocks by shielding his face with his arms, before grabbing her leg with one hand and pulling it, drawing closer to plant a hard one on her face with the other. She falls to the ground, a little dazed, before getting back up to look at him.


Anastasia: (panting heavily) You're…surprisingly better at fighting than I thought. What's that? Aikido?


Laz doesn't answer, he just stands there silently, staring at her face, waiting for her next attack. An unreadable, almost dead expression on his own.


Anastasia: Not the talkative type, huh?! Alright, you can handle yourself well on the defensive, but let's see how well you do with offense.


She enters a defensive position, Laz charges straight at her and leaps into the air, delivering a spin-kick straight to her head, she blocks it with one hand and pulls, attempting to pay him back with same move he had used on her. Unfortunately, just as she threw her fist to strike, he blocks it his own hand and grabs her head with the other before headbutting her hard, sending her flying a few paces as he landed back on the floor, feet-first, graceful as a cat. Before she can regain her bearings and get back up, he is on her again, delivering a barrage of fists and feet, she does her best to block and dodge them but receives a hard foot to the midsection, causing to double over in pain before receiving another kick to the face, sending her flying back. He prepares to attack again but holds her hand out to stop him.


Anastasia: Stop! Okay, you're a strong fighter, stronger than me infact. (gets up) It's my fault for underestimating him, people don't become tier-king for nothing. (streaks of gold and white light dance around her as a golden glow emits from her body, healing all her injuries) Okay, we've established you're good in hand-to-hand, now focus on your skills.


Laz: The new skills I got from the infusion machine.


Anastasia: Oh, so you do speak. Bishop gave me the rundown of the skills you were given. (picks up a glass screen that looks like a sheet of glass with visually displayed writing on it) Okay, you pretty much already figured out that you're a triangle meta now by your new metamark.


Laz: Yes. (voiceover) A metamark is a mark that appears on the arm of every meta, its sole purpose is to show just how many skills a person has. Special skills primarily manifest in the rule of three, that is, skills develop in terms of numbers 1-3. Anyone who has only one skill is called a 'Dot meta', having a single dot-shaped mark, metas with two skills are called 'Line metas', with a double line-shape, and ones with three are 'Triangle metas', whom are very rare.


Laz: (voiceover) However, although three is usually the limit, it's uncommon but not impossible to see metas with more than that. 'Star metas', metas with star-shaped marks and more than three skills. They're super rare, existing as only 10 in 1,000 and they also follow their own rule of three, that is, they wield skills in numbers 4-6, and as such, are called '4-Star…', '5-Star…' and '6-Star metas', respectively. Having marks in the shape of stars with the number of points that match the number of skills. The confirmed limit is six, at least by natural means, someone with more than six skills has never even being heard of before.


Anastasia: Yep! So, according to this, your three abilities are "Psychic Mind", "Chemist" and "Polycreate". How exciting is that? Awesome skills, am I right?


Laz: I've never even heard of such skills in my life.


Anastasia: Fair enough, skills vary in rarity and some skills are so rare, you could travel around the solar system your whole life and only catch a single glimpse of one, if at all. These are three ultrarare, super versatile and super POWERFUL skills, belonging to three past enforcers whom have long since gone. "Psychic Will" is an ultra-rare special skill that focuses primarily on using extreme mental willpower to convert thoughts and mental desires into perceivable, even physical action. Simply put, it allows you to use psychic power purely by force of will. As long as it's mind-based, if you can think it, it will happen.


Anastasia: "Chemist" is a control-type that focuses on matter, or rather its chemical composition. It allows you to control and command any and all forms of physical matter in all its states on a molecular, atomic and sub-atomic level. As long as matter exists in some form, you have full, unfettered control over it. Depending on its scale, the complexity of its molecular structure and of course, your own natural potential and current level of mastery, your power can range from novice to even godly, making nothing that exists resistant to you, cities, whole planets, entire galaxies, as long as it's even vaguely comparable to physical matter with some chemical composition.


Anastasia: Lastly is "Polycreate", this skill enables you to literally create whatever you desire, in whatever state. As long as you can envision it, you can create it. Similarly to "Chemist", it's all about bringing things into existence. But, it doesn't only create matter, but pretty much whatever you can imagine, physical, metaphysical, spiritual, conceptual. As long as it can exist in any sense of the word, and your level is high enough.


Laz: Mind, matter and creation, got it. Which one do I learn first?


Anastasia: Best to start easiest to hardest. So, will go with polycreate first.



SCENE: Robotics Department Class A-1, Rising Star Academy. (three weeks later)


The last bell of the day rings, the students get up and pack their things to leave.


Prof. Cybert: That's all for today students, stay safe on your way home, and remember to read chapter 17-19 of your Bionics textbook. (to Neil) Oh, Mr. Matrix, could you wait behind for a moment.


Neil: (a bit surprised) Okay? (walks up to the Prof. Cybert after everyone leaves) Yes sir?


His teacher, is quite literally, an amputated head, floating in a mechanical tank that serves as the torso for his robot body, the most likely only thing keeping him alive. Wires attached to his head, connecting it to the body, and his voice projected into Neil's mind via his skill.


Prof. Cybert: Mr. La rose has been absent for the past three weeks, I understand that he is being occupied with family matters, but it's not an excuse to miss three weeks of school…


Neil: Family matters? Ah, I see, that was Kyle's idea of a cover story. I wonder what he said exactly that gave Laz any time off at all.


Prof. Cybert: …and I also understand you're his best friend, so I believe you'd know something about what's going on with him.


Neil: Laz and I have been good friends for years but I wouldn't exactly say we're best friends though. Besides, what do you want me to tell you? That he got attacked by some crazy mysterious terrorist group and now some crazy government agency took away his skills? Sorry sir but truth be told, I actually haven't seen or spoken to him in a while. That's not actually a lie. I haven't seen or heard from him since that morning, I tried contacting him but his phone's off and I don't have his house cell. I was planning to head to his place after school.


Prof. Cybert: (sighs) Fine then but let him know that his constant absence would affect his grades. I know his grades are usually commendable but he if he keeps this up--


Neil: I get it, I'll let him know.


Neil leaves the classroom and pulls out his cell to call Kyle.


Kyle: (through phone) This is me.


Neil: What the heck Kyle? Where's Laz? This is the third week he's been absent. I've gone to his place but his not there.


Kyle: (through phone) No clue, I didn't think he'd be gone this long. I've tried calling him through, but no luck. What is he still doing there?


Neil: There? What are you talking about? Do you know where he is?


Kyle: (through phone) Aaaaahhh…


Neil: You do.


Kyle: (through phone, makes fake static noises) Hello Neil -KZZZT- you're breaking up -KZZZT- hello?


Neil: Child, that's not gonna work on me. (call suddenly cuts, he sighs) What did Kyle mean by 'there'? He wouldn't mean back at that Enforcement place, could he. What are you doing back there now? (his pager suddenly beeps, he takes it out of his pocket and sighs again) Goddammit Laz, you better know what you're doing.



SCENE: HQ Training Room.


Anastasia: Alright Blondie, you've been training for three weeks, let's see what you can do now. Start with polycreate, let's see you create a ball. Remember the basics, the skill is entirely dependent on the size, number and complexity of the desired creation.


Laz closes his eyes and inhales deeply and exhales, concentrating on the object desired. He suddenly opens his eyes, which glow brightly as a ball of purple light energy materializes in front of him, it grows slightly before its light dissipates, leaving a soccer ball in its place, which promptly falls to the ground.


Anastasia: Not bad Blondie. Now let's see if you can create more than one ball, try creating two at once.


Laz's eyes still glowing, he focuses his thoughts and all of sudden, a shower of balls in every size and sport theme rains upon them. Anastasia shields herself with her arms while Laz creates an umbrella.


Anastasia: (the ball storm stops) Okay, I think we can both agree you've gotten the hang of your polycreate skill. Now, the next one, chemist. Okay, the skill let's manipulate matter down to sub-atomic particles it's composed of. With this power you should be able to alter the physical and chemical state of whatever you want in the universe, however you want, destroy it, repair it, refine it, change its size, mass or even the target itself. Luckily, you already provided us with enough test objects. Try dissolving a ball.


Laz looks at some balls by his right and fires a beam of purple energy at them that melts them into piles of pudgy. He then fires another beam at some that changes their size, making some bigger and others smaller. He continues and raises his right hand, levitating all the remaining balls and fusing them together to form a wooden chair.


Anastasia: Showboating much? I only told you dissolve ONE ball. (sighs) Well, atleast we know you've perfected this skill too. Alright, all that's left is psychic mind. Let's see how you'll totally ignore my request and…


Laz and Anastasia: Show off your incredible mastery. Huh?! Hey what?! Stop that!


Anastasia: (growls) How are you--?


Laz: (telepathically) "Telepathy", it's one of the sub-skills of "psychic mind. I set up a mind link between us, allowing me to read your thoughts, and you, to read mine.


Anastasia: (peeved) Okay fine, you've gotten the perfected them all. Now that that's taken care of, it's time for some practical field runs.


Several minutes later, Anastasia sets up an obstacle course to test Laz's new powers. She drops a man-sized crash-test dummy in front of Laz.


Anastasia: For the first test, you have to carry this 480 lbs. dummy.


Laz: This is practical?


Anastasia: Oh, it is. Say you and I are sent on a mission together, in the event I go down, I need to trust that you can carry me to safety, even under enemy fire.


Laz: (tilts his head slightly and furrows his brows) You're 480 lbs.? Would never have guessed.


Anastasia: (annoyed) Quiet! Just pick up the stupid dummy. (he lifts it and props it over his shoulder) Alright, your task is to get to the other side of the room while evading attacks, the goal is to avoid any harm coming to the dummy, got it. (he stares blankly at her, before nodding) Okay then, GO!


Laz takes off in a mad dash to the wall on the other side when Anastasia points her hands at her and fires golden-white balls of energy at him. He notices the projectiles and powers up, his eyes glowing as a purple aura surrounds the balls, causing them to change trajectory, flying upwards just as they were about to hit him. They go airborne before colliding, exploding, Laz never stopping for a moment.


Anastasia: Hmm, not bad. But let's see about an all-out assault.


She fires a relentless onslaught of energy balls at him, a wall of pure telekinetic force materializes between Laz and the barrage, protecting him until he reached the wall.


Laz: Done.


Anastasia: (mildly impressed) Hmm. Okay, time for next test. (they stand face-to-face) Let's see how you do in a one-on-one fight.


Laz: Another one? I thought I already proved myself in the last one, with how I easily--


Anastasia: (angered) With our skills! (enters another fighting stance) This is to test how your new skills can help in direct combat.


Gold and white streaks flutter around her body again. She lunges at him with a punch ready but he suddenly turns into a cloud of wind just as punch collides, causing it to go through. He reverts back to normal acing her before grabbing her arm and head and shoving her to the ground.


Laz: You lose, again.


Anastasia: (grits her teeth in anger)


Later, they reach the final test: Laz is surrounded by an arm of man-sized robots. Red and black. The reds facing him, looking ready to attack, the blacks facing away, looking ready to run.


Anastasia: (holding a small remote) Okay, this is your final test. The first was a test of evasion, the second a test of contention, this one, a test of adaptation. Use your skills to battle the red robots surrounding you, while also preventing the black robots from escaping. This requires resourcefulness, creativity and quick-thinking.


Laz: In short, proper thinking and clever planning are necessary to solve situations that you can't just power through.


Anastasia: (nods impressed) That's right, physical force is great and useful and all but there're some cases where brute strength can't save you. So, you gotta rely on what's upstairs.


Laz: (thoughtfully) No matter how strong a fighter a person is, brains will always beat brawn.


Anastasia: Woah, didn't take you or the philosophical type. You just came up with that?


Laz: No. actually I…I don't know how I know that. (a blurred image of a person briefly flashes in his mind) …, Let's get it over with.


Anastasia: (smirks) Hmm! Okay blondie, let's see what you can do. (pushes a button on the remote)


The robots all boot to life, the reds charge at Laz, while the blacks run away. Laz raises his hands and dome-shaped metal cages materialize around them, trapping them in groups.


Anastasia: (whistles nonchalantly) That was over so fast it was downright anticlimactic. Given the last two tests, I kinda embarrassed I actually expected it last longer than two seconds. Okay, you've passed all the tests, so your training is officially complete. Take the next day off to rest, I send the results to the higher-ups and once they've been approved of, you'll officially become a mid-tier enforcer.


Bishop: (walking into the room) Actually Anastasia, Lazarus has already been promoted to high-tier.


Anastasia: What? But he literally just finished his training.


Bishop: Yes, and I saw it all.


Anastasia: ALL of it?


Bishop: (shrugs sheepishly) Well most anyway. Including all the parts you engaged him in combat. (tone of his voice making it clear he'd be smiling if he could)


Anastasia: (growls) Still doesn't explain why your letting jump straight to high-tier, wasn't it already an over-step to make mid-tier.


Bishop: I already got permission from the elders.


Anastasia: Seriously?


Bishop: Take your break Lazarus. You'll be reporting first thing the next day. (Laz doesn't say a word, only nods. Turns to Anastasia) I need to talk to you later.


Anastasia: (sighs) Okay. (Bishop leaves) Lucky you kid. Barely been hear a month and the elders already think your hot stuff. Even I had to start a low-tier and spent my first three years just move up to next rank. Hey Blondie, you Okay?


Laz, again, doesn't respond vocally, or even at all time. He just stares at the retreating Bishop, staring still, at the door he left through, even after he was gone, on his face the same empty, lifeless expression he had since waking up.



SCENE: La rose Mansion, main entrance.


Kyle is speaking with Emilia about Laz's "disappearance".


Kyle: So, he really hasn't come back since that day?


Emilia: (devastated) Yes. He left early Sunday morning and hasn't been back since. I've tried calling his cell but his not picking up. I'm really worried. I've waited all this time like you said but…it's been three weeks already. Are you sure we can't call the police?


Kyle: If things are really as bad as I think they're presenting themselves as, even they can't help. (sighs) Just stay put, I'll take care of this, and let me know if Laz comes back. (he walks back to his car) Dammit Laz, what did I let you get dragged into?



SCENE: HQ, Laz's Room.


Anastasia walks Laz to his room.


Anastasia: Your proctor will be here the day after for your first assignment.


Laz: My proctor? As in…someone but you?


Anastasia: Yup! Sorry, but I'm just a trainer. A different enforcer of a higher rank than mine will take you and several others on a few minor missions, evaluating your abilities and effectiveness on the field--


Laz: Wait, --and others? As in not just me?


Anastasia: Yup! You and others. Once the missions are complete, the four best, for your sake I hope includes you, will be selected to be high-tier enforcers.


Laz: And the rest?


Anastasia: (shrugs indignantly) Better luck next time. (Laz stares blankly at her, she begins walking away) Welp, I'm gone. Goodnight, enjoy your day off, oh yeah, the tailor will be here early tomorrow to take your measurements for your uniform.


Laz doesn't respond, he again just watches her leave, emotionlessly.



SCENE: Bishop's Office.


Anastasia walks into brightly lit room, decorated with paintings, potted plants and glass figurines. The room is fairly large, contains a sofa, a mahogany desk with an easy chair and two bookshelves filled to the brim with books; among other things.

Bishop is sitting in his chair, his arms propped up on the desk, holding his head up. He looks in deep thought, only looking up when Anastasia enters.


Anastasia: Alright I'm here. What'd you need to talk about?


Bishop: Lazarus, what are your thoughts on him?


Anastasia: Blondie? Why'd you ask?


Bishop: Just answer.


Anastasia: (sighs heavily while scratching her head exasperatedly) He's okay I guess. A bit of a show off maybe, but he's good, really good, better than all my other trainees. He just got his new skills and he's already so good with them. Even most natural metas can't master their own skills that well.


Bishop: As expected. According to our reports of him, he's always been a prodigy in regards to his skills, and it seems to that applies to skills that aren't his too. You don't become a tier-king for nothing after all. But what about his personality?


Anastasia: (scoffs) If you can call it personality. That kid's more emotionless than a robot. Uh, no offence. On top being super rude, he didn't even laugh at my awesome joke the other day.


Bishop: No one laughs at your jokes.


Anastasia: (growls annoyedly in response) So anyway, why'd you suddenly decide to ignore all regulations and jump him to high-tier?


Bishop: He's an exceptional boy of rare talent and might just be the key to defeating Terror once and for all.


Anastasia: That's an overestimation, don't you think? He's still just a boy, sure he's pretty strong but if he was that strong he wouldn't have gotten contaminated in the first place.


Bishop: Perhaps, but don't forget that he's also the only one to escape them on his own, despite being neutralized.


Anastasia: You really think he has what it takes?


Bishop: We'll just have to wait and see. (she sighs again before exiting) Emotionless hmm? So, it seems that experiment 'was' a success after all.



SCENE: Kalahan Manor, Kyle's OT.


Kyle stands in front of a large window, staring at the night sky when some walks up to him.


Unknown Male: Sir, we've found him.


Kyle: It's about time. Guess it's time to head back to enforcement.



SCENE: New York City Harbor. (Later that night)


Five individuals teleport onto the harbor. Empath, Taurus, Bomb Blast, Warlady and Draconic. They look around, on full alert.


Draconic: Alright everyone, be vigilante. We were given intel of an operation under Terrors control was being held here.


Warlady: An operation about what exactly?


Draconic: Unclear. The intel didn't include that.


Warlady: So, we're basically running blind? We don't even know how many guys might be here or even how strong they are?


Bomb Blast: Oh reeelaaaxxxxx. Whatever's in there's no match for three top-tier enforcers and two high-tier. We'll be fine. (Warlady doesn't look convinced)


Taurus: (Yells enthusiastically) Yah, let's do this Elite Squad!


Warlady: Keep your voice down you imbecile, are trying to get us caught?


Taurus: (sheepishly) Sorry.


Draconic: Enough. Let's move. Remember formations, Warlady and Bomb Blast with me, Empath and Taurus, you two together. (they nod) Ready? Go.


All five run into the warehouse in front of them. They head in only to find an empty building.


Bomb Blast: Um, I thought there was supposed to be some kind of evil operation here?


Warlady: This place is totally empty.


Empath: (eyes closed in thought) No, I'm sensing something. Something like… (eyes shoot open in horror) …KILLING INTENT!


Scratch Mark: (from a hiding place) Right on the money.


The lights suddenly come on and the five enforcers look around to find themselves surrounded by Terror agents, including Scratch Mark and two other Villains.


Bomb Blast: Uh shit!


The scene fades to black as the CHAPTER ends.




Stat Bonus


Prof. Cybert's stats:

Skill(s): Mind Link

Level: 1.3

Str: 0 Mob: 0 Int: 66 Atk: 0 Def: 0 Rcy: 10